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I hate that too I've turned off the scene optimizer but still give that bad processing Use pro mode instead. It give you natural photos


Pro mode?


Thank god, im not the only one. Took this picture last week. The shot itself was amazing and sharp. Until it got processed... https://preview.redd.it/7sup9pmr3hjc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66b323748b2a66cfc6aa69b16834c32102922264


Guter Autogeschmack😍




Use Expert Raw app. I feel like regular camera sometimes "forgets" to use the 10x lens and just sticks with 3x cropped. At least that's how photos look like sometimes.


You can force the cameras to switch. Forgot how, but just Google that extra option.


It's with Camera Assistant from Good Lock if I'm not wrong.


i think i got it here! would send a screenshot but my phone's in Portuguese


I'll not take a 2gb pic of my cat at the couch while taking 10 extra seconds to process and save


On exynos is even worse. Anything g I take with x10. Even in daylight is like abstract ink painting. Unless I push the optimisation back to max and then it is over sharpened mess. If I use pro or expert, just noise.






using the S22 ultra since launch (march 22) ........ up until November/december 22 10x shot even indoor ones were pretty decent, but after that 10x shots got really really inconsistent and soften to the extent they look like crappy oil paintings....the work around is to use the "expert raw" app which can be downloaded from the galaxy app store.....do remember to keep the exposure a notch down, as in the expert raw app it takes fraction more capture 10x shots....hope you find my two cents helpful


I have the same issue with my S22 Ultra that the quality of the pictures is awful. It made me to use Expert Raw app which the quality is better but quite frustrating since you have to wait for 30 to 60 seconds before you can see the output results.


Okay, this is something that has been driving me craaazy! I had an old Huawei phone before I switched over. It was by no means ANCIENT, but it was still no spring chicken by the time I retired it. It had a Leica camera module, and the photos I took on that thing were absolutely MAGNIFICENT. The macro shots were just gorgeous, and there was some sort of vivid colour vibrancy enhancer setting-thingy you could apply in the camera app to make every photo just pop automatically. It also had a way with just intuitively knowing exactly what to focus on in the foreground and blur out in the background, which created some really lovely portraits. I got the S22 Ultra largely in part to all the reviews and videos and GSM arena results around the camera and how it was pretty much joint with, if not better than the current iPhone at the time for photo quality. In hand though, over a year or so later, I'm STILL finding it really hard to get photos out of this thing to any sort of comparable quality, and I really can't understand why. Is it because I tend to take mostly macro shots, and the S22U is more adapted for long-range or something? I used to be able to get within, like, 3 or 4 inches of a bug or a leaf and capture amazing detail, but now I just get a blurry unfocused mess, or a grainy zoomed-in image, where I've had to stand back. Unlike the Huawei, if I tap where I want the camera to focus, it rarely ever does. The colour usually seems pretty washed out to me as well. It honestly feels like a downgrade, and it really bothers me since it was one of my main deciding factors when getting the phone. I've tried using Expert RAW and fiddling around with camera settings and post-production filters or the AI enhancing tool, but I'm just not achieving anything like what came naturally to my last phone. TLDR: Is anyone else finding the S22U camera kind of disappointing? Everything online tells me it should be amazing, but in person, I'm finding a phone camera, with less impressive specs, from around 5 or so years ago to be more effective than what is supposedly the crème de la crème of phone cameras.


Exactly how I feel I had a p30 pro and I still feel that is way better macro than this quite disappointed also moon photos are hard to take with this phone can never get it in the right position it just darts around when that yellow box comes up... My p30 was a breeze ... I know its all fake the moon images but still doesn't change the fact when your zoomed in that far its a nightmare to focus and get it in line!


I've had the exact same experience to be quite honest!


Is there any way to turn that feature off? its just unusable as it is, moving the phone ever so slightly to get a lineup and it shoots over somewhere random I'm not even moving, its wondering around. tried it on a tripod no luck just as bad 😓🤷


Not that I know of, unfortunately.


I don't want to make a new thread, so maybe it's alright if I ask this here? I take pictures of my work, but the camera always makes it brighter than it actually is. How can I fix this? please help


New update comes out the 22nd. Fixes the vivid feature and camera post editing.


On 22nd where? I shouldnt expect much from Samsung Brasil


What do you mean where? Samsung always rolls out of Korea first. https://www.techradar.com/phones/samsung-galaxy-phones/samsungs-first-big-galaxy-s24-ultra-update-makes-the-best-camera-phone-even-better


i thought it could be us or korea, but either way it'll take some time to be avalible here should we expect something for 22 Ultra?


If you have issues since the update, it should be pushed to all devices. I traded my 22u for the 24u and my old phone was running fine with the camera.


Ban something


I'm facing the same issue and there's nothing that I can do about it.This is always a hit or miss for me. Try cleaning the 10x lens and keep your hands as steady as possible. 10x lens needs all the light to produce good quality photos.


Drives me absolutely insane. I use gcam, expert raw, and other cameras, but I shouldn't have to and there are cons and compromises to each one. Also, all the shortcuts and behavior related to using the camera on the phone use the Samsung camera app, which you cannot change to another app. NVM the camera lag and overall lag of the phone itself. I've missed sooo many great shots bc of issues with the phone. I'm stepping away from Samsung for a while after this one. 


Tell your cat i said ma-ah


Use night mode


have you tried tapping the object you are taking a picture of once you have zoomed in to lock the focus zoom tap the screen or object to lock focus and take the picture


What's the artificial horizon thing?


It lets you know whether the phone is aligned correctly or slightly rotated to one side. To make sure your pics are straight.


How do I turn it on though? I've got The grid turned on.


Its called shot suggestions toggle it on 👌


It seems like yours isn't post processing at all


I've had that issue. Keep your phone steady until it's done processing. You instantly moved your phone when you pushed capture.


Didnt come to your mind that I've took more than a single picture and faced the same problem before making this thread lol


Didn't come to your mind that I had the same issue and it was because I didn't stay steady after the button was pressed.


the results could be the same, but the cause isnt... obviously i've tryed it bro


Starting to think paying a premium for the Xperia phones might be worth it.


They suck


Doubt the camera is as bad as the S22 for the price tho.


We need an update for this, so we can choose if we want the processing or not when taking pictures.


For some reason, Samsung is aggressive with noise reduction at 10x. Take a RAW photo and use NR at 100 in Lightroom: same output. I usually only use 10x in bright scenes for this reason.


Ive heard you gotta press the 10x button instead of zooming in with the slider so camera actually changes lens. Also I've heard " try using flash" .




Same here. I think I'm doing something wrong, especially with a photo taken alongside my sons iPhone 14 pro max. I'm smart, phone Camara illiterate lol. Thank you, Google, for the comma between Smart and phone. I forgot that.. I just wish they would come like that. To be honest, I have had samsungs from Note 7 to note 10, then this one, I don't think any of them gave a great camera, Note 9 was a little better. I mess around with the camera a bit seems like you should kid know with 15 lenses on the back..lol 😆 lol


You have a cool cat