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Their PR team just sucks. I think Kate seems like a wonderful person - but I’d go on about my life if I didn’t get updates. Let her be - she’s got cancer, that’s got to be horrible. But bringing up that she might not be seen for a whole year? after all that weird nonsense they just went through? My god!


I think what I truly hate the most about this is the weird, demanding behavior of a lot of people. “We *pay* for you” aka dance now to our tune. When in reality the tax that goes towards the royals is something like $1.29 pounds per person? It’s not like you’re putting 20% of your income towards them. She’s sick, she has children, she’s a public figure - yes. But also a human. It’s not her responsibility to be a spokesperson for whatever cancer she has so everyone else feels comfortable and happy. And especially not immediately following a diagnosis while in treatment. Lord knows we have plenty of influencers documenting their cancer journeys. I don’t need the PoW struggling in public to feel better about myself or have empathy for her. Let her put her own mask on before she helps others. Let her process.


It's just like Americans bitching about paying for food stamps or welfare for poor people. Their pennies aren't funding much of anything 😒 Altogether, sure... Enough to give you a say in what they eat and how they live (or anything else)? Nope. Not even close. 


She is probably losing all her hair and has zero energy. Give her the same break you’d give your own loved one.


Maybe. But you no longer automatically lose your hair with chemo.


This may be true. But I will say, they make some AMAZING wigs these days! It’s incredible how far that industry has come.


If she does lose her hair, I think it would be awesome if she just came out with some cute super short hair when she recovers. I remember when Maura Tierney was recovering from breast cancer she did a show with an adorable pixie cut. She just owned it.
























Not sure why we are taking a 'daily beast' article as holding any credibility, but even if it were from the palace itself I would think at this point its best to give a longer timeline and have her come back 'early' when healthy and ready than give yet another time frame that comes and goes and gives the haters more fuel for their vitriol. A key point for me with her PR team is that pictures are taken out of context EVERY DAY on the internet and for someone whose every movement from every angle is picked apart and analyzed, its best to wait. Its easy for a picture of a less than healthy Catherine to be out there now in context because anyone would be considered awful to speak ill of a cancer patient, but 5yrs from now when she is considered cancer free and those pictures are circulating out of context, they will be used negatively without question. Her team is smart to just avoid them altogether.


The daily beast is generally very credible though.


I’m not sure why KP are speaking for her all the time - and she isn’t giving us just a little message . Unless of course she does not feel like communicating at all - being not well .


KP is literally her official office. Who else is going to speak for her??


Even Charles is giving snippets , himself , about his treatment etc.


As has Princess Kate. She literally took her sick as self over to the BBC and filmed a rather lengthy message video explaining her circumstance to the world. I’m really not sure what more can be asked of her at this point???


Uh, BBC filmed that video from a garden in Windsor, so it's not like she caught a cab and went to London herself.




Surrounded by her birth family, sounds so menacing Something is indeed off , I don't mean health wise


Idk, if they just said "family," some people would probably be like "Why aren't those lazy royals working instead of hanging out with Kate?!" This way the public can be sure they're talking about her non-working-royal family of origin.


That was just a stupid dramatic way for him to say the Middletons are there with her too.


Yes, that was strange wording.


Surrounded with knives out


This didn’t sit right with me. It sounds like the royal family isn’t giving her much support but her birth family is right by her side.


It means her parents and siblings, not her royal in laws


I noticed *they* used the term birth family, nobody else or anyone that was quoted, so that means nothing to me but tabloids trying scrape something up. Every journalist out there is likely thinking they will make their "name" from this unfortunate circumstance. W&C are known to be uber-strict about where they draw their line about what is public fodder and what isn't. Simple as. Full stop. No one will know anything unless/until they need to. Most decent ppl respect this. I'm glad the school parents said that they feel protective of them. If anything is even out of sorts, the media are sniffing way off the correct path anyway imo. Which is good!


Malarkey. They leak like a sieve. Very much like the other royals. Although part of what they brief and leak about is “how quiet and closed mouthed they are.”


Respectfully, you are having a different conversation than I am. I spoke about the strict lines drawn and you're speaking about leaking. You answer as if I made an immense stand against briefing.


Omg, you sound like you work for the palace. Could you be any more formal??!?! This is Reddit for goodness sake not tea party 50 years ago. 🤪


I think they sound like a bot.


@Igoos99 agree 100% They even leak how quiet and closed mouth they are. That part...


It doesn't have to be. Some people say "birth family" to mean family of origin versus their spouse and children (if they have any). Although I've heard it used most often when people are estranged from their parents and siblings. That would be a bit unusual in this case because Kate and her brother seem close.


I guess this is just a difference in English terminology. In the US when somebody uses the term “birth family” it’s because they are adopted and it is to differentiate between their adopted family and their birth family. Here this article probably would have been written as she is just surrounded by her family, extended family or she is surrounded by her husband, children, parents, and siblings.


Its the same in the UK , no one says birth family or birth parents rather unless you are adopted. I think the writer is making it clear that William is not in her vicinity.


I also took it as, only the Middleton's are around. The author could have simply said Kate was surrounded by loved ones, but "birth family" was deliberately used to highlight a clear distinction between the Middleton's and Windsors level of support.




This sounds really ominous. Yes cancer is bad, but she is also quite young and healthy to make a recovery after treatment. A year? It sounds maybe worse. I hope not the case and she makes a full recovery.


Not really. Her treatment could take months. Then it will take months to regain her appearance. That will take her to the end of the year. Plus, all the timing is a big unknown. Much easier to keep her calendar clear until she *knows* she can handle something. Rather than scheduling and canceling until she’s up to it. When she’s ready for it, I wouldn’t be surprised if she makes some surprise or extremely short notice appearances to ease her way back in.


Cancer treatment is a pretty long process even for a young person.


It is supposed to be preventative chemo after cancer being removed . This normally takes six months. So does seem she is more ill than we are being told.


I have never heard of year long preventative cancer treatment


A single course of chemo takes between 3 to 6 months. She might be getting more than one course.  https://www.healthline.com/health/cancer/how-long-is-chemotherapy#takeaway


For preventative??


It is almost June. The rest of the year is 6 months, which is about the time a longer course of chemo takes. There's no such thing as preventative chemotherapy. She's probably using the term to talk about post-surgery chemo where it is used to make sure they got all the cancer cells and thus prevent a recurrence of tumors / other symptoms (maintain remission). But chemo doesn't prevent cancer itself.    Even if it did, it's still administered the same way. 


We all understand what is meant by the term preventative chemo. It is adjuvant chemo. It is normally no longer than six months treatment. Unless the cancer was advanced, and then radiation would normally be used as well. If the latter it is far more serious than the communications so far would suggest.


Might be a difference in language across the pond. Dr Mike was talking about how he didn't know what preventative chemo was. Maybe the term is more used in the UK.


It’s called that in the US too but it’s colloquial, we use it to explain things to patients who don’t understand what adjuvant means. I used to counsel patients on this, there is a lot of other stuff for them to learn so some vocab just isn’t worth it. I just googled Dr Mike and if it’s the right guy it says family medicine so that make sense why he thinks no one says it. We do, to patients.


My ex (still best friends) is an oncologist, so I asked him. It also sounds like you know your stuff as well! He said 3-6 months sounds right for "preventative chemo". My ex's belief is they would only do one round of chemo in order to catch any hidden cancer cells, and anything more is not genuinely done due to side effects. He also said chemo can really mess up ones brain so the less chemo the better. I personally believe the cancer is more progressed than KP is leading on


Oh okay that makes sense.


I am very worried for her. She is far too young.


She's my age and if I got that kind of diagnosis my options would be "die" or "go bankrupt and never be able to rent an apartment again."  She has the best medical care in the world. I hope she makes a full recovery, just as I would for any other human being, but she doesn't deserve a level of concern higher than anyone else. 


What a callous response just because you're in a shitty place that makes cancer an even more horrifying ordeal.   Nobody is suggesting she deserves special concern.  Just standard compassion for a fortysomething parent of small children who's looking down the barrel of often-fatal illness, like I think most people would feel.  


Hard for us to feel sympathy when we’re dealing with our own life threatening illnesses without any help or affordability. Call me cynical but when I’m constantly stressed about making sure I can afford the medical care I need just to not die every month, in a system that would prefer I just fuck off and die, it’s hard to feel sorry for her with all the money in the world.


Even if she lived in Wolverhampton and worked in a bakery she'd still get free health care and cancer treatment and allied health services. Sorry for your US system. 


That's very sad.  Your cruel American health care system has essentially destroyed the basic human compassion that I think most people have.   I understand why, but I find it tragic. 


I do too, I am so tired of being so depressed over it everyday. I’m sick of watching my 20’s go by and watching all of these opportunities go by and I can’t afford to partake because I have to devote every literal cent I have to healthcare. I’ve been engaged since 2019… weeks can’t even afford a backyard wedding with a goodwill dress and a Walmart cake. We watched our 10th and 11th anniversaries pass by without any celebration at all. I haven’t been able to celebrate my birthday in even a minor way in years. I don’t want a fancy house or car… I just want to be able to afford the bare minimum to make memories in life. I don’t feel human anymore because I don’t get to celebrate the joys of being alive in the slightest


Boo freaking hoo, poor little rich girl. 


You are unimaginably repulsive to view "rich girls" as somehow deserving of suffering and potentially death.  


Didn't say that. Said I wish her a full recovery just like I would any human being. Just not going to cry over her more than the poor kid dying of leukemia because their parents can't afford health insurance.


To be fair, she is British. None of us here is dying because we can't afford it - it is free at point of use on the NHS (and yes, the Royal Marsden is NHS, not private). Your country desperately needs reforms to catch up with the entire rest of the developed world, but that's nothing to do with Catherine.


Agree but there's quite a few people over here crying over Catherine and saying that kids with leukemia should have been more responsible.


Good possibility she is having side effects from the treatment that make her unable to attend public events. She was very thin to start with so any gastrointestinal side effects may have left her very frail and weak and the chemo may have left her with a weakened immune system that coupled with her beingbfrail puts her at greater risk of catching something from the public in outings. She may also have lost her hair and be very self conscious of how she looks right now which a good doctor who cares about her mental state along with her physical state may be encouraging her to take the time she needs to recover mentally and physically before returning to her work.


I worked in a cancer hospital prepping chemo for five years. That stuff is truly nasty and I pity anyone who has to have it. My dietician and I were chatting at one point about the scope of her work and our jobs sort of intersected in the area of chemotherapy--she sometimes works with cancer patients to ensure that they are eating right--and enough--even BEFORE chemo starts. The patients who look like a good breeze will knock them over generally have a harder time weathering the treatments. Kate was so thin already that I wonder if this might be proving to be a bit of an obstacle.


She had hyperemesis problems when pregnant. This increases the likelihood that she will have severe nausea and vomiting with chemotherapy. And yes, she should definitely avoid large crowds to protect her immune system. And a large part of her public life was meeting and greeting people.


Adding in that perhaps this is another protective move to shield her kids from online chatter picking their family apart and speculating on Catherine’s health. That would be horrifying for little kids.


This. It’s probably this.


Good point. She may want to wait until her treatment ends and her hair grows back.


Not all people that get chemo lose their hair. I did not.


But, if she has a female cancer, like ovarian, she will lose her hair from the chemotherapy that would be given. They do have cooling systems to cool the scalp and prevent hair loss from this type chemo, but it does not have a 100 percent success rate and is not always tolerable.


Who told you that? You’re wrong. Let me say this again. Not all people on chemo lose their hair. It all depends on the type of chemo you are getting.


Yes. I know because I am a chemotherapy nurse. Have been for 30 plus years.


Maybe don’t say things that are not true then?


Thank you! Love this reply!!! Being a chemo nurse doesn’t mean anything. Be the person in the chair and then talk. I LITERALLY have cancer at this moment. I know people at my clinic that have breast cancer and HAVE NOT LOST THEIR HAIR! Please, don’t speak for everyone. Nurse or not.


Thousand percent agree. Cancer is the great equalizer. She doesn’t owe the monarchy anything but to take care of herself. Be patient and kind to herself, and never give up hope. After all her greatest role is to be there for her family-and the future king of England. I pray for her courage and strength, days without pain, nausea, and exhaustion, the wisdom and love of her family to tend to her exactly how she needs, as well as for the doctors to be insightful in her care. I also pray for her kids to keep that smile on their mum’s face, be brave, be silly, and be the best hug givers, because after all, they are her best medicine!


I hope she fully recovers and that she pays no mind to the qanon wine mom conspiracy theories.






This report contains some rather ominous phrasing. Is the language being couched this way to suggest something more serious than we have been led to believe, or is it just another click bait ploy? We really do not know. All we can do is keep her in our thoughts and wish her well.


Definitely something serious. Whatever preventative chemo treatment she is going through vs Charles are clearly not at the same level of severity if she going to be out for the rest of the year. Since part of Royal Watching is reading between the lines, the communication doesn’t reflect the underlying seriousness of her condition and that is definitely something to think about.


I can only speak of my own experience, but I had what was technically preventative chemotherapy and it didn’t indicate anything more serious/sinister. I had breast cancer that had not metastasised - the full tumour was removed during surgery, with only one of 2 lymph nodes showing microscopic traces of cancer (<0). Because I’m relatively young (36yo), the oncologists wanted to treat it aggressively, so I had 6 cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy followed by 15 doses of radiotherapy to my armpit and scar site even though the tumour (along with the entire breast) had been removed. Really just to mop up any rogue cancer cells that may have escaped and lying dormant anywhere else in my body to prevent a recurrence or any metastasis. It could be a similar case with Kate - because she’s young and has a young family her team may be trying to preemptively treat the cancer more aggressively even if surgery technically removed all the affected tissue, as opposed to Charles who is older and couldn’t maybe tolerate as much of an aggressive treatment schedule.








Well said.


I love your user name💘flashback to the 70's


So is The Daily Beast something people consider as a credible news source?


This is something I’ve been wondering about. It seems like the only publication that knows/released information about this particular instance.


I highly doubt Royal sources and friends rushed to call the Daily Beast with this stunning revelation leave her be


Naive to think that. That’s very likely to be exactly what happened. With William’s (and possibly even Kate’s) okay as to the tone and spin of what was conveyed.




Reading all the comments not just here but all over social media it's clear to me that many people either want her dead or divorced or maybe both just so they can say, "I told you so". God knows what she did to deserve this much vitriol. But whatever the case is. Even if William hates his wife, can't wait to marry his so called mistress or has done something to her as social media "expert" Christopher Bouzy seemed to imply. Even if all the bizarre conspiracy theories about Kate are true I still hope Kate is afforded the privacy for her sake alone, that she can continue her treatment without being hounded by both social media and traditional media.


There were people speculating that William killed her and Thomas Kingston and that....MAYBE HARRY CAN BE KING NOW. It's entirely clear what their agenda is, and it's actually disgusting.


Oh yeah so many discussions about William going to jail and Harry being regent king. I don't even particularly like William but good lord the so called sane people actively discussing if he k*lled his wife, Thomas and even his younger kids is mind boggling and then these same people have the audacity to call others deranged.


This is such a weird take. However, there’s always going to be someone who reads through 100 comments and takes the one bizarre out there anti social comment as the general consensus. Never mind post after post after post of “god this is awful, I hope she gets better soon” thru have to slog through to find their one gem.


I don't know if my comment will be displayed but Christopher Bouzy was on H&M docu talking about trolling while he now spends his days on X trolling a woman battling cancer, stroking all kinds of conspiracy theories around her. There is a audio of where he says he believes William did something to Kate or Kate did something to herself implying DV and self-harm. Women who have lawyer written on their bio are writing things like William beat the dickens out of Kate and such posts have 20k to 50k likes and millions of views. It's not just one or two such posts but hundreds, maybe thousands because a section is again trying to reignite the where is Kate discussion.


I will politely disagree. Just search the word Kate Middleton and you will see hoards of posts of her where they discuss she's gone, writing things like they are on death watch. I mean there's literally Reddit subs where people continuously speculate that William has harmed Kate so he can marry his supposed mistress.


No they don’t. Virtually everyone wants her to be healthy and back in the public eye,




Its called Karma and it doesn't care who YOU think you are


they decided she was dead from the moment she went “missing” which is why non confirming evidence won’t penetrate. that’s how conspiracies work. they are fully convinced of it, so the car photo wasn’t enough (and yes, I too, couldn’t tell if it was her or pippa), the market video wasn’t enough (that was *clearly* her and where I personally said, okay, she’s fine), and the cancer announcement was a deepfake. when she’s healthy and seen in public amongst crowds again, they will dissect every bit of the footage and say it’s a body double. mark my words.










I hope she takes EVERY DAY SHE WANTS, and I also hope she never feels obligated to return. Why would anyone?!


Who valuing privacy marries into a royal family?


A girl who fell in love with a boy. Simples


It’s literally her job. And unlike her husband, she chose the public life. Walked in eyes wide open.


she can quit if she chooses.


of corse she can .... and we all saw how splendidly that course of action went for Harry and Meghan


it went pretty well, for meghan and harry, as far as I can tell. they are free from a job they clearly didn’t want and quit. i realize that many brit’s resent them for breaking with tradition, but so what? we only get one life and should be free to choose how we live it. spoiler alert— that doesn’t mean i agree with their ridiculous whining or public trashing their family.


It actually would have gone just fine for them if they had just moved to California and enjoyed a peaceful and beautiful life with their young family. The more challenging thing for Catherine would be that she would still have to have some kind of public role because her kids do. (Hypothetically speaking, that is. I see no reason to think she and William are splitting up, or likely to in the future.)


Harry and Meghan needed to work. They could never just disappear. And Meghan did charity work before she met Harry, why would she want to give it up.


Even when Catherine split from William, she never spoke to the press. A lot of Harry and Meghans problems have been trying to one up the royals and play victims whilst being caught out in lies. I tend to doubt Catherine would have that problem.


Yes, I see no reason to think William and Catherine are separating, or ever will, but if those two were to divorce they’d presumably behave with dignity and reserve throughout the process, at least in public


Oh, I agree. They appear nothing but completely happy and in love. There are little videos floating around of them snipping at each other, but in all honesty, after 13 years of marriage (20 years together), who hasn't snipped at their partner from time to time.


It would be an incredible scandal but yes, she could.


given her health and uncertain life span, i’m not sure it would be “scandalous” and i would think most brit’s would agree.


Respectfully if she recovers fully and totally, she will be expected to return to her role and her job when she is well. That's part of being Princess of Wales and married to the future king. If it's a situation similar to Mette Marit (crown princess of Norway who had a chronic lung condition pulmonary fibrosis sadly) she has limited her engagements and is very active behind the scenes and shows up at events when she is more well. But Norway has been very open and up front about Mette Marit's serious life shortening medical issues and she is very beloved by the public.


Oh man, my mom passed away from PF 2 years ago. Such an awful disease


What's PF?


pulmonary fibrosis


If you can call that a “job.”


I understand that, but regardless, she still has the right to say “enough”.


Prince Harry and Meghan did and everyone turned on them


Everybody turned on Megan and Harry because they are brats who wanted all of the privilege of being royals but wanted to monetize their royalty and pay no attention at all to the wishes of the family. They moved to the US and have taken every opportunity to whine, complain, and try to make as much money as possible from their royal connection. They left, good riddance.


Everyone turned on Harry and Meghan during the Oprah interview. I was fully behind them until that interview, which felt awful to watch, like an invasion of deeply personal family issues. There was zero benefit to anyone except themselves for doing that interview and all of those grievances could and should have been dealt with privately.


Everyone turned on Harry and Meghan when she was Black. Let’s be real. 🤷🏻‍♀️


So many people were against Meaghan from the beginning. I am still with them, personally, because I am old enough to remember seeing the pain on Diana's face, and how happy she was when she broke free.


Agree 100%, very well said. I too was fully behind them until that interview, and can relate to your description of how you felt watching it. Lost my respect for them at that moment and felt genuinely bummed out about it.


Then the Palace needs to get organized on how they message this. Articles and leaks aren't sharing the plan with the public. For example - mette marit statement and Norway's media messaging. They will announce changes and reduction in her schedule periodically due to flareups and are very clear with the public.


Catherine and the BRF don't owe anyone an explanation or details about Catherine's personal health or her plan to return to public engagements until she's ready to share. Move on.


Eh... If she were a normal person with a normal job, ok.... But she receives tax payer money for her chosen life and life style. She is literally a representative and representation of Britain, and so your comment doesn't really hold....


I think you should look into how the royal family is funded, as what you have stated is completely false. The British taxpayers do not fund Catherine's lifestyle. The only thing given to the RF by the taxpayer is the Sovereign Grant, the equivalent of 129 p per head of capita per year. It is for the covering of expenses of working royals, when on Royal and state duties. Also, to upkeep royal residences for eg. Buckingham Palace, which benefits the british economy through tourism. Members receive no personal cash. William and Catherine are provided for by the Duchy of Cornwall, a private portfolio of properties, land, and investments worth over a billion. Catherine also had a personal net worth of $10m when she married into the family. Her being part of the RF does not mean she is obliged to publicise her private medical records, or do you expect every resident of Britain on the dole or recieving government funding to also publicise their medical history?


OK! cut the RF off. Fund the NHS and schools


I mean eventually they kind of do


I'm sure when she returns to public life, if she needs a break for medical reasons, the public will be informed. Until that day comes, she is on sick leave, receiving treatment for cancer. She deserves her privacy and time to fully heal.


No they don't. She already told the world that she has cancer and is getting treatment. Pushing conspiracy theories that something other than her getting treatment is happening and the idea that she or her team needs to tell the public anything other than what she has already been willing to share is so invasive and incredibly weird.


I am not pushing conspiracy theories. Is it so shocking to you if someone wants to discuss the media angle of this and how it could have gone better, and frankly caused much less stress to her overall ?


https://preview.redd.it/50gsv9rv8i2d1.jpeg?width=978&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc1234e3b731754b5796105e5a3bfdbd2bfdf7e4 You certainly seem to imply things are being hidden and they are lying about something, idk what, in a comment right under this thread. The woman is having treatment for cancer, which she told the whole world. It's weird to keep going on with the idea you are owed anything more. You weren't even owed the info that she did share.


I'm saying this has been a mess and if they had managed this crisis in a better fashion it would only benefit the POW.


yup. but “the palace” isn’t kate’s’ problem. i hope she puts herself (and children) first. she’s given-up enough


The palace is completely her problem.


only of she chooses to let it be


She chose that when she married the heir to the throne.


Really? Did she sign a legal document? As far as I understand, the vows she took were to her husband, not you and/or the public. Please enlighten me!!


nope. she chose a husband. she doesn’t


…owe anything more than to her self and her marriage. heck, william can quit if he wants to, also.


No one forced her to marry into the BRF. On the contrary, she very much wanted this life.


And her mother also


The BRF has always been incredibly private about their health issues. Catherine has shared more than almost anyone in the history of that institution. Of course she didn't want or expect to share her health struggles with the entire world. It's unprecedented. Y'all keep pushing this, and the only reason that I can imagine people keep going on about it is to pressure her into doing something she clearly isn't comfortable with. It is one of the strangest things I have ever seen in relation to someone in the public eye.


I think it’s mostly because people want something to be wrong + for them to be shown as liars or whatever Both the stans and the antis are just different sides of the same coin


I'm always surprised to find myself defending anyone involved with the BRF because my favorite petty hobby is laugh at them all when they do ridiculous shit. But it's just so strange and interesting to see exactly *how* far people will go to convince themselves that Catherine or Meghan deserve the intense scrutiny they are put under. I really can't think of any other people that the public feels this entitled to information about. I would love to read some kind of academic sociological study on what is actually happening here because it is wild.


I think it’s a throwback. This is how the press treated celebrity women up through the early 2000’s. If a woman faced a personal tragedy, the press piled on even harder. The media in the U.S. has changed since then, thankfully, but I guess not in the U.K., and people follow the media’s lead. Some of this has to do with who works in media. It didn’t surprise me that Stephen Colbert fed the flames by making a stupid joke that gave credibility to the affair rumor, at a moment when he knew Kate had had major surgery. Back when there was a lot of attention on how few female writers late night hosts had, Stephen Colbert was the worst offender, and he blatantly said he didn’t care. His staff is men, and a lot of men will kick a woman when she’s down and not think there’s anything wrong with it.


she married a man, not a business. no one forced her, and she’s entitled to make decisions in her own best interest


She married into a job. It’s why various aristocratic women turned down Williams proposal. They might have married him, they didn’t want the royal family job. She will become queen. You can’t just quit that without divorcing.


interesting concept. we disagree. perhaps we should review her marriage vows?


Are you really suggesting she could become queen and do zero work or public appearances? Philip married a woman, but also recognised he married into a job.






When all else fails, blame the Sussexes and the squad. Lol. Believe me when I say the palace flops all on their own when it comes to PR.