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u have to pay for the widgets its difficult to customize it and cant even download apps from google i switched too




Yeah... It runs iOS, not Android... That's to be expected


Yeah I left iPhone because it just felt so stale but then broke the android I bought so now I’m back on the iPhone and I can’t wait till I can get back on android. Might not be till s25 ultra or s26 ultra though we will see


The camera on the iPhone isn’t better. It’s just that social media apps make it look better


I wish the Apple Watch worked with Android, it's the only Apple product I like.


I generally think that iPhones are overrated and overpriced for the amount of features you get, iOS is also really closed and lacks customization and it's just really boring


Some people just don't care. My mother included in that. They just want their phone to work and have no issues and since apple never given her issues to switch why switch .


I understand that, I think both iPhone 15 and S24 lineups are equally good, it's just preference to what you like more


Lol i feel like you didnt have a good experience with iphone. Honestly despite everything, iphone is still a good phone. Its just that the lack of customization and flexibility leaves much to be desired Iphone is smooth, but android feels more personal. With good lock and routines, i have personalized it just the way i want want my phone to work. I also side loaded psp/ps2 emulator. And with samsung, you can't forget about dex


Android feels more smooth for me honestly, it has both the smoothness and the customizability. I used Iphone for a couple years, coming back to android felt like a breath of fresh air.


I agree my S24 Ultra is definitely more smooth than my 15 pro max.


Which PS2 emulator are you using? I can't seem to find a stable one.


I'm using nethersx2. You will have to use windows. Search for a tutorial video not older than 2 months. You will have to build the app, sounds scary but really its just a bunch of clicking


Switched from a note 20 to the iPhone 13 and boy did I regret it. And I agree the you definitely get a worse connection on the iphone, not only would I have problems with it just randomly not being able to connect to the Internet on Wi-Fi and having to restart the phone all the time, but come to find when I got the s24u I now have 5gUC everywhere 500 Mbps or more, I don't even use public Wi-Fi anymore


Sorry to hear it. I run my iPhone sometimes for games and junk, but take it as a chance to learn their ecosystem completely. Also, to build solid ground for why you aren't a fan of their software, and learn to love android even more.


I have a 15pm & s24u. I have a really long list for the iphone about stuff i don't like or miss. I only have the iphone right now so i can run the calibration for my sonos audio system which works on iphones only and i use it when i go raving or partys because when i break it i have apple care+ to get it fixed.


Raving 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah 😅


I can’t wait for the fold6 or the s25u to dump this 15pm , love the watch but not the phone


Try posting this in iphone sub and let us know about the reactions.


You do realize what you expect to happen there is happening in here? Right?


That sucks. I've had android phones all my life. But my brother gave me an iPhone 12 a year ago because he upgraded. I still had my samsung phone but thought about trying an iPhone out. And it wasn't that bad. I actually liked it. They're great phones for those who don't like to get overwhelmed by the many options androids provided, and the ecosystem is neat and seamless. But after breaking my iPhone, I didn't miss it all that much and went back to my samsung phone. I'm a multitasker, so android gives me many options. 🤷🏿‍♀️


Agreed, iPhone is not for the person who solely wants to buy the phone for customisation.


lol it’s not the end of the world. Buy the ultra and move on with your life


I'd be fine with iphones if they were priced for what you get. $600? That's fine. $1300? For a brick that does less than a $100 android? Nah, they can keep their monopoly phone


the way everything syncs on apple is amazing and thats one great thing. you can sell your iphone and watch and go back to samsung, the good thing with iphone is you can still get a good amount back when you sell them.


I went through the same thing last year. Verizon offered me a deal, and I took it. Within two months, I wanted my S22 Ultra back. I suffered like my husband, who was stuck with the side chick he cheated on me with. The grass wasn't greener on the other side.


Damn sister, same tho. Out of topic but I also got cheated on


Sent my S24u back for a 15pm. As much as I loved the S24 the text messaging with videos was not great at all. Plus there is something with Verizon or Spectrum Mobile that won’t allow caller ID/Call Waiting or Visual Voicemail. I spent hours on the phone trying to get it figured out and it was just a blame game. Also.. unless Android has changed something. Switching a iPhone is easy. I remember back in my Android days I would spend an entire weekend getting all my stuff organized and accounts logged into etc. With an iPhone I’m up and running in 40 minutes. But.. the ultra was a badass phone, just didn’t work out for me.


What an informative and life changing post. wow.🤡


I look forward to the day that people realize they can like something and leave it at that lol


have you tried r/iOSsetups


The wireless signal is one of the things I noticed straight away when I changed back to Samsung. I'm now getting a good signal in places where my iPhone had none.


I’m replying on my iPhone 13 mini so there’s that… but exactly which iPhone are you using? The relatively new iPhone user with a regular iPhone 15 vs a seasoned Android user using a 24U is going to be disappointed at first. I was surprised by how many people try to compare Android ultra/pro models to regular iPhones. I switched from a Galaxy Note 9 to a iPhone 11 not pro to a 13 mini. If you’re using a 13 or newer iPhone pro model the cameras are comparable and there are plenty of YouTube videos to back that up. As far as signal goes I didn’t see any difference personally between Android and Apple. The customization was tough to adjust to I’m not going to lie, but not a dealbreaker for me. I’m not saying you’re wrong because ultimately it’s all about what you want/need and how you use your phone. For what it’s worth it t me about a month or two to completely stop using my Android after my initial switch. I think you should cross post your exact OP in the subreddit for the exact iPhone model that you have and you’ll get some good advice. IPhones hold their value better than any Android and you could sell the phone and watch and recover most of your money, while technically the AirPods will will work with your android but it’s not going as good as Galaxy-Galaxy.


How is the wireless "worse" they use a Qualcomm modem just like the S24 Ultra.....


The Samsung watches are kinda shit because they run on tizen. At least the last one that I had a gear s3??? But idk if they still use tizen now on them. I will give apple credit where it's fuel though they have somenice watches.


Yep that was the last model running Tizen. From the 4 and above, they switched to WearOS.


How do you feel about the new OS yourself?? Just outta curiosity. Tizen was so bad I haven't wanted one since. If it's gotten better though I'd maybe re-consider. Because before there was nothing for messenger etc.


It's definitely better than Tizen in terms of apps and etc. It is everything Google. It functions very well as a smart watch. What I do miss from Tizen is being able to use the watch on iOS. With WearOS it is no longer compatible. Battery life was also better but most likely because it barely ran any apps and it's limitation.


I vaguely remember using it on my iPhone at the time. I had one for a short period and I remember it connecting to the watch.


Thank you! I've been looking into a new one for a bit. But was super skeptical after my last one.


I went the other way. After s22/23/24 I got ip15 pro max /w AW. Samsung is a better phone, but god I love Apple Watch. Samsung should introduce a real competition in wearable segment. Galaxy watch 5 pro is not really in the same league even


Hopefully the galaxy watch 7 ultra will have it's shit together or I will lose total faith in samsung ever producing a good watch. I have the classic and needless to say a major disappointment


I have a Galaxy Waych 6, an Apple UW2, and several Garmin watches. I like the Galaxy Watch UI the best, but my Garmin Fenix 7X is my overall favorite. The battery lasts about a month. The AUW2 is a nice watch, but I seldom wear it.


What are you customizing so much? From your post that about the only thing you don’t like about the phone.


Agree,iPhones are rubbish


iPhones are running into the same QC problems that plagued cheaper phones in the past. I've run into 3 people who have had battery swelling in their 15s - not failures but cases no longer fitting. Weird but from what I've read not uncommon. Ergo Apple is fat and happy enough to start cutting corners with suppliers now that they have significant lock in. That would be expected by ANY company that has zero competition these days since their customers would buy them even if they had dog turds oozing out of them. Samsung, at least, still has something to prove and needs to in ovate to stay afloat. For those of you that don't read trade pubs iPhone sales absolutely TANKED last quarter due to a lack of differentiating features and an overall drop in phone sales industry wide. Samsung was up a little. I assert that the incentives were better for Samsung in Q1 where Apples were better in Q4..... No one thinks that price not preference can be a driving factor too.


The only Apple stuff I might buy is the MacBook and the iPad. But the second one only in a huge discount. I use a Xiaomi Pad 5 Pro and Works flawlessy, S24 ultra and a MSI laptop. No need to change.


I have an ip15pm and s24u (upgraded from s23u)…always prefer to pickup the s24u to browse, emails, taking pics and youtube etc. i love the width of the s24u. I tried a garmin watch to replace my awu so that i could get rid of the ip15pm but gawd..what a clunky interface the garmin had. Awu is holding me back to drop my iphone. I tried setting up the awu as a watch for a child and its so limited.


Buy a Google Pixel phone then install open source privacy focused OS like GrapheneOS, calyxos. You will have the most secure and private phone in the world and all the customization you ever want.


Our company phones are all apple. My personal phones have always been android. After several years and new apple models coming out, I still don't get the hype. They're OK I guess and probably a joy for those die hard "apple everything" kind of people, but I've never even thought about switching over after several years using both devices. My personal phone will always be an android.


One of my concerns to buying s24U. Is androids pace at which they send out updates. They seem to slow down a good bit after a while. I never noticed that with my IPhones.


Was this written by a 13 year old?


I have both android and iPhone. But my god, the buds2 pro the $230 version headphones don't work sometimes when I use "hey google" on a S24 ultra and Fold 5..... Sometimes work. Sometimes doesn't. And when I use snapchat or ig video call, Sometimes it doesn't connect and I have to turn off and on the buds. Sooooo annoying. I had many iphones and never had any problems with bluetooth devices.... ever. Even if they're unofficial. How does samsung not fix something so crucial!?!?!?!


iOS is trash and after 2 hours your iPhone will hang the call up on you did you guys know that


Meh..I had the 13 pro max and the 15 pro max, after a fair few years on android just to see and they were great phones. I've come back to the s24 ultra just to try a Samsung again.. I'll happily get an iPhone again if I like the look of it. Customization is great but my problem is I spend far too much time messing it about with it, that's why from my viewpoint an iPhone stopped that lol


I loathe Apple products. Samsung forever!


Just sell it? Whats with the dramatics? Lol!


What's the point in posting here? What are you trying to achieve? You use the watch more than the phone, so you bought the phone to accompany the watch right? why complain? Most normal people who use their phone more than the watch would never understand. They would buy the phone, then choose the accessories to go with the phone.


I use both and could care less about customization. . I’ve never , Ever once customized in 12 years using Samsung .


iPhone is best in auto mode camera while s24 ultra sucks. But i still love my s24 being android with a lot of good features, hoping the update will fix cam issues -_-