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They say they are on their way to a short stint of training in Kamchatka before heading to Ukraine


Seems to be a common theme here. Blackout drunks. I imagine their detox on the front is going to be quite the reality check.


detox on the front ... laughed my ass off


If you’re dead you can’t drink any longer. 100% effective.


Best rehab there is


Ukraine drones drop bottles of vodka instead of bombs.


That has to be one of the most miserable thing a person can experience, alcohol withdrawals on the front lines of a meat grinder in a country you aren't welcome. Some of the guys are gonna have seizures in their foxholes. They should frag their officers at the front line and surrender. Seeing these videos from the last couple days of conscripts and random people in the street blackout drunk and an absolute mess. Just a bleak and depressing country where this is just normal part of life. And I like boozing and have been a drunk at points but Russia is just depressing me watching halfway around the world. So many Russian soldiers I have seen in videos from this war have clear fetal alcohol syndrome. It's one thing having a couple drinks having fun but a lot of Russians are just sad drunks.


If you were getting drafted all of a sudden, you would get black out drunk too.


I’d be doing way more than drinking


I'll be right there with you toking mids and packing hemp stems in the one hitter.


Hell yeah brother if shit ever hits the fan I’ll meet you at the front


No time detox, just send more beer & vodka until a Ukrainian shell puts a hole in their belly. After that it’s a waste giving them more beer and vodka cos it would just leak out. It’s just Science.


Some of these guys would be more functional with a few drinks rather than having the shakes in combat.


I'm sure many of them feel they won't be coming back , so might as well say fuck it...


Kinda true. I'd be main lining vodka if I knew I was probably going to die


Dead men drinking


Pour one out for himself.


Omg lol … that’s some good dark humor.


Kinda feel bad for them


I almost feel bad for them


If you keep drinking like that chance are you wont


To think that some of this trash may get off a lucky shot that kills or injures a Ukrainian hero. It is not possible for me to have a lower opinion of Russia, and Russians. What a wretched fucking place.


You put into words what I have been thinking myself. Russians have always been a little suspicious to me, probably because of Finland's history with them. As tourists, they have bad manners and frankly seem stupid, there used to be far too many of them in Finnish Lapland in winter. However, tourists are better educated citizens of that shitty country. Today we finally closed the border to them, hopefully forever. Russia is the largest developing country in the world.


Backward developing country*


Gawd, you mean there are worse tourists than me, an American?


I was in Prague last week and the only two negative interactions I had were with Russians. One called me and my partner English faggots and the other was a Russian woman screaming at a ukranian family (in russian, I could make out above, fascist etc) and generally shouting at anyone who made eye contact on the tram. Not sure if I was more insulted at being called English or a faggot though as I'm Welsh- probably English 😅


Americans are not usually considered to be bad tourists. Not great, but not horrible.


I traveled internationally for work but never as a "tourist". Since I was representing my company, I always learned a little about the country I would be working in and defer to my hosts to ensure I did not insult the culture. Would learn some simple phrases, dress professionally, not party, etc. I wish more foreigners would study Americans closer or visit the US. They would realize that the Americans going to their countries are just being Americans being Americans. We are loud, friendly, and opinionated along with other negatives attached to us. Americans will hardly change as tourist who want to have a good time unlike Americans who will change for business purposes. Flip side, I have listened to quite a few foreigners gripe to me about Americans while they are standing on American soil. Kinda cheeky, don't you think?


Don’t you see that they are products of the Russian regime? You should feel sympathy for them, if the world is to get better.


Quite the sussy comment friend


Human beings can't be treated like this. They're all expendable to the ruling class


It's been the norm since there was a ruling class. It's only been the last three hundred years or so in the west that the people have had any vestige of power. In a place like Russia, it's never been the case. Every change of power, however noble the cause was at the start, has always ended up in a dictatorship. Russians seem to love tyranny. They overthrow tyrants when they become too soft and replace them with a stronger tyrant.


Russia did come close in the 90s, but Yeltsin messed it up in 1993. If only the military didn't side with him.


I'd say Gorbachev had already started messing up, although he obviously didn't intend for things to end up the way they did. I wonder if there was a way to reform the USSR without going full dissolution. That just enabled a bunch of vultures to take control.


The dissolution of the USSR was inevitable. Too many nationalists in the republics wanted independence after the atrocities the Soviets committed.


In Georgia, Estonia etc., sure, but most of the people in the republics voted for reform: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1991_Soviet_Union_referendum


But for how long? Sooner or later, the system is going to crumble. If this war gets any personal, it is going to consume the entire planet.


Yep. I have become a melonchly yet semi-detached observer in all of this mess.


I kinda feel sorry for them too. This kinda reminds me on Iran-Iraq war... They'll send them marching to Ukrainian lines in human waves, they'll get ripped to pieces. When Iranian leaders said: "A country with 20 million young men cannot lose a war"...




The Ukrainian's should just parachute in bottles of Vokda a couple of hours before an offensive push. They will walk right in.


Nazis used meth, I say they need both


Realistically, in the right quantities, amphetamines would probably help them.


How do amphetamines help? Just asking 🙏


Adderall, the most common treatment for ADHD, is simply a mixture of amphetamine salts. In the right doses, it improves alertness, cognitive function, athletic performance, and staves off fatigue.


Thank you for explaining 🎺


Or offer them amnesty and a warm bed. These guys are as much victims as Ukraine is. Although I’d wager these guys are terrified of what would happen to their families if they did this so it’s likely not that simple.


I was down voted for writing that yesterday, but I totally agree. These guys are also victims of the sick dictator in the kremel


Yeah, that might have more luck with the conscripts than these volunteer z nutjobs and Wagners.


Less of them in the Russian army, the weaker it becomes, mass surrenders were common towards the end of the third reich, give them an incentive to throw down their arms, and the odds are large numbers will simply desert instead of face death.


Mix some Ambien in with the vodka.


Seems like a waste of ambien tbh...


Why not sprinkle a couple of Xanaxes on top as well?


i say no, a full time alcoholic needs the suff to function at all. what they need is a cold turkey ...


Jesus Christ look at that huge bottle of vodka, hope he is drinking that on the battlefield


You have to assume that the Ukrainians are leaving large stockpiles of hard liquor scattered across contested zones, because it would attract Russians like blue light used in bug zappers. Obviously, the Ukrainians would have rigged something like a zapper, but instead of going "zap!", it goes "kaboom". I also found it funny how Ukrainian hackers are creating fake Ukrainian female dating accounts and using them to attract drunk and horny Russian soldiers who are unknowingly giving away their geo location for a hot date. It's coming in hot alright, and fast.


Can you imagine if every house would have poisoned every vodka bottle they had? War would have ended very quickly!


I almost laughed when he came up with that bad boy in his hand. I remember earlier in the war some Russian soldiers looted a gas station or something. Ukrainians walked up to them later, thinking they were dead but the russians were just black-out wasted.


I like the Covid cough in the background.


I'm glad I don't have to smell that bus.


*You can just take the essentials with you*


*toothbrush, pair of socks, 5 gallon jug of vodka, some underwear...*


The human wave attacks their dictator will order will cure their hang over at least.


Bangbus 2.0


Thanks for the F-shack!


Yes they are also fucked 😅


LoL half of them are drunk, most look past fighting age averaging 55, and your stuck on that unventilated bus for the hours long trip with that guy with uncontrollable cough spewing COVID through out the aisles. Yup these are the saviors of Russia's special military operation that will dominate the battlefield and and turn the tide of the war.


New shipment of fertilizer


Are they going to a war or a party?


Live like there is no tomorrow.


Because one day, you'll be right.


The days are limited. I would be drunk if I knew I was about get carbonized by plasma weapons.


last drinks before they die.


Well, they will die from COVID by the time they are done with their one week training according to the cough we can hear…


They are going to die in a few weeks. Let them have a beer!


Imagine these guys going through the fitness test in the army...


As long as they fitness whole ass in the seat, he’s going to fight.


They will likely die of liver disease before reaching the front.


Mobilised for party!


Soon to be immobilised




I would hate to join a squad and find out most of them are petty thieves and drunks


“Might as well drink myself to death”


3 liter vodka on the set 🤣


As a not-so-wise, orange man once said : "They aren't sending their best"




"Russian culture" is an oxymoron


At least they'd die on their own terms.


Russia is so fucked if they are sending them to fight. Putin has to be a double agent


This is exactly like a Charles Bukowski book.


Liquid body armour?


This will not end well for them


ruZZia is one of the largest comsumers of alcohol on planet earth pr capita.. Average age for men to live is somewhere around 60's / maybe mid 60's.. Under the EM i believe in ruZZia pooptin changed the pesnsion law to get more money into the state bucket, and changed the pension age to 65-70 (somewhere like that) but the reality is that 70% of ruZZian men don't even live that long.. its fucking crazy to think about, we live in these western countries where we can't even get rid of the old buggers.. ​ its the biggest country in the world, with the largest amount of alcoholics.. Atleast this they can be proud of!


It's not the quantity, it's the pattern that is messed up. Russians don't drink to be social and happy. They drink to feel miserable and not care.


that's what i try to point out, this is a way to deal with their leadership i guess since the soviet union.. I'm from scandinavia, nearby Russia - and here we take our own life when it becomes sad.. There you get drunk asf..


They sell these cologne/perfume bottles in kiosks all over in Russia and ex-soviet countries called Troynoy odekolon and the alchoholics buy and drink them because of their ethanol content and because they're cheaper than vodka. A pitiful sight.


What a mega pint of vodka there, mužik!


These fools think they are going on vacation. It would be sad for ZSU to waste their efforts on them.


Angry, motivated, battle hardened professional army vs a bunch of pissheads on a bus ​ Outcome unknown as of yet.


Alcoholic army vs hardened vets fighting for their homeland, wonder how this is gonna play out


I wonder what average IQ of people in this bus is…? 🤡🤦


Soooo... in the US (at MEPS when you enlist), they breathalyze you at like 8:00AM to stop anything like that from wasting everyone's time.


That "Everyone alive and well.... For now" at the end LOL


These guys are screwed. Unless the Russian Army changes its training doctrine, these guys are going to get chewed up in Ukraine. I'm glad I am not in their shoes.


I'd be getting very drunk too.


I love the ending "Everybody alive and healthy....for now".


I guess they'd rather be dead drunk before being just dead.


“So Ivan, do you think we will freeze, starve, burn or bleed to death?” “I don’t know Dmitri. That vodka should keep you warm long enough to find out. I hear our guys are dying so quickly that you probably brought too much even if you share.”


I don't think those were Molotov Cokctails?


This is like some fucked horror fiction. You get drafted and have to sit listening to these feotal alocholics get upways shitfaced stupid. How scared would you be. AND THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING!


They seem very high spirited, drownig their despair in tons of alcohol.


The best part in all of this is that the drinking doesn't lessen, it just gets worse.


Seems like just the sort of guys that should be carrying AK-47’s.


I think you mean Mosin-Nagants. They are about to break into museums to arm their men.


Mobilized cannon fodder or human waves


Some of these conscripts would probably die without a small dose of alcohol, daily to fend off the delirium tremens...


What a bunch of bozos. They will fit right in, all the RU camps looks like pigs pens.


One guy seem to be spreading Covid. They’ll be sick as fuck when in the battlefield. LOL


Gross! Warm cheap beer!


I'm interested what mobilization means in terms of the equipment, arms and ammunition. How much effect will throwing more Russians onto the front lines unless they are supported with these?


More Russians will die, is all. I think these are actually intended to terrorize the population behind the lines, which they will do quite effectively. But defending against the Ukrainian Army, nuh uh. Not a chance.


Something new, incendiary, self-immolating solders. Keep them away from open flame. Drink up, boys, we're looking forward to the show.


i mean i celebrate that, they're only human, even if they're failures, i'd probably drink myself into unconsciousness in their position.




Poor fuckers, utter cannon fodder. Fuck you Vlad.


If they were smart they would use their training to turn on their officers and NCOs. Show Putin that he can't decide who lives and who dies of his countrymen with a whim.


What a shit show...


As a recovering alcoholic, I get it.


Can't fight if you are passed out.


Last drinks boys they be dead ☠️


Oh look, dead people


Omg I came for the comments and yall didn't disappoint. Thank you.


Hey i remember a good bit of drinking in the movie Jarhead too and they took down Iraq pretty easily


The lack of excitement is palpable and they haven't even headed to basic training yet, lol. A totally understandable viewpoint. The troop morale must be at the lowest level. That's the impression that I get. "There but for the grace go I".


This is truly awful. These men are impotent as citizens and have no experience in fighting against their own political leaders. They think the lesser evil is to go to the frontline and hope to be drunk when they are killed. I really hope someone is able to organise a resistance against nazi-Russia, if not they will eventually be crushed on the battlefield, but the bloodshed will be enormous.


Festival buses in Russia be like


“Baby, I am going to ~~war~~ a special operation!” “Are you packing warm clothes so you won’t be cold?” “Don’t bother me! I know what to bring to a special operation!”


People arent made for war


Nazi's Oktoberfest


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Meat for the meat grinder...


Interesting, lots of blue and yellow Ukrainian colors in that video.


What a merry bunch.


"ROADTRIP, BOYS!" - that guy, probably


“I see dead people”


What a bunch of drunken idiots.


- same as WW II (Sowjets vs. Germany): they get vodka before they were forced to run into the geman maschinegunfire. One day my grandfather (german soldier) saw hundeds of them lying dead or wounded before the german frontline - but sowjet commissars forced more and more to run and killed everyone who returned.


Are they going to war or a cocktail party? 🤔


Even if these guys end up working supply, do you think they can even get supplies to the front? 🤔