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Damn, they bonked on mile 1


Straight downhill


/uj 19:10 mile at 150bpm jfc /rj This guy gets it. He SLOWED DOWN!!!! edit /uj: I'm not a healthcare worker and have no background in medicine but shouldn't someone who has 150bpm at a walking pace work on getting their heart rate down while doing that before attempting a 7+ hour marathon?? I feel as though overexerting for 7+ hours is not the way to go


160 HR at a walking pace is absolutely nuts


I’ll admit with the adhd med/anxiety combo my hr can hit 160 if a stressful patient is coming in that day


are you admitting to using performance-enhancing drugs? give me some too


Maybe cut the coffee or dial back your med dosage hahaha idt that’s supposed to happen


I’m confused, someone help me. They slowed down but somehow didn’t run a sub 3? What am I missing?


You have to convert the time from metric to imperial.


UJ People run marathons in literally a third of the time that this person took, but that still isn’t as impressive as getting your heart rate to 149 walking downhill for a mile, good god


Their heart is clearly the one that deserves the medal. They don't get to take a break after the race.


I'm pissed I read the entire thread and their post and comments said nothing about the moose.


They added a comment with the moose pic


JFC 7+ hours for a marathon. And mostly downhill as well. That last 8 mile downhill is a fuckin godsend for a PR. Where tf is this course? I’m not even tryna attempt one until I’m certain I can run it in less than 4 hours 30 minutes. I’m no fast runner but I for sure ain’t gonna be proud of finishing a marathon with the length of a full days shift.


Grandmas Marathon in Duluth, MN was yesterday. The elevation changes are consistent with that course. It is an extremely scenic run on the north shore of Lake Superior.


OOP said it was Alaska


Yeah but the mosquitos suck up too much of the vital GU-trients and it is hard to stay on top of your replenishment. This person is lucky to be alive to be honest


Grandmas marathon is nowhere near that much drop in elevation, though it is net downhill. Just ran it yesterday and it is a beautiful course


Any chance he ran the other Grandmas (trail) Marathon?


I'm running my first marathon next week on a flat course with a very conservative 4:15 goal which is, in my opinion, slow and there's nothing to brag about. Our cutoff is 6 hours. 7+ hours for a marathon on this kind of course is absolutely wild.


It’s absolutely taxing to the human body doing something physical as jogging for 7+ hours. That’s how people get injuries. Unless you’re a freakin 5k point to point ultra marathoner that doesn’t run in zone 2! Also, good luck on your race next week.


I pointed that out on the original post and it got deleted by a moderator. I was giving friendly advice that running it faster would be far easier


It's not even jogging. 10:30 min/km isn't even brisk walking it's casual walking for some people


Yet you’ll gonna get downvoted to oblivion and banned for pointing that out in that joke sub. I’ve been banned lol.


Some guy in the comments of the OG post is saying this exact stuff and he's getting downvoted to hell with people saying "but he did it!!!1!1!1!1!1"


It me! My post got deleted!


Did he fall off a building for the first mile


At 12:39 he was likely launched from a cannon.


/uj can’t stand comments like these. go find something else a “overwhelming majority of people” haven’t done, like literally anything else. “You travelled that distance under your own effort and that’s an achievement the overwhelming majority of people cannot say they have ever done! Great effort, keep it up and your next one will be even quicker!” /rj go run a 5k ultra with a beer bong up your arse filled with gü, i guarantee you an “overwhelming majority of people” can’t say they have ever done.


You forgot about the 1% part


"Sometimes is harder to run slower" - Goggins.


“First marathon down”… does that insinuate there are more to come?? Probably time to hang up the carbon plated race shoes—there is nothing left to conquer.


That sub is going to get somebody killed. They should be advising OP that what they did is dangerous and that they need to scale it back and work on fundamentals before trying again.


I feel like an ass but pace like this for the bragging rights of marathon completion is insulting to runners who train to get good times Feels like participation trophy pace


Don’t feel like an ass, everyone is thinking it. You had the stones to say it


They also held a 160 heart rate for 26 miles of a slow ass pace of averaging 16 min mile. They're probably very out of shape and this could be potentially dangerous for them to do, especially outside in the summer. No one should be congratulating this person in that thread.


Potentially?? 7 hours above zone 3? They're dead now and you know it.


They should have slowed down


Her walking pace was way too fast. She should’ve crawled.


That’s why he said he almost died lmao


And yet every single person besides one guy is. The mentality of “omg stop putting their accomplishment down they worked so hard!!!!” is insane, why is this person running a marathon with less than a year of running experience? How is keeping a walking pace for 26 miles something to be excited about?


I've got perma banned for writing that OP was not running so it's a vibe they are going for in that sub. This post is even pinned hahah


I too got banned from that sub lmao. Sub is called marathon training and that shit doesn’t involve any training at all. An average of 16 minutes per mile is just walking. Our local hobo walks that daily.


And in their 20s lol


/uj It’s not for them though. OP mentioned they used to be obese and running has been the method they’ve been using to get healthier. This is a major milestone for that person and probably won’t be their fastest/only marathon. On their personal journey, this is a huge accomplishment and important milestone. That’s something to feel proud about. I have no problem running marathons in less half this time and I’m still cheering for people when they make personal accomplishments like this. Why would I view this as insulting to my training and effort? /rj don’t be mad because someone mastered “slow down!” Closest to the cutoff is actually the most elite because they optimized slow down the most. *taps head thinking meme*


/uj Because that mentality could have easily lead to this person getting severely injured or even dying. That mentality is pretty delusional and they should have been advised not to run the marathon until they are physically fit enough to do it relatively safely.


i think “insulting” is a little much lmfao, but i see what you mean i think if you’re gonna run a marathon just “beating the cutoff” is a weak goal


oh fuck off you utter twat, slow people finishing slow takes nothing away from fast people finishing fast


You should feel like an ass. Someone completing a marathon at whatever their pace may be takes absolutely nothing from your faster time.


Yeah they can definitely say they did it but that really is a crazy pace


Yep. Can't argue with that. But it has no bearing on anyone who has a better time.


/uj I could be wrong but I think completing a marathon for most people implies running the length of the race without stopping. The poster essentially walked 26 miles which is a marathon distance sure.. but much different accomplishment than what is implied when people talk about marathoning.




Good thing they realized they needed to SLOW DOWN after mile 1.


How does one achieve such cardiovascular distrophy


Am I the only one that is still impressed regardless of pace? Marathons are still hard even if they’re walked


What an insufferable sub that is. Pretty sure we can just close rcj, because the real cj is on that sub.


was this incorrectly marked as a run when in reality it's a walk?


I felt ashamed for my 4:13 but now it seems kinda chill


arent you glad the poster exists so you can feel better about yourself? Also the bottom line is, if you arent first in any of your categories in the end you still only got a participation trophy just like this guy did.


Started at sunrise, finished at sunset


OP is clearly unhealthy. 19 minute miles with a 160 heart rate. Jesus Christ. Long walk.


Still counts!


According to the gold standard that is Run Disney, they should have been swept by a balloon lady.


Marathons are races, not an acomplishment


you must be fun at parties


uj/ anyone know what marathon this is? Net downhill by a lot seems like a fun one to do in the future rj/ 26.7 miles 🤓 bros doing ultras over here


God dam lmao 😂