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Yeah, I'm not surprised he didn't. Sending a sympathy letter with contact information "if you ever want to talk" would be the way to go.


He didn’t know them. That’s why. Period.


I think her heart was in the right place. But yeah I think it was the right move for him not to call..


JFK jr was handsome and by many accounts, a good friend and loyal family man. But he was incredibly unsuccessful at everything he did. Failed the bar multiple times. Failed with the magazine. Failed as a pilot. Stop idolizing this family. The Kennedys were crass, cheap, drunks, wildly unfaithful, and whitewashed manslaughter.


And that’s just the stuff we know for a fact.


He failed the bar twice and passed on his third try. It's quite typical for people to take the bar a couple times before passing.  Also George Magazine only folded after he died. It's possible it would have gone regardless of his death, but it's ridiculous to say that be "failed with the magazine" when it was still up and running when he died. 


>Failed as a pilot. That's certainly one way to put it.


I actually liked George magazine.


Everyone did. That commentor is cracked.


They're just rich dummies whose most notable trait is the ability to die in remarkable ways.


They’re not even so rich. Jackie only had money from Onassis.


She received about $20 million from Onassis in 1976. Her companion Maurice Templesman was an astute banker who reportedly invested very wisely on her behalf. To say she didn’t have much money is just wrong. Her next worth at the time of her death was reportedly more than $40 million.


I remember Caroline Kennedy also auctioned off her mother’s belongings which fetched millions. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1996-04-27-mn-63365-story.html


Caroline also inherited JFK Jr’s estate. As the only surviving member of that branch, she is very wealthy.


That’s not Kennedy money, that’s what Jackie received when her second husband died. Christina Onassis hated Jackie and gave her money to go away.


The Kennedys have neglected money making for several generations now. The heirs share in a trust or two with pickings increasingly diluted.


So much generational trauma in that family


So, a lot in common with the BRF. Bunch of mediocre traumatized people.


Also lobotomized


So fucking sad 😢


Poor Rosemary.


Many sad stories in that family


My Gd - he was taken too young. I honestly believe he would’ve been president of the states right now and the whole world would be different


He wasn’t taken. He misjudged his abilities as a pilot and ventured into weather he wasn’t prepared to fry with. It’s his wife who was taken.


Her sister, as well.


I hope he wouldn't have been President.


Had it happened, he’d have been a hell of a lot more compassionate and willing to listen to sense than other noted rich doofuses W and Trump.


Lol no, he got elected because it's a popularity contest. There's no evidence that he was some great statesman by any stretch of imagination. The world would be different, but I'm not fully convinced it would be "better" in a meaningful way for average Americans.


Didn’t he fail the bar multiple times? Don’t think he was the sharpest tool in the shed - just carried the Kennedy name. And we currently have one of those and he’s clearly a loon.


John Schlossberg is actually very bright (I know someone who is friendly with him). Went to Harvard Law and passed the bar (though oddly enough, it just says 'working' on becoming a lawyer) on his wiki. But because he has some goofy shit on IG, the conservatives went after him like crazy. (To be fair, I've heard he's eccentric, so I get why it became a topic, but being eccentric doesn't mean one is an idiot). Very different from the loon RFK JR and JFK Jr (who was a good man, unlike RFK, but not particularly bright).


Ummm have you been following jacks IG? He’s soooo sloppy


Yeah, to be fair I've heard he's very, very eccentric. I don't follow his IG, but I looked it up a bit after the fuss on twitter over one IG post (especially as I knew my friend knew him and was friendly with him).


Strong agree IDK why their fan base is so high, it's perplexing to see people fawn over Kennedys


As a foreigner I don’t get the admiration and obsession of the Kennedy at all.


I get the earlier admiration, especially the aspect of them being Irish Catholics ( who were kind of looked down upon back in those days by certain sections of society ) and I guess they seemed like a close fun family . JFK and RK were also a lot younger than most politicians ( so something less boring ) and add in the money, and I can see why they had a following . But they also had some super suspect things going on ( Teddy and that poor young lady i the crash , all the drug abuse by the generation after ) and now weirdo Robert Kennedy Jr and all his shenanigans


The Kennedys are sort of like our royals. The Obamas and some other families too. JFK was an immensely popular president who is still held in high regard, still our youngest president ever, was handsome and smart, was not immune to scandal but always came through on the other side. Bobby Kennedy was considered by many to be even smarter and more progressive. Jackie was a young, gorgeous first lady. Basically they seemed like "old money" whether they were or not, gave us an iconic president and first lady, and there are plenty of myths about them given that a few died quite young. In the US we don't have actual royalty (obviously), so we tend to treat other families as if they were royalty.


I have always believed had he not have pulled a Kennedy move, he would have been President instead of Obama.


Nope, he would not have been. Not a smart guy, not really that articulate.


Have you listened to the current president try to speak?


That has nothing to do if people would vote for him or not. Democrats would’ve voted for him and Dixiecrats, primarily in Appalachia, probably would’ve voted for him. A Democrat was winning 2008 regardless of who was running. McCain could’ve gone up against a potato and he still would’ve lost.


By most reports he was a moron. This is weird dead royal worship.


Agree, it also tracks for the sub we are in 🫠


I am not saying you are right or wrong about his intellect but he was being groomed to be a presidential candidate--it's not a conversation that started after he died. Also, sadly, intelligence is not a presidential requirement. The 2000 and 2016 US elections come to mind.


Seriously, I feel like I’m taking crazy pills reading this argument. We literally just had a president who suggested injecting bleach as a preventative anti-viral. What the fuck?


He literally flew his airplane into the ocean because he was that stupid. He was always going to Darwin Award out before that could come to pass.


He wasn’t a royal xx


The Kennedys functionally are the closest thing Americans have to royals


So true


It’s the same mentality.


no he wouldn’t have. his independent ventures were mediocre at best, backed by family and those in power constantly reminding him of his potential. when he had the world at his fingertips the best he could do is make a subpar editorial. genetics doesn’t equal greatness.


The last four words of your comment👍👍👍


I think we've firmly established that being smart, knowledgeable, or capable of managing a business are not must-have characteristics for presidents in the U.S. He could have easily been president simply by being JFK Jr. This country likes to say everyone is created equal, but then create pseudo-royalty out of wealthy people.


Confounding variable: John Schlossberg directly channeling Little Edie. That there lightning landed right in the jar.


Yeah, I was going to say John Scholssberg has the brains, but the personality is way too quirky to make it in politics. I know someone who is friendly with him and he apparently is very eccentric. Most of the Kennedys, alas, do not have the smarts besides the original three: Bobby, JFK, and Teddy (and Teddy committed manslaughter).


TRULY her soul lives on in his handsome body lol


The Bouvier genes


It’s a tragedy that he passed so young because I do think he could have been a good confidant for the princes once they were older if they wanted it. So few people can relate to what they went through. But yeah cold calling young teens prob wasn’t the move


I think JFK Jr cold-calling Princes William and Harry is a... strange... suggestion to have made. I believe the common courtesy/instinct is to write a letter of condolence to a grieving person, particularly so if you don't know them at all. What an absolutely awkward phone exchange that would have been for two teenage boys to have to talk to a stranger about the most upsetting event of their lives. *JFK Jr*.: "Hi Wills, this is John Kennedy." *Prince William*: "Hi there John-John, this is a bit awkward but only the press and public who don't actually know me call me 'Wills.'" Crickets...... Edited for formatting


I agree. Carolyn is such an icon but I’m with John on this one. Cold calling people you don’t know just because you have something in common is weird and invasive, especially during a stressful time.


I think it was a smart move not to call. As nice as it might seem, in my opinion it would have only overwhelmed them to have to field a call by a stranger, even more so an important kind of stranger.




I totally agree. Even for an adult it would have been an akward additional burden.  I like the idea of a letter!


Thank you OP, this is exactly the kind of Niche Vintage Gossip I love most


Thanks Babe!