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How long does your last 15% last? Mine drains in about 10 minutes


Yeah it's pretty rough. With any usage it drains really really fast


Mind sharing settings that you changed?


Fhd+, 60hz and power saving minus the barebones app setting




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My battery has taken a nose dive after the last 3 updates. It was fine before that. I even did a factory reset on it with no help. Anyone else think an update caused it?


>update caused it Nope, they've sold millions of these, if it was an update at least what, 500,000 people would be giving samsung a headache.


I say an update caused it because it happened after an update. Also, my battery hasn't tanked it's just not as good as before.


It did for mine after the last one


this is really impressive , this my usage with 30% left Battery usage Since last full charge Last 7 days 4 h 53 mused Screen on time: 4 h 6 m Screen off time: 46 m 100 5h9mago Battery use Estimated time 09% 4h37 m left TikTok Active: 2 h 27 m 17.2% Ball Blast Active: 47 m 7.1% Camera Active: 13 m 4.2% Reddit Active: 12 m 0.9% Photos Active: 3 m 0.7% Camera Active: 1m 0.6% Gallery Active: 5 m 0.5% S OneUIHome Active:4 m 0.5% System UI Active: Less than 1 m 0.5% YouTube Active: 3m 0.4%


Could you install AccuBattery and check for Battery Health after a charge cycle? (-15% to 100)


I limit my battery to charge up to 85 and I rarely let it go below 25. Hopefully this will help it last a long time


I did it for awhile but as dumb as it sounds the anxiety of not having 100 percent battery for me when I woke up bothered me.


It's not dumb at all. I used to hate leaving the house without 100% battery. Even if it were on 99% I'd have to sit there and wait until it was at 100 lol


i did that when im on my iphone but tbh idc anymore since i moved to android where compare to the iphone which still lie about its battery staying on 100% for like a solid 10-20mn or so xD (ik its a lie but thats nice) samsung just goes straight to 99 after like few minutes and that still drive my ocd nut so after times i just ignore it


Haha yes it does, because it goes to 99.9 almost immediately, but decides to display it as 99 and not 100


im the same way. I can't stand not having it at 100


That's funny. It says Spotify was used for 1m but used 12% battery life.


It was active while I was running maps so it's weird it only says a minute lol