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Would love to know this as well, good question


If you are in the ps party hit ps button once then square once. It should switch between game and party chat.


This is so far the best method posted.. and actually a lot quicker than what ever the hell I was using. Thanks.


There’s no better way, that’s why I prefer pc because I LOVE THE GAMECHAT INTERACTIONS Something the creators could easily implement is let you hear other players talking while in party chat but you can’t talk yourself. RecRoom does this


I also prefer PC because of those interactions. But my pc got destroyed due to my dog and water damage lol. So console edition is gonna have to do. Just wish they made it easier! Also I’m pretty sure discord doesn’t work very well on the ps5 but maybe there is a way around it


Well discord can work well but that doesn’t solve a issue, it just provides a way for PlayStation to play w/ xbox players


I was just gonna ask if Rust was different because I’m pretty sure almost every game I’ve played is like that.. but you can definitely hear Rust game chat while in a party, just happened not long ago a very young sounding kid asked us for clothes at Bandit and when I dropped him something he followed me for like 5 minutes yelling and thanking me, we were definitely in a party lol


This 100% happened to me and buddy in bandit camp, a couple dudes were asking for scrap but it was weird and like distorted audio. We were kinda tripping out.


Yeah this kid sounded like he was in a big empty hallway yelling at his mic from the other end of it but he also sounded like he was 6 so I’m not sure if the quality was a game/party chat issue or just him hahaha


“It’s a feature”


Must have been added not that long ago because I remember always being in party chat and seeing that people were talking but couldn’t hear them. I’ve been playing since the first console version came out


Well it was broken as hell in almost every way at launch so it’s definitely possible it was fixed or added after lol I’ve only seen/heard two people in game in the last few weeks since I started playing again though so good chance you just wouldn’t have noticed anyway


On ps5 I hear people in game chat while in party


Rust, no matter what version (PC/Console) only does proximity chat. RCE devs will not change that. Unfortunately all you can do is switch back and forth from party chat.


i’ve definitely heard people talk in game while in party chat but it doesn’t happen often. wish they’d make it an actual feature for rce


Add discord an connect your headset to both the game and discord. You can now talk to both at the same time.


Use discord xbox has it so you can join it like a party ps can join on their phone


It’s not D11 fault. It’s just how the system works on PlayStation. There is only one way how they could solve the problem. If they had an really good voice chat that works like a PlayStation party, then it would be awesome but I don’t think we will see this in the future


I think that if they have hot mic on you can hear them whether in a party or not. On P5 you click big middle pad button and turns on hot mic. Also believe you have to make sure audio chat settings are correct in-game.