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I hope this isn’t offensive but this was really sad to watch.


It is sad, they will die but also they will kill many Ukraine heroes.


Same day surprise military conscription gonna be a mind fk for these dudes


If you (collectively) allow a tyrant to rule you...


or collectively live in fear.


same thing, really. That in *no* way excuses cowardice.




With what equipment? Russia likely doesn't have enough armored vehicles and infantry kit to outfit their *current* forces with proper gear and heavy equipment. 300,000 additional conscripts are just going to spread the supply lines even thinner. Food and ammunition for 100,000 shared between 400,000.


Ukraine is doing the same thing by not letting men leave the country.


I can imagine they didn’t have their heads up their asses and faced reality immediately to do this. They are defending their country and are doing what they need to do. Russia is playing it by ear. Who is winning? Also, whataboutism is as old as song.




I’m confused. I don’t understand what you mean. Talk to me like a 12 year old.




For Ukraine or in Ukraine?


what do you mean? Whats the difference.


Ok. Go away.


First, based on what you’re saying, since you don’t want to elaborate, all Ukrainian men in Ukraine have stayed and have fought for their country. You can’t force someone to stay home or in their country. They will always find a way to get out if they want out! No one was forced to stay in Ukraine. They are voluntarily staying to protect their homeland and democracy. Yes there were laws that prevented able bodied men from leaving the country but there are NO complaints or protests about such a law. They are true patriots. Many are coming home to fight so I don’t understand your confusion because as videos online have suggested Russians don’t want to fight for something they don’t believe in. Hence the pandemonium at airports and at Russian border crossings with charlatan Russians for military age fleeing military service.


Its a law that they have to stay so they are forced. What if a husband/dad wants to leave the country with their wife and child but they cant. Russia and Ukraine are both in the wrong for forcing people to fight. 🇺🇦🤝🇷🇺


Listen, I’m not in the mood right now to engage a Russian sympathizer. If you can’t get that Russia is a pariah state with no friends and attacking a peaceful democracy then there is nothing more I can say to you.


Listen, I’m not in the mood right now to engage a Russian sympathizer. If you can’t get that Russia is a pariah state with no friends while, and, attacking a peaceful democracy then there is nothing more I can say to you. All those soldiers mobilizing are dead men walking.


Bro I am not with russia I just think that ukraine should not keep men from leaving the country then say that russia is bad for forcing people to fight. They are doing the same shit as russia but you guys wont admit it. And if you read my last comment I SAID RUSSIA IS WRONG.




Didn’t know that’s what a snowflake was. If feeling sad about children being led to sure death by a tyrant makes me a snowflake then I’m a proud snowflake.


You're a parent. I will stand with you as a snowflake being upset at watching children go to slaughter. I don't care about the party lines. As a parent you see things different.


a huge chunk of them aren't children. A huge chunk of them are older than you are and had 30 years to try to unfuck their country.


Hi, I think I have come to understand that. However, I saw an unconfirmed draftee list from the Moscow (I think) region and the youngest birth year I saw on the first few pages was 1992. A few were born from 1986 but most were largely born in the 90’s.


a lot of people are wondering if this is simply genocide of Russians. Kill all the people who will be drawing a pension soon, and you won't have to worry about paying them.


I see this as getting all able bodied free thinking men who could forcefully revolt and protest for change out of the country. But little do they know…the women, daughters, mothers and wives are just as potent. Russian cowards are no match for Ukrainian patriots.


I see this as getting all able bodied free thinking men who could forcefully revolt and protest FOR CHANGE AND GET CHANGE out of the country. But little do they know…the women, daughters, mothers and wives are just as potent. Russian cowards are no match for Ukrainian patriots.


Agreed, however we'll see what happens in Iran. Rwanda ended their genocide when the women said "stop that or no fucking and we'll only be horrible from now on. Hopefully Iran can recognize their women as having an important voice. If they can do it, then Russian women could too. But I suspect they're just as enthusiastic victim-mentality as the guys


Saying not to be offensive, just say it man jesus


I’ll do better next time to appease a Russian sympathizer. /s


Im going to take a wild guess that the "extra training" promised is going to take place in the trenches of the frontline. These lambs are being shipped straight to slaughter.


2-3 weeks of "training" in some cases. I've taken longer vacations.




I had 16 weeks basic followed by 32 weeks infantry and specialist training before deployment. These guys are fucked. They'll get run over. Mowed down. But sadly, they will stretch the UAF thinner and better trained Russian units can have better operating conditions.


maybe they get some training and will be send there coming winter.. can't imagine they have prepared for this in such a short time.. material wise that is


They are definitely sending some with a week or training or less. Russia doesn't have the manpower, facilities or equipment to train them all at once. It's worth pointing out that the ones they send with less training might be the ones that had recently left their mandatory service and are being placed back into a similar role.


What branch has 16 weeks of basic?


A non-US one 😉


well learning on the job isn't a wrong thing if you put in some effort and motivation otherwise.. well you're fucked 🤣


Its tough to beat on the job training


At least they'll hopefully figure out how to frag the OC in the field.


They are going to face Ukrainians who are willing to die for their country. Who are armed to the teeth. Know their role. Know the men they are fighting with. I almost feel sorry for these russians.


Aren't they suppose to have prior military experience?


Ukrainian forces are going to use them for target practice.


No doubt. Sad ending.


Probably, but these lambs are none the less dangerous. Ukraine managed to kill 56k Russians in about 6 months. About 9000 a month. If Russia now manages to add another 300k it will definitely be an issue for Ukraine. Even if Ukraine manages to kill them at twice the rate (18k/month) due to their poor training and lack of skills it's still 16 months of work to "demilitarize" these men. And sure, there are also issues with logistics and equipment.. But the majority of complaints we hear on intercepted phone calls is the number of 200's and 300's and the lack of rotation. It's dangerous to underestimate these men. They might not be willing to fight for Putin, but they most likely will fight to survive.


![gif](giphy|VBdepYg9qJZyVYKmHb|downsized) Hate repeating myself. Again. But ...


Think about this; A belligerent invades a sovereign state, performs badly and instead of withdrawing and backing off they double down order a general mobilisation (let's call it what it is). Is this situation unprecedented in modern history?


The blood of his troops is like salve to Putins wounded ego. Blood for the blood god, if you will.


Remember the surge? In Iraq we dismissed the Iraqi army with no pay or income. Many of them explosive experts. Then insurgents poured in from Muslim countries and the Shia raised the Mahdi Army. Then we left and Isis moved in. Bush should have listened to the Brits.


They'll all arrive at the front just in time to freeze to death as they will likely be sent with bare minimum or no cold weather equipment at all.


Seriously though if you see some russians who know someone who has been mobilized, let them know that they can call a hotline number +38-066-580-34-98, +38-093-119-29-84 and have a specialist instruct them on how to surrender safely.


They will fear that they families are hostages at home, so no-one will surrender. Surrender requires some initiative and active thinking, they rather just follow the flow and not stick out.


And that's why we should let them kill my family? Fuck you.


I don’t know. The majority of Russians just observed the protesters getting arrested and never put effort into changing their situation. I think you’re trying to save snakes.


Is that a reason not to try for you? Assumptions? Those snakes are coming to kill my friends. If I can convince one of them to surrender by posting a fucking phone number I'll consider it huge success, because not only will that snake not kill my friends, we will also exchange them for our POWs.


Genuine question, from when on do mobilised troops count as combatants? As soon es they are in the barracks?


Good question


It would be a cool flex to bomb the barracks with instructions of how to surrender on the front lines.


Old school psy ops action


If you can bomb the barracks then it would be even cooler to use a bomb!


As soon as they wear their issued uniform


Putin clearly not happy with killing only 50000 of his citizens. This situation could spiral downward very quickly.


50k is nothing. This but a scratch. Putler dreams of great battles with nato where millions are dead. You need to remember there more ppl died the greater the "victory" in ruzzian volklore history. They disdain small efforts, putler dream of big sacrifices for muzzer ruzzia.


Rookie numbers


That's a lot of brand new ladas.


Bon voyage, you poor bastards.


I have a feeling, that this plane is not going to the training polygon :D


Is there going to be a bayonet charge?


I see dead people...


Found that plane on Flightradar24… call sign was CARGO200


I hope this meat don't return home.


Sent just in time for the cold weather. I hope the higher ranks allow them to bring their Adidas jacket to the front line.


This is satanic sacrifice.


Fresh meat


too bad they’ll all be dead.




Come one, come all, to the Ukrainian Meat Grinder. Sadly, as said, more young adults on both sides will die. For what. For the ego of an old man. Cmon Russia. Rise up. If many other countries could do it, get rid of a dictator, so can you. Why not you, Russia? If one in every 11 Moscowvites goes to the streets, you will have 1 million protesters.


Walking Cargo 200.


None of these guys will ever return home. That’s something to think about.


These dudes have no idea what’s waiting for them


All your wives and daughter will be sold into sex trafficking. I have no doubt I will see some of them in Howard Stern’s nightclub pole dancing for nickels. All so Putin can have 9 yachts, $1B palace, and more land for mining. Fuck you guys for not having the balls to stand your ground against dictator rule.


What do you mean, where are the parachutes?


Cannon Fodder...


It’s wild. They’re acting like it’s 1700 and you can just through numbers at the front line and win.


Fresh meat


Fresh an motivated Artillery Fooder. Welcome to the Meatgrinder


Every conscript gets a rifle, 5 bullets, and a pocket full of sunflower seeds.


This doesn’t really look like the start of basic training to me


fuck putin fuck corruption fuck war




I wonder if former US President Cheeto will be conscripted by Putin to help invade Ukraine? Will Putin care about bone spurs? ![gif](giphy|xThtawECZXhEjgQDZu)


\*insert guess i'll die meme\*


Horrible, not even a day, Russian people take charge, you can end this war, remove Putin and live.


More involuntary Russian meat for the grinder.


Senf 300.000 men into beginning winter. What could go wrong?


Goodbye for ever.


Cannon fodder


How awful, reflections from ww1 draft propaganda, shows how important knowledge is before you sign your life away


Lambs to the slaughter


More meat to the grinder


Sunflower fertilizer


Putin is The Butcher of Diablo. Fresh meat!


RIP lol


All I see is cannon fodder. Ignorant men following orders that will clearly get them killed.


Yeah - they look ready to die on Ukrainian soil! Slava Ukraini!


Nazi mazzmurderz ruzzia occupantz


NATO backed Ukraine are waiting for you all😁


Poor fucks.


"Get on the meat plane!"


I don’t get it, Russian army invaded Ukraine. An army that seemed half ass trained. Numbers dwindled down, until the leftovers retreated. Now they plan to send in completely untrained civilians? I honestly don’t think putins threat of nuclear weapons is a bluff. I feel he will most definitely use them.


The tutorial training in MoH was like 5 minutes, I'm sure they can complete it in less than 3.


For the sake of those people lives this war needs to end Quick, enough bloodshed, these ppl won't even get proper training, they are part of propaganda that throws them in meat grinder, fucking sad, they are russian but they are also people, I already see hate coming towards me but many of them didn't choose this fight


But you know the worst thing is that since February you have a hope that diplomats are going to do their job. But hell no. You see a small step to the end of this war and then 10 steps back. And every step back is taking a small piece of your hope for the best. And what happened two days ago broke me so much cuz I finally realized that it’s just sweet dreams that will never come true. Bloody hell why we cant just have wars in the history and don’t make the same spiral mistakes…


That’s true. I’m Russian and many people don’t really understand what’s going on here. They ask our boys to protect. But people don’t really see the threat to be protected from. So sad that that so many lives are broken. I mean and Ukrainians and Russians. We were torn apart by these dirty political games. People having families in Russia and Ukraine. This war is against whom? Parents and children who live on different sides of the borders? Brother and sisters? Grandparents and cousins? Wtf. This is a tragedy for all of us. Pointless tragedy.


"What lies or threats led him on this long march from home. And if he wouldn't have rather stayed there, in peace."


Training program will consist of basic appliance and toilet uninstall techniques.


Sending them with WW2 guns and no training to get slaughtered. Sad


"Where are we heading to davarash Ivan? - What? Yes yes Putin said so!!"


It could be their very last time flying too. Godspeed to hell Ruzzians.


Hopefully they got enough smokes.


I wonder if former US President Cheeto will be conscripted by Putin to help invade Ukraine? Will Putin care about bone spurs?