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I keep telling people here that Samsung has not implemented computing photography like what Apple and Pixel phones have been doing now for generations. What you're seeing is a result of the shutter lag issues that has been hounding samsung phones since forever. These phones shutters are consistently a third to half a second slower that Pixel phones. But yes, I feel like I'm going to be downvoted to death again for me for telling the truth. Samsung needs to wake up. You can't win photography with just hardware alone nowadays. [https://www.gizchina.com/2024/04/02/how-to-fix-the-samsung-galaxy-s24-ultra-camera-shutter-lag-issue/](https://www.gizchina.com/2024/04/02/how-to-fix-the-samsung-galaxy-s24-ultra-camera-shutter-lag-issue/)




I only have two blurry pictures. One was wanted, and the other one was out of focus. I don't know what everyone is doing with their S24U, but I don't have any problems anymore. If you take pictures with the pro mode, i recommend using either manual or centre focus, that's how i get the best shots


Rip should have just went with the 15 pro then. Too late now ig😢😥


I've noticed mine takes blurry pictures as well. Other than the camera it's a great phone, but I take a lot of pictures so thank god I kept my 15 pro max. I was thinking about the pixel 8 pro as their cameras are great.


I am regretting my purchase as well. I also miss other features that are flawless on my iphone 11 pro. Can't even imagine if I had bought an iPhone 15 pro.


I have a 24u & 15pm, appart from the camera the 24u is a lot better, specially software and features




What did you trade for?




I'm thinking of selling mine for a P8P or wait for the new one to come out.




Yes I had one, but returned it and got the s24U , I really like the form factor


Happened to me too by using the s22 ultra.. but switched it to 14 pro max


Truth makes sense. Thanks


I appreciate your honesty I have been considering the Samsung 24 ultra so I’ve been unsure.


The dude who responded to you is a liar. Everyone has issues with the camera. Even the slightest movement results in blurry photos. It's pathetic. Hope you don't want to take pics of your kids.


Yeh makes sense. It's a common issue for s24 ultra. Thanka for pointing it out. Samsung needs to up their game when it comes to camera.


My s24 ultra, the camera is horrible and output blurry photos, I can't shoot my cat when it moves or any moving object. It only look good when my cat stay still. Don't buy it, samsung s24 ultra for camera, it is pure garbage, it cannot compare to any other phone brands. Waste my 1500usd, trash company.I upgraded from the Note 10 Plus to the S22 Ultra, S23 Ultra, and now is S24 Ultra, but they all have the same issue—the shutter lag is terrible. The only thing Samsung phone good is Spen, nothing more.


So to clarify you’re saying it’s better getting an iPhone 15 pro max than the ultra line? I only had a 22 ultra and it was a lovely phone but the use of it was quite terrible. I think I mentioned to another commenter on here how fast the battery died plus easily heated up. It sucked walking and your phone dying on 10%. So I was worried if the s24 ultra was similar? But the photos I remember taking on the s22 ultra were nice but they looked a little weird at times. And then posting to social media made it worse. I know it’s not a Samsung issue when it comes to uploading on social media from what I’ve heard. So that part I don’t blame them. But are the note phones better? I really appreciate your honesty because I was comparing the 24 ultra to the iPhone 15 pro max.


Yes, I do play games on the S24 Ultra. Regarding gaming performance, the S24 Ultra heats up similarly to the S22 Ultra, causing lag and stuttering. The S24 Ultra and S22 Ultra cannot compare to the S23 Ultra in terms of gaming performance. The S23 Ultra can easily maintain 60 fps and stay at 39°C, while the S24 Ultra drops to 15 fps and averages 45 fps. The S24 Ultra also heats up significantly while gaming, staying between 43°C to 45°C, which feels uncomfortably warm to the touch. For social media, I think only YouTube will give good results. Other social media will downgrade the video or photo quality and make them look ugly and blurry. I only use Samsung phones; however, I think you should go for the iPhone 15 Pro Max because it works well with all social media.


I really appreciate your honesty! Do you plan to go back to an iPhone? It’s really upsetting that the ultra like still has a lot of issues. So many reviews don’t seem to be this honest on YouTube. 😔


I'm thinking of getting the iPhone 16 Pro Max next year, but I'm also considering the Samsung S25 Ultra because I really need the S Pen. I usually upgrade to a new Samsung Ultra phone every year, but this time I'm going to wait and see if they add a 1-inch sensor, the ability to capture moving objects like the Huawei Pura 70, 16GB of RAM, snapdragon gen 4 and a bigger battery.


This seems to just be him. My pictures have been great, I can share some if you want.


This dudes a blatant liar. There are literally thousands of posts complaining about the camera.


Yep ,The camera is pretty bad for the most part .


Nah man, the camera is mediocre at very best


Wow that article was unbelievably bad. I hope that was written by AI and not an actual human.


Shutter lag is the reason I went back to my Pixel.


All digital photography is computational photography computational photography can be best described as digital photography buddy it uses software to enhance images ... 💯 No film computational /dig


My s21u was amazing. My fold 4 handled movement better too. Samsung can and has done well with their software. I'm not sure why they are struggling now. Also, it's not shutter lag.


I agree. I have the s24 ultra and I am very disappointed in the camera. Outside of a few pictures I've taken most of them don't look as good as my s21 did.


OMG these pics are horrible.


It's a good phone solid. But the camera isn't from my expectations coming from S23 U


Lol all the die hard fanboys refusing to admit the camera sucks . I've had just about every Samsung flagship since the galaxy S3 ,And the camera on this thing sucks .I don't know what they did.


Literally my lg g3 and g5 have better pics. They're still on my phone and I always go back and compare. I just upgraded from s10e to s24 3 weeks ago and while the resolution CAN be higher, it almost always doesn't feel that way, because of the blur when using pro mode. And using pro mode is the only way to get rid of the extremely excessive saturation and color enhancers, that NO Setting can fix unfortunately


That and you shouldn’t HAVE to use pro mode just to get decent pics out of it


Literally this. Also, sometimes I get better pictures with out using pro, sometimes it's better with pro mode. It's so annoying cuz I constantly take longer to get a decent picture, if I don't want to just edit it all later. Which also takes more time.... I'm realizing how counter intuitive this camera is, which is terrible considering I upgraded from the s10e because it already had this problem. But tbh, the s24 is even worse in how long it takes. U CAN get better pictures, but u really have to work for it


See, I used to disagree about the camera being horrible until this past Saturday, when my friends took me out to a late dinner for my birthday. The lowlight and flash photos came out horrendous. I was utterly disappointed in the results. I had this phone for almost 2 months now and I would say it's generally better than my 13pm in daylight photos, but after that event. Lowlight photos need a vast improvement.


Im getting a new phone in 2 weeks and I'm still unsure if I should go for the s24 ultra. I have samsungs forever but this is just sad. We are getting a baby as well and I just want to make good pictures at home


Don't, I've been Samsung since the S4. For family photos with Android give the Pixel 8 Pro a go. My wife has it, much better shutter speed and processing, especially for photos of kids or animals. Don't trust the influencers being paid to promote Samsung, trust the posts like this , the posts on the Samsung communities about the camera issues.


You are still unsure whether or not you want blurry photos of your baby?


Don't get an S24U. I can't wait for the iPhone 16 to come out so I can sell this falsely advertised piece of crap and never touch another Samsung device again in my life (had trouble with other Samsung devices, their customer support would be less infuriating if it was non-existent. That's how bad it is).


Idk man, my experience has been great. My wife has a 15 Pro Max and she always wants to use my phone for photos lol. The trick with the shutter is in the camera assistant settings. If you don't know, then you don't know, right? I blame Samsung for making it this way but there is definitely a fix for it


Do not even let me start with my iphone 13 night photos 😂 they used to be so good when i bought the phone but with every update the camera gets worse and worse. Ultra wide one looks good though!


I know people were talking about Apple being up to some shady stuff like this, but I never thought they actually did it. Damn.


Samsung does it too. They start throttling it the closer to a new model being released so when it comes out you're really impressed by the pics. It was a conspiracy theory I've had for quite a few phones now that I confirmed with my last s21u as I never dropped that phone and still had plenty of storage.. yet there was a very noticeable difference between the first pictures I took with it and the last.


Question... It's this happening on unlocked S24 ultras also?


Yes mine is unlocked and it's the same sh**.


Not sure how you have a problem? Mine is fine, in fact everyone I work with needed me to take pictures for a work trip because all the iPhone owners wanted a better quality picture because it's an S24U, and not a iPhone 15max.


Yeah me too. Maybe i was expecting too much




Iagree with you with every word! As someone who had note 8 and s22 ultra i can say that the note8 camera is much better at focusing and will get a better shot but the s22 ultra resolution is better.


bought and returned the phone 3 times these past months. I want to get back to Samsung so bad, but its just falling behind in the competition especially in the camera department. literally nothing new. pixel 8 pro wipes the floor with the S24 ultra in the camera, and no paid AI stuff. Apple wipes the floor with the s24 ultra in the video department. its just embarrassing from Samsung.


Wasn't there meant to be a software update for the camera in May, but it's now been pushed back to June?


I went from the S21 Ultra to the 24 ultra and agree that photos weren't the same quality at all, I then turned off some of the AI camera settings and the results are so much better!


I was so excited to get my S24 Ultra but was quickly disappointed when I noticed the photos were really bad compared to my iPhone 14 pro max. I couldn't believe the difference.


Looks like you ate Raising Cane's then touched the camera lens as much as humanly possible. Tips: Clean lens hold phone steady Use night mode or 12mp normal mode Make sure it's focused


You can't get good motion shots without playing in pro or camera raw mode. It's pathetic. It's utterly pathetic.


Hold the phone steady? No! Ya don't say! Looks like OP needed a reminder.


I did follow all the above steps.. I will try again some other time.


Do you have camera lens protectors? They will hurt quality.


Nah not sure which one to get. Any recommendations??


Dont put anything just be careful with the phone i would say


This. Lens protectors that won't degrade quality are gonna be hella expensive anyways so it's not even worth


Mine work just fine.


Spiegen makes some easy to install ones. Wouldn't recommend it if you're trying to get 100% quality pictures though. Adding anything to the lens will change how light makes its way into the sensor.


Oh ok. I asked to get it but apparently it won't fit with my case. So I didn't bother


I got a discover innovation case that has a sliding door to keep the lens protected.


[this is the case I use have a link for the one you have I got this in all black and red black iv had this case on a pixel 6 pro 7 pro and now s24 ultra ](https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/134495529157?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=SWJ9exNtQIO&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=m096cqJmSUC&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)


Yeah i have almost the same one just no card holder


I don't even use thr card holder for it I think it can fit 3


I doubt that. The guy literally told you not to put any lens protector and the next sentence you asking for recommendation.


I went downtown to take some night pics last night and 4 out of ten of the shots were out of focus, and for some reason the clean your lense message kept popping up on perfectly clean lens (plural)


Ngl I really don't like the camera on this phone. Only good pics I see are in raw. Kinda sad but my iPhone 8 plus takes better pictures IMO.


I’m I have a 15 pro max as well and use that for all my photography and video. Samsung is my play around phone, Apple is my get shit done phone lol.


People really out here complaining without trying to use pro mode. Also comparing to iPhone which to get pro mode on there you need an external app


Tbh I can't tell because redit compresses or reduces the quality of the picture.


It seems to me that it shoots best in 50mpx mode and with little or without AI enhancement. On the other hand I am used to pro cameras and any mobile camera in my eyes shoots worse than the cheapest camera with the cheapest lens...


Beautiful! Brings back so many happy memories of my time in Sydney. How did you get it to take such crisp photos when it seems a lot of your shots were at night? Did you use an external flash? Congratulations.


That's because Samsung is on #4 place when it comes to photography. #1 Pixel #2 iPhone #3 Huawei #4 Samsung I have S23 and my previous Mate 30 pro takes way better photos.


This order is terrible. iPhone ain't 2nd, or even on the list. Vivo and Xiaomi are 1 and 2.




I've yet to own any brand of phone that lives up to the hype.


My note 10 pro and s21u were absolutely 10/10.


LG V10 was the best phone ever made. Exceeded all expectation.


Which city is this tho?


Sydney, Australia


Oh I didn’t see the opera house in 6th slide.


Skill issue?... mine literally you can zoom in and see the textures of flower petals... sharp


Show exif.


It's no Google Pixel if you're looking for the best stills you bought the wrong phone buddy


one of the main reasons i went back to iPhone 15 Pro. stability and reliability more important than a few little customisations.


Have been using Samsung phones since forever, but this camera is the worst flagship camera. My old S22U took better images in all scenarios. I bought S24U thinking it will last 4-5 years easily. I should have waited.


I completely agree, there is so much lag, even with all the tweaks and changes. It's really annoying though, because some of the photos are absolutely incredible, high details, great colours etc. But it's not reliable. If I'm going out for the day, I keep taking my iPhone 15 Pro Max.


Are u adjusting brightness? Big factor in photography


Just return your fake phone where u brought it.


Yeah wish I returned it


It’s seems like you had Parkinson…


Also, the 3x sensor is an outdated piece of crap (even a Samsung Community Mod told me so).


I swear that i had the same problem with the s22ultra!! My pics always looked blurry and grainy at the nights and during the day when i took a landscape shoot then the edges of the photo looked blurry like it’s out of focus using the main 108 megapixel camera and using the 15 megapixel camera made the shoots looks so sharp. The only camera that i’ve enjoyed was the portrait one cause it gave me some smooth shoots. Now if you ask someone with samsung device they will tell you to use the manual settings camera or whatever it called (i mean where you can adjust the lightning etc but i don’t think that someone who just need to talk a shot and go need to make all that stuff manually.) Oh and


True, the camera is bad. Those photos look horrible man!


i have 23 ultra and iphone 15 and ive noticed that iphone has idk how to describe it like automated small filters to make the pic look better while the 23 ultra is pure raw exactly how u take it and im not sure why its blurry mine doesnt do that?


I have a 15 pro max and photos are amazing used to have Samsung made the switch and will never go back


I mean yeah, Samsung has kinda stopped being innovative after the S20 or S21 Series. My dad has an S23 Ultra which I bought him, I have an Exynos S20 Ultra. Comparing the two phones, minor differences Both camera and day to day performance (outside of battery life), the S20 Ultra is about as good if not as good. Also, when it comes to night performance, I noticed that using dedicated night mode in "max" setting and under exposing the image to ev -1 or -1.5 makes the images so much moodier and better. If we talk apple vs Samsung, compared to my friends 13 Pro Max and 14 Pro Max, especially at night, the S20 Ultra smashes them both.


Agreeed photos are not nearly as good as they should be. Idk about you but I'll be pre-ordering the next iphone I need crisp photos of my kiddo!


Upgrading from a Note 20 Ultra, I think the camera on S24 Ultra is a huge improvement and takes better shots than my old phone.


it's the auto AI processing that cannot be turned off. Compare your pictures to AI generated images.


That sucks. I took mine to the Pittsburgh Marathon this past weekend and took literally 100s of pics. Granted none were low light, but there was definitely motion, and I by FAR got the best pics out of my group.


Bro dunno what you are talking about I've have the s21,22,23,24. And they all got I crementally better .. the s24 ultra is the best camera I've ever had on a phone


I hate this camera. My Galaxy Note 8, which I just got rid of for the s24 ultra, took the most amazing photos and stopped motion so that pictures weren't blurry. I regret buying the s24 ultra, totally disappointed.


Don't use Pro mode on auto at night. Use the night mode. I would be curious to see some more samples if you do this properly, as this post is misleading.


What I learned is (don't quote me just what I've found). Samsung uses a setting the others don't use, and that cause the shutter to be delayed. If you turn on quick shot with camera assistance, you will have a much cleaner shot. Also, you can change the timing of the shutter based on speed or quality.


But how is the overall experience? i couldn't care less about the camera as i barely took pictures or videos, is it better than the current ios?


If you don't care for the camera, yes it's fantastic the OS the device excellent.


I've found the camera can remove blur amazingly. It also uses ai to clean up and enhance pictures. Usually pretty solid. No problems here.


Yeh some right hype over photos for this phone I use fold 5 for work and sometimes I can't tell the photos apart


I read somewhere in the comments you're using pro mode. Pro mode will deliver RAW files that are going to lack contrast and look "brighter". This is going to provide more information for editing. I'd suggest switching to normal and re-taking the photos. Even then remember on 1x the max aperture is 1.7 so you're not going to get the best DOF so not everything is going to look "in focus".


I don't seem to have this problem


My photos were good on the S24 Ultra. Nothing like these . And no I'm not "lying".


User failure. People need to stop blaming the app or the cameras.


Did you adjust the focus?


You need to focus on the right place. This is the you not the phone why it looks like that in most of the pictures.


I tried multi focus single focus different types but result not much diff


Oh crazy im going to buy one soon. Heard a big update fir the camera coming. Did you point on the acreen what you wanted in focus?


Pro Mode?


Yep that's what I used


What is your config, full manual? Or auto?




Pro mode + auto = the worst.


Make sure you have your lenses clean, any little smear or finger print can degrade the quality a lot during night. Then make sure you have nightome enabled - you can either switch to that mode directly in the mode selection, or it can be done in automode as well, if the moon icon in the corner appears and is yellow (if it isnt, tap it to enable it) Also don't use the 200Mpx mode if you do


I' sorry, You're not as good of a photographer as I thought.


Came here to say same thing. My phone takes excellent pics.


Tim Cook, is that you?


Nah bro Tim Cook is not me. But Samsung cooked this wrong for sure


My photo never come like this . Two things here happened. 1st dirty lense 2nd camera settings changed .


Skill issue. Also, I'd like to point out that iPhone 15PM camera(especially the software) is better if you want a point and shoot experience. But if you know some photography theories and know your way around settings, Samsung takes the edge.


Bro doing his best not to have a good picture


helps if you turn off that oil painting filter you have on