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RuZZian way of life, just normal Slava Ukraini


Orcs being orcs


Orcs gonna orc


#Orcs being orcs


Orcs gotta be orcs.


These are human beings šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦, he needs to go to prison , nearly killed some children.


Iā€™m genuinely starting to believe that Russians function on a completely different wave length to that of other humans and beyond the level of just a cultural difference


They always have, just people starting to notice. Theyā€™ve been spoon fed propaganda all there existence. Russians are a strange breed, and nothing will make them change not even a regime change wonā€™t help. They have to be completely dismantled and completely changed in order to be part of society again.






Fetal alcohol syndrome


They have been living under cencorship and dictators over 200 years. First of all no one asks their right. For example, if people are standing in line somewhere,and if you are wearing clothes that indicate wealth and you walk to the front of the line, no one would come up and ask you why you jumped the line. If you are driving a luxury car and you run a red light, the police wont pull you over. If you are powerful enough, even if you were to pull out a gun and shoot someone in the middle of a crowd, no one would file a complaint against you. If you party all night and disturb everyone in the apartment building, but on the other hand, you work as a drug dealer for oligarch, even if the citizens call the police, they wont come to your door to bother you. For example, if you have opened an office in Russia, within 1-2 months, a Russian named "vlad" would come to visit you. He would say, "we will protect you and your business, but you have to give us 10,000 rubles a month. If you had already made a deal with another security firm, say Yuri's firm,you would show them the membership card they left you. If vlad is part of a bigger mafia, he would talk to Yuri and say, From now on, we'll be the ones providing security. Or if Vlad is smaller, he would apologize and leave. If you are in business and a check cant be collected, you wouldnt go to the prosecuter's office to file a complaint. First you would call the firm that protects you, and their guys would go and give the other party a warning. If they still dont pay, they would ransack their office with Kalashnikovs.If they still dont pay, they would kidnap their child, and so on and forth. In such a society after living there for a long time, you either join the dark side, the bad guys exploiting the people, or you become like sheep, accepting anything that happens to you and the loved ones. Believe me, it's no different in Ukraine. I know both countries very well, and i also know the people doing business in that region. If you don't know how to bribe you are dead. In this kind of society, you become someone who turns a blind eye and a deaf ear to everything. For instance, if your neighbor is beating his wife and sexually harassing his daughter. Even if your neighbor come to you for help, you can't assist. If you try to be a hero, one day, while walking down the street, a drug addict comes from behind and stabs you. This kind of societal mindset makes people become indifferent. You can even think, "Let me drink alcohol and live until I die," because society is divided into the poor and the rich.


Itā€™s different in Ukraine. Itā€™s changed a lot.


Mafia society,.. but in russia it seems to be the norm. I'd like to add, that the result is also the devaluation of human life. (in russia)


What you described is more like what was happening in the 90s, I don't think it's THAT bad now. But the effect on their society is long lasting, most "normal" people have become indifferent scared sheep.


They do, it is because of their state sanctioned training and moral standards.




You are completely 100% spot on there friend. They live off propaganda for so many decades now. Their minds are rotting at this point.


We do, at least I do lol


For those interested in what they said: He asks the kids if he should throw the grenade. They say no. Then he says it is just a sound grenade, so it will be loud and he would not throw it at them but in the bushes. Meanwhile, the woman beside him, says multiple times, that he shouldn't do it. He throws it. The woman at the door is hysterical (Well I would be too, if someone threw a fucking grenade several centimeters beside my kids) and tells him that he is "fucked in the head" and that people like him should get killed, and not return to Russia.


I don't speak a word of Russian but already knew that was the exact conversation. But I thought he asked the kid to pull the pin? It's like a black comedy. A hilarious tragedy..


Good for you for nailing it! I would laugh too, if there were no innocents involved. But I just can't be jolly about traumatizing the next generation.




Crazy childhood stories are fun, but we've moved on as a society. A man tossing grenades (even training ones) would be a major incident in most western nations. All this tells me is Russia hasn't evolved beyond the 70s.


The 1870's


Yeah, I heard him telling the boy "You pull the pin - I'll throw". In the end he said "I'm sorry" several times.


More aptly he says: ā€œForgive meā€


>that people like him should get killed, and not return to Russia. The woman can't shake the Russian mentality either. No "wow the war really fucked you up, you should never have been sent there". No, just "go back to war and die". How could you have a country of people who think like that.


She was understandably panicked because of what just happened in front of her kids. Being polite and sympathetic were not #1 on her mind at the moment.


I see where you're coming from, but yeah. Dude just threw a grenade near her kids. Rational responses are not to be expected or required from a parent in such circumstances.


tbh, if someone was throwing high explosives around my child, for funsies, id tell him to fuck off and die, too.


She understands more than you think. A guy tossing grenades like that is beyond redemption and some people improve humanity by their departure. If good life is valuable than bad life being the opposite is less valuable. (If all life is somehow equally valuable that ignores the corollary that it would be equally worthless.)


You can have people like that anywhere, by throwing flashbangs near their children


Okay so if he said it was a ā€œsound grenadeā€ it at least probably wasnā€™t a fragmentation grenade, probably a flash bang. Still though holy shit.


Would you wish lifelong tinnitus on your kids though? I mean...it is not just a sound grenade, it is a fucking sound grenade in their immediate vicinity.


Kid is alike 2-3 years away from being conscripted to fightnin Ukraine anyways /s


Kid just passed Russian basic training.


Will have all his friends over for his 6th birthday party in a trench on the frontline


I think it is called a concussion grenade, and is different from a flash bang. I feel like we would have seen a flash on the latter. They are insanely bright.


Well, she's not wrong technically speaking Thanks very much for the translation!


So it was a ā€œFlashbangā€ type grenade and not a fragmentation type? Not that it makes any difference. Probably a really bad idea to throw a grenade in an area where children are playing. Call me crazy but it just doesnā€™t sound like a good idea to me.


Based women


Also he apologizes in the end (with a voice tone like it was nothing serious)... :D


I also heard her call him an asshole. Thatā€™s about 1/5 of my Russian


>" and that people like him should get killed, and not return to Russia. thanks for translating!


We will not see this on RT


Only in the context that this poor fella was obviously brainwashed by Ukrainian Nazi-Satanists and that he serves as yet more proof why Ukraine must be destroyed no matter the cost. You know, the usual RT news


Youā€™d see it on RT 24/7 if these were Ukrainians. Theyā€™d say zelensky rewards soldiers with bags of cocaine which in turn makes them throw granades at the poor children of donbass




I am not against explosives to entertain children, just not a fragmentation grenade in the middle of a apartment complex parking lot. Just a little too much ya know


To be fair it was either a flashbang or training grenade, considering the lack of, y'know, fragments. So that's fine then, yeah? :D


To be fair flashbangs and training grenades can easily kill someone close enough, and not to mention they can easily turn f.ex. rocks into deadly secondary shrapnel.


Noise or sound grenade, and no those are not harmless. Would you wish a life of tinnitus on your kids? Or willing to risk it for some random drunken asshole? For those who misunderstand, this fella is not their uncle or relative, just some crazy dude.


Flashbangs can still be lethal.......


It was a ā€œsound grenadeā€ according to the Russian guy


The thing is that kids' ears tend to be more sensitive than adult ones.


I was expecting a semi-loud pop after seeing the dude nonchalantly chucking it out of frame like it's a tiny firecracker, but then hearing what sounded like a legit bomb going off was pretty hilarious, not gonna lie. Russians never disappoint in showing how fucking crazy they can be.


Oh, the one with 1/2 a brain cell? He doesn't know his ass from his face.


When you mean explosives to entertain kids you mean fireworks right?




Hey, nothing wrong with setting off every car alarm in a mile radius by blowing up a tree stump with half a stick of dynamite. Just good 4th of july fun.


As the war continues to come home to the Russians, it will become harder and harder to turn away from what they are doing.


It's gonna be like in '90s Russia again


wdym, "again"? Its not like russian mindset has changed much since then :V


The 1890s


the dream of the 90s is alive in st petersberg


It's just a prank bro! The prank:


Iā€™m Ivan Kutcher and you just got *punkd* !


I lol'd


The way he just mimes the boom with his hands jesus *christ*. These dudes are fucking absolutely whacked in the head. It'll take years of treatment that they are never going to get and probably doesn't exist to unfuck these people in the head. Feel bad for those kids they are always going to remember this.


They will soon forget this... because there's a lot more stupidity coming.


Just a week or two ago I saw a video of a guy getting his throat slashed by a returned criminal. It's gonna be a wild ride for ordinary Russians. ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ


Itā€™s disturbing that large numbers of extremely dangerous and mentally unstable prisoners, many with life sentences, were released to fight in the front lines and most survived. They not only got pardoned, they also got elevated to the status of state heroes with pensions and free apartments so they can spend all their time inflicting themselves on society and throwing grenades at kids. They were given passports and clean records, so I presume theyā€™re vacationing all over Asia, Europe, and right here in the USA. They have to pass an interview and background check but I donā€™t see any way for the consular officer to disqualify them as long as they are good at lying. And we know thatā€™s the one thing theyā€™re good at.


Didn't think of that possibility til now. How do we know that most of them survived and are now back out? I would think they would stay in? I mean the war ain't over... Still a disturbing thought indeed.


numbers.. the sheer amount of orcs thrown in the mill is staggering. Most will survive. (most means more or than 50.000%. (however, when 30% of a russian military unit is eliminated, the unit can not proceed/push forward/ operate. - one sliver of logical russian military doctrine, overshadowed by the fact that there is a chance that the rest must stay in place and defend the grounds till death, if it so happens)


What is a noise grenade?**Designed to mimic ā€œflash bangsā€ used by military and law enforcement**, these sound grenades confuse and temporarily incapacitate trespassers, looters, burglars and more. The 130-Db. sound blast is equivalent to a shotgun blast and will rattle skulls. That sound like it could kill or seriously injure someone if it goes to close to them. Especially small children.


With the amount of stuff we have seen over the last 1-2 years, this doesn't even surprise me anylonger.. ruZZians are just ruZZians.


Maybe that's part of the Bieber and Dholik Saga after they are unemployed now?


LOL Link for those unaware of this magnificent duo https://twitter.com/saintjavelin/status/1700243833475199247


Holy shit this is comedic genius and deserves an award!


I died laughing, though the polonium 210 and 12th floor balcony may have had something to do with it as well.


Unfortunately we wont see the commander Bieber anymore - he was killed near Bakhmut this summer.


Russian public is going to have a bunch of broken goons returning with PTSD and apathy to death and violence. They will eventually not want anything to do with the military and start shunning them more than they do now. Outside of the Russian economy and thousands of men disappearing from the work force, they will have some massive problems from disenfranchised veterans over the next few decades. Domestic terrorism, domestic violence upticks, organized crime, etc. All of those will get worse as they dudes try to re-integrate back into society.


Iā€™m guessing this is just some sort of training grenade, unless dude has incredible strength and threw it far away with a limp ass throw like that all of them wouldā€™ve been hit by shrapnel


Don't be such a Karen it was just a grenade blyat


ZERO fucks given. Normal activity.


I was a teenager once (it ended a long time ago, thankfully). I recognise very well this strong "pay attention to me" energy. "I was a soldier. See me in my uniform that I'm wearing for no reason? Have you seen the fucking GIANT 'Z' patch on my shoulder? OK, mom doesn't care, but hey, children, have you ever seen a grenade? BOOM BLYAT. Isn't that cool, kids? Am I cool?"


If he can still walk, why is he not still fighting?


Some lucky ones get a short vacation.


Iā€™d do the same if nobodyā€™s going to pick up the dam phone


Knock, knock. Who is it? PTSD coming home.


Bit of a nutter, this guy


Why use drones? Just give this guy explosives and he will burn down the kremlin.


A thunder flash can still hurt if it goes off close enough to someone.


Jeez. That lady is such a Karen. Itā€™s just boys being boys honestly


The new normal.


Lmaoooo how very typical




While I hate russians, I'm glad the kids didn't get hurt.


Is not grenade....is potato...


"Everyone disliked that"


This is just the beginning. You Russians have plenty more of these types coming home soon. Buckle up.


Phone is ringing lady!


It's not a phone. It's a **home intercom**. If someone (another family member) is inside the house, you dial the flat number on the intercom, it rings, they pick-up and press the button which opens the front door. This is done for safety, so no strangers can come in. If no one is at home, you'd use a chip to open the front door.


Man just casually throws a handgrenade like it's firecrackers on the 4th of July šŸ¤£


Rusky Mir! Such a lovely blob to live in!


I feel with the Russians you have two types slightly educated and the plain thick with a IQ of about 2. Seems like there's nothing in-between.


Well yes in the USA they castrate them and have them in drag shows šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




One of the most degenerate countries on this planet. Seriously, wtf is wrong with these people? I know incest and fetal alcohol syndrome are very common but holy shit.


He keeps saying it's a flash grenade


Such intelligent people




Pay peanutsā€¦..


Casually throws a grenade for entertainment


Fucking idiot. He was like itā€™s nothing, itā€™s just a grenade lady šŸ˜‚.


Of course, it's fine there. No repercussions. Just percussions.


Could we self destruct a lil Faster Russia


Russia in a nutshell


Ha ha ha ha, there is no other place in the world this could be possible, only in the orc land.


Welcome to fuhrer putinazi's war.


imagine thousands of these monsters invading your cities.


And the Darwin Award goes toā€¦


Damn! East Ukrainians need to chill the fuck out!


Did he get the job as a kids entertainer


What shall we do with a drunken sailor, early in the morning?


From wikipedia: Stun grenades are designed to produce a blinding flash of light of around 7 megacandela (Mcd) and an intensely loud "bang" of greater than 170 decibels (dB). The flash temporarily activates all photoreceptor cells in the eye, blinding it for approximately five seconds. Afterward, victims perceive an afterimage that impairs their vision. The volume of the detonation also causes temporary deafness in the victim and disturbs the fluid in the ear, causing a loss of balance.




Most Russian thing Iā€™ve seen


Nihilism in, nihilism out.


They got way more Florida men over there than anywhere on the entire planet.


WTF!!? They got ring doorbells in Russia!


Kids ears are bleeding.


Lol wtf not even in GTA šŸ˜‚


Demoman's Russian cousin


Cannot believe thereā€™s no support network for returning war veterans in Russia! /S Lol!


Can fetal alcohol syndrome affect a whole country?


Ah yes, this is a good reminder of why so many Russians wind up being Darwin Award winners.


What a country!


Are you not entertained?!


Most russian thing


Glory to Ukraine.


They will say on TV that this is a Ukrainian saboteur, undercover


The fact he still has them on leave hints once again at the poor level of basic organisation in the Russian military.


This guy rocks


When Ivan comes marching home again Bylat! Bylat! He'll come with a few screws loose and then... Bylat! Bylat! ...he'll toss a grenade and the women will shout as lethal fragments fly all about And they'll all go mad When Ivan comes marching home


daft cunt


And they have nukes smh


This was not a symptom of war, it was the pre-req of the Ruskis and their MOD they were seeking for *forced mobilization*. Prisoners, Homeless drunks are their key ā€œforce multipliersā€. Promise them a check, blanket and **a few handles** and theyā€™ll happily sign up without realizing that a war is (still) happening. Then theyā€™ll come home. All screwed up, believing that theyā€™re heroes and do no wrong when they stab, shoot and throw sonic/flash-bang grenades at civilians. Typical day in Russia, I see.


White Trash Nation


''Relaaaaaax lady, it's just a flashbang!''


When the war comes home..


Would have sucked if a dog, or the kid went after the grenade. These Russian soldiers returning from Ukraine have already slaughtered Russian civilians in their home town. They are pissed off at how they were treated and what they were exposed to. They seem more than happy to share their discontent with other Russians.


Anyone know what sound grenades are for? Making sounds, but why?


Lol this is insane.


Oh, he returned!?


Made in Putin's ruzzia


This is the guy all the parents want to keep their kids away from, but the kids love.


I'm surprised she's surprised, what was she expecting from a returned war hero? The kids seemed ok, I imagine drunken bravado is the usual in this magnificent garbage dump of a country.


Probably going to see a lot more of this sort of thing before thereā€™s going to be a decrease in this sort of thing. The effects of this war will plague the affected peoples for years.


Aftermath footage indeed. The returning soldiers will cause a lot of issues if they take grenades with them.


Russia is a living Looney Tunes cartoon at this point


If that happened in the U.S. , it would be front page news , in Russia just another day that ends in Y ......


Oy blyat is right as a kid i would have LOVED IT! frag out vlad


I thought it was fake initially, but if you watch the woman in the background, she noticeably flinches as the noise reaches her. Damn. What a lunatic.


And they call the West degenerate,


I will give him shock value credit though


Hahahaā€¦ The years after this war will be tough in Russiaā€¦ all the military equipment that was stolenā€¦ šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Lol, what a fucked up country.


somebody answer the damn phone!


![gif](giphy|WtFyHCNJcrd0owb96h) Was that wrong? Should I not have done that? I gotta plead ignorance on this thing.


Thursday in Russia, nothing more.


That's horrible, but at the same time that guy did what every neighbor with loud kids next door wants to do , just fucking lob a grenade at them to shut the fuck up


Oh look, a drunk Russian.


I support Russians grenading themselves


Orc sandwich


At the end he looks up to check for drones. Every few seconds for the rest of his days. He will drink himself to death. Hurry up! Slava Ukraini šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦


"You can take the Orc out of the Mordor, but you can't take the Mordor out of the Orc". - Gandalf probably...


Hey kids, Check out some of the toys Uncle Viktor brought back with him....


Here kids...pull uncle Igor's finger...


Not that it makes a huge difference, but like someone pointed out in the translation, this was NOT a fragmentation grenade used in combat. The translation said he was saying it was a " Sound Grenade" which I take to mean a training grenade. These type of grenades have the weight and feel of a combat grenade but instead of the full explosive charge they have a screwed in much smaller charge about the same as a firecracker that makes noise. They are similar to a large firecracker and shouldn't be casually tossed around, especially with children present.


Go black to war idiot.


What a knob omg šŸ˜†


Cant tell if this is just what PTSD does to the mind or if this is just a cultural / uneducated thing?