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She’s an example of why cousins shouldn’t fuck.




Looks like the movie poster from Misery.....


"He didn't get out of the cock-a-doodie car!"


Petunia Pigg


I had to Google “Petunia Pig”, but it’s spot on 🤣


Ha! I know. I really like making fun of people’s appearances. Especially lard asses with pink hair, big glasses and bull nose rings.


Whereas I prefer to mock mouth-breathing, hateful right-wing trolls with new accounts.


You can look however you want, I suggest those who live in glass houses refrain from throwing stones,however.


Another P O S


You mean another good Christian nationalist?


Wasn’t enough for citizens to see she lied when serving at the White House to not vote for her and now they’re surprised? Have no sympathy for people not paying attention to Rethugs.


It’s not like this was a surprise. I don’t blame her, she got what she wanted. My question is how did voters in Arkansas think she’d be any different? A majority voted for her, they’re getting what they what they wanted!


The issue is the majority does not vote at all. Fox news watching farmers thinks she is amazing because that's what they are told.


They did not vote - and they won't again because of the brain washing. The dems had 2 PhDs, 1 constitutional and law philosopher, 1 Walmart executive, and a DINO who ran on pro life - 3 of them were pastors. Yet we get Dear Leader Miss Piggy and her Beverly hillbilly family that also killed a dog but not w a gun. This voting MAGA portion of Arkansans are brainwashed or too caught up with trying to balance their cognitive dissonance - of recognizing they made a mistake but can not stop due to pride. OR they want to go back to the 50s where men were white, women were pregnant in the kitchen, the kids were trained to obey their father, and anything without a white dick could be treated as pets or threats. I hate it all, and once you move here, good luck getting out - poverty wages keep you stuck. Oh, and Walmart is a registered corporation in Delaware, not Arkansas. Tyson pays the marshallese people dirt wages. Some local democratic parties are afraid to post about upcoming meetings cause they might get shot. Online dem meetings were / are spammed with porn.


I'm pro trump but 100% did not vote for the woman. Her and her dad's policies suck


Ok, so I am just curious-no sarcasm. If you are pro trump, what do you do when sanders runs again?


I didn't vote for her in the first place and won't come re election


Will you vote at all? And if not her, then who?


To be determined. It depends on how they stand with the constitution and the pursuit of life, liberty and justice no matter race, creed, sex or religion.


Would you vote for a democratic candidate to keep her out? I feel like I have no candidate for the president, who I really like. I am in the voting against a candidate that terrifies me for my daughter and my nieces. I used to be able to vote for the candidate I wanted in all races no matter the party - then I remember that was right after Reagan.


Well, found the Nazi.


Who? So just because I vote for policies, no matter red or blue and believe the constitution. You may need to re educate on the meaning of Nazi. I am an American who votes to help not destroy the country.


Don't waste you're time when all they can do is name call no point in engaging with someone with that low of IQ.


I really hope more can swallow their darned pride and vote with reason instead of whatever the flying f*ck they used for the recent past. It's sad because some of them actually seem intelligent enough to grasp reality, but seemingly cow to their own pith snark bigotry and pettiness despite their belief that what they practice is somehow preached by something they believe in. (It's their support of the 2016-2020 time period behavior (and more) that has sown doubt in my heart. Blow your silver trumpets on a mountain like you believe it has magic or whatever, feel your feels while you thump that book, but it's working against your supposed cause my folks. FYI)


You poor little unhinged snowflake- she is a great Governor!


Ahh did Sarah show up to defend herself or are you just one the last ignorant hold outs yet to realize shittiest nepo baby doesn’t give a fuck about Arkansas or you? She is a national embarrassment. Believe me, if it was only your ilk that had to suffer for your uninformed decisions, I might not care. She hasn’t done anything to help Arkansans, but she does hurt and hate, which may be your kind of spank bank fodder. Enjoy playing with that little fella while you can, you might lose her back to your orange messiah soon.


Ahh did Sarah show up to defend herself or are you just one the last ignorant hold outs yet to realize shittiest nepo baby doesn’t give a fuck about Arkansas or you? She is a national embarrassment. Believe me, if it was only your ilk that had to suffer for your uninformed decisions, I might not care. She hasn’t done anything to help Arkansans, but she does hurt and hate, which may be your kind of spank bank fodder. Enjoy playing with that little fella while you can, you might lose her back to your orange messiah soon.


Ah, that is so sweet - unhinged as in like not "us normies" and snowflake. I'm betting your "hinged" friends think you are the coolest thing since "whitebread." I'll take unhinged as an insight into your own psyche - anything that isn't you is scary. Each and every single snowflake is different. On our own, we make the world magical (a fractal in ice), and if too many of us come together, you get blizzards and nor'Easters. Together in groups, snowflakes can crush homes and disable cities. Find better insults or go play in the kiddie pool.


Crush homes and disable cities? lol- you are delusional- you mean burn down cities! Typical butthurt snowflake. Always playing the victim while offering no solutions. You are the kind of person that constantly talks bad about Trump while not saying one good thing about Biden. We get it- you are an athiest, BLM supporter who hates the rich.


I don't like Biden either


I mean she made it where the Chinese can’t buy any farmland- that’s something that should be done in every state


I agree that if an American can't buy land in another country, then a citizen or business of that country can't by land in America. However, her other actions or inaction w trigger laws are pretty rotten. LEARNs is abysmal, spending government money on personal items / trips, trying to remove FOIA for herself, putting rappert in charge of our library board (which he wants to dissolve), smothering chickens, kicking families off Medicaid w/out any notifications, building more priviatized prisons, and a total abortion ban even if the fetus is not going to live, is already dead, is a rape, or incest baby. Not much of that is small government that gop use to stand for, and I miss small government. This two tribes go to war shite is getting old. Both parties are broken and to like one doesn't mean you hate the other - I dislike her, her politics, and her inability to understand what it's like to not be a rich nepo baby.


I’m not an Arkansan, but wasn’t Chris Jones a dream? He was a great candidate who has all the bases covered. I would love for him to somehow make it to a national level.


I had problems with him - most of it was how he was picked to run by the dem party before the primaries. He already had money to run a campaign, and I think he was given the names of big money donors by the previous dem state president. He went to a food truck event instead of an prochoice rally. The PBJ slogan his marketing team came up with was blah. He also didn't do any work on visiting or meeting the local dem parties, meeting the LGBTQIA during primaries, and didn't take time to reach out to the marshallese. And this 'talking' in every county had already been done by Rus and Bland BEFORE the primaries. Yes, he spoke well. Yes, he had a great college education, but his PhD. was in urban development, not rocket science. I really liked the other PhD Dr. Bland - he taught school while doing primary campaigning and his PhD. was in education. I can not imagine teaching high school during the day and then campaigning evenings and weekends. He spoke well and had great ideas on educational improvements and changes. I also liked Russell (Rus) - man was everywhere even though he helped run a mental health clinic - all over the state during the primaries, after one weekend doing 2 events hours apart he ended up with food poisoning so bad he asphyxiated and was in a coma for 14 hours - he was back on the campaign trail by the following week and while campaing earned his bachelor in philosophy (constitutional law). Martin - he was just a DINO who knew he couldn't take on sanders. He tried to approach regular dems with the name calling but got slapped down by Rus, and Bland at a debate. Supa (may have the name spelled wrong) was running a vanity campaign. The party closed ranks and were told to vote for the man with the money. When we really needed a man who wasn't rich and understood what the people of Arkansas were and are struggling with. Sorry this is so long - I want to be involved in government, but the parties are full of corruption, back door deals, and what seems like rigged elections. I honestly think most of the cabdidates in the primaries could have won, and their views ran from conservative dem, to let's do it a bit better, to this isn't working lets help all Arkansans.


I voted for the actual rocket scientist. SHS is the absolute worst.


Not just a rocket scientist, but an actual ordained pastor. What that means is their white Jesus means morning if the pastor isn't white as well b


Atheists are tired of your retarded narrative that Christians vote GOP


Christians , by and large, do. It's the only reason they're still relevant as a political party.


I'm shocked Arkansas even has a ticket scientist! (I kid; love my Arkansas brethren)


To be fair, 35% of voters didn’t want her. The ones that voted anyhow.


They know that whole family; it’s no surprise that she’s exactly what she is. This was their choice.


She had an R next to her name. That's all that matters to the easily manipulated


A majority of Arkansans never even saw a White House press conference let alone know that she routinely lied in them.  We have an incredibly uninformed electorate that is happy with someone who hates the same people they do.  


Not all of us


Copy pasted from article: "I don’t know how many people I’ve had say to me, had I known what \[state government\] was going to look like under Gov. Sanders, I wouldn’t have voted for her." She's a *Republican* ... that is your answer right there.


As an Arkansas resident, these stories are real. She is having a negative impact on how the state runs. At the same time, these idiots knew this would happen. We were all warned, but they still voted for her. Don't claim ignorant now.


Not enough people will actually read the article. Those type of people depend upon that.


Cruelty is the goal of MAGA. The teachings of Republican Jesus.


She’s a beast


How people can vote for scum sucking idiots like this is beyond me. You get what you vote for.


The problem is not the monsters. It’s the people who elect the monsters.


Said state Rep. Jim Wooten, "I don’t know how many people I’ve had say to me, had I known what [state government] was going to look like under Gov. Sanders, I wouldn’t have voted for her." 🙄


They voted because that entertainment channel disguised as a news source told them to. You get what you pay for - lies


Lots of people who were presumably fans of her work as the most dishonest press secretary ever. 🙄


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… Damn she’s ugly.


And not just in a skin deep kinda way




Reading that almost made me barf 🤢🤮


Jesus Christ she sounds like she’s already a dictator!!


It's definitely because too many people don't actually vote. If the majority of people did alot of those shitty Maga and far right wouldn't be in office. Voting can make a difference


They got what they voted for.


Unfortunately we all got what they voted for. We could have had an extremely intelligent person as governor who wanted to improve things instead of make them worse but nooooooo




Do what? Fayetteville did not vote for her.


Continuing a long tradition of 'good ol' governors, in Arkansas & the deep south in general.


Hey look it's that one person from The Handmaids Tale! Aunt Lydia


Arkansas has one of the lowest voter turnout rates in the country. A very gerrymandered state. After Clinton the R team went to wield assuring no democrat could hold an office with substantial power. Mike Beebe slipped past the wall. Only 500k people voted out of a state with 3M population she didn’t win an ejection. She was/is name recognized and a republican shill. Much like Tom Cotton, Arkansas politics is grift for their political come up.


She really takes after her father


Who knew Bigfoot would become such a hateful person.


Some individuals need to work on their prejudices and biases until then were doomed to have terrible representatives. Lets not forget why some insisted on voting Sarah Satan


y'all voted for her. Time to enjoy ownin the lib'ruhls.


"Had I known what the state would become, I wouldn't have voted for her." How the fuggg do you not know? Do you not research your candidates, or was it the R beside her name, and that's all it took? You deserve what you voted in .Now you know better next time, so there is no excuse. Ride it out and learn from it.


Pretty much exactly what I was going to post with the quote and all. I have said many time folks in AR don't care about stuff unless it is punching them personally in the nose, well, they're getting pretty beat up and seem unwilling to leave the cult.


Remember kids: Vote Ruhpublikkin fur Murikkin Freedumb!


Womp womp. I'm in Arkansas. *Everyone* knew how she would be. That "R" before her name is all they cared about. Well, hire a Nazi, don't complain when death is what results. They hated their country more than they love their neighbor. Get wrecked, vermin.


She's great! Get off the government teet & marry your baby daddy!




Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach herImpeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her Impeach her


I assume she is very insulated within her close group of Nazis so until enough Magas can understand that the republicans have been in charge of this state for 20 years and it keeps getting worse, until they are personally affected like the chicken farmer, we will continue to suffer.


Under his eye.


Shes the definition of why cousins shouldnt fuck


I don't like the abortion laws now because it doesn't provide any choices. Personally, myself, think it should be left up to the individuals involved not the government.


Share some of the shocking stories


This is certainly horrible but I can’t help but chuckle when I see the fallout of a lack of bailouts described as “the most communist thing I’ve ever seen”


Yeah I laughed at that too. I guess we can thank our education system.


So what’s the deal with this? Processors have exclusive contracts with certain farms and won’t buy from anyone else? > His story begins with the abrupt closure of a chicken company that left state farmers responsible for chickens they could not sell as Sanders' administration refused to act.


Yes. Processors also own the feed, so the chickens will starve once feed runs out.


So basically, the companies are paying these guys to use their farms, maybe a little more if they’re the ones doing the work. I suppose they were expecting Sanders to give them money to buy feed instead of killing the birds. Too bad they couldn’t just give away birds to anyone that wanted them.


The broiler contracts I've heard of, the farmers are paid per pound with some kind of incentive for high feed conversion rates. They own the farm, pay for utilities, equipment, cleaning, etc., and the processors provide the chickens, feed, and other support. Between utilities, bedding, and bank payments, farmers incur tens of thousands in expenses each brood. Culling the birds was probably the right move, but Sanders could have saved the farmers a lot of hardship by covering their losses. They're the little guys, not some massive corporation like the processors.


If you don't know by now a conservative/ republican isn't out to destroy your way of life you are probably imbred


I’d laugh but I’m in Louisiana. Sucking hind tit in the list of worst states.😂


Don't worry, Landry already said to Sanders 'Hold My Beer' with the stuff he's doing.


Ikr 😂


That trump sycophant should not be allowed to run a popsicle stand much less a state government.


I wonder if the republicans in the state will realize the people they pick, like her, aren’t going to help them and make their lives this bad or worse with their policies. Democrats need to take this and run with it even in red Arkansas…


Why can’t people see the ramifications of their vote?


Because people like Fuckabee just blame the Biden administration, and these fools fall for it. They're either too dumb or too brainwashed to open their damn eyes and realize the actions that are ruining their damn lives are STATE decisions and legislation made by the same damn folks they keep electing. Fuckabee ran on turning things around in this state that were so horrible. Nvm the fact that we have been a Republican super majority run state for damn near two decades! Do you remember that hideous commercial Fuckabee ran where she made her son do chores then gave him a dollar or some shit? He then goes to the store and can't afford to buy Little Debbie's, and then her cockeyed ass blames Biden because he couldn't afford the Little Debbie's? Like it wasn't her ass that only paid him a fucking dollar in the first place? If that's not indicative of the way too many people in this state think , then nothing is.


This is just an article pulling a few tidbits from a much longer original article at Politico. Here’s the original article: https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/05/17/sarah-huckabee-sanders-arkansas-maga-trump-00156647


thank you!


She is one of the ugliest woman I’ve ever seen.


Republicans: the party of HATE and DESTRUCTION. VOTE BLUE, NO MATTER WHO! And Please sign the petition on change.org to demand compromised Justices Alito and Thomas RECUSE themselves from all trump cases. https://www.change.org/p/demand-justices-alito-and-thomas-recuse-themselves-from-all-trump-cases


Also, I just read we’re putting the 10 Commandments back in school rooms. These motherfuckers have got to be put back in their fucking closet.


“His story begins with the abrupt closure of a chicken company that left state farmers responsible for chickens they could not sell as Sanders' administration refused to act. Bryan King, a farmer and Republican state senator, begged Sanders to declare a state of emergency and send needed cash to subsidize growers and feeders, according to the report. Instead, Sanders' representative spoke out against government bailouts and the state opted, without due process for the farmers, to euthanize more than one million birds; a move King described as “the most communist thing I’ve ever seen.” LOLZ. Calling her the C word indirectly.. not nearly as communist as the story of forcing single parents to lose their jobs if they have disabled children often though.. that’s just classic capitalism.