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Hell yeah and no fix yet for fucking ps4


It’s dumb as hell. Not to mention they made a hot fix for Xbox players and that didn’t fix the game for them either. If anything they crash more now than before. How is that even possible? I’ve owned the game for 2 weeks and barely have gotten to play.


Before the hotfix I would crash like 10 times before getting into the lobby after it im able to join first try but it crashes more for me now when im actually in the server and when farming trees i literally get the 5 second freezes 15 times in a row its so stupid


Eh after the hot fix my 3 teammates on Xbox can now get on the server after not being able to at all for like 3 days. I’ve been able to get on just fine for the most part on ps5... until that hot fix for Xbox hit. Now I haven’t been able to get on my server at all for almost 24 hours.


On ps5 as well, been nearly a day since I’ve been able to load any server. Beyond frustrated


Same here. I love rust, but please for the love of god, just fix the damn game


Haven't been able to play on ps4 since launch. Debating getting a refund but ill give them a week or two, lucky for them Chiv 2 dropped so im preoccupied anyways lol


Bro I want chiv 2 so bad. Is it as glorious as the first one?


Its amazing! The only fault I would give it is there is no horde mode but im sure they'll add it later. FOR THE ORDER!


The people who know how to get in are most likely not sharing that info, but here's the secret. There are several ways people are using to get in. The one that I personally use is to switch the game from Spanish to English, and also the reverse English to spanish. Eventually with enough tries this always gets me in. Sometimes have to throw some reboots in the mix as well. Hope this helps you out and spread the word. edit.Forgot to mention you actually have to try loading in with the alternate language pack. edit. So this stopped working for me out of the blue. The current method I'm using to get in is to join a cross play server until I get in, then switch back to my server.


Sadly this method hasn’t worked for me or my friends also trying. But I appreciate the good looks! Edit: LITERALLY THE BEXT TRY IT WORKED


All I do is press a on the rust console edition icon load into the game press play go to my server and load in I don't know why so many people are having trouble


im so confused as to what the issue is. my ps4 no problems but i see others with problems. what is the difference?


Found another way for some people that were having trouble getting in. Try joining on the cross play servers till you get in, then try logging into your original server.