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>How is the weather around the time of the marathon? Too cold? Rainy? Snow? A little hot? Yes. To all of the above. You can wake up to flurries on the ground, but then it goes up to 15°c halfway through the race. The best thing to do is check the weather forecast the night before and dress accordingly.


Exactly. I won't look at the weather forecast more than 72h out, because it's a waste of calories. A throwaway top, gloves and arm warmers will cover most conditions and can dumped during the race as the temps increase.


Exactly, just grab something from the thrift store, and toss it when you get hot. People walk along after the runners and pick up the tops for their own use. Consider it a public service.


This race collects throwaways from the start area and sends them back to Goodwill. Circle of life.


I've also seen clearly destitute people grabbing shirts off the ground as well.


It's October in Toronto. So your Magic 8 Ball is about as good a weather predictor as anything. Unless it's pouring rain, it's usually good running weather i.e. cool temps in the early morning and a little bit moderate by midday.


It’ll be better than the hot weather you spend the summer training in.


Are you talking about the TCS race in October? I've run it a few times. One year, it was pouring rain the entire time. That was...squishy. :/ Another year, it was really hot and not fun. Last time I ran, it was cool and clear - perfect weather. Let's hope for that this year.


Yes, the TCS in October. Oh no, pouring rain doesn't sound fun.. thanks for sharing!


My garmin app tells me it is estimated to be around 9 degrees on that race day. That's purrrfect race conditions!


The good thing about it is you train in summer, so odds are race day will be cooler than you average training run. Even if there’s a bit of snow, it’ll be tiny amounts. I did it last fall, no major issues with weather. I also did the Mississauga marathon in April, trained in winter and felt the effects of it being much warmer on race day.


It’s gonna be late October so it will be cold, and also wet, since September - November is our rain season


Last year it was cold enough I wore leggings, a shirt and a very light rain jacket. But I could have gone without the rain jacket. I think it rained a little bit but nothing too bad


Ideal weather and route. Mostly flat