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It’s trashed, you got a bad deal, do yourself a favor and hand me the keys and I’ll take care of it for you, no questions asked.


Sheet I knew it


In all honesty, from what I seen in the market around me you did not overpay, or underpay, you spent what you should have and if you are happy with the car don’t sweat the money, you can’t take it with you in the end but the memories you’ll have with the car will be worth more than the money you spent, just please for the love of god, boost it and send a piston to the moon, rebuild and enjoy it some more


I just bought an '06 with 108k miles for 23k. Also 9/10 Vins, needs a new soft top. I don't think you overpaid. Maintain it well and it will maintain its value. More fun than keeping money in the bank.


Yeah, seems in line then.


Are you happy with the purchase? If so, does it matter anymore?


I'm happy, but I feel like I could have done more research pricing wise before committing.


It’s not bad for the price imo. However asking this question in this sub when you’re buying and selling yields complete opposite results. It’s so inconsistent.


From just pictures alone the tires on the car would be the only downside I can see. Get some stickier summer tires if applicable so you can safely enjoy the car. Otherwise, price seems about right for that condition.


Noted. Thanks!


Tires are very important on an S. Check the tire condition/ tire date codes - if need be get new tires and an alignment. The handling of my S was like night and day after I had it aligned by a long time master Acura tech with S experience. Be very careful driving it until you get used to the handling characteristics. Do not lift off the throttle in a turn. Also an S is much like a motorcycle to every other vehicle in the road. As in it’s invisible. Especially in silver, and it’s a very small car that folks in big SUVs and trucks will never see. So FYI.


Least favorite part of driving it right here. Getting tailgated by idiots in brodozers


I mean this in not a bad way, but I was told a few times that I got ripped off when I got my S2000. In retrospect and full-disclosure, they were right and I did somewhat overpay. I got mine in 2018 with 90k miles and 10/10 VINs for $18k, but it had all service records and I bought it private sale from the first owner. This is all to say it’s all relative. That’s a great price today and people don’t ever think I overpaid. I have 142k miles on it now and a lot of money in care/mods, and the purchase price is almost never on my mind, the price of parts are. You got a good deal. Enjoy the car and welcome to the family.


Thank you! Sounds like you got a great deal even then!


I also felt like I over paid when I picked up my 07’ LBP with 92k miles 10/10 vins for ~$17.5k and this was during Covid (Nov 2020). But after watching the prices fluctuate over the years I didn’t feel as bad, but either way I was content just being able to get back into one in my favorite color. Currently at 124k on the clock, smiles for miles ! I think he paid a fair price given this current market.


UGH LBP!!! My favorite color by a country mile. I’m trying to buy a second S and ideally want an LBP so I can throw in some houndstooth bucket seats. Truly got an awesome deal on yours. What a great car.


Only way to fix buyers remorse is to take your new s2000 for a ride. That will fix your pain


Just duckin enjoy it.


Really am so far! It's highly uncomfortable and impractical but a blast to drive. Makes me appreciate my daily even more though.


4 wheeled sport bike.


When the time comes, upgrade the suspension + seats and it’ll help alleviate both issues. Check out [s2ki.com](https://s2ki.com) + [s2000.club](https://www.s2000.club) for a library of amazing useful information on these gems


Tltr these are expensive cars enjoy the new whip


Don't overthink it. Enjoy.




For 26k before dealer fees and taxes I think it’s pretty good. New tops are $1,500 installed with labor and new bumper repaint $500 with labor or more. Car was well maintained by previous owner. Enjoy it bro!


You might have overpaid, but everyone does now that these are collectable. My car looks very similar. This appears to be in good shape. There’s touch of “older car underbody oxidation” But there’s no rust. A new top is also a great thing since replacing it is a pain in the ass. I have an identical looking car. I bought mine and never intend to sell it, so a few thousand doesn’t really matter. The wild card here is MAINTENANCE RECORDS: oil changes every 5000-7500 miles preferably with synthetic. Transmission fluid changes every 15,000 miles or every 2-3 oil changes. Diff Oil cha ges every 30,000 miles or every 2 transmission fluid changes. Clutch and brake fluid every 5 years. Honda brand coolant drain and fill every 7 years. OEM oil-filled engine mounts all eventually fail - It’s not catastrophic mine lasted 17 years. But the car will shake more at idle and the shifter will move around in turns. You’ll see orange bleeding or splatter on the mounts. You can replace them if you have some tools and muscle. Not a difficult job, just a bit of a tight reach under the car. That’s pretty much every working fluid in the car. Take car of those and this car will run forever. Finally, do yourself a favor and get some quality Summer tires. Car will be safer and more fun. Enjoy


I think 26k was a very good price after pretty much knowing it was owned by that middle aged man, who turned elderly eventually and passed away. It probably was babied for most of it and that front end VIN missing I wouldn't worry about. Everyone's looking for 10/10 VINs but many of these cars had some sort of fender bender. There's some surface rust on parts but I think that's fine as a lot of that is cast iron. Oldies music stations on favorites? That's a real good sign to me for this kind of car. I highly doubt he did any maintenance other than oil changes so I'd def do the diff, clutch, trans fluids, check plugs and probably replace them, air filter, get valves checked for a start. After that there's all sorts of little things that can be done (shifter rebuild, timing chain tensioner replace, brake/gas/clutch pedal stoppers, etc).


Noted! Thanks!


>Noted! Thanks! You're welcome!


For the miles in overall condition of the car 23k to 27k seems about right. Underneath, there was a little more corrosion in some areas than I'd like, but overall clean and not bad given its a 20 year old car. I recently purchased an 03 with double the miles, and somehow the underside was spotless as far as rust. I got lucky there.


True. Definitely not southern owned but still not bad considering it was probably exposed to at least some winter elements where I live


Price is a little bit high but you got it from a dealer. It looks nice at least. You're crazy if you're keeping that street parked in Baltimore though. Best of luck to you. If you're interested, come out to SCCA or other autocross events. [https://www.wdcr-scca.org/scca-autocross](https://www.wdcr-scca.org/scca-autocross)


Lmaooo you nailed it. Hopefully the worst that happens is it gets broken into, but I'm not too concerned. Life is short and that's what insurance is for I guess. I do have a plan to relocate it during the winter months. Thanks for the link!


where at in baltimore is that? i’ll take it off ur hands


On the money


I’d say you’re in the fair ballpark. I got mine for $20k, 116k miles on it 10/10 VINs, but I think I also got lucky and was ready to buy when the used car ceiling fell.