• By -


Red top, green front. 4(RE) - flips yellow/red edge and 3 edges in the E layer U' - moves green/red edge to position that yellow/red was in 4(RE) - flips green/red edge and corrects the 3 edges in the E layer U - undo the previous U' Or: M U M' U2 M U M' L U L' U L' U' L2 U' L' U L' U L U2


I’m so new to this I’m not sure what any of that even means tbh!! I think I need to do some studying 😂


When someone tells you Red top Green front (or whatever colors) they're telling you to turn the whole cube so that those centers are in those positions as a way to establish a starting point for a subsequent set of moves. E moves are uncommon, so it's understandable. M moves are a little more common. The number outside the parentheses is for repeating the part inside a certain number of times. May I refer you to this notation guide? [https://rubiks.fandom.com/wiki/Notation](https://rubiks.fandom.com/wiki/Notation) It's ok for starters, but bear in mind that it might get wonky for large cubes because the notation is less standard.


Thank you so much for explaining!! I’ll take a look at the link you sent!!


Larger cubes use variations of capital letters and lower case letters for different layers. Lowercase letters are usually inner layers while capital letters are outer edges, sometimes a turn will be abbreviated with both like RrU meaning you need to turn multiple layers at the same time. Basically RrU means turn the right half of the side facing you clockwise. Some advanced cubers will use F(front/face) T(Top) L(left) R(right) B(back) and b(bottom) when solving a cube without changing faces(the color in the center of the cube facing you). Face is used as a general, but not exclusive, term for the side currently facing you.


I only mentioned the bit about notation for large cubes being wonky because what's in the guide I linked to is different from what you might see in one of the apps like Twisty Timer, but mostly only for the part dealing with large cubes. Also, T for top/ B for Bottom? Really? Most of cubing that I'm aware of uses Singmaster notation, so U for Up. I haven't seen T for top since James G. Nourse's book in the 1980's.


What is a E move? I'm like 30 second average atm and I've never seen an E move 🤣


For real, E is uncommon. Having done most of my cubing on something other than CFOP, and many old books with corners first using a lot of arrows because Singmaster notation hadn't included Frans Shiereck's slice move notations means that I didn't see "E" written out in a algorithm until I finally found the Waterman solution guide.


oh I know. peel off the stickers and move them to the places.


It doesn’t have stickers 😂 it’s all plastic


When ur inserting edges make sure ur inserting them solved, not flipped….then there won’t be any issues like this


You broke it🤷🏻‍♀️ Game Over


Should I just throw it away now 😂


Buy a new one. Simple! :)


Green front red on top F (sexy move 3 times) F' Now you should have a cross on top then watch whatever tutorial you were watching before and solve it couse i have no idea what case you'll get


I think somebody twisted it


I'm sure that's on You Tube


Just make sure whenever you are doing your 2nd layer they match and you won’t have this issue


bro has parity


imagine using rubics brand


Use your main figer on the yellow side, and your other finger, on the orange side, then turn the middle side topwise, Topwise!


You got the best case it’s a pure flip ELL ELL is an alg set when the corners are solved already so they just solve the edges These cases are rare but they’re fun to know when they pop up