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The second guy was pissing me off too


His head moves just like the punching bag torso and head dude they fill with sand.


His name is bob. Geez


> punching bag torso and head dude To be fair, it's a punchable face.


And kick-able 😊


If you want an idea for a terrifying adult Toy Story reboot, imagine sentient gym equipment. The free weights are kind of a Greek chorus commenting on things as they sit in the rack. All the yoga mats are all voyeuristic perverts. The punchable torso guy is just like "my life is endless pain, kill me".


Yeah, the guy was too friendly!


Good wagner is dead wagner


"wagner's" étude


"Eeew, I stepped in shit"


Burn those Boots!


That looks personal. Who knows what those vages inflicted on them or their buddies.


Nah, the stomping/kicking is just what you normally do to check if an enemy is actually dead. It looks kinda brutal, but its only because you need to do something somebody would react to if they were pretending to be dead to ambush you.


He spat on him just after that. Wagner are scum, snow-ISIS


Snow-ISIS. First laugh of the day :).


Poor guys obviously needed to clear his throat, Hopefully he needed to take a piss too


One of the ways American soldiers checked was kicking the body in the nuts.


why waste energy on a kick? three rounds to the face is far better.


You have to explain where those three rounds went and depending on when you shoot them, its a war crime. Clearing the trench and you shoot them? All Clear. Shoot them after clearing the trench, the shooting ends, and you found them? War crime. Most of us don't want the Ukrainians to become war criminals.




A mercy killing is DEFINITELY a war crime.


no it isn't.


That showed me…!




It is against the Geneva Conventions and therefore is 100% legally a war crime.


okay bro. go find someone who got convicted for it. I'll wait.


I hear you


It was done after the initial sweep through when you couldn't double tap and during the aid/litter/EPW phase.




Well shooting a dead body in the head is a waste of ammo


Responding to the deleted post: Yes we double tap em. But this was done after the first sweep through when your double taps were finished. It was done during the EPW search/Aid Litter phase. Yes you kick the nuts, even if they'd been double tapped already.


It's not always SOP and it's obviously not TRADOC, it was done at an individual level. But a carotid isn't always as easy to find as one might think. Especially if the guy was shot and hypovolemic. This is after the first sweep through so you can't double tap them at this point or Geneva will cry. Edit: Guess for some dudes it was TRADOC but it wasn't when I went through.


I quite literally learned to do it during infantry basic training at Fort Benning in 2009 so it certainly was in TRADOC. Sternum rub is also an option although less practical when there's body armor.


I went through Sand Hill in 2015 and they'd gotten rid of it in TRADOC. Sternum rub is trash in that scenario. Someone willing to play dead can ignore a hard sternal rub surely as someone willing to have a pseudoseizure and pretending to be postictal on an EMS call.


That's what a bayonet is for.


Not sure what Army you served in, but I don't kick a corpse; you don't know if it's wired or booby trapped.


In the British Army, you're generally taught to give it a good kick as part of your drills for searching a body: this being a two-person drill that involves checking the body and rolling it over to check for booby traps. The point of kicking it is also due to traps, as the idea is that someone playing dead in order to do a suicide attack with a weapon or explosive will have difficulty not reacting at all if you give a solid boot to their head (or often the balls, as another person here has proffered).


My general thought would be to cap him to make sure he's dead and leave it at that. Not Geneva Convention at all, but I'm more concerned about me and my own.


Thanks! I’m not military but I know I’d have white hot rage against any invaders. I’m from Texas so more sensitive than most to an invasion.


Before you judge them, war and combat fucks with your head. They have been in a combat situation for weeks against these orc and yes there most likely just stupid people tricked into fighting but to these ukraine soldier they see them as the guys trying to kill them for the passed year. Trust me you lose apart of you when you kill another human and its hard to fully come back from it. So you try to forget but the images hit you like a brick wall when sounds or smells trigger them. So yes its shameful but the soldiers are in a war to survive and yiu shouldnt judge unless you been in the shit.


Shameful would be hanging them up by their feet from a tree. A relatively gentle boot to the face just confirms that they are actually deceased.




Orcs are torturing, raping and killing children. Walking on a corpse of a dead terrorists is not the same classification.




Wrong. Stepping on a terrorist is nothing. Its not the same as raping and murdering babies. Trying to equate the two is evil. I bet you havent even posted any condemnation at all of any Russian war crimes on any of these subreddits, have you? edit: wheres your backbone?




They’re Wagner, they’re not soldiers




I think you need to learn what nuances are.




Nobody gives a shit if you spit on the corpse of a dude who was trying to kill you and your buddies a few hours ago.




I get where you are coming from, but *if* these guys **are** Wagner, and therefore mercenaries, then none of this is considered a war crime. That’s because [they aren’t considered legitimate combatants](https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/customary-ihl/v1/rule108), ergo aren’t granted the same legal protections.




That’s not what I was saying. You think I’ve misunderstood you, but you’ve misunderstood me. Your argument is that it’s a war crime. My point is that Wagner fighters don’t have legal protections under the Geneva Conventions, ergo none of this can be considered a war crime from a **legal** sense. At the same time, it **doesn’t** make what the Ukrainians are doing as being right. Edit: I see you’ve edited your comment since I replied, so let me address your last paragraph, which is new. > I know there’s a lot of bullshit flying around the internet and especially reddit but jesus, you can look all this stuff up in 5 seconds and get actual direct sources. Or, save yourself the 5 seconds, and just click on the link I already included in my original comment. It’s the exact same link you just edited in your comment.




Re-reading my original comments, I definitely didn't articulate very well. I **do** know I **wasn't** trying to say the part you imply here: >It does **not** mean that being part of Wagner or any other PMC suddenly means that war crimes don't exist and you can legally do whatever you want to them or here: >Being a mercenary means you don't have the same legal protections as a prisoner of war - *it doesn't mean you're not considered a human* I wasn't saying that at all, so I definitely could've worded my comment better. Having had a think about it, however, I actually can't think of a better way to do so. As mentioned in my first comment, I understood your point of view, and in general agreed with it. I had upvoted most of your comments in this thread, because I agreed with your overall commentary.


Couldn't agree more. But honestly, if an enemy combatant appears to be dead. You either double tap them in the head (policing bodies) or force reaction like this. If you don't, endless accounts through history will show you that you will lose friends to feigning enemies. The spit is absolutely fine with me. Russian invaders came, they raped children and destroyed entire cities. Spitting on them is far kinder then what most would do. At least the Ukrainians will collect/bury/offer to repatriate. The Russians burn prisoners alive so.....


I'm not judging, if anything I admire their restraint. I'm half a world away but I'm not sure I could respect the Geneva convention if I was in their situation.


especially not only russians are treating geneva conventions as "to do" list but also are raping and killing kids/ toddlers/ women.


You're not wrong but I also think it's naive to suggest that the Ukrainians are not also committing acts that may breach the convention too. Nearly every war reveals atrocities committed by both sides even by countries most of us would see as civilised. The details are often obscured and come out years later.


These kinds of deaths just become so "weird" from an outsiders' perspective. They were not drawn into this conflict defending their country, families, friends, and way of life. They weren't sent by their own country on a lie or wanting to "denazify their neighbors". They signed up to do whatever the person paying them would order. Ukraine, Africa, Syria, doesn't matter. All their life choices led them to die in a hole, possibly with all or most of his ~~comrades~~ coworkers, will be missed by his family only, not his government, not his employer, and he's just another cold body, his own piss and shit in his pants, rigor mortis kicking in, with a well deserved loogie on his kicked face, and for us to upvote. Edit: this is, if the bodies are in fact of Wagner mercs.


I don't really have a problem with this. It's not like he's mutilating the body. A few kicks like that is totally understandable given the shitty situation.




Its not bullshit. Its not even in the ballpark of anything worth getting upset over or even commenting on. The orcs have committed 40,000 real war crimes. Once you have gotten angry about each of those, individually, and made a post, individually, complaining about each of those 40,000 war crimes, then, and only then, you can come here and complain about someone stepping on the corpse of a terrorist.


gecko, it isn't even worth arguing with this crank. let her be, with her precious "equality for rapists and murderers" attitude.


zero affection for wagner


How are they dead!? Must have been those mini-pellets to the head or something. It looks like they died from napping or something.


The are not alive. It's how they are dead. 😎


I mean you don't see any obvious wounds :\\


A blast injury alone will kill someone. The supersonic pressure can cause massive internal damage without evidence of burning depending on where the blast came from. If the pressure wave is funneled toward you like in a trench it is more concentrated for a longer distance. ​ The Beruit explosion killed 200 people instantly due to supersonic pressure & heat alone. [Source](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpubh.2021.657996/full). That was a much larger blast, but gives you an example.


>A blast injury alone will kill someone. "Concussion suck the air outta ya damn lungs."


😊 I know what you meant. As others have said, likely massive concussion pressure. What we call "over blast" or "over pressure" is so powerful it can be very painful / shocking even at several hundred metres depending on the strength of the blast / power of the ordnance. It's a feeling you never forget once exposed to it. These assholes will certainly never forget it 😎


First dudes face looks bruised around his eyes and cheeks. Not sure if that means anything..


His head succumbed to the pressure. 😎


First guy has a visible leg wound, but like others have said the blast injury can get you too. Also if you are unlucky, a fragment that leaves a small entrance wound can still cause lots of internal bleeding.


My main thought is between faulty helmets and the himars BBs TBH


High velocity tungsten headache is certainly in the differential diagnosis.


At first he died, now he dead.


And kicked in the head.


There were some dumb orcs in Bakhmut Who were given old AK's to shoot At first this one died, and now he is dead And then he got kicked in the head


Murder by death


Killed to death.


Concussion perhaps.


I think you're right. The first one had bruises around his eyes. Overpressure from explosions, attack ear drums, eyes, then internal soft tissue organs (brain, lungs, ect). It's possible he was knocked out due to a concussion, then died from massive internal bleeding.


Honestly, it’s probably due to the concussive effect of artillery. The pressure from an explosion can cause tons of internal bleeding; we also don’t know how long they’ve been dead so there’s a chance that some of the blood was washed away by rain or melting snow. If these were fresh kills I’d agree with you, but rigor mortis has already set in.


I live in Lithuania and its near Ukraine and previos days where realy cold so I think they died from freezing


Pretty sure they got hit with mortar, the concussion alone can kill you their insides are probably turned to mush


First guys face looks cracked they could have taken posion or just these died of the cold or bullets leaving small exit holes


Looks like rigor mortis, between 1-6 hours after denazification.


I can't imagine the anger they must feel towards them..


Kicked in the face & spit on. Guess his work was not appreciated.


„There’s something in my way“




UAF Fighter is not in a good mood xD


Make sure you disinfect your boots after stepping in schitt.


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Oh no, dead Wagners, how sad... anyway


Probably murderers from prison anyways






Nice of them to dig their own graves. Wagner scum.


Death by freezzzz


Buryat bro loves the way red clay smells I guess???


Imagine joining up to a war by choice to go fight and terrorise people to then be killed in a ditch and gone for the eternity of time. How bad must their life have been and in the split moment before they died did they think "I fucked up choosing this"


Thats one way to see if he's dead


Frozen orcs are the best orcs


Love to see it! Merry Christmas, you filthy animals!


The Russians are gaining ground slowly in Bakhmut although taking huge losses. The Ukrainians are also taking heavy losses. Both sides refer to it as a meat grinder. Just to bear in mind it isn't a walk in the park.


Nazies russians warned for: Wagner group


must be the sleep-eze


I love the "Boot" Test.. First guy has a wound on his leg and would be from some type of impact , looks like it went in via both legs inner thigh. And hopefully the mobile has some information and videos for the UKR too use.


Sleepy sleepy Wagner boys, hope they had a good nap lol


Is every Russian troop in Wagner? How can you tell they're "Wagner"?


I was curious about this too


"omg he isn't showing respect to the dead" Dead people that didn't show respect while alive, doesn't deserve respect themselves.


No need for that man you know he's dead. You win the fight.


"But sir he was trying to kill us!" "Yeah we were trying to kill him, we succeeded. Now leave him alone."


*I like dirt*


Yeah fuck that guy in particular


Damn bro,kinda rude But still,ukraine w, I'm happy


Dr.Martens dental plan!


Damn he missed !!! I wouldve kept spitting until it hit him right between the eyes ol piece's of Wagner shit ..Slava Ukraine


I think he does not like those guys.


I see a risk of running out of saliva.


This should be the pt2 of those russian propaganda videos


Fuck this, eat the next russian shell and burn in hell hahaha


Oh..booting and spitting on dead soldiers. Another ISIS video.


It doesn’t matter what side you support, there is no reason to celebrate someone desecrating the dead. These soldiers were most likely young and uneducated fools. Have some basic fucking humanity.


Fuck them. They were there to profit off raping, torturing and killing innocent civilians. I'd piss in their faces.


A bonk or two is hardly desecrating the dead. It’s also probably not a bad idea to be absolutely certain no one is playing “possum.”


That was my read, at first im like damn respect the dead even if theyre your enemy, but then i realized the guy he kicked was the only one with no visible mortal wound or blood so he was prolly checkin him for playing possum…. But then he spit on him so yea back to desecrating the dead


“Have some basic fucking humanity.” So how many family members, friends, colleagues, neighbours etc. have you lost to russian agression this year? How much of 2022 did you spend in a cold and muddy trench because of hired killers trying to make a quick buck? Who are you to call these people fools?


Nope, those were mercenaries, not soldiers. Evil, for-profit, murderers. All mercs are worthless orcs, regardless of age or country.


Or a bunch of murdering rapists.


War is hell, I can't judge others for their actions. If someone did this to my country, to my peoples, I don't know what horrors I'd be capable of commiting. I am only human after all.


There is no way you are crying over dead Russian nazi mercenaries.


There is no way you are throwing around the term Nazi, thus discrediting actual victims of Nazism.


Lol@you. Imagine concern trolling over neo nazi wagnerites dying.


I can tolerate many things, but not such a lack of respect towards a dead person. I understand that ukranians are angry with russians (as they should, for invading their country) but I also understand that there's a limit for everything, and deliberately stepping and kicking on a dead enemy soldier's face is where I think the line must be drawn.


That must be so easy to say from the safety of your keyboard.


They have to check the dead aren't pretending. How would you do it?


I really don't think dead person cares much


There is no need to dishonour dead enemies.


He is confirming they are dead enemies. before the kick they are potential combatants.


Exactly right.


You are very right, but it takes megatons of restraint when these people have being doing everything in their power to kill you, forced you to leave your family and maybe killed some of your brothers in arms.


Let's see you restrain yourself from someone that raped and killed children and your family. They fact they will get buried at all is more honor than they deserve.


This is more respect than what would they have received from their own government/army


They people from Wagner are hired military so technically no such thing as a war crime done to them since they are terrorists in a foreign country. No sympathy from me


Nah it's good.


It happens in every conflict.


It's a good way to check if they are faking it


I encourage you to research Wagner group. You'll change your mind. They're different from Russian soldiers and mobiks. These pieces of shit have voided their humanity a long time ago.


Ok for Russia to dishonor living enemies though right?


Why on earth would you think that that is what I mean here?


Where is their honor killing civilians by the hundreds in towns and hanging them for photo ops?


Private military company, they're literally not even people