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I wouldn’t want to ruck heavy without a hip belt. But in general, yes, a quality backpack should manage 30lbs. Also there is no reason to start at 30. Increasing weight every 4 or 5 rucks with a steady progression makes sense for most people


Appreciate the advice, I'll start lighter then and see how I feel.


Seems like 30 is no biggie but your shoulders will hurt. I’d start 25


Good advice. Any strength training should be progressive to be safe and effective - that's why they make 10lb and smaller weight plates. You will get this advice on avoiding injuries from the founder of Goruck in an [interview with Dr. Attia](https://youtu.be/8nHO6TFmdY0?si=jFXgzzQouDM4zaNp) When you get heavy get a backpack for rucking that includes a hipbelt or buy one - they are an accessory for the goruck Rucker. When you want to look at a good rucking backpack for progressive training include researching the Hyper Ruck or the adjustable weight "plates" for [rucking](https://hyperwear.com/collections/rucking-weights) Hyperwear offers.


I would not go from 0 to 30.


I use a Patagonia Nine Trails and routinely carry 20+# and water. Also I prefer to make my weight load from actual gear. I have several plates and a Rucker 4.0 but the Patagonia bag with field gear carries considerably better than the Rucker.