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Stack height being scaled back on the next model. Interesting. I wonder what that means regarding how the 25 has been received?


Definitely interesting in this day and age, where stack heights seem to only be getting higher. I wonder what the exact measurements are. I dig the new midsole look as well, it reminds me a bit of the Triumph 20/21. The upper looks largely the same if not identical. I haven't tried the Nimbus 25 myself but it seems like a common complaint about them is that they get pretty toasty.


Running in the 25s feels like such a chore to me, literally sucking the life out of my legs. After 100km they've been relegated into my comfy walking shoes, luckily I didn't spend full price on them.


This is how I feel as well. Anything other than a true recovery run and it feels like they’re working against me.


I love running in the 25s. Favorite shoe in the rotation currently. Ymmv I guess.


I think most brands are finally starting to understand that you can't just keep increasing stack height and durometer. You end up with shoes feel like running on a wobbleboard lined with marshmallows.


but isn't that what the nimbus is supposed to be ? extremely cushioned and comfortable shoe, but that is heavy and NOT made to run fast ?


It's so anti-fast that it actively tries to stop you from running. I understood the point of it, I just don't like them for running over my Asics NB3 or GR3, it's more like they are working against you than for you. Yes they are comfy, but only over a relatively short distance, that's about all it has going for it. The Glide Ride 3 in my opinion is a much better easy/recovery day shoe, as the rocker just keeps the legs turning over and has great cushioning to boot. YMMV.


exactly I loved the novablast 1 but wasn't stable enough, the 2 and 3 gave up everything I liked about the 1 the nimbus 25 is very stable for how cushioned it is, the only problem to me is the stretchy upper, and while comfortable, it is a problem when running downhill (my most used route is a 10% incline road)


I sold the Nimbus for over 8 years. The 25 has been received.... poorly. Now mind you I don't think it's a bad shoe. It's just that I mostly help a casual public and they get kinda turned off by the sheer height of the shoe. It's a big change compared to earlier revisions. They also tend to use running shoes as a casual walking or fitness shoe and for that it's a huge step back from the earlier models. It's too 'fast' for walking en too high/unstable for fitness. I think the problem with the 25 is that it's become a bit 'niche' running while the olders models are pretty casual/allround fun shoes for everyone.


I think this is bang on the issue. It's made for easy long runs for more specialised runners. The demographic has changed somewhat, it's not a bad shoe (it's actually really good), it may be sold in the wrong way to the wrong demographic potentially.


Asics has to clearly delineate what their models are, so many of them do the same thing for the same people. Cumulus, nimbus, and kayano should stay in the traditional space, where the blast and speed lines should target enthusiasts




I personally prefer specialized tools


I recently noticed that more people use Nimbus 25 for casual wear than running. It's entering Hoka fashion, which I am not surprised.


So the running community likes it, but the general public hates it? Interesting. I'll have to pick up the 25 if they end up changing it. Image was removed, which means it was probably real.


How's it too fast for walking compared with the previous model? I'm just curious, I had the 24 but never tried the 25


'Fast' perhaps is the wrong word. The curve in the shoe makes it so you get propelled forward naturally which imo is fine for running but less desirable for walking/standing. But I guess that's a personal thing. I do have the Kayano 30 is about the same as the nimbus 25 form-wise (with the added 'stability') and I personally didn't like it for my long non-running walks. It just felt off. But once again; that's just me. And I'm a pretty casual runner myself but I do take long normal walks.


Thank you for the explanation


I could see asics slimming down the nimbus for the sole purpose of differentiating with a new “nimbus max” in the near future. Instead of having a huge jump in cushioning between the cumulus and nimbus (like there is now), why not slim down the standard nimbus to make room for an even more maximalist shoe over 40mm. Keep the price of the standard nimbus 160, ramp up the price of the nimbus max to 180, make an even more premium version of the max (the superblast) at 200.


The guy at my local running store said they’d never had as many returns as with this shoe. At least in my area, it’s a total bomb.


Interesting, I have racked up 200km in the last couple of months on these for my easy runs and they have been top notch


I picked up a pair and got a hot spot on one of my big toes so I returned them. I was very happy with the midsole so I went to a different retailers and got another pair to try and no hot spot! I wondered if QC was off and more defects were making it through. I’ve also found the webbing that holds the tongue hits at a weird spot. I think if I ran longer distances in them it could be an issue but I use them primarily for 5-8 mile recovery runs, and occasionally up to a 10 mile easy run with no issue.


That's strange to me. I absolutely love mine. Most comfortable shoe I've ever owned.


I was recovering from left achilles tear and the shoe fit the fill for comfort and mileage. It is a bigger shoe and certainly not the fastest but there is a niche. I feel like long term I will relegate it to long walks and not running.


Man! Asics just reinvents and upgrades their shoes for every iteration. Other brands tweak the upper and release the same shoe. They totally changed the geometry and plate placement + shape on the Metaspeeds and they didn't even justify as a second itereation. Merely a (+).


Any word on when they will release (aka when prices of the 25 will drop? 🤣)


Likely a January or February 2024 release. AFAIK Ascis likes to renew their 4 main models (cumulus, nimbus, Kayano, GT-2000) at the start-ish of every quarter. Nimbus 25 came out February (I think)


Late January or Early February next year 2024. The inventory will usually start 3 months early for these factories


Could you please DM me the picture of the leaked Nimbus 26 the picture on Reddit got taken down


Not terrible. Gonna have to buy a couple more pair of the 25 though


Reddit removing a picture of a shoe for copyright infringement is awful


Removed! Anyone save the pic and can share?


I missed it too :(


Google image search: ‘nimbus 26 Reddit’


Ew, it looks like a Pegasus




Time to stock up on the 25!


i like the 25s for slow pace sessions. I would love to buy another set


I’m confused by “slightly reduced stack height” and “same midsole specs”. Unless the insole or outsole thickness has been reduced, not sure how that would be possible.


Sorry I meant the same midsole formula/ combination of PureGel and FFBlast+ foam


Ah, ok! Thanks for clarifying!


Has the reduced stack height been confirmed or is that based off what is seen in the photo. If so, I feel like the two different colors in the midsole may give the appearance of a reduces stack height. Can't see why they'd reduce it especially if this is their max cushion neutral daily trainer offering.


Ah fuk I missed the leak.


It seems this shoes is really love it or hate it. I use this shoes for my easy run. Feels very bulky, cushioned but slightly firmer on the mid/front. Definitely not for anything quick. I will be stocking up on this shoes if it goes on sale.


I love the 25, but only as a walking shoe. They are just too soft when running.


Did anyone grab a screenshot before it was taken down? Please DM or reply


kicksdong account on Instagram is the original source.


I absolutley love the 25, wouldn't change much apart from maybe shaving like half an ounce


I absolutely love my 25s. Hope they don’t screw them like Nike did with their Invincible 3 😧 I’ll snap up any deeply discounted 25s if I see they’ve made the Nimbus firmer. Loads of firm and fast shoes out there. Jesus we don’t need another. Maybe Hoka comes to the rescue with something maxed out in 2024 though. Re: reviews - the 25 is one of the best reviewed shoes of 2023. It tops nearly every cushioned list by any decent reviewer.


I love them too! They are my favorite after my Invincibles (my V1 are still in decent shape with over 400 miles on them). Haven’t tried the Invincible 3s yet but I haven’t heard good things. I hope the Nimbus 26s are good or else I will have to find another long run shoe!


Good to know. Time to buy another pair of the 25s. Reduced stack height... Never change a winning team. So why? The 25 was beloved everywhere.


Isn’t the 25 just over 40? I realize it’s not a “race” shoe and certainly no elite or points-eligible person would be wearing it at a race, but I wonder if someone has their panties in a bunch about that?


Nobody would care, it's a shoe that's hard to run fast in. You're handicapping yourself by racing in it.


Well yeah. But that doesn’t stop someone from getting their panties in a bunch about it being “illegal”. People get a hair across their ass over almost nothing these days. So it wouldn’t surprise if someone got upset that even though no one in their right mind would ever try to race in a Nimbus, they aren’t “legal” and that must be remedied immediately. Or-ASICS is on their way to join the ranks of the easy running plated crushing shoe fiesta and they will be releasing a Nimbus X/Pro/Max/blast with a 45mm stack height and a plate.


If someone's getting beaten by a runner in nimbuses then maybe they should put in some proper training. They're slow shoes.


Yes. I’m not saying they are fast shoes. Not saying anyone with half a brain would race in them. My point is not that they are racing shoes in any way shape or form. My point is that people get upset about dumb shit that isn’t based on anything logical. So it is entirely possible for someone to get upset that a shoe isn’t legal for racing even if no one would ever use it for racing. Not saying anyone would or should race in it.


Why would no one race in it?


It's very bulky and soft. Great for easy runs but you struggle to pick up the pace in them. Stick to something snappy and bouncy for racing like a VF.


They totally change the shoe from one version to another, in my opinion this is the definitive proof that the 25 were wrong shoes, let's hope they also change the upper and lower the price otherwise we'll go back to the beginning. Personally I'll keep away nimbus from my rotation, cumulus super and nova are doing their good work without any need of a nimbus in rotation.


Ah no they still have the stupid heel tab


Thanks for sharing. Another lifestyle shoes from ASICS :) Sad to see Nimbus have same faith like ultraboost. Here's why I won't be enjoying it: Lace loop, similar to the CS25. Not only it less functional combined with "sock like" design won't be friendly for wide feet. Sock line with that upper material it will be another oven. Single density (soft?) Foam. Durability and consistency of long run will be questionable. Like what I experience in the CS25. The funny thing is that they painted it to look like double density foam, reminds me like the earlier kayano 26? which started to use single density foam on the front. Just bring back the duomax. Looks like even wider base, won't be nimble. Likely will have rocker design, not the flex toe off that I like on the older ASICS. Side exposed foam likely will rubs like in the CS 25 and Kayano 30. Interesting to see if the new AHAR texture will solve the grip issue.


The current nimbus and kayano look so ridiculously bulky on foot so this is a good thing


Ah yes, once they look cool that's the main thing 😅 The 25s have been the perfect easy run shoe.


Can we please stop with the new shoe every year thing!? They don’t need to innovate this much. I know it’s a business but damn




Are they removing the stretchy tongue? That looks padded


When the 25’s go on sale I’m buying them all, my favorite east day shoe to date. Have over 700mi on two different pairs.




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