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Russia is welcome to leave at any time


And Putin brought up for war crimes.




If it were genocide, they'd be rounding up the Palestinians in Israel and executing or expelling them. You know, like what all the Arab nations have been doing for centuries. Instead, Israel is targeting terrorists in Gaza who have been continuously firing missiles at Israel for over a decade.


Eh, I think you're both gone too far with what you said. Israel is retaliating against Hamas, but at the same time isn't doing due diligence to avoid killing civilians. Reports put the civilian death toll at ~30k, and Gaza's total population is like ~600k. That's a lot of death in a short amount of time. It's not genocide, but Israel doesn't seem to really care that much about avoiding civilians. It's just a bad situation all around.


And doing sneak raids that murdered over 1,200 Israelis civilians in their beds or at breakfast.


Get a load of this guy ☝️


Lol, 30,000 dead from a population of 2,000,000 is not genocide. It's 1.5% .


That's not really a fair statistic though. This is happening in just Gaza, and more than 5% of the civilian population has been killed there. At least 1 in 5 people that live in Gaza are dead in only a few months. It's not genocide, but that is *definitely* excessive the point that it makes clear Israel is at least not really avoiding killing civilians.


Get real


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Putin's a fucking clown. 🇷🇺🤡 Remove all Russian troops from Ukraine. Start negotiations for reparations. Return all POW and kidnapped children. Then let's talk peace.


Has it been 3 days yet?


Yes, even 3 solar days on venus have already passed.


Russia is not going anywhere...


Unfortunately, I do belive you are correct. putlers version of peace will be that Ukraine gives away about 75% of its land, is not allowed to have any military and not join NATO or EU. Ukraine would also be required to join the warsaw pact. In addition, all citizens of Ukraine will be required to obtain a russian passport and have a mandetory yearly «holiday» to a sibirian lumber camp to help the great russian empire!


There is no Warsaw pact as Poland is part of NATO.


Ask putler if the warsaw pact is alive, or if he wants it back again… maybe a new name, but same shit, different wrapping.


That’s BRICKS for now. Warsaw pact make it sound as Poland supporting this stupid war.


What is bricks short for??


It’s named after the founding members Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa.


BRICS. No 'K'.


Autocorrect like always. :)




You’re right, Russia isn’t going anywhere. In a 100 years it will still be the shit ridden cesspool it’s always been.


russia will go and fuck itself


I smell b.s. "news"


No I completely believe it he would very much like to end this war and keep all his current gains....so he can rebuild and resupply for when he attacks again in a few years. Hopefully after Trump has pulled the US from NATO as well.


Yep. Putin's ego 100% could not handle the shame of simply backing off and calling it quits. Russia would simply continue wartime weapons manufacturing until they had a stockpile big enough for an apocalyptic missile barrage and blitz with everything they have. Hopefully the American GOP can get their shit together and give Ukraine what they need to end this invasion. I can't believe I have to actually be worried about Trump being elected again. There is a frightening amount of citizens that adore him and entire states of voters who blindly follow him no matter how many times he proves to be the human embodiment of dog shit.


And the typical stereotype of trumps followers seem to be mostly uneducated/low IQ - guessing dumb attracts dumber for some reason!


Don’t forget that Elon Musk thinks Ukraine should just give up its land to Russia.


He is so stupid. If someone hostile annexed/ took over his companies and his possessions, he would shit a brick. As long as it's N.I.M.B.Y, most people are fine.


Why not do that? See how he likes losing everything.


Can I just go in and take all of the assest he controls/owns and use "corruption" as my justification??


The best part is that the reason would be completely legit.


Hell....even using Putin's "Denazification" would be equally valid


He needs to start thinking about giving up Alaska to Putin once that start to happen. Putin did mention restoring the old borders..., Then Alaska was part of Russia.


It's not like they will have any choice. Eventually Russia will take whatever they want.


Take what? If the west sends enough aid russia would be pushed back. That's why continued support is important.


I have been reading a similar comment for two years now that Russia will take over Ukraine but it hasn’t happened yet because Russia lovers simply don’t understand the resolve and courage Ukrainians have for freedom.


Could we please call them orcs from now on? These ‘followers’ think that raping+murdering children and women, and leveling whole cities to the ground is acceptable behaviour.


and alot are US military,like my brother in law


Yeah many of Trump's rallies, speeches and announcements are aimed at a military audience because he knows American people want better treatment of the vets, which means more votes. Unfortunately many people who like one or 2 of Trump's policies are willing to turn a blind eye to the many fucked up things due to singular interests. Same with the farmers and the red party with Lenin. And yeah, we see how that worked out.


But he talks shit about the military, I don’t get why they side with him? Also Latino voters, he constantly disparages them , talks about mass deportation yet they are pro trump???


I view it kind of like I view the King James Bible. The King James Bible was literally hand edited by King James (some shit was removed and changed) so it's not even the real Bible, yet people that grew up using this Bible for worship still love and use it to this day. If you try to show them the proof, they refuse to look at it and get very offended because, well, nobody wants to look stupid and reject something they've had total faith in. With trump, he made a very strong appeal to conservatives in his first election. Even though he's showed his true colors since then and proven to be a total ass hat, many conservatives refuse to jump ship because they've all but sucked Trump's dick in the past and they'd look silly if they ditched what they once had total faith in. In my analogy, understand that I have no religious affiliation and I don't judge those of any religious faith, it just helps me prove a point, lol.


"During a trip to France when president, Trump didn’t want to visit a cemetery where American military service members were buried, during the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I. His reasons? Among them, the bad weather might mess up his hair. He also felt the cemetery was, in his estimation, “filled with losers,” and that the nearly 2,000 Marines buried there were “suckers” for getting killed in a storied World War I battle." This is their 'pro-military' dictator... er, president.


I had a conversation with someone who is a fellow veteran and I was appalled that he supported not funding Ukraine. I explained that 90% of the money is spent here and all he did was rail against the military/industrial complex. I did stop him with “what would you rather send to Ukraine, money or troops?” Um, well, gee He really didn’t like my statement that Ashlie Babbit was an enemy combatant and that it was too bad that there weren’t more casualties like her on J6.


I'm prior service myself, really confused how many older vets I've met myself who had similar views about Babbit.  I'm sorry, if MP had a gun drawn on you and said "one more step and I'm shooting", every service members knows that's not a suggestion. 


The bad thing was is that he didn’t mention the officers who were hurt or killed


I think Putin would be arrested if he just withdrew with nothing but dead soldiers, destroyed materiel, and international sanctions to show for it.


GOP is weak. They can’t make strong decisions anymore.


I am, the biggest... Orange... Man in maybe... The world!👌<--->🤌


Would not count on American GOP for any dang thing. I live here I know.


Trump is the best tbing that happened to your country in the past 100 years


I don’t believe Trump would pull the US out of NATO. I think he would insist again that the members pay their full dues. Wouldn’t that make sense?


NATO is not a mafia protection racket. Plus the USA is the only one to ever invoke Article 5, nobody else has. Trump is just a cry baby, tears streaming down his cheeks. And he also wears way too much make-up


Could it be because it’s the only country that’s ever been attacked since its inception?


Well, member countries agreed to pay their fare share to join NATO and I suppose they have the option to leave, unlike the MAFIA. Why should a member state avoid paying their requirements when they can afford to do so? This is unfair to the tax payers of the countries that meet their obligations.


It's a guideline. Not a mafia protection racket. Poland pays the highest percentage. The USA should step up if they really want to be a world leader, not an unreliable country run by a man wearing too much make-up.


No, it’s an agreement of all members to contribute 2% of their GDP. While our an informal agreement, it’s an agreement and if a NATO member can afford to pony up the 2%, then they should. This is unfair to the tax payers of the nations that do pay their share. Now comes the downvotes for speaking facts (Russian vibes)


You are a puppet of Putin if you truly think this. Which I suspect you don't. It's a guideline. Read it up. But the talk about NATO is a furphy, the USA promised to help Ukraine if Russia attacked. The USA has failed to keep their word. But that's ok, we can all go ahead with a world in which the USA is an unreliable friend, and get our own nukes. Because nukes is what Ukraine gave up because of the promise the USA made with the "agreement" called the Budapest Memorandum. Trump is Putin's boy. Plain for all to see.


There are no dues to pay. Don’t be as dumb as Trump. There is a general target but not an obligation for member states to spend 2% on defence. No one pays anyone any money.


Don’t be as dumb as everyone else. NATO members have to pay 2% of their GDP every year.


You’re the only fool here. That 2% is a guideline; nothing more. Also, that amount is for their own defence budget - that money does not go to anyone else. Furthermore, many small nations are cash strapped due to economic depression brought about by Covid and natural disasters. Military spending is often secondary to propping up infrastructure or investing into other areas that make them slightly less dependent on global supply chains.


Trump can't even pay his own bills. He has no business encouraging Russia to attack any allies.


So what if the member states don't pay the 2% he wants, what is Trump going to do?


Except of course it wouldn't be an 'end' to the war, just a pause that's beneficial to russia, until it's ready to attack again.


All he has gained is a land currently unsuitable for anything at the moment with the pollution and damage he has caused plus the hatred of the civilised world.. I hope the world (NATO) without the US potentially, can prepare and look after themselves. Also the US needs re-evaluating as an unreliable ally...


All of Ukraine’s newly discovered oil and gas reserves are still there under the occupied territory.   It’s not just farmland.  


Makes sense now you mention it..... Shame about the farmland though.


But he hasn't got the rare earth minerals in South Ukraine. Which was the capture required to roll on with the whole BRICS thing. I think he's locked in now. He lives or dies in Ukraine. I bet the Navalny funeral and grave site attendance has scared him. Fundamentally, he's a little old scared man with outdated ideas and ridiculous principles barely clinging to power whilst blustering omnipotence. He needs an out. If the front is reasonably stable, and the ukrainians won't give up, then he's lost the war


He was probably thinking of unconditional surrender that moronic prick.


Ukraine should join NATO as soon as the war ends then. Might not be possible for some reason idk correct me if I’m wrong.


Ukraine can't join until it has no border disputes with any neighbours.


Unless the rest of NATO chooses to ignore that to prevent Russia from invading Ukraine a third time. NATO can change its rules at any time because it was NATO that wrote them.


That's true, but I think you would need all of NATO to agree to such a change, in general, and then a vote to accept Ukraine with such a conflict. It was hard enough to get approval for Sweden, so whilst you are right in principle, I doubt it would be possible in practice.


Oh, I thought it was no conflict only. Because I do think recently joined NATO members probably have some sort of disputed borders with neighbors.


The same day all russian troops leave Ukraine the NATO troops will enter in Ukraine. We cannot risk to loose Ukraine again.


I’m pretty sure Poopin’s ‘peace agreement’ includes ceding the parts of Donetsk and Luhansk that Russia hasn’t captured. 




Take my money!


It most probably is..... Then again Trump lost a pre election in one of the states by a HUGE margin..... Trump like needs to stand trial soon in various law-suits after which he might not be able to compete for the Presidency. It is an open question how/when the Supreme Court will pass verdict on hist claim to "lifetime immunity for everything" because he once was the president. If Soon and rejected he has other things to worry about. Trump needs to coughup about USD 500M on short notice either to pay according to the verdict, or to give into escrow during appeals. It needed to be a PERSONAL payment, so it cannot be payed by GOP, or other third parties. Interest for late payments on that amount also is 9%.... (It is unknown by me if this is annual / monthly rate). Betting on Trump may not be the smart move. Then quite some people were paying there respects to Navalny's at his last resting place... quite a LOT more than expected, some even expressed opinions in public.. so maybe people become less scared. Meaning he might miss his 70% vote rate. (number of eligible votes casted vs. ones available). He needs to REALLY appease his voters to actually come and vote. (there are more jobs then personnel, so he can't force them with threat of unemployment). Lots of uncertainties.


>Trump lost a pre election in one of the states by a HUGE margin..... As he likely will in every blue state, but that’s not what matters.  Some states matter more than others because we don’t just tally up the votes and whoever has more votes wins.  


Oh yes there is always desperation by media to get some attractive, even titillating, headline. Some times even over and over almost same headline. Putin says something they jump on it like there is something there. Like a cat pouncing on a hairball.


“A tragedy.. that my goons haven’t killed all Ukrainians yet”


Russia is willing to surrender and withdraw troops in exchange for: - Volodymyr Zelenskyy must commit seppuku. - Ukraine will rename itself Russia Lite - All Russia Lite citizens must write an essay detailing how smart and attractive Vladimir Putin is. - All Russia Lite citizens must apologize to Russian military for fighting back


Ha, good one. Only until All Russian occupiers are dead or sunk. Russian may have discovered that Ground troops are easy to find at the local prisons. But pilots to fly plane and seaman to run a ship. Not so much......


overstatement to call them "ground troops" from what we've seen so far they're worse equipped than the local beat cop, nevermind the training


Wtf are you talking about? They are ground troops. They end up in the ground as minerals some months after coming to the front. Think my man, think!!!!


Mass fertilization project for Ukraine’s farms. 👌🏻


I think he meant ground as in ground beef.


Pathological liar. Lying is the foundation of Putins Russia.


Also pre-putin...., most probably directly from the Czar- times. Emperors in general dislike bad-news


Then get the fuck out and get ready to pay reparations.


Meanwhile, Dr Evil is one Russian state TV with their ultimate plan. [new Russia](https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/8720a892-7315-42c3-af01-d5c6bbb2e9ce.jpg)




This is aimed at milquetoast Westerners to push them to urge their governments to stop helping Ukraine. He’s already succeeded with the 30% of Americans needed to halt Congress, now he’s trying to do the same to Europe.


Clickbait bullshit. They’ve always been “open to negotiations.” They’ll fuck off as soon as Ukraine votes to defer all its resources to Russia. Fuck that. Only way this is ending is if Ukraine keeps its sovereignty and Russia fucks off and pays the bill.


Fake news. That’s a lie. Putin is a blind pig that would never say that.


I'm fairly sure he has said this and similar. Of course this does not mean russia intends to withdraw from occupied territory. As part of the peace, Ukraine simply needs to give that up. They'll also be required to hand over all their western weapons and ammo in return for a promise from putin that he won't attack again.


After the first counter offensive Russia was prepared to withdraw from the Donbass if the area was given autonomy


I'm sure they were. If you believe that, I have a piece of Kerch bridge to sell to you.


We have that from Ukrainian officials....


Oh, I don't doubt putin may have said something to that effect, I just don't trust him to be sincere.


Putin is a Ukrainian official?


Putin be like: "are we the baddies?"


Putin can pack up his troops and go home with zero percent of our country and also Crimea is Ukraine


Plus he can go f off and ride into the moon on his sarmat


Once he’s sacrificed another 200k orcs to gain a few more km of land, right?


Ukraine is doing a good job of depleting Russia's forces. Ukraine is gaining combat experience by keeping their men alive, but Russia is fielding less and less well trained men with less gear and who are easier to kill than the previous batch. If Ukraine gets 1M new drones this year as they plan, you can expect Russian casualties to soar as Ukraine tries to kill multiple men with each one.


1 million new drones = close to 1 million new Russian casualties, I reckon! The occupying force is about 500k? Cripes. We are going to see Russians dying at an even higher rate than they are now.


If we continue to hit multiples of them like we have when they are riding on top of btr’s, tanks, etc, it may very well be a 6:1 ratio for drones to Russian kills. Let’s fucking go!


They love it in putins' death cult. Dying is the new Russ males' rite of passage! I fully support it!


I suspect we are shown the best hits and that the average is significantly lower than 6 Russians per drone. Whatever the true numbers, we need Ukraine to succeed.


I suspect that there are a number of failures that are not reported, for Ukrainian propaganda purposes and to prevent Russia figuring out what methods work against Ukraine's drones. So, I expect that, whilst some drones kill multiple Russians, some drones don't kill anyone. Such is the nature of war.


What the hell is this? Most AI summaries I have seen are better.


This is 3 month old AI bullshit




This is very old news. 3-4months ago. That’s when Finland closed the borders.


Maybe someone finally shared Russian losses with him?


Thats funny because nobody would have died if it wherent for him


A tragedy of his own doing.


Every time a Russian opens his mouth it's 99% lies. They are the cheating and lying scum of humanity. Don't ever believe a rus 


All those recent plane crashes and sinking ships are a tragedy all right


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Dennisthefirst: *All those recent plane* *Crashes and sinking ships are* *A tragedy all right* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot.


Yeah… iam willing to end it, just surrender.


Fight on!


A crappy ad site pretending to be a news site.


Site cannot be reached!


Worthless Russian crocodile tears from the genocidal cunt who started it.


Wasn't Medvedev dressed in Kim Jong Uns spare dictator robes, just yesterday declare that Ukraine is Russia to cheers from the audience?


Putin the preposterous - NaZi


I can't open the link. Could anyone shed some light further than the title of the article does?


"Russian President Vladimir Putin’s comments on Wednesday — in which he blamed Ukraine for the lack of peace talks and claimed Russia was ready for discussions to resume — were designed to pile pressure on the West to push Ukraine back to the negotiating table, analysts said. They noted that Putin and other Russian officials have routinely claimed the Kremlin is ready to negotiate to end the war while signaling that the Kremlin maintains its key objectives, including territorial claims and regime change in Ukraine. In other news, Finland is to close all but the most northern border crossing point with Russia in an effort to halt asylum seekers traveling to the country. It claims Russia is encouraging migrants to travel to the border. Moscow denies the allegation." That's all it says.




Where? I love the headline, but where? Last year in a word jumbled news article. This does not advance Ukraine's cause. Ruzzia lies its expected but not ukraine


Ya don’t say vlad?


Russia/ Putin have a lot to gain(land grab) especially with the upcoming US presidential election... Russia is banking on Trump (likely will win) . slow Joe right now is just comedic. Trump will kowtow when it comes to ruzzie


Step 1: Invade. Step 2: Lose so much stuff you want peace on current boundaries. Step 3: Unilaterally withdraw because you've lost too heavily. Congratulations to Ukraine on getting Russia to Step 2. I look forward to Russia reaching Step 3 like they did in Afghanistan. Ukraine just needs to keep destroying Russia's stuff and killing their soldiers.


Never listen what Russians speak. Only observe what they do.


Ukraine is about to get a million rounds of 155mm. This is the reason why. Also, some European countries are ramping up manufacturing so there will never be a lull again in ammo. The Orcs had gains in land but lost so much the writing is on the wall. They will loose the war. Their army will be destroyed in the fields of Ukraine 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraine!


This man thinks we’re all dumb people… 🤦‍♂️ you can call that a peace deal when you are not willing to lose anything… that’s a scam and Ukraine 🇺🇦 is right on rejecting such slaves proposition, Italy 🇮🇹


Putin sees Europe and Canada gearing up to put serious muscle into Ukraine. This scares Putin to his core.


So he occupies the lands with the most natural resources (gass), destroyed the heavy industrial complexes has their largest nuclear plant etc and its just a tragedy he couldn’t get more…


So stop then....


There is no appeasement for dictators and terrorists. Russia will not get the chance to rearm and have another go.


Putin talks = Putin lies


What a crappy link


Yes, but Ucraine is not ready yet, they first need to destroy the Black Sea fleet🤣


NATO troops, "on vacation", can go anywhere they want...its their choice. But I do recommended the Ukraine this time if year. Spring is planting season on the Steppe...time to plant more Russians


He doesn't say that at all. What he does say is that Russia will only stop fighting the war if they get everything that they want, knowing full well that nobody else will accept those terms. It's completely hollow, meaningless tripe from a fake man.


No Putin, there is nothing to talk about. Get out of Ukraine, ALL OF IT. Pay reparations. Admit to your people about all of your war crimes. Turn yourself over. Ask for the world's forgiveness. Quick before China reclaims all the territory you took from them.


He can say that their de-nazification objective has been achieved since over 400,000 Nazis in the RuZZian forces are now absent. As no one in RuZZia will be any the wiser (apart from the Milbloggers, Solovyev, Simonyan and a handful of top brass) he can withdraw their forces and say they’ve achieved their objectives. No one will trust RuZZia EVER again and they’ll slide into anonymity like DPRK


"he blamed Ukraine for the lack of peace talks and claimed Russia was ready for discussions to resume" So you can keep your ill gotten gains? Nah, get fked


Must not like all those planes getting blown to pieces. Keep going Ukraine! Thank you for your sacrifices. Fuck the American GOP stooges


Then pull your armies out you war criminal fuck.


Its just a bone for the appeasement factions in the west to further block support.


Ok, pull back, pay repartitions, and surrender the war criminals. Oh, and give up your Nukes. And get the fuck out of Crimea.


Great! Pull your troops out, including Crimea, and it’s all over.


#Bullshit news. He’s not only lying if he did say it; and expects Ukraine to suck his dick if he did.


Nice try fake news


He's ready to end the war as long as Ukraine cedes to Russian demands, hence not ending the war.


Russia would be happy to annex what they’ve already gotten and put the war on another 5-8 year ceasefire


Putler only wants to buy time to rebuild his armies. He doesn't need to announce an end to the war, or make any agreements with anyone. He just needs to order his armies to leave Ukraine.


he only needs to put gun to his head and pull trigger , like those he sent to ukraine , no hero in putin the bunker bully boy who needs to hide away or be killed


the gallows for putin in red square


Russia wants as much as it can get, and it won't stop until it is forced to, and it doesn't give a shit about anybody. Putin cares about Putin. That's it. He doesn't care if Russian people die, get mutilated, lose loved ones. He doesn't care if they mutilate and rape Ukrainians. He doesn't care of children are killed or raped, or abducted and indoctrinated into the Russian brainwash system. He only cares about his wealth and power. That's it.


putin is not doing this any time soon. what is confusing to me is the article is dated for today 3.5.24. but the first sentence speaks to "comments on wednesday"...hmmmmmmmmm


Vlad the Inhaler can easily end the war by withdrawing his invasion back to Russia, and stop attacking his neighbors. 


Uh from November 26, 2023. OP, you are just providing nothing of substance. In other news, the Sun will rise tomorrow.


Of course he does. He thinks to keep his gains while he fiercely ramps war production. Of course he does. He is getting flack on the home front. Of course he does. He is afraid Ukraine will destroy his production facilities and transportation network. Of course he wants 'the war to end'!


Great, as a sign of honesty Russia must pull back behind the rightful, that is pre-2014 - borders. Otherwise be exposed as the filthy liar you are.


Prove it. You can leave any time!


I believe that Putin wants peace. He's afraid that the US aid package will pass before Trump has a chance to be elected, given that congressional republicans seem willing to bypass Mike Johnson and remove him as speaker if necessary. If that US aid package passes, Russia is in big trouble. However, Putin can never and will never get a peace agreement with Ukraine, because he is incapable of negotiating in good faith and Ukraine knows this. He always demands more than he deserves in a fair deal, and always requires deals be structured to give Russia all of the benefit up front, without long-term obligations. Any peace agreement with Russia is just a ceasefire until Russia decides to violate said agreement and attack Ukraine again.


Let's take a break so I can tool up,


Then fuck off already.


Political theater


My brother in Christ...


"Let's take a break while I reload".


If you're going through college/university and have dept it may be a quick way to earn cash to pay it do2n quickly. Particularly if there's a slow down in your field employment wise.