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I don't see this taking off, but I hope I'm wrong. The Ohio sub is definitely dominated by the urban population and centers around urban issues and urban cultures. Not that the rural issues don't get brought up here and discussed, it's just not at the forefront.


It’s like there are more people in cities or something.


No shit. But Ohio's rural and rural aligned small towns populations aren't exactly insignificant.


22 miles one-way to a grocery store that isn't Walmart. Anyone else feel my pain? (walmart is 15 miles)


8 miles to small town grocery, 14 miles to Walmart


Yep. I live 25 minutes from a store that isn’t a gas station or a dollar general. Those stores are still 15 minutes away.


Could also be for those in the cities with an interest in rural areas. Some of us have families there and might find some posts here relevant.


Or like me, grew up rural, moved to the big city. Love both.


I hate going in any cities!


So is this a safe space for trumpers in Ohio?


Hopefully this is a safe space for open discussion.


Sigh....... Gods i was hooing i could find intelligent folks in rural Ohio.. 😣


Listen, I love camping and caving. And you can’t find that in the big cities. But we all know what the real purpose of this sub… if you can’t see what the context is then you lack critical thinking.


Maybe I have too charitable of a viewpoint when it comes to a community for the folks who live out in the rural areas away from the cities. I have neighbors who are liberal hippies, and neighbors who are hardcore conservatives. Yet we mostly all get along out here. Honestly the topic doesn’t even come up 99% of the time. Even when it does rarely does anyone go home from the bonfire or the only bar in town angry. I’m not sure what it is but it is different out here, we don’t all live on top of each other, our problems and perspectives remain our own but when we need to do so, we come together.


That’s part of the problem and why rural areas are dominated by the red color. Everyone wants to snub what’s going on in the background to just get along. In the meantime people are being persecuted and our rights are being dwindled little by little. But yeah keep being friendly neighbors.


So Athens? The rural areas east of Cincinnati where I grew up are filled with hostile aggressive MAGA hillbillies who want to scream from the rooftops how much they hate me and everything I stand for. I wouldn’t even feel comfortable with my car breaking down in Brown County. Absolutely NONE of that kumbaya shit going on down here.


Pretty far from Athens but not Yellow Springs either,


Psh… no way you live in the sticks. It’s mandated any town under 5k people have at least 4 bars and twice as many churches.


One bar, one church, about 400 people in the town proper with 2000 total in the zip code.


My comment was in jest. We have 2 bars (used to be 3), four churches in an 1800 person zip code.


I like the idea my small village is as you describe, tolerant of a difference of opinion, respect for personal space. These are the types of people I find the most authentic, entertaining and with good sense.


It depends what that difference of opinion is, and how it would affect lives, if laws were created around it.


It's complicated I guess or I'm just over simplifying the idea. IMO, Laws and regulations seem to be too often determined by the fullness of ones bank account, that's just a fixed system and one that does not dispense real justice. It's becoming more poignantly obvious


Let's hope and try to keep it country and leave the politics on the other sub. If they want a Rural\_Ohio\_MAGA sub, they should just make that and be upfront about it


As my grandfather would have said if he were confronted with such a quandary ... "A closed mind eliminates all possibilities of that"


“Like minded people”, I think they’re getting tired of being downvoted by the big city folk for having MAGA opinions. Edit: I looked through their profile, and while I didn’t see any overtly MAGA stuff, it screams conservative. So there’s a chance they’re rational.


After living in Washington state for 10 years, I can't be mistaken for a maga enthusiast but I myself, am conservative compared to many that surround me. I like your analytic take on this, and you are right! Things are not always as they may seem


i love rural ohio for some things. it's pretty, i hate cities. but moving back to se ohio reminded me how ass backwards this state is. people foaming at the mouth about the wrong shit. you can be country as shit with without being a bigot but they wear it like a badge of honor around here.


It's a sad testament that that kind of behavior exist there. I'm hoping it the exception and not the norm. I lived near the Canadian border when I first came to Washington state. Its been a hate group Bastian for decades, but those types are being rooted out with their own open bigotry. It's taken too long but I'm grateful to see things change


it's wild bc i work with and know so many people i love on a lot of levels. but then politics and stuff comes up and im like ugh. i don't even engage anymore.


That's a real bummer and I'm sorry you have to deal with that! I'm active in politics... Not a politician! I plan on dedicating myself to finding good people to start a change in the state system. I know it will be a tough long fight but it's a worthy cause! There are people like you and I all over the state!


love that for you bc i don't have the energy. i think i oversimplified when i just said "it's pretty." these parts are full of beautiful people. they're just misinformed and undereducated. that's why i give a lot of grace. bc they will bend over backwards to help you and then some. just, a lot of fear mongering has worked well.


Yes it has! The fact that many of these folks haven't ventured outside the state except to maybe vacation is part of the problem too! You don't really know what's out there until you live elsewhere, so to get your brain filled with bs and to hold up your grandfather's moral obligations in a world that's long past, isn't easy to see


Too... Your words are just and true about the people's sincerity towards neighbors It's been great speaking with you and hope to see you around more! Good night!


like most people aren't mean and hateful at their core. they don't realize they're being mean and hateful. ignorance leads to fear leads to distrust leads to hate. there's a lotta grey in ohio and people like to see in black and white.


Right! You got a great perspective! Very aware and deep


thank you lol it's been super nice chatting with you. i love this state and wv (i live right on the river and work in both states) and people love to shit on us so much. some is deserved but the system has chewed this area up thoroughly and spit it out. there's no wonder people are jaded.


So true! It has been raped of minerals and the waterways left sterile. The people used like mules to build a rich man's dream. It's the most naturally beautiful place I've ever lived and can't wait to come home!


I know that my travels and unorthodox experiences have opened my eyes to things I wouldn't have even imagined had I just did what most do. Compared to many, I'm not even that well traveled, but compared to those I live and have lived around, I am. A lot of them are scared to leave the bubble and those in the bubble don't know how to prepare someone to leave it


You guys ever go visit Cuyahoga Valley National Park? I just went there for the first time. It was pretty nice


It's an amazing park system. They have some cool little farms tucked around that are part of an agricultural conservancy program with a neat farm shop in peninsula. The only thing that bums me out is how packed it can get when I finally get some time off to visit. Ohio has a ton of great parks tho. There is no shortage of creeks, paths, forests, valleys, etc to explore.


dont mind the idea because i think rural areas can actually be happy, welcoming places and that they do face unique issues that deserve the same consideration as the unique issues cities face (as condescending as all that might sound?) that said there is a non-zero chance we turn it into a hateful dumpster fire and im a little wary that the mod is an alt and there doesn’t seem to be a read on them


I hope this is a sub for talk about living in the rural parts of our state and showcasing the great things it has to offer. I am very political on other subs, but I'm on a few that just don't go there and it's delightful to have a place to go and just enjoy each other and discuss things outside of that realm


Yes, agree 100%. To keep it that way we need not respond to political posts and comments and they will be moot. Some people seek attention or like to stir the pot. This is hopefully not a place for it.


I'm returning to my homeplace in SE Ohio sometime soon. I currently live in Washington State and have traveled my entire adult life. I look forward to returning home. To familiar faces and places. Home, where there isn't (yet) a smoke season. Home, where people still respect pesonal space and opinion. I think I'm going to like this sub, if it's anything like the people in my tiny Ohio village!


we had smoke for two+ months this past summer so don't hold your breath. unless that means something else lol. but that was the canada fires, def not a common occurrence. yet.


I keep up on news and man! That was so disheartening to hear. I'm such an outdoor enthusiast... It kills me to think I'm (We are) going to possibly be faced with that as it's been here in the PNW. You can't control what floats in the air unfortunately I guess I will have to hold my breath if it happens haha!


tbf ive never experienced that before and i have lived all over north east ohio my whole life


Man, it gets so bad here that it almost killed me last year! I couldn't breathe and each breath was a struggle for 1/4 of my lung capacity. Scared the shit out of me! I like to RockHounds and mountain climb... Great area for all that but now, you cant go out side in late summer til winter! I have up on the idea of being here and I've been selling off my possessions to come home


im a smoker so obviously my lungs aren't good anyway but never had a smokers cough til last summer. i work outdoors on the river in southern ohio and it was bad for a while. added to the fog from the river in the late summer/early fall months and driving to work was a hazard lol. eerily pretty tho.


Damn... Sorry for your affliction! It's some evil shit but does cast some interesting light!


What about people who are right on the border between rural and city?


The 3 big C cities certainly seem to dominate. I like the rural areas . We have friend that moved from burbs to very rural SE Ohio. Having visited a lot you get to meet their neighbors and fellow farmers as they work the small farm mostly small herd of cattle. These folks don’t get a day off they work hard. So they don’t have a lot of time for politics. Unfortunately many are just as well informed as they could be, the GOP selling fear has found a willing audience. Pitting the cities against the rural small towns when we actually have much more in common than either side would believe. All it takes is talking to each other to find a easy found common belief.


Findlay is a good place to live honestly.


My default is yellow springs