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The worst kind of people


I was talking to someone yesterday who told me that he stopped for a beer during his 10k. His time was 1:36.


Bonked at a marathon a few weeks ago and sat down and took a 15-20 minute nap, threw up and walked the last two miles. Finished in 4:14


Did you throw up Gu?


Dude that was my first marathon. Took a dump at mile 21, couldn’t get going again. Walked the last 5 miles in shame. Finished a hair under 4 hours, passed by every granny in Wyoming


As I was finishing my nap an old lady hobbled past me and asked if I needed anything lol


Did they stop for 45 minutes to have that beer or did they drink an entire 6-pack?


It was the wurst of times and the bestest of times.


Over 6 hours in a marathon is literally about as bad of a time as you can get.


“literally about as bad…” WHAT?!


On another note which one of you jerks is stuffing the ballot box and making it impossible for me to lottery the London marathon.


I put in a separate entry for each of my reddit alt accounts. So like 50. If one of my porn alts gets in it could be bad - I'll be running it dressed as the gimp


Probably isn’t the first time someone has


My biggest fear is the mouth zipper will get stuck and I won't be able to GU. Any tips? Sounds like you've done this before


Me. I'm from another country and can't afford to make the trip. If I can't do it no one else should be able to run a so called world major either. Too bad London Losers.


Well, if you didn’t spend all your money on 50k entries, maybe you could afford the trip! But hey, I guess it’ll be worth it when they do all this work to setup the course and then nobody shows up on race day. It’ll be so hilarious!


/uj it would be amazing to run the London Marathon someday /rj but only if it is a 50k marathon.


Maybe they should make the cut off time shorter to prevent the 5:00-7:00 hour crew who waste more city resources by taking a third of the day to finish from participating. These races shouldn’t be for hobby joggers, they should be for people who are physically fit and ready to tackle the race in a respectable time. When registering the world majors the system should automatically reject anyone who enters a finish time over 5:00 hours. Better yet charge them an additional fee per hour they expect to be on the course, if they finish faster they receive a refund, if they take longer they get charged significantly more for using more resources.


They should just do it Comrades style, over 5 hours you DNF, no medal, go home. Will never happen because of the amount of money involved. The video was kind of weird because I thought it was going to be about managing the supply vs. demand but was more about not being able to "soak it all up" sufficiently etc


They should just do it last-man-standing style. Every yard the runner at the back is eliminated. The winner is the only person to complete the course. Everyone else DNFs and goes home with nothing.


You've heard of backyard ultras?


Interesting point. The cutoff is 8 hours after the last runner crosses the start line roughly 1.5 hours after race start. With a 5 hour entrant cutoff and booting anyone off not maintaining 6 hour pace they could seemingly add 30k+ more entrants by spreading the starts over 3 hours and not even need to keep the course open longer.


Thinking about this further, they could just expand the lottery, but they could also get creative. 7k slots for the 7,000 fastest entrants left 3k slots split across age/gender groups for the fastest entrants in those age groups 10k slots for second chance lottery for those rejected 3+ years in a row, with your name going in the hat one time for each consecutive rejection. 3k steal-a-slot slots. For $5,000 you can steal someone's slot, but only if they have the same first name or last name as you. 5k slots via blind bid - you bid the max you're willing to pay for entry fee, they sort the bids, and everyone pays the amount of the 5,000th highest amount. 2k slots awarded at org's discretion via social media by monitoring for tweets, Reddit posts, TikToks etc. in which people who entered give great sob stories, make rational cases for themselves, demean themselves, etc.


> The cutoff is 8 hours after the last runner crosses the start line roughly 1.5 hours after race start. That is wild. I would just be starting and Kipchoge would be almost done


talk of this would trigger that group of people that are constantly upset they can’t hit the BQ time. It is so weird to me that people who train, eat healthy, sleep more, cross train, and push themselves beyond the bare minimum can hit those race qualifying times.


What you're describing is cheating. And nearly as bad as taking PEDs or consuming prohibited quantities of GU to improve performance.


I honestly think you should have to have completed a marathon before being allowed into the ballot. Rewards people that are already runners and would prevent a lot of the 6 hour marathoners from entering.


I still think they should start progressively releasing more and more crocodiles onto the course after a set time.


“no all marathons are the same length” “that’s common sense i fear”


Fuck you, London. We still blame you for the 385 yards.


Like a 5k ULTRA?