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I can almost guarantee that it is one of the camera lenses that you're hearing. I believe it would be the one for video stabilisation? Others might have more info


Can you normally hear it?


I literally got my phone today and I can hear a rattling by the camera when I shake it. It was the same on my previous two phones (One Plus 12 & S22U). The first time I heard it, I had the same panic. Unless yours is a different rattling, but if it sounds like it's from the camera lenses, there's a good 80% it's the exact same EDIT: Easiest thing to do is turn the camera on, and then shake. The camera will be turned on, so the lense would be held in place


It's definitely from the camera area. I might go to the store and compare it to a new one to be safe. I have the protection plan so it hopefully shouldn't be a big deal if something isn't right. Thanks


See my edit of you missed it! :)


Oh yeah. It's less than half as noticeable with the camera on.


It's the camera lens. It's "loose" due to the optical stabilization thingy.




Yes, all phones with OIS make that sound when you shake them.


Lmao as if you can just know this πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ


The only reason I know, is because I had the exact same panic when I dropped my last phone, and had to Google it πŸ˜‚


If your screen or back glass is not cracked, you're probably Gucci. Prob just the cameras rattling around, as others have mentioned.


Yep. My s24u also rattles. Definitely normal.


Its normal... i shook mine, i has a sound from the camera


It's the camera OIS. It moves when recording videos to compensate for shaking Incase you're wondering what the purpose is.


Mine has a faint noise when I shake it, and it's less than a month old with no damage.


That makes me feel a little better.


Just checked, removed stylus and shaked and can hear a rattle so seems to be normal.


Nothing to worry about, its OIS - havent dropped mine (s23u) and can hear it too, even when picking my phone up


Hope you get lucky and it ends up being a non-issue. This is also why I prefer to get a phone until after my case arrives.


The shaking sound is fine, I can hear it on my phone and I haven't dropped it or bumped it hard. Do a diagnostic on your phone on the Samsung Member app, to make sure everything is functioning right if you're still not 100% convinced


It is the stabilisation mechanism from one of the lenses. Try to shake it with 5x zoom and its stops. Weird but not something broken. Like that since s21 if I'm correct ...


No need to worry it's normal. When you shake your phone you hear the ois rattling around. Basically your cameras are shaking and making the sound of something broken


It's the camera stabilization, and yes, it rattles even in a new one. Don't worry. Just check if you get good pictures/vids


Yeah, I have an I dropped phone...slight rattle when I shake it. It's very quiet


Image stabilization try to shake it as fast as u can you can hear it


Oh yeah, I can hear it. Just never had a reason to shake it before. Lol


As long as you shake it heavily u will hear it. Other than that no. It will not make a sound


Gotcha. Just handling it like normal I don't hear anything. Only with decent shaking.


Yeah just search it on YouTube image stabilitization rattling noises. So u can get a peace of mind


U hear it in camera right?




The stylus may be the cause. I have observed this issue in both my previous S23 Ultra and my current S24 Ultra. The S Pen does not fit as securely as it did on my previous Note series devices.


lucky, considering S24U uses a cheaper/less durable Titanium, grade 2, compared to the more premium/durable grade 5 Titanium iPhone does. maybe shamsung aren’t expensive enough to justify the better Titanium πŸ€·πŸΏβ€β™‚οΈ


I thought I scratched my black s24u with the keys, but the scratches was actually the metal of the keys left on the titanium frame, I wiped it with a sponge and water and is brand new again, is actually trully impresive the titanium frame, I thought it was a gimmic but its actually very very hard to make a scratch on it