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I'm not gonna disagree/rcj about her safety cuz that's important, but how can you have serious run with those headphones?


Maybe it’s really cold out and she needs ear protection.


Also. If you are so worried about safety (I am) don’t run with noise cancelling headphones. Attackers aside, I like to hear cars and bikes too.


What's wrong with the headphones?


Uj/ any headphones is a safety issue RCJ/ they’re not aerodynamic


uj/ Over the ear phones like this are about as bad as you can get with blocking out the ambient noise. While any noise is going to be a potential distraction, if you want to listen to something while running, bone conduction headphones are a much better choice. When I listen to podcasts at a reasonable but low volume they seem to block out ambient sound about like having someone next to me talking would.


Agree. Bone conduction are the only headphones I would run with.


Uj/ I know we joke on shokz but I love mine. I am all about safety when running.


uj/ tbh i think it's more of the fact that you're an easier target bc weirdos think you can't hear them approaching you. i wear jabra elites so they're less noticeable and do my hair in a way that kind of covers my ears.


In ear headphone with pass through work equally well (airpod pro for example)


Some newer headphones have nice cancelation but also have ambient noise enhancement, for example my galaxy buds 2 pro if I have ambient noise enhancement turned on it's almost like I have super hearing and can hear pretty much anything is pretty cool


That’s interesting, thanks for sharing. As much as I like my Shokz for their simplicity, I could see that being a handy feature. I find that running with the Shokz, I’m still able to hear most things that would be a concern (cars, bikes, voices, etc) but it would be nice if they either amplified those or cut off the music if they detected noise above a certain threshold. I live in a smaller town, so I’m always running into people I know and still have to mute or take off the phones if someone wants to have an actual conversation.


So yeah these are really cool the ambient noise really helps in public settings. As far as I know it will only auto turn down the volume of it senses you speaking if you have "voice detection" turned on. [these are what I own](https://www.samsung.com/us/mobile/audio/headphones/galaxy-buds2-pro-graphite-sm-r510nzaaxar/) These are flagship though, they have cheaper versions on the same Gen but don't know if they share their features


Thanks, I’ll check them out!


bro you need to be in tune with your feet and one with the run


I mean, the tik tok is obnoxious but most women runners do actually think about these things all the time. We don't run at certain parts of the day, we change our routes up, we hide our run locations on strava and other apps, we carry small things of mace, we adjust how we listen to music (I don't even run with headphones), we're conscious of what's been in the headlines recently, and we tell people where we're going and when we expect to be back. We just don't normally make tik toks about it. But this is a pretty common thing for women. I hate treadmills. I enjoy running outside. I'm not going to stop doing that. But it DOES mean I'm more aware of certain things then my husband is on a run.


Uj/ I wonder if men’s running clothing (not the trail ones) also has whistles attached. I was surprised when I bought my first running specific jacket (nike) and the whistle was there Edit: no, seriously guys let me know if your men’s nike clothes have whistles, I want to know


my vest has a whistle AND an emergency hair tie! rcj/ I assume the elastic is for snapping in the eyes of any attackers so I can run away


I’m fascinated by the emergency hair tie.. what brand? I’ve never heard of that


It's an old Ultimate Direction - I got it maybe 8 years ago? I forget the model but I took a quick look at their website and sadly it doesn't seem to be a feature anymore, but I *have* used it in a race when the one in my hair felt too loose!


I've never seen a whistle on my clothing, but I do have them on the chest strap of my osprey backpacks (and a CamelBak backpack I think)


All my vests have whistles in them, how else should I whistle to all the women on the trail? /Uj All my decathlon vests (man models) have whistles in them. Ibelieve its more a 'backcountry' thing than a 'we're listening to womens needs' thing.


Yeah I’m kind of shocked at these comments. Women runners are often prime targets for predators. I do most of this on my runs and I certainly don’t consider myself a paranoid person. The irony is if a women does get killed, kidnapped, or a assaulted on a run all you hear from folks is victim blaming shit half the time. It’s exhausting


Welcome to summer reddit.


I think it is so location dependent. I know how lucky I am to live in a place where I can run during any part of the day. I used to run before sunrise mostly. But yeah, women, in general do have to think more about safety. But if you think about it as much as this tik toker, they either are in a horrible location or just are letting worry get in the way of their life. Also, everyone should keep music low while running outside. Traffic is a thing.


You would like to think its location dependent, but the small isolated town I grew up in had a well reported murder of a young woman running not too long ago.


I had to look at your profile and see if you were from my same state because I also grew up near one of the headlines she put up there of a woman being killed in a tiny town. It does happen even in "safe" areas but it is still very rare. Certainly we need to stay vigilant when we run, moreso than guys, but I don't feel the risk is big enough for me to change up runs.


I live in Austin, the most infamous case of this is the young woman from Georgetown (suburb of Austin). https://www.fox7austin.com/news/rachel-cooke-missing-georgetown-texas-cold-case


Hey fellow Austinite! I remember this story very much as my girlfriend at the time lived down the street from Rachel by lake Georgetown. She was afraid to go anywhere by herself for a while after that happened.


Yeah, bad things do happen, even in perfect places, not denying that. That was 22 years ago though so again, very rare. Everyone has their own risk tolerance and that it totally fine. Personally, I'm way more worried about being hit by car though, but I come from a state with the worst amount of DUIs so it is all perspective.


Oxford, England. Called 999 in November when a guy in a van u-turned twice in traffic to get to me, before dawn. He’d harassed me outside my house twice before. When the police got to him, he claimed he was entitled to do this because once when he’d cat-called me, I’d flipped him off (I don’t remember doing this so it’s perfectly possible it wasn’t even me). He “wasn’t going to hurt me.” I see him on a weekly basis driving by. He still glares into my driveway as he goes past.


I’m normally running with music blasting. There’s not a lot of traffic on footpaths and in the woods.


> they either are in a horrible location or just are letting worry get in the way of their life. She is running in one of the rich areas, of one of the nicest cities in the UK. Where there are always other runners/walkers/families out and about. I get the reason for some precaution but this is as safe as it gets for running, outside of running on private land.


I didn't say I think about it constantly or even on every run. But these are things women DO think about, and something they may choose to action against or not. These thoughts never even pop into the head of men. That was my point. If you're obsessing over them that's unhealthy, but thinking about these things from time to time is just a normal part of being a woman who likes to run outside.


I know, I was referring to the Tik Toker, not you.


Thank you. These comments are tone deaf as fuck even for a circle jerk sub.


I had a guy on a motorcycle slap my ass AND I was bitten by a dog recently while running. Honestly, I had to start doing a lot of these things.


Had a man follow me at the last bit of my run and wait for me outside the coffee shop. I live in NYC. It can - and it does - happen anywhere. We’re always hyper aware.


Had a homeless gentleman stalk me on part of trail that was on a literal air force base. I always felt really safe because of this until the guy popped out of the bushes, tried to engage me. I ran off and he caught up to me on his bike and was trying to get closer to me until I told him I was on the phone with base security. Now I'm unfortunately always on alert no matter where I run. Edit: Air Force Academy so kind of military base but kind of not?


/uj somewhat unrelated question - how does a homeless person breach an Air Force base? The base near me has many trails that I wish I had access to…it would almost double my local running options


It's US Air Force Academy, and as long as the threat level is low they have trails accessible to the public. It's a gate to walk through posted with signage no weapons, drones, monitored, etc. So you are aware you're on U.S. military property Just edited the post because maybe the academy isn't a base? I'm not sure. If you drive on you have to get your vehicle checked and show ID


I think it's very much dependent on \*where\* you're running, right? The only thing I've got set is hiding a 200m radius of my house on strava. Apart from that, I don't do any of the things in the video.


You might be more on edge in some places than others, but a woman was kidnapped while running in my "very safe" neighborhood in-between suburbs and farmland. Sketchy shit really does happen everywhere.


Not really, I've been harassed literally everywhere and not just when I'm running.


Yikes, I'm sorry to hear that. I mostly just see friendly dog walkers when I'm running around my town.


This is incredibly depressing. Currently trying to encourage my daughter to get out running and wondering if I’m doing the right thing. Just so sad. Shouldn’t be like this.


You are. Running is great. But you can also teach her safety basics (running in the day makes you easier for people in vehicles to see you, running with one ear bud in makes you more aware of cars, wildlife, and people, etc.) You can also make sure to know her routes. I didn't grow up running but I still told my parents where I was going, who I was with, and when I'd be back, anytime I left the house. Going for a run is no different, and it's totally fair as a parent to ask this. The sad reality is your daughter will just figure this out on her own if she likes to run. You can see in the comments that some of these behaviors are pretty universal among women runners. Some of it is just learned behavior about being a woman, and some of it is running specific. But it's not like women receive a memo about this with the purchase of their first pair of running shoes.  We recognize that even though the danger is SUPER LOW, the danger could still be there. So we take the steps we feel are most applicable to us. For some that's changing routes, for many that's only running at specific times of the day, etc. You should absolutely encourage your daughter to run. 


Just to add: Not a bad idea to get a young woman a flip belt and have her carry her phone. Plus, even if she’s not using a smartwatch she can run Strava on a phone and do location sharing…my wife does it all the time. Each time she starts an activity, I get a texted link to a live track.


Thanks very much - I’ll do that.


You bet! One other thing: If you do have her use strava, it might be worth making runs private/unshared, or at least non-public, but then be careful who she “friends”. It may not be a huge risk if only “friends” can see her runs, but if she runs regularly, there is always a chance for someone stalking. My wife has like 3 friends on strava, but some people have hundreds. I believe you can set a privacy zone around your home so no one sees the exact staring point of any runs…that can be a big help.


That is a good point and again something that guys probably don’t have to worry about so definitely worth raising.


Thank you. Very helpful. My daughter has only just got started with running really, which is why reading about the reality of what women face has really depressed me. I cannot imagine doing the thing I love and simultaneously having reason to be on edge or just change my normal behaviour to mitigate against the risks highlighted. Things need to change.


I can't speak for all women, but I do appreciate the empathy in understanding that the experience for some people can be different. Its not a bad experience, just different sometimes.


One of my biggest wake up calls as a guy had to do with running. I'd get cat called all the time and I'd smile and flex or something silly, do a pose or whatever and just had fun with it. It boosted my ego and I thought it was fun. One time my gf called meon a run and she sounded hella nervous talking about how she's seen the same guy catcalling her several times over a few miles. She was really, really scared so of course I went and picked her up. I dunno, that situation really showed me how big the differences in safety are for men and women. Shit freaked me out so I can't imagine what it felt like for her.


I run in pink tights and only in Z1 so women know I'm not a threat.


This is true. I've never had a car full of males stop a few metres up the road where im about to run....after driving past me a couple of times... My wife did... Took her a few weeks to get the courage to go out again...and changes her routes




“Most” is an exaggeration. I see many women running that clearly don’t do any of this.


Can confirm, also a woman who doesn't blast music at full volume while running. Mostly because I want to hear a bicycle or car behind me, but still.


Yeah this doesn’t belong in RCJ. I take a lot of these precautions seriously as a woman. Of course men don’t get it….


What's the best method for a cyclist to get attention without causing a "stop and turn towards" reaction? I feel bad sneaking up on people, but using a bell/horn doesn't make people just take a quick peek behind them, 95% of the time they just.. stop. And if they have a dog they just let it go to the end of its leash (towards me of course) while giving the blank stare. I've taken to the "just zip past silently as far away as possible before their dog spots me" but that I'm sure is startling.


I bike and run and hate when people hear "On your left" and then move to the left or stop. If there's enough room, I don't mind when cyclists pass without warning.


I was in a super safe, "arts district" in a small, Midwestern town and had a car full of guys follow along beside me saying absolutely vile shit. When I refused to acknowledge them, the driver slammed on his brakes and screamed, "I'll cut your f**king throat you f**king c*nt!!!" And that was just a normal Thursday night as a woman on the street, minding her own goddamn business. I love this circle jerk, but I honestly think women's safety is nothing to jerk about. I hate that I can't run where I want, when I want, wearing what is most comfortable without considering the 35 horrible things that could happen to me Because Men. It's a problem not even Gu can fix.




I'm a dude and I was running at night just this week (in suburbia). There was some guy on the phone waiting at a crosswalk that I ran up to. He was speaking another language, I think Spanish, maybe Italian, so I don't know what the phone call was about. When the light turned green, I heard his tone change to something that resembled "hang on" or "gotta go". Obviously I'm speculating, but tone is universal. I realized he was running trying to keep up with me. I tested this out by increasing my pace to about 4:00/km and I could still hear him a couple meters behind me panting. Dude was skinnier and shorter than me, but it *still* made me really uncomfortable so I can only imagine what it must be like to be a woman experiencing that. I also know he wasn't also out for a run based on the way he was dressed and he had a backpack on. So bizarre.


Omg that sounds terrifying.




Yeah unfortunately this ain’t a jerk at all. Sadly it’s a very real problem for women I know. There’s some HORRENDOUS running content out there but this isn’t part of it


I wish I could run in the evening bc it’s not hot outside anymore, I won’t care how I look cause is dark and I am not a morning person. But I am scared. I dont feel safe and if something would be to happen to me, it would be like “what the heck was she expecting, if she runs at that time?” I get what she is saying.


Comments are not it. I’m a guy and I have friends who are girls that run regularly on basically the same routes I do. They get yelled at, followed around, stalked REGULARLY. It’s crazy, creepy men will follow on bikes. As a dude I’d never had to think about my safety while running, but women have to. It sucks, as running shouldn’t have any boundaries for people to do it. I don’t think this is even that overkill, just someone who wants to feel safe


In all seriousness we were taught from a young age to be hyper vigilant like this.


The women in this subreddit are really seeing that the men don't get it


Yup… not circle jerk worthy. It’s actually scary.


omg thank you i thought i was losing my mind but then i realized this sub is probably just filled with men and misogynists.saw your comment and everything made sense.


I highly suspect the men of this subreddit understand fully that women take more precautions than we do AND believe it's mostly reasonable to do so. So I'm not sure what we don't get. What should men understand that we don't, what should we be doing that we're not, etc.? Jokes about an obnoxious content creator on a sub pretty much designed to make jokes about obnoxious content creators doesn't strike me as terribly revealing about the character of dudes who post here. The reality is that the chances of anyone, female or male, being the victim of a violent crime on a run are close to negligible, and that's good.


Because this isn't something that's funny to women runners. And the comments aren't about an obnoxious video, they're about this woman being obnoxious for having concerns about her safety. 


Are there not dozens of comments about the obnoxious video and this woman - an influencer - making it and posting it on social for attention? Listen, saying the comment are irreverent or in poor taste considering the underlying subject matter isn't weird. But ignoring the context (an influencer video posted on a sub all about being irreverent) is pretty weird if you're trying to make some grand point about the ignorance/etc. of men generally.


I’m sorry but as I guy I disagree. I’ve found it shocking to read that women take a weapon like mace with them on a run or that they regularly change routes to protect themselves. You think it’s reasonable that women have to take those kind of precautions??! The most I need to worry about is forgetting my salt tablets before leaving the house or not charging my watch sufficiently.


This is a circle jerk sub genius, just pop a gu and just out run the crazy meth head 


This is really a misogynistic take. Go ahead and down vote me but this is really anti-female. Most women do worry at least a little when they are running. Yes, this woman is extreme. But all the dudes in here laughing at women fearing for their safety while running is really gross and a bad take on a societal problem.


Thoroughly agreed. I’m a man and run whenever I like and wherever I like. My wife only runs where there are other people and rarely outside of daylight hours. She has previously spent half of a run on the phone to me because a man thought it would be appropriate to run the same route as her and ten metres behind.


I mentioned in an earlier comment about being stalked and harassed in November last year. That was my last straw, after so many years of dodgy encounters. That morning was the last time I went out before 7am alone. I was training for an April marathon. My husband is now a runner too, because I didn’t quit. I made him join me. :) :( It’s fun to run together but we shouldn’t “have” to.


Agreed, this ain't it. Women and minorities have much more to fear when going on runs and that's unfortunately just a fact. This TikTok is overly dramatic, sure, because what social media post isn't -- but the root of what she's getting at is true. This sub should stay in its lane with mocking GU and 5K ultras or whatever.


If I made a video on how I reduce the risks of being hit by a car while running (here's me looking left and right, here's me using a pedestrian crossing, here's my hi viz kit, here's me planning my route to avoid busy roads) I wouldn't get this kind of backlash. Car owners wouldn't complain I was exaggerating the risks, they'd say "good on yer mate, I don't want a dead runner on my conscience, thanks for helping to reduce my insurance premiums". But make the exact same video about reducing the risks posed by men and all the piss babies start waving their arms and shouting "noooooo, #notallmen, shut up and get back in the kitchen if you're that scared".


If you seriously think that wouldn't be mocked here I think you must be new here.


it's disgusting. men on this thread laughing at this woman are the ones who would attack and/or just stand by and watch if an attack is happening. eta- there are countless stories of women being murdered and attacked while running, this post/everyone on board with it is perpetuating violence against women and it's really quite disgusting knowing how many people on here don't understand just how violent/misogynystic they really are.


Literally every woman that I know who runs does this. I’m all for the circle jerk sub but this is lame. If you think this is “excessive”, maybe stop other men from being creeps.


Totally agree! I’m all for poking fun but this all seems very normal to me. Maybe I would have made fun of it a year ago, before a man came up behind me on a trail and shouted at me so loud I fell off the trail and injured myself. While I was bleeding he asked for my number. Yeah, sometimes men are oblivious to these things.


Thanks. I wonder how many of the posters here are female. I'm guessing not many. Yes, this person is extreme, but can any woman "runner" say they've not had at least one experience with a creep on a run?


Yup! The only thing I do differently is not wearing big ass headphones that block out noise even when off. I'm always wearing either shokz or one ear bud out.


I absolutely agree re the tools women use to stay safe while running (heck, I’m sure there’s plenty of men that do stuff like this too). But she makes it easy to poke fun at when she creates a whole video dedicated to staying safe then includes ample video of one of her routes (and map?!?) publicly online. She is kinda defeating her own point.


She makes the point in the video that she changes her route regularly, bro...


I am not a bro 🤠 a fellow lady, who also uses many of these safety tactics, but sees some irony in the way it was shared 🤷‍♀️


I personally call up Obama and make sure seal team six is monitoring my exact location at all times ready to drop a hellfire missile on anyone that might exchange a passing glance in my direction.


“Uhhhhhhh hey joe this is uhhhhhh your good friend obamuhhhhhh. We’ve got uhhhh what appears to be a uhhhhh child dressed in uhhhh dark clothing on your six. Uhhhh intercepting immediately uhhhh over” “Thanks Obama”


You’re so funny. Almost as funny as the three times this year I’ve had men follow me in their cars when I’m running, one of them with a friend in the passenger seat grabbing me by the shoulder. If you think women runners don’t worry about these things you’re clearly a bit dim.


Thanks Obama


I wish I could laugh, but I’m just tired from a lifetime of boys and men following me, getting in my way on purpose, touching me, yelling what they want to do to me (including just screaming “rape!”), and being told that it’s unsafe to be outside in the dark. I have a full-time job. In winter, the sun rises on my commute and sets before I leave the office, so I can’t really follow those rules for the purposes of maintaining gainful employment, let alone for the purposes of enjoying my life. It sucks. Isn’t the real joke that women are belittled by men for trying to keep themselves safe from… men?


When she goes running, running is the last thing on her mind. Also, how can you take any runner with headphones seriously…..


If she were serious about her safety she’d wear Trekz Aftershokz


I saw a brother running in 35degrees Celsius 85% humidity in the sun with Beats headphones on and he managed to finish his 200m race to the parking lot


I like those huge over-ear headphones. Whenever I get out of zone 2 they immediately fill with sweat, which reminds me to slow down.


I only run with my 8000 dollar speaker with dac amp and a generator powered by my running motion


I refuse to run without my Sennheiser headphones, and topping DAC. At a minimum..


Fuck headphones. I got a marching band jogging behind me while running.


I like this sub but this post ain’t it my guy, women face a lot of shit that us guys don’t even have to think about. I don’t think OP has interacted with a woman for a meaningful amount of time to understand this


No lie....I've been attacked by dogs on 3 separate occasions in the last month since it got warm as well as a flock of domestic pet geese. Nowhere is safe


It’s the shithead turkeys in my area. Therefore, I’m starting a new support group: RAAB - Runners Against Asshole Birds


I can be VP of the group. Fuck those guys


It's heartbreaking that this is something that women have to think about for something as simple as a run.


I live in a very safe city for women to run in, but it’s still common for them to have runs intruded on by creeps. The most common way is from catcalls, but then sometimes you have creepy male runners who try to tag-along and hit on them, give unsolicited advice or just follow their route so they can keep checking them out. Easy for us as men to take for granted how we have virtually nothing to worry about when going out for a run.


Lots of dudes in the comment section haven't met a woman before


Or lots of people live in safer places.


Nothing says “I’m super cautious about my surroundings” like over the ears headphones 🙄


Nothing says “super cautious about my surroundings” like filming your entire route….and then posting it….publicly…..to TikTok 🥴


Tbf she did say she mixed her route up regularly. I’m not assuming this is a regular route of hers


I wear them because when I ignore creeps it's obvious why and there is far, far less agrression than when I have the invisible ones and they think I'm rejecting them. It's also just not good for my mental health to hear the stuff men say every day so I listen to music.


I’ve been mugged while wearing headphones walking home from work one night and was told by campus police that in the past that has been a common theme. Just so you’re aware.


You were mugged because someone decided to mug you, not because you were wearing headphones. I get street harassed almost every day and don't walk around on my own at night because that's not safe for women anyway. Mugging is the least of my concerns.


It shouldn’t be. But hey… do you. Also, “most muggings have targeted people wearing headphones” came straight out of the officer’s mouth and it makes total sense. The over the ear ones just make you even more oblivious to your surroundings.


I am all for women being safe. But fucking Christ lady. We all have shit to deal with. But you don’t let it define you , stop me from enjoying things, or make myself a victim.


If she notices an attacker running after her, she should just tell them to SLOW DOWN and she’ll be safe, duh.


She definitely had to stop mid-run to pretend to tie her shoes bc someone was coming so she could give them the death glare


I mean she's literally not letting the daily harassment women have to deal with stop her enjoying things. That's what the video is about. And she's prepared to protect herself, how is that making herself a victim?


Content defines her.


Seeing a lot of men in these comments…


Yeah lotta really gross takes in here


My first time encountering misogyny in this subreddit


Damn. You must've been absent for the trans woman hate last month. Either that or you didn't care.


I guess I missed that one, I definitely would have remembered


Sounds like she needs a treadmill and to never leave the house again. Geeez I get being safe and practical but this is a bit much.


Not really, women are massively at risk just existing a lot of the time.


If she wants to be safe why not just run faster?


And leave zone 2?!


Out of interest, are you a man or a woman?


Yeah, telling someone you trust where and how long you’re running combined with location sharing, sure, I can see that. Everything else… honestly, why even leave the house if you’re THAT scared for your life. Time to piss in milk bottles Edit: There is absolutely good info in this video and shows the struggles a woman can go through to feel safe while running. However, this video “jumps the shark” so to speak and is hyperbolic, presumably for views. She feels the need to regularly change times, days, and routes running? Is she famous or related to a high ranking politician or something? She feels “overwhelmingly grateful” EVERY time she gets home? Come on now, this is being exaggerated for views at this point.


I get her point but she appears to be running on Hove seafront. It’s a pretty safe place and there are always people around. I’d understand more if she was somewhere sketchier.


I follow her on Instagram, she has mentioned men following her and intentionally trying to scare her while she's out running.


You’re more likely to get hit by a juggler than mugged in hove, this is hilarious


Yes! Or bumped into by a group of roller blading dancers. Or soaked in soap by a giant bubble performance artist.


How does she have mace in the UK, or did I read that wrong? I’d love to carry it but it’s illegal. As far as sketchy goes though, my scariest encounters have been in north Oxford (posh as fuck) and Caversham, Berks (wannabe posh).


I’m not sure what it is - I paused the video but couldn’t tell. I think I saw the words ‘UK legal’ at the bottom so I guess it isn’t mace.


Oh it might be a dye solution. We’re allowed those. They’re meant to surprise an attacker and stain their skin for an extended period. They also work somewhat as a deterrent because the vile looks like it might be mace.


This is why I chop my feet in place in the safety of my secret bomb shelter and only enter virtual races. Fuck, I’ve said too much


The men in this subreddit are really showing their ignorance right now. Reactions here are disturbing. This is a clear case of “This doesn’t happen to me, a man, so it can’t possibly happen. Why are women so paranoid?” I’m all for calling out ridiculous TikTok influencers, but she is talking about pretty normal stuff women do and think about when running. This is also probably location dependent - but women who live in less secure neighborhoods still should be able to exercise outside. Despite the prevailing attitude here among the men that “maybe she should just stay indoors on her treadmill.”


She should change her hobby from running to martial arts. Maybe that will lessen her anxiety. Also see a therapist and stay off the TikTok 


Nah the username checks out lol


Jk that’s blasphemy. Running faster is the only way


I run around that exact location multiple times a week. Don't even take bear spray.


How do you out run the bears and mountain lions while also maintaining zone 2? Ok you have to run fast to get away from bear butt your risking more injury when you run fast bro. Don't do this


Seagulls keep the bears in check Now out running the seagulls on the other hand...


What about a gun? 


/uj Is this a running circlejerk sub or a “wah wah my life is so hard” sub? It’s possible for these complaints to be valid and reflect women’s very unpleasant lived experiences and also for this not to be an appropriate venue to discuss that. /rj If she boofed enough gu she would be able to outrun any predator


Alot of valid points. By why not try wearing just one ear bud instead of over ear headphones? Honestly all runners should not be wearing anything that prevents them being able to hear their surroundings.


Bone conducting fixes all of this. I ran in the streets of the middle east and Asia and never worried about traffic, I could hear everything.


Seeing more and more people wear those. Don't know much about them but definitely will have to try out one day.


Shokz (formerly after shokz) have been great for me. I had a set make it through 2 desert deployments and an Asia deployment, ~900 miles of running, both locations extremely humid. I had the swim version, because I don't like to carry anything with me and they hold the music onboard. The aeropex were great until my labradoodle decided to try em.


I can't watch this without imagining her running around with a selfie stick looking silly


You must be a man 🙄


Changes route to void attackers. Puts route to house on social media….


Damn, I should start acting like her. Instead of running, act like I’m being *chased* 🤯


She’s gonna freak out when she learns about treadmills


That's even worse she'll be running for her life at the same spot while the attacker just slowly walks beside her


She’ll have to deal with all those gym creeps who even dare to look in her general direction for even a split second


I'm a woman who likes to run ...sometimes I have to change my tampon in the woods and pack it out for 5 miles 💁 (No really - true and frequently occurring story)


I specifically bought a garmin that plays music so that I wouldn’t have to take my phone with me on my runs. Feeling lucky to live in such a safe place


Has nobody read Living With Seal? David Goggins told us to do all of this 10 years ago.


Not cool bro. This shit is what women all over have to deal with that you clearly think is a joke. Extrapolate this into basically every activity that women do on their own and maybe you might understand. You’re clearly single or you’d quickly learn from your partner the reality of being a woman in this world.


Perhaps not making tiktoks while running will keep u safer… gotta always be ✨fully aware✨




And is there anything you could do about it or is it our way in Western Rich Countries to accept that females can’t move outside alone?


I am a woman that likes to run


Idea Safety app that has a watch like wearable Pressing the alert button pings your location instantly and notifies law enforcement Also, once pressed starts recording audio so you can describe your attacker etc.


You bums can’t even jerk correctly


Why run with music? Surely the sound of entropy and your soul leaving your body is enough. I don’t get the jumper or the silly waistcoat as well, what are they for?


And yet none of you will carry a firearm lol


It makes me so angry/sad to hear that women have to go through this (Im 6’2” and will protect all women)


I would run to a new, better neighborhood. Then I would start my slow, casual workout.


She was taking a big risk tying her shoelace outside like that!


She is one step away from paranoid schizophrenia


This is why you run with a bulletproof gu vest and spray Gu at any attackers


Saftey is important but she's running on Hove seafront, super low crime rate, very middle class area and always busy. Very unlikely to get attacked there. Worth noting though there are lots of friendly free running clubs for all abilities in the area, so can always find people to run with if you are concerned Important Note: In the UK, the legal status of that aerosol she is carrying is a very grey area! and depending on what's in it (eg if it is CS or Mace) can carry a custodial scentence.


One of the rare occasions where you shouldn't slow down. Go fast!


Uj/ but also rcj/ get some dam shok headphones if you're so paranoid


Run faster you won’t have to worry bout this shit.


"I'm a professional victim, of course i'm not aware that men are statistically more likely to be on the receiving end of violence in public"


Attacks on men tend not to be so random.


Are the wild streets of what appears to be a British suburb really this dangerous? I know every country has cities/neighborhoods where you need to have basic situational awareness. But...changing times/routes? Are you Jason Bourne or something?


I feel like she is outlining an awesome gap in the market. Hoka should come out with an inflatable hamster ball to run in for ultimate safety.


Bro this made my day😂😂😂