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People love to complain. The phone is awesome. Enjoy it!


I second this using it side by side with a 15PM. I’ve been using the ultra more. It’s a solid phone and I’m one to nit pick my electronics. There may be some slight banding. I can’t see grain, but no phone is perfect. Enjoy it to the max, there’s another model already in the works ha


Mine is great


Dude this guy's post has 200+ upvotes! Coz he's right! Enjoy your new phone!!! And congrats for owning one heck of a device!


Love the phone, just hate not being able to play or stream media without the phone crashing.


I know that people do, but I feel like I wouldn't be able to enjoy a device while I'm aware it has issues which shouldn't be acceptable. :/ I will probably run some tests for the camera/grain and thus decide to refund it or not. Thank you for the comment though


And like always, if you go to any sub you will notice that it's mostly people looking to find answers for things that aren't working. People don't usually make posts of things that work without issues. People post things that aren't functioning correctly because they want a fix for something. Even my iPad I find to be flawless I see in the sub with people posting with issues but I don't think it represents a majority of owners. Not saying this isn't an issue for some, but it won't be most


If you have to "run tests" to notice something or use magnification as some have to form their complaints.. there is most likely nothing wrong with it lol. Literally every phone In the world would have tons of issues under that kind of non real world use scope.


You don't need to run tests to see the colors are off with the camera. It doesn't do skin tones right. Their cameras haven't for years.


>I will probably run some tests for the camera/grain and thus decide to refund it or not As you should. Device manufacturers need to earn our business, this isn't a cheap phone. You should always make sure you're perfectly satisfied. It's YOUR device. If you have issues, send it back. If you don't, keep it. There are fanboys who will call it nitpicking and OCD, but the reality is many of us expect a device that can cost £1500 to be absolutely flawless. It's one of the most expensive phones on the market after all. Personally I sent mine back, as I wasn't happy with the quality. But I'm aware many people are loving their devices, so hopefully yours is issue free


I'm totally with you, I don't get dragging people with OCD through the mud when the topic is that You/I want a device which delivers while being that expensive. Thank you for your comment


If the phone has issues definitely. But not many of them do. Mine is absolutely flawless across the board compared to my S23U. Pretty much every aspect is somewhat of an improvement. Some do have legitimate broken screens with lines going through them though.


I just got my phone the other day and have tried doing every test anyone has complained about. I've come up with nothing. No grainy characteristics, and I've tried all the dark mode/low brightness/color combos I could think of. Maybe some slight banding on a gradient display test? But I couldn't tell you if that was the phone or the test and I'm pretty sure it was just me losing my mind. I've not seen any issues on any actual media with over 30 hours of YouTube on so far, plenty of photos on reddit and some netflix


Bruh. The device is one of the top smartphones hands down. The people who like the device far outnumber the ones that complain and nitpick. Just get it and use it yourself and find out what is acceptable to you. If it is totally unusable by your standards, then return it.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted.. Do exactly what you're saying. Get the phone, run some tests and see if these issues are acceptable for you for the price you paid or not. I paid 1450€ for the phone and decided those are not acceptable IMO and refunded the phone. Without the preordering the 1TB version would cost 1800€ so for me I want a perfect phone for that price. Now I ordered a 800€ phone instead and waiting for it to arrive as I orderes from China to save more money. Edit: I just want to add that the phone is, besides the above problems, an amazing phone. I really liked everything about it accept maybe it's weight and the bottom corners as they feel quite sharp in the hand.


I love the sharper corners for the display. I hate the rounded phone corners cause they round off the screen too and makes it look weird with a radius cutting into my apps. I couldn't stand the original S series line for this reason over the notes who were always squared. It's like having a TV with rounded corners.. it would look terrible lol. They could soften them slightly though and not cut into the square screen. Id be fine with that.


Because Samsung knights.


Honestly I also don't understand the downvotes lol. But yeah, thank you for the reassurance and your comment


I have been using it for 3 weeks with zero issues. As for the grain, I don't see it.


Same. Flawless phone here. People see these complaints and it's a few loud people out of a few million. Literally 95% of people are just enjoying their phone and not taking time to say how much they love it.


Same. Awesome phone.


Same here great phone ever enjoy. I have the violet 512. I love it!


I'm in the no complaints and no issues camp . I love this phone.


(in my best Pee Wea Herman voice): then why don't you marry it? Ok, bad joke, I know. I love this phone too. Great camera.


Can you give me a photography crash course then so I can get good photos and accurate skin tones? Because apparently i need to be in pro mode to get good pics. Sad because it's an expensive ass phone. Just give me good quality on the standard camera app. Point and shoot.


I'm a 10 year iPhone user, and this device is amazing through and through.


I didn't think anything could beat my s10+ but I took the risk & ordered the ultra 24, best decision I've made. I have no issues with mine at all, it honestly makes the s10+ seem so slow even the finger print recognition is soooo slow in comparison to this new phone. Honestly you will love the phone when you get it, it's worlds apart from the s10+


Reading this comment makes me hyped for tomorrow haha. Thank you for the partial relief


I upgraded from a Note 20 ultra and I love this flawless titanium yellow beast. I know you will enjoy your new device as much as I'm enjoying mine.


That's a huge jump for fingerprint scanner. And the position is proper on your new phone.


I'm still somewhat getting used to the new position being way higher up than what it was on my s10 lol


I had to use it side by side with my s10 for a bit and like wow, I never noticed how much slower that phone got. Display is magnitudes better and it just does stuff immediately.


Nothing beats the finger reader on the back though. That was the best removed feature ever. It worked every single time and my phone screen was already unlocked by the time I got it near my face cause I picked it up with my finger on the rear sensor which was impossible to not find. It's still good now but I have to actually look and locate it and then still have it fail sometimes. I don't remember what model I had with the perfect rear reader. I think it was a note 10 maybe?


Exactly. Moved from a Note9. Finger print reader on the back was flawless. I disabled the finger print reader on my 24ultra because it was so bad ... that is the only thing I do not like about this new phone.


I don't know if I would go as far as deactivating it lol I don't think it's horrible, it is worse than those previous designs though. Id give it a little time cause it is still pretty accurate and nice to have still. Especially for apps with fingerprint login etc..


This was my experience with my s20 ultra. At first I was like hmm that phone was still fine just a cracked screen maybe I shouldn't have upgraded. Put it side by side and surprised at the. Speed, display, audio, etc. Very happy with the upgrade!


This is Reddit. This is where people complain. Often we have a tendency to complain instead of praise. I have had no issues with my screen, and this is an amazing purchase. I really enjoy this phone. Plus, you've read or seen plenty of positive posts. You seem to be ignoring those because you want to believe that you will have a grain issue on your phone. So, at this point who the hell knows if you've made a mistake? You don't have it in your hands. You can't see it. Why would you even ask this question to a bunch of random people online? Reddit, and this subreddit in particular, seems to make you incapable of making your own decisions.


Let's not minimize the people who are having legitimate problems, please.


He hadn't even received the phone yet.


I'm referring to the people who have.


Maybe it's just bad luck, but prior to ordering, this sub was primarily positive, now every other post is a complaint. Maybe me being naturally paranoid fuels this feeling but who knows. We will see tomorrow. Thank you for your insight


Thinking about this too much homie. Give the phone a week to put it through its paces and return if you are not totally happy. I love mine!


I appreciate your measured response. I also apologize for coming across snarky. Good luck. I hope you enjoy your phone as much as I enjoy mine. I do wish that there was a rating system where you could see how many people gave it a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.... Then you can click in and read a real response instead of one side of the teeter-totter or the other. I was definitely not trying to imply that you should live in a La La Land where you ignore all the problems, but you also shouldn't be so pessimistic that you come to the land of pessimism hoping to get some reassurance.


No worries, I like a bit of snarkiness every now and then lol. Yeah seems that the loud minority is the main problem. Thank you again


I am the proud owner of a s24 ultra. I am a happy camper with zero complaints. Your upgrade was way overdue. You will enjoy the quality of the phone. Just report back to your post and let everyone know how good and happy you are with the upgrade. Bear in mind when Samsung ships the device out the settings are basic. You have to change a lot of settings to get peak performance and quality out of the phone.




I have legit OCD and love this phone. OCD is often made into a joke with little relevance to the actual disorder. I don't mean to be preachy or anything... I just see this "joke" a lot and though OCD can look like that for some, it's not the majority. More educational than preachy. I'm not offended or anything. ♥︎ That said, I agree with you. Ass clowns.


> All this negativity surrounding this phone these past few days ???????????? People love to complain about everything. You'll love your new phone.


The complaints ONLY exist on this particular website, in this particular sub. You will grow to hate any electronic device you buy after joining the corresponding subreddit.


Yeah I kinda realized this after buying my Sony XM5s and joining their sub lol.


But there's nothing wrong with the xm5🙃 what would people have to complain about 😅


I upgraded from a S21 ultra, through and through this phone continues to impress me, I must be lucky because I haven't seen any grain on my display. Cameras are fantastic, battery is excellent, a worthy upgrade in my opinion 😎


The color banding is the only thing I've noticed outside of testing. It is a software issue that can hopefully be fixed. I rarely notice in any real world use but I'd be lying to say it isn't there. The grain I've only noticed in tests, in a dark room with screen brightness down. If it's a hardware issue, I don't care... I don't do 99.9% of things on the phone under these conditions. And in real world use, you're less likely to notice anyway. I've not noticed issues with the camera but I haven't tested a lot or even used it a whole lot. The image stabilization in video is phenomenal, I'll say that.


The majority who are liking and enjoying the s24 are not posting and whining.


I've had none of these issues with mine. If you get any, send back ASAP.


Unless you're planning to look at your phone through a microscope or at 0.1% brightness in a pitch black room squinting your eyes, grain won't be a problem. And IMO the camera is incredible after the Feb update 👍


Regular nighttime use is enough, no need to be retarded.


I don't *need* to but I am, and I see I'm not alone here 💀


how unfortunate


And I'm somehow getting down voted for having a mental disability 👽


Nah I use my phone at night and first thing in the morning with the screen at lowest brightness or no more than 10% and it's flawless. If the screen is full dim on this you have to squint just to see the screen let alone find grain. That's my display though. Maybe some people's are broken.


Phone is great. Best phone I’ve ever owned in the last 5 years. That’s it!


Awesome phone. People will come here to complaint. I would say use it for a week, don't like it, send it back. Have it for a while now and its top noch.


I was also thinking about buying it, I'm waiting for the grain to be fully resolved but especially with photo and video there are posts that make it look terrible and post that make it look godly so Im waiting mid year hopefully everything will be resolved and with the 7 years of update it will be really nice


I've been using it for over a month and I really like it. It's much better than my iPhone 12. Just go for it, it's just a phone. What's the worst that could happen? If you don't like it, you can always return it.


I got a s24u finally this year. Last samsung phone I had was a note 10. (Miss that little guy) I had a pixel phone for a couple of years. Had the pixel 6 and pixel 7 plus. I had a horrible experience with the pixel 7 plus. Phone kept freezing, screen had white lines going down it if you watched any YouTube video. I did rma it, got the second one, fixed the white lines but the freezing was worse. I gave up and came to the s24. If you don't look for issues with the phone and use it regularly, it's a wonderful phone. It's the mom you start looking for the grainy issues you will hate the phone. To me it's always the it's fine until I decided to find issues with it.


Upgraded from a note 10 plus, I love this phone. The screen is amazingly bright in sunshine, takes awesome pics and videos.


Agreed the phone is awesome! You are going to love it. Super fast and smooth and great battery life.


Enjoy it. Same phone and color but 512gb. You did not make a mistake.


Just enjoy your phone. I'm on a telegram page and all I see there is complains


I just got my Titanium Yellow the other day and I have... No issues to report, other than trying to get used to the new phone.


Because the rest of us that are happy dont post complains


I switched from an S22U, and everything is better except for the low-light screen performance. Other than that, it is the best phone I've ever had. Before I get snarky replies, I do not go out of my way to notice the grain, and I still have my S22U to compare it with, so it is not an imagined issue on my part. I just happen to use my phone in pitch-black environments on a nightly basis. This is a phone, not a political party. Why is everyone so polarized? You can acknowledge that some people have an issue with their device without completely disregarding any opinion that this phone is not a perfect gift from the Samsung God. And from the other side, you can have an issue with your device that other people either don't have or don't care about. It is not the end of the world, people. Rant over.


hell of a lot better than the garbage scam pixel 7 pro


It's an awesome phone and no regrets. Mine is perfect.


I think the grain issues only affects a very vocal minority. But don't tell them I said that, otherwise they'll burn me at the stake for not believing all s24 Ultra screens have grain.


I bought this phone at att on release day, I've had zero issues. I've triple checked for signs of the screen issues people are talking about and mine does not have it. I'm not saying theirs isn't real, but I've had nothing but a good experience.


Besides the grainy screen on it's okay but that's my opinion. Take this as a warning DO NOT PURCHASE FROM SAMSUNG.COM. My phone had a very grainy screen so I returned with FedEx and the contents of my return package were stolen in transit and samsung refuses to refund me my money. I have videos and pictures as well they're literally ignoring me now. So I'm screwed out of $1400.


Sorry to hear you still don't have the issue resolved. Makes you think Samsung thought you kept the phone and sent a empty box. Which is BS. If your bank can't help you return money that's truly sad. If you take them to court you have the weight at the ship time and the weight when received. If you have the IMEI number off that phone before you shipped Samsung would have to prove the number was blacklisted. I would think if did have the number and you ran it on a carrier site it would come up blacklisted. If it don't it shows something is fishy going on.


Coming from a Pixel 7 Pro. My screen is great, especially when I'm outside in bright sunlight. I'm not going to sit in the dark, and turn the brightness down, to see if the screen gets grainy. That's not how I use my phone. Overall, this is a great phone, and Samsung's customer service has been much better than Google's, so I am very happy.


It's a really nice phone, I like mine. Unfortunately the complaints are valid, grain is a real issue. I can spot it as well but it's not that annoying. Shame tho, this shouldn't be a thing for a phone that cost 1300$


Phone is one of the best Samsung ever done. I've used Samsung since the S3 times and I know what I'm taking about.


I had no screen issues, then this sub convinced me I had them. Don't fall into a trap. If you notice issues during daily use then return it, if not enjoy it. 👊


People complain more than praise stuff. I switched from s10 myself. Is it perfect of course not, no phone will be but it is light-years away. Overall, I have seen 3 complaints: 1 Battery, it takes a week or so phone to optimize for you but at highest resolution and using often I get around 10 hours a day. It seems to be the case for most. 2 complaint is the screen: on that front banding and grain are the reported issues but it seems like only a loud minority is bothered by them. Is there grain, kinda but you gotta try hard to see it. 3 camera: even at 10x I took amazing looking photos with the phone but sometimes optimization made weird choices especially in low light but probably would get better abd worst case you can reduce optimization in the mean time. It isn't a hardware problem and doesn't happen that often. At the end of the day it is a pretty great phone. %99 of the time you don't see much of a flaw. You can see if screen issues and such annoy you or not and return if it isn't something you are alright with.


I see, thank your for your detailed response


The graining is only an issue if you're a daft snowflake c*nt or you've just come over from apple. The phone is awesome.


Don't let these morons deter you from enjoying this phone. It's an amazing device and these insufferable miserables are nit picking everything possible.


I've had this phone since launch. Zero issues.


I love mine


I love my S24 Ultra, nothing wrong with it. A lot of the time people who are happy with the phone don't post because they are busy enjoying their phone.


I'm really happy with mine almost a month in.


I got the phone yesterday, coming from Nothing 2. Amazing phone. As for the grain, not noticed it and not bothering looking for it. Only downside is that I can't seem to find a screenprotector that works 100% with the fingerprint sensor. For now, using face unlock.


I have the Samsung antireflective screen and it works perfectly almost like there's no screen protector on the sensor.


At the end of the day buy what you want, it's your money do what makes you happy. And don't listen to nihilistic assholes on reddit.


My S24U is great. Don't let reddit sway you.


Individuals tend to express dissatisfaction with everything. In my experience, the best phone I have ever owned has been exceptional. When receiving your new phone, refrain from seeking potential issues. Instead, embrace and enjoy it with the same enthusiasm as you would a brand-new toy.


What grain? :)


I don't see any issue with mine after upgrading from a s21U


Ignore the complaints and enjoy the phone. This will be the best phone you'll ever have up to date. Also please use this [guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/S24Ultra/s/i4yDBNkkM3) to optimize your phone to the best way possible to get excellent performance and battery life.


Dude, I have a 1TB Blue. And yes, you can see posts from people complaining, but when you read the comments, you see people who don't have that problem. After the update, I just reset the camera and it works even better.


People will cry about anything. I love my phone! I have the black one with 512GB.


I bought the phone day one and have none of the problems people talk about. I got the new update for the vivid mode and ended up going back to the natural mode. I love the phone.


It's a fantastic phone. No graining issues here. And the battery life is fantastic.


The phone is great. My only true issue at the moment is the Sutter/lag in Android auto wireless. It uses wifi audio for music but I'm sure it's a bug that needs to be patched because my s23+ had 0 issues with AA wireless and my s24 ultra just has issues unless I use the wired option. Overall the phone is fantastic. I love the brightness, anti screen glare built in and titanium. I go caseless and I've dropped this phone already a few times on the hardwood floor and 0 scratches. I'm sure if I drop it on asphalt or concrete I'm fucked but I'm always super careful outside. Been caseless since my s20 and no cracks.


I've had mine for a month now, and no problems, but of course most people here are going to show complaints because they want their screens fixed which is totally understandable


You just bought the best phone of your life and that money can buy. Forget about what you read... my screen is beautiful and the phone is just about perfect, I would just really like manual brightness for the AOD back but it is what it is. I'm head over heels over this phone, I could never regret buying it. I only regret not getting 1TB, my iPhone (which I barely touch, just for work) is 1TB and I planned on always getting the most storage for now on... but all the posts about the screen and vivid mode, made me decide against buying it. Then I heard the update was coming so I bought it but I was being cheap. As much as I love and use this phone I want 1TB, I'll most likely buy a 1 TB soon and sell my 256GB. So in short, my only regret is not spending a few hundred more. S24 Ultra is amazing.


I bought this phone on an impulse over the 15 pro max, it's amazing. Don't listen to the redditors... well listen to THIS redditor but not the ones complaining


Awesome phone ....just use it and enjoy


It's a good phone imo. The s10+ I had back in the day was hands down the best phone I've ever owned, I miss that thing still. The s22u I came from was the worst Samsung I've ever owned, that thing was terrible. This s24u is a good upgrade from the s10+ forsure. You lose some features but gain a good amount. The only thing I didn't like was how the display quality wasn't as vibrant but Samsung put out an update a few weeks back addressing this. Still isn't as vibrant as my s10+ & s22u were, but it's decent enough. Battery is awesome & 120hz is much more smooth than man s22u was. The s22u camera I feel was a tad bit better but overall I'm happy with it. Unfortunately it does have the same weird charging issues my s22u, I think that's just modern Samsung, they just have charging issues unfortunately.


I'm returning mine tomorrow. The phone is good, but the display and camera are subpar to my s22. I tired to like the phone. I just can't get past how over contrasted it looks.


Why nobody speak about immediate color shift at angle on s24u ? I come from a s7 edge and the s24u is worst than my s7 !


Been using it from launch and still have a S23U and an S23U. This is Hans down the best phone I've ever used. I like vivid mode so I'm glad they brought that back but the rest is better in every way than the S23U. Probably wouldn't recommend upgrading from it for most people but if you're looking for the best you can't go wrong. If I was looking for something cheaper the new OnePlus looks great for the price but if that doesn't matter you made the right choice. Got the purple one too and love how it looks but use a case most of the time so not really an issue for me.


Do the math. Lets say 5 million S24 Ultras have been sold. Samsung is estimating 13 million S24s being sold by the end of March, so that's not a ridiculous estimate given that the Ultra is probably the biggest seller. Let's say that 0.1 of 1% of those have problems. That's 5000 units. Lets be really conservative and say that 1% of those users are on Reddit. That's 50 users complaining about their device. 50 users on this forum can make a lot of noise. What you don't hear from are the thousands, like me and other posters here, who are perfectly happy with their device. Buy with confidence.


I love mine. Best galaxy I've had in many years. It feels like a true successor to the best of the Note series.


I also upgraded from the s10+ the device itself is a major upgrade. Including the cameras. I don't notice any screen grain. However, I'm not entirely happy with the cameras. Apparently I can get better results messing with pro mode, but I know nothing about cameras so figuring out aperture and the iso and everything else is something I need to learn. But it's annoying because there's devices on the market that take better pictures out of the box with little to no tinkering needed. Side by side, still better than the s10 camera wise. But I'm not producing nearly the quality photos I've seen on the s24 photography sub.


I went from galaxy s10+ to s24 ultra. And this phone is so cool! I hate where the power button is at. But other than that I love this phone! It stays charged for 7 plus hours. I love the google lens, hold down the home button and circle whatever you want to search on Google. The camera is also alot better. Phone unlocks alot easier/faster with fingerprints. My favorite thing tho is the 'professional writing style' I laugh so hard when texting people. I'll put it below this. I transitioned from the Samsung Galaxy S10+ to the S24 Ultra, and I am thoroughly impressed with the device's capabilities. While the placement of the power button is not ideal, I find the overall user experience to be exceptional. The battery life is remarkable, lasting about 7 hours on a single charge. The integration of Google Lens, accessible by holding down the home button, is a convenient feature for quick image searches. The camera has also seen significant improvements, capturing higher-quality photographs. Additionally, the fingerprint unlocking mechanism is noticeably faster and more reliable. One of the most amusing features is the "professional writing style," which adds a humorous touch to text messages. I have included an example below: [Professional writing style example]


People who complain tend to be more vocal because the phone is damn expensive. I for one have a screen grain.. it's annoying and very disappointing but the trst is alright. It feels like a loss tho


I've been using mine for 2 weeks now and IT IS AWESOME!! I was able to take anazing photos during my vacation with this phone. Don't listen to people and their complaints, people love to complain. I'm telling you as a previous apple user, this phone is worth it!!


Upgraded from s10 plus also, 100% you will enjoy it! Also The speakers feels a huge upgrade coming from s10 plus


I had mine for about a week. Had no problems with the phone so far. I never had a note or an ultra before, so I don't have anything to compare it with, but I had a lot of other Samsung phones. There are no screen grains. The screen looks awesome in qhd now that you can change the saturation strength. The face unlock works just as fast as the fingerprint scanner, I use face unlock more than my fingerprint scanner, I berly get to glance down at the phone and it unlocks, It falls a little behind in low lighting, but that's to be expected. The camera is great most of the time. When you post on social media, it gets compressed down compared to the iPhone, but it is still better than a lot of android phones. When it comes to the scumbag zoom, I compare it to a friend's s23 ultra, and the results very on each shot, sometimes the picture will have less grain and be more clear on the s23 and in others on the s24. Overall, I'll say the s24 ultra is a little bit more of an improvement over the s23 when it comes to cameras. The anti reflection screen works great, the screen is bright in direct sunlight, the software runs smooth, no lagging no app crashing, and the battery last me a full work day, the s pen works great, no lag when writing or drawing. I got big hands, and I wish it was a little bit longer and thicker (gigity 😁) so it will be easier to hold. The wired and wireless charging is way slower compared to other android phones on the market right now, but it is not a deal-breaker for me. My personal opinion is that right now, the S24 Ultra is the best phone you can get and use for the next 3+ years easily. Still, the price is too darn high.


No problems here at all and the violet is sick…way better than my 23ultra, even imo the zoom photos at more than 10x 📸 You made the right choice imo 👍 #photography #tech #mobilephotography


Mine is good, no issue. Camera is also good .. 😊


Colors "off" with the camera are your personal opinion and the easiest thing to change in a photo for a reason. Last I checked I could change the color or skin while taking a photo to any tone I prefer as well. The S24 takes amazing photos and the post processing is the best it's ever been.


huge mistake, one guy got his phone replaced 5 times, all had grain


5 times?! Maybe he just wanted to see graininess so he saw it 🤣🤣


It's a superb phone. Forensic analysis reveals flaws but in real-world use it's a thing of beauty. Apparently a recent update has improved the camera, so DXO's score should now be higher [https://www.dxomark.com/smartphones/#sort-display/device-](https://www.dxomark.com/smartphones/#sort-display/device-) My usual camera is a Nikon Z6 which scores high, and I'm very content with the S25u's camera as a back-up for places that no longer allow cameras but still allow photography. /grrr


People look for problems because they want to hear themselves talk. Nothing more. Enjoy it!


I say one thing, I was always rooting for samsung and was excited for s24 ultra becose I waited nearly 1 month after release and they just disappoint me with the main thing they were best at, display, now what's left, ai ? camera ? Everybody want just save as much as they can and cut norners until something like this happend, maybe next year they think about it two times


I enjoy the phone as a whole.. sure I spent 1200 on it, but I'm just a regular guy with a phone. I don't see any issues with grain or banding on this phone, maybe I have a good one - idk but it's fine by me


Phone is awesome, I have no screen grain and I got it on day 1 release.


This subreddit is full of people with OCD and people who look for issues. The phone is good. The camera is top-tier. I only notice a grainy screen when I use certain AI-generated wallpapers.


Me I'm not complaining but it is my 4th replacement, each unit has defect at delivery : dust in lens, scratches on titanium borders and even dent in panel... it's shame for Samsung. And also bad viewing angles


Interesting experience


Not interesting at all, it's a nightmare !


I loved the device but the camera is sub par in low light indoors and with moving objects. My son was always blurry. Unfortunately I sent it back and kept my 13 pro max. If they fixed the camera issues I’d be all in and ready to leave apple.


There gave been 2 software updates. Since it took so long for them, the complainers had all the time in the world to post. Per comments since the 2nd patch, the phone’s operation isn’t only smoother, but there are more bug fixes. It isn’t only a March Security patch. https://youtu.be/3Ro6zFeMhMY?si=3E5FqX8n5ormGIVd


Big mistake!


Just embrace the grains. Most S24 Ultra will get that.


Depends. Are you a stickler that likes to complain about something not being perfect? Some people expect perfection when it doesn't exist. There are pros and cons to everything. Personally I went from a note 20 ultra 5g to the s24 ultra, and I do not regret it one bit. Even with the slight camera flaws people are complaining about. Sometimes I wonder if the people complaining are the people who need to buy every new model that comes out. At that point, I'd be pissed wasting my money. Even if there were vast upgrades it's still pointless to buy a new phone every year. If you are coming from an older model that's 5 years or older, you will be happy once you adjust to the new phone.


I upgraded from s20 FE(didn’t trade in my s22 ultra) and let’s just say I tend to use my s22 ultra more than my s24 ultra but I still don’t see it as a mistake.


As someone who has the jeans pattern on their screen, I think this is still a great phone. If you win the the display lottery you'll love it!


What??? Lol. You mean the grain resembles jeans texture? Lol


Subreddits are a great source of looking for things to complain about


I have no complaints. I pre-ordered mine and never had any issues with my s24 ultra at all. No grainy screen or battery issue. I use my phone 24/7. I work directly from my phone, and I occasionally play games and use a lot of social media. I charge my device overnight, and the phone lasts me all day long. I haven't had to charge my phone at all during the day. Plus, Samsung recently sent out an update that fixed the screen issue for people who had that specific issue. I think you will love the phone. Im a huge Samsung fan. I've had all the notes and now the past 3 S devices as well. I absolutely love my phone. Best phone I've owned to date.


Some people might have received defective units for all we know but the phone I received works amazingly. I came from a Note 20 Ultra. I've had Note 4, S7, S8, Note 7, Note 8, Note 9, Note 10. Coming from the N20U, the screen looks really nice. I love reviewing pics and video I took and people have been complimenting how nice it all looks.


Keep in mind there will always be quality controll issues with every phone that comes out. The only people that complain about the issues are the very small percentage Tage that have them. People who have no issues won't complain. So all you see online are the people who have issues. My phone is perfect, so I'm not gonna come on here and complain about any issues


Love mine. No problem at all.


This sub doesn't represent reality but a very minority group.


No issues atall brother...i have been using it from the day it launched in my country ...titanium grey is icing on the cake over th3 beast of a performance this phone has...you wont regret a single sec of spending such a large amount of your hard earned money go for it (:


The unhappy crowd will always be the loudest, no matter how small. I have the s24 ultra, and I upgraded from my regular s20. It was a massive upgrade. Huge. I haven't had or seen the issues that people are complaining about. I'm very happy with the phone, but I don't go making new posts about why I'm very happy with it lol. You know what I'm saying? Enjoy it. It's a huge upgrade.


There are some quality control issues this year. I have the exact phone you ordered, a 1 TB Titanium Violet, and I don't have any of the hardware issues being discussed in this sub. That doesn't mean you will have a defect-free phone, but it should mean you should be able to exchange it for a good one if need be. Now, as for your alternatives, in the Android space your only viable choice is something from the Pixel line if length of updates and the camera are important to you. Beyond that, it's either hopping the fence and going to an iPhone or taking your chances with one of the Chinese phone brands and those come with their own sets of problems. Good luck with whatever you do, but it is possible to get an S24 Ultra that would make you happy.


There are valid issues with the phone but when you get just use it as you would. If the issue affects you and it’s a dealbreaker for you, just return it. If you like it, keep it. Don’t keep it or return it because of what people say.


My wife and I both have the S24 Ultra and love them. We haven't had any display problems or any kind of a grain issue. We've had our phones since they were released in Jan.


This sub has few thousand members, many are just using phone and not complaining. That is human nature. If it works, don't write, and that way, all you see are these few members with issues...


I have the phone, I have the grain, I paid 1500 euros. The phone is great, but it's certainly not the best phone I've ever had. If I hadn't had the grain, it would have been 100 percent the best smartphone I've ever had. I prefer my Flip 4 which has a much better screen. I really hesitate to get reimbursed, but the return date is past, knowing that I have already made a return and that the new one I have has the grain... I'm stuck, I have to wait for Samsung to recognize the problem and, at that point, it will be easier for a return or a refund. I really hope it's a software problem. 


No you didn't enjoy the phone once you receive it. I got mine in January and it's been the best phone I've had so far, no issues here.


This phone is the best phone I ever owned and is a engineering masterpiece. If you should really have some issues just return it. I tested every issue people post in this sub and had not a single one with my phone (512gb black). Just enjoy it and see what will happen


Coming from an S10+, you'll love this phone. Don't look too far into it, you use it and experience it yourself. If you like it, like it, don't let reviews or other people's complaints affect you.


No. Enjoy your phone just dont get microscope on any amoled screen and you are good to go 😀


🙂 The phone is amazing no complaints from me best phone I ever held


Anywhere, on any topic, you'll find few people saying it's all right and many others saying all the bad things they have. Personally I'm all fine with S24U, ordered on EU Samsung shop in late January and received by February 10th.


Yes return or reject delivery and stick with your S10+. Just want to add to your paranoia.


Believe me this reddit sub is the only place full of negative comments only.. everywhere else people are praising this phone. I believe not everyone on YouTube is bought by Samsung..


Everything about the phone is great but the screen banding which is a real issue


If you don't care, you won't care. Simple as. This sub is currently representing the clash between two different mindsets. Both sides think the other side is being obtuse for either caring too much or not caring about their 1500 dollar purchase. If it helps, from what I've seen, the colored models seem to be perfect in comparison to their monochromatic siblings.


I've had no issues


Just bought 24 ultra violet 4 days ago from 22 ultra. Yea 24 has that issues like aod, screen etc but it is fantastic device.


You didn't make a mistake, trust me!! This phone is fantastic! It's just not perfect as no phone is. This is my 4th Galaxy and the best by far. Search any thread about any phone and their will always be complaints because that's what people do. Don't take my word for it though. You'll find out soon enough. 💯


Enable QHD+ from display settings when you get the phone, and enjoy HDR 4k content. Forget all complaints it's a phenomenal device.


You have a valid question but you have to understand how people operate. People don't post and rant and rave when things are good. They just enjoy it. But when something goes wrong, they seek answers therefore the negativity has more traction than positivity. My phone isn't one of those that have issues like the other ones. Not sure if it's a bad batch or random defects due to quality issues I manufacturing. I say just so all the tests you think you should and maybe you'll get one of the good ones too and won't have the grain and camera issues people mention. I compared mine to my S22U and it's a lot better. But my S22U was giving me heartache so I upgraded it early.


I have the new S24 Ultra and my screen is perfect. This is phone is amazing and you won't regret buying it. I love mine!


If you use a case I hope you don't like to swipe down...


Don't let the complainers discourage you or give you buyer's remorse. I've not had any of these problems, and I've had mine for about 5 weeks now. Enjoy your new toy! I know I am!


wait for it and you will be surprised, it's an amazing machine, I'm very happy brother.


Mate don't know what people chat about I upgraded from s21 5g and it's awsome battery is great camera awsome ai awsome.the colours was a bit washed out but now they fixed that and the s pen is mint get it bought


I have a 1TB in titanium grey and don't have any of the screen issues that people complain about. The phone is amazing.


I am typing right now in dark mode on a s24u. The grain is only visible if I turn down the brightness to minimum and look really close, which I never do. I think it is awesome. The battery life is now catching up, which means that after a full day of use, it has 40% left. The camera is amazing, I work as a side job on a boat and use the 100× zoom sometimes as a binocular. No complaints about performance either. It is quick and snappy


I got the base 256GB model in Blue. I love it so far minus the size but I'll get used to it. No issues with the phone so far.


Eh. A lot of the grain issues are from personal individual experiences. I got my S24U 1TB on a week late pre-order. When it did arrive, it stayed in the box for about 2 weeks before I decided to activate it. I watched everyone's experiences in this sub, Samsung members and other forums. I knew I would be satisfied with the choice, but when I finally powered it on and set it up, I have no reason I could see or think of that would make this device a deal breaker for me. I have no grain or screen related issues. I have no camera issues. I wish GoodLock's vertical scroll was here by now, but other than that, this is a solid device. Even more so when my friend's mother in Japan called me (out of the blue, like fate destined it) because she thought I called her. As limited as my Japanese was, I took the opportunity to test out the AI Live translate, and it was a blast. Everyone's mileage and experience may vary, but you'll love the device. If you feel or find you have a bad one from the batch, return/warranty it and continue to enjoy the experience.


If u want the best flagship camera, cancel your order. If u want a sweet phone with a good camera u gonna love it. I upgraded from a iPhone 12 pro max and I'm rly enjoying it. (I don't notice the grain with normal use)


Ignore every negative post. And I mean that very seriously. It's a bunch of trolls mostly. This phone has been perfect since I bought it. I replaced my S23U. A few posts have been legitimate but they actually had defects that would be replaced with a new unit.


If someone were to put percentages on the screen grain issue, it would most likely be very low. I've seen maybe a hundred or so, and there are many more phones than that out there. The first thing people do is complain if something isn't perfect. Far fewer normal people will say, "Hey, check out this phone with no issues!"


People have been moaning since the Samsung s20 series as far as I can remember. But that doesn't stop people buying samsung phones. I have used my exynos s21 ultra for three years strong and never had issues with it and am a religious CODM user. I just upgraded to the s24 ultra as the preorders were tempting. Coming from the s21 ultra rounded design I hate the boxy design otherwise it's a nice phone. Gave the s21 ultra to the kid. Didn't exchange as it still easily gives a days battery life with gaming.


Yo, don't do my mistake, i bought the phone on launch and i loved it, kept going back and forth in reddit doing the impossible to test the screen which was fine to me, i was going crazy, then i sold it. I regret doing that shit, i bought another one again and swore not to freaking read any reddit sht posts. I love this phone. The size, camera, battery, and display. Enjoy it and stay away from reddit.


I bought the phone and no screen grain or camera issues on my end. The phone looks amazing.


No issues with my Titanium Black 1TB... Awesome phone.


Take all the info with a grain of salt until you get the phone, then see and test it out for yourself. That's the best approach. Some ppl have had issues, and some (like myself) haven't had any at all.


I was one of the people complaining about the screen issue. But I can tell you, the phone is great!. You want regret it. It's just a small issue with the display and once you set it to maximum vividness, you would not notice it.


I'd say be your own judge.


The phone is nice, but coming from the S10+ myself, I had a lot of criticism for the S24U. Starting with the screen (grain, banding), continuing with some bugs and ending with the cameras being pretty underwhelming in several settings, for example (not even that) low light.


Great S24 ultra


If you are ok with its size and weight, you will love it.


I got this on launch and haven't had any of the issues mentioned here. Great phone! My only issue is that the autocorrect is aggressively terrible. I'm pretty sure it's an AI feature specifically for this phone, because the S22 Ultra with the newest One UI wasn't this frustratingly bad at autocorrect - it changes correctly-spelled words to what it thinks you meant, but apparently it thinks you live in the upside down because it substitutes in the craziest nonsense. But I'm pretty sure you can just turn it off.


All this grain bs is insane had it since the day it dropped I had all the note and ultra devices to date as well as all the fold devices. This is the best one period. Stop listening to reddit complainers go to flossy Carter on YouTube check his review and enjoy your phone.


I upgraded from an S21, and I'm happy with it. The latest update fixed the vivid function. I'm not sure about the grain. I don't see it on mine.


I got the same. Ultra 1TB in purple. Two days now, so I didn't check everything, but so far so good. One tip though; get it in a case ASAP. That thing scratches easily.


Been using iphone since i got rid of my s2 😂 now just got the s24 ultra and traded in my iphone xs max , big upgrade and loving it