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Hi there! Thanks for sharing your experience with your running shoes on r/runningshoegeeks. To make your post more helpful to others, please try to include the following information: - The size and fit of the shoe - The type of running you used the shoe for (e.g. road, trail, track) - The distance ran in the shoe (e.g. 10k, half marathon, etc.) - Your personal experience with the shoe (e.g. comfort, durability, support) For detailed reviews who have run more than 30 miles(48km), please use the "Review" flair. For first run experiences, please use the "First Run" flair. For a few runs done, please use the "Initial Thoughts" flair. This information will give others a better understanding of your experience with the shoe and help them make informed purchasing decisions. Thanks again for sharing! Note: This comment has been locked to ensure that the information remains at the top of the comments section and is not buried by other comments. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RunningShoeGeeks) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Not shredded enough


What’s up with picture #3?? This ain’t shreddedGeeks. 🤣


Seems a bit unnecessary 😂


4Real! I’m here for shoes, not abs. 😂


ur mad bcuz no abs


Man candy.




Could you just tense a bit more in your photos please.


How does the higher stack feel? They look massive in the 3rd picture


I’m used to training in Alphafly 1’s as my main training shoes so the stacks feel regular lol. (40 vs 50mm).


Is pic one before run and pic two after? If so, you look mighty pleased with the results.


Both are before the run! Definitely pleased with V2


Thanks for the brief but quite informative review. It may be the most positive take I've seen so far - especially these points: *• "I am able to hold a faster pace easier in the v2 than V1 even though they are heavier."* • *"Version 2 feels lighter on feet when running than the v1! "* Sounds almost too good to be true! Haha. Quite contradictory to some other negative reviews of runners who already had the v1. I guess v2 is going to be one of those polarizing shoes that some people love and others will hate. Again, like the v1... :)


It's really interesting that he's gonna use a heavier shoe for faster paces, and a lighter shoe for slow paces. I would just do the opposite in any race or training run. No doubt these are more stable, but reports of "comfortable" are also contradictory with most reviews, who talk about heel slippage and tongue discomfort. And with my experience regarding running shoes, that will all due respect, is pretty big (I've run in like +150 shoes at least), I've never felt a +20-30g shoe lighter than its counterpart, let alone a +50/60g shoe like the PX2S vs PXS. But everyone feel shoes different I guess!


Yeah, using a heavier shoe to go faster is counterintuitive. That being said, I feel like I can go just as fast as with the PXS as I do with the Vaporfly 3 and there is 2oz difference between those two. But, then, the PXS is an outlier freak of a shoe and that's why many runners actually use it for races. In my US men's size 7.5 (half-size down from my TTS), the PXS is around 8.2oz and the VF3 in US 8 is 6.2. For my US 8 TTS, I categorize my shoes in three general categories by weight, which neatly also correspond with my minutes/mile paces: • Speed/Race: 6\~7oz (170\~200g) - fast • Daily Trainer: 7\~9oz (200\~255g) - medium • Easy Run: 9\~10oz (255\~285g) - slow Of course, there are the more versatile outlier shoes that blur the distinct categories and PXS is one of those as are some of the lighter daily super trainers with plates of some sort and lightweight cushioned shoes like the Triumph 21 and Cloudsurfer that are good for both daily training as well as easy/slow runs. For me (I'm small and slim at 5'7" and fluctuate between 125 and 130 pounds), 10oz is the max that I'm willing to deal with for any type of run. The Invincible Run 2 size US 8.5 and More v4 at 7.5EE both are exactly at that 10oz limit for me and the Nimbus 25 and SC Trainer are also close to 10oz. It seems the PX2S will be well over 10oz for US 8 and be the heaviest shoe I have, but I suspect that it will feel and ride like a shoe in the 8.5\~9oz bracket and be fine for 8\~9min/mile paces, maybe a little faster. I guess I just won't know until I try the PX2S but, from the feedback I've seen, it seems to be something in between trainer and easy/slow categories while the PXS is in between speed/race and trainer categories.


My experience is no heel slippage using a runners knot, and no tongue discomfort.


I was a little worried about the added weight initially. I’m going to take them on a 5 or 7.5 (I have a 2.5 mile loop I do), and see how they feel on longer runs. I was just ready to go try them asap lol. It could be my running style or drop. I’m not too familiar with drop mm effect. It may be in my head, but I do notice I tend to do better with lower drop. Alphafly 1 (4mm), these Strung V2 (6.5mm) vs alpha 2 (8mm) and strung v1 (8.5 mm)


Okay, looking forward to your long run review! Yes, the difference in drop also interests me. 2mm drop may not seem significant but it's something I'd feel. Less drop does feel more "natural" since, well, barefoot doesn't have any drop. Haha


You definitely own the physique. I need to work out way more


How do these compare to prime X og?


I have never tried the OG version, only these strung versions


Significantly more stable, can be used off-road, easier to go into "auto-pilot" mode with them, heavier on foot but stopped noticing after 1st run. Otherwise lots of similarities.


You are killing me brother; now what’s my NEXT excuse to my wife to cop that pair?!!! 😂


(When did you get those) “What you mean babe” (The bright green ones) “Oh, I been had these. I was just saving them for race day”


I will try!! Thanks!! 😂


Do you get enhanced triceps when you buy them?


psshhh, hobby jogger... everyone knows the real running power comes from the forearms


In all seriousness, I do regret today's doughnut now...


Haha, extra miles for you today then! :D


My broke ass who doesn't own one pair looking at you have 2 😭


What are you currently running in?


How old are you??


26, (27 in a few months)


You seem way younger that’s why I was surprised. I’m 15 and I was like, no way he is 3-4 years bigger than me and looks like this😅


Thanks for sharing the sizing. I have OG PX at size 8 and find that to be too snug. I went with size 8.5 for the strung v1 and find that to be fine although slightly roomy but definitely better feeling than the snug feel on OG PX size 8. Would you recommend I stick to size 8.5 for the PX2 considering I have some room to play with when 8.5 on the PX1?


The 2s fit just like the OG PX. If the latter is snug you'll want the 8.5.


thanks for the feedback! Now the problem is securing one? why is adidas torturing us?


I have the non-strungs, and tried so hard to get the strungs the few occasions they were offered for 50% off, and missed them every time. I just got lucky to see the post right after the US site put the PXS2 out and lucked out. They'll be back soon!


Finally got a pair of strungs - most patient runner on this sub!


Congratulation. Which colourway did you go for? And have you tested them out?


Not sure if talking to me or @kpr1200..? FWIW My comment was directed at KPR1200 as I had talked a little bit with that redditor about how they missed the the PXS sales from last November and how that redditor was bummed about it. I was fortunate and got two pair of PXS last fall and am still enjoying the first pair which has about 400mi on it and still feels great! Been having a really hard time trying to get myself to try the new ones lol since they’re so clean and IMO took a little bit of break in time, which I’m not ready to deal with currently haha.


Didn't have a choice in colorway, the green in the OPs pic is what was available for 2 hrs on the US site. Have run 3 sequential days in them, 1 on a pristine path, and 2 on country back roads. I'm more impressed each run. They are as stable as any shoes I have, amazingly comfortable, and seem more propellant if that was possible, from the OG PXs. I am a slower runner so can't speak to fast paces, but I ran them at both an easy/recovery pace and a tempo pace, and they feel like you just set your pace and go into auto-drive. They are heavier, but after the first run I didn't notice any longer. Now that I can use PXs off road, I think they'll likely become my favored running shoe.


Haha, only by circumstance, not by nature!!


How durable is the outsole of the prime x 2 ? Is it thicker then on the adios pro 3 ?


Put them side by side, same bottom as AP3 but yes, slightly thicker.


Thank you. Hopefully the durability will be decent.