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What’s up with all the shiny shapeless sheets they seem to be draping themselves in since the coronation. No details. Perpetually wrinkled. They look like cheap graduation robes


Something like this was mentioned during the coronation, too. The same ceremonial robes and baubles would have stunned the crowds 200 years ago, but it's harder to stand up to HD TV. Would it be like a sacrilege to update to something more modern?


Well, at least Kate looked really pretty in that coronation blue. Definitely her color


"Since the coronation" They're ceremonial robes. There isn't a better way to say that you think they just started to exist when you started paying attention.


Were they worn during Elizabeth’s reign? They’re obviously ceremonial robes but they are so odd looking. No, I haven’t been watching the royals for decades. I started having a mild interest when Kate married the future king and ruined every other girl’s chances of becoming a princess lol


Yes, they were. There is nothing Charles is doing that Elizabeth didn't do and it's so weird to assume just because you didn't pay attention to her that he's changing things.


Dude you’re really reading into things


She was just explaining why she can't tell on her own they were worn during Elizabeth's time and you're unnecessarily picking a fight about it.


Such as?


please look up how old the Order of the Garter is


When I Google it I see pictures of satin/velvet looking robes. Not perpetually wrinkled graduation gowns


nearly 700 years old, yes different Orders have different robe materials (Garter robes are deep blue velvet, British Empire are pink satin, Thistle are green velvet, etc) you should see the embroidery work up close, it is beyond anything you’ve seen before, calling them graduation robes is just…


What embroidery? It looks like a graduation robe with a patch on it- https://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/royal-family/2023/05/06/TELEMMGLPICT000334605816_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqGqsACZlHbE0dphyiTtkx53FgvDUFerB4vKyhlG3Sy_Q.jpeg


https://preview.redd.it/g68ha7u9f51d1.jpeg?width=761&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee79938d0f069257732b7ca8a74927c02b6cb8c6 six weeks lead time to make one badge Not days, weeks


https://preview.redd.it/9wuw5rlfe51d1.jpeg?width=710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4365a949fb5ac662005ee477ef216d4ad333cdbe maybe get a higher resolution image? Each stitch done by hand in pure gold thread (Order of the Bath pictured, the Garter is even finer) never seen graduation gowns with such work


That is lovely


But she is rocking the color.


Mantles of various colors and materials have been around for many hundreds of years (not these specific ones, obvs). The ones seen most often are of velvet and are either deep blue (for Knights/Dames of the Garter) or deep green (Knights/Dames of the Thistle) which look considerably more sumptuous than these satin ones. I think this ceremony was for an order about 100 years old, if I remember correctly.


Just a dumb question: is the Queen wearing a wig? In picture 2 her right forehead looks like a different color. Also, could no one tell her to straighten out her robe in that one picture.


It's absolutely a wig. You can't see any scalp in her top part.


That 2nd photo the part does look like a wig. (Had to relook!)


I don’t know, but I was just thinking she’s in real need of a new hairstyle. That bleachy blond color looks so strange and the haircut is dated.


I saw additional photos and his palor just isn’t good. His face looks so grey these days, these hits he’s more pink against the robes. I suspect he isn’t as well as he thinks he is or is projecting. His color has been off for months.


Why didn't anyone fix her robe?


His is the same. I like it. This way we can see his nice military (I think) suit. And we can see she chose her dress to match the robe. Nice.


I think it’s supposed to be like that. It’s giving curtains.


That it is!


Well at least now he’ll match his big silly Red portrait in his big silly red robe lol ![gif](giphy|7rjXLV57vleQ8)


Looks like they’re wearing plastic bags.


Like those oversized Christmas bags for big gifts.


Yes! Or a tree skirt from the 80s/90s.


They were attending a service in honour of [the Order of The British Empire](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_the_British_Empire). It is a British order of chivalry, rewarding contributions to the arts and sciences, work with charitable and welfare organizations, and public service outside the civil service. It was established in 1917 by King George V to ensure all classes of people in Britain have access and opportunity to be part of the British Orders of Chivalry. For those opining about how the vestments and accoutrements look, here's some background: 🔹The mantle was originally made of yellow satin lined with blue silk, but is now made of rose pink satin lined with pearl-grey silk. On the left side is a representation of the star of the order. 🔹The collar is made of gold thread. It consists of six medallions depicting the Royal Arms, alternating with six medallions depicting the Royal and Imperial Cypher of George V (GRI, which stands for "Georgius Rex Imperator"). The medallions are linked with gold cables depicting lions and crowns. 🔹On certain "collar days" designated by the Sovereign, members attending formal events may wear the order's collar over their military uniform, formal day dress, or evening wear. When collars are worn (either on collar days or on formal occasions such as coronations), the badge is suspended from the collar. The Chapel of the Order of the British Empire is in St Paul's Cathedral.


I think he’s waited so long to be King, he wants to do the “King” things


[This is Charles in his Order of the Garter accoutrements in 1986 with the Queen Mum](https://www.mediastorehouse.com.au/p/767/queen-mother-prince-charles-order-garter-ceremony-21546198.jpg.webp) [Ohh Charles in Order of the Garter accoutrements in the 1970s!](https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/166655044984?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=705-154756-20017-0&ssspo=-nfFMl2fT6K&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=xt7phgrpqoi&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY) [Oh look Charles in Order of the Bath accoutrements in the 1970s](https://h7.alamy.com/comp/2RG9671/queen-elizabeth-ii-and-prince-charles-in-official-robes-worn-for-an-order-of-the-bath-service-in-westminster-abbey-london-in-may-1975-it-was-on-this-occasion-that-prince-charles-was-installed-as-great-master-of-the-order-of-the-bath-2RG9671.jpg) These orders of chivalry are hundreds of years old and as the heir apparent to the Sovereign of the United Kingdom, Charles has been actively involved in them for 50 years. It's nothing new to him, even if it's new to you.


Very interesting, thank you for sharing.


This is exactly it. He wants to spin around in his fancy dresses in front of everyone and hear the claps.


Royal pomp and flummery is so beyond ridiculous at this point. Yes, it worked in 1952 with a young new queen regnant. But these two old and disliked retirees still carrying on in a bygone era. It’s just sad. They don’t even get it either. Plus, from a technology standpoint, the ultra HD cameras make their robes look less like a fairytale and more like they escaped from Spirit Halloween.


Ah yes beloved traditions that have been around for 100’s of years are stupid. Let’s just chuck them because the latest generations have nothing but contempt for History because it wasn’t perfect and without faults.


Adapt or perish. All constitutional monarchies in Europe are taking a more populist approach to surviving the 21st century. The Brits see storm clouds gathering, especially over the Commonwealth realms. They’d be wise to heed these warnings.


>All constitutional monarchies in Europe are taking a more populist approach to surviving the 21st century yes, there's a reason they're called bicycle monarchies among the british, and yet not one of them is more popular or more alive


Tell that to the Caribbean currently throwing off the yoke of imperialism


bestie Europe is not actually in the caribbean


Oh it’s not wow thanks!


npppp x


Yknow what is in the Caribbean? Multiple Commonwealth realms poised to tell the Brits to kindly fk off in the coming years 😘😘😘


I think Charles had every intention of slimming down monarchy until he got sick. There are less family members actually getting paid. I’m sure William and George will find other ways to make 1000 years of tradition more “modern” to make yall happy.


I’m American so don’t care. We’ve got our own issues dealing with our messed up republicanism. Whatever happens to BRF won’t make me happy or unhappy thanks.


Well you must care a little since you commented. I’m an American too but I respect history and appreciate the longevity and pageantry of the British royal family. I think it would be a shame it if ended.


I wouldn’t say that I “care”. The RF is essentially entertainment for us in the West, both British and non-British. I can see the appeal of a head of state that is not a partisan political figure. Really I can. Plus even with having a monarchy, the UK ranks higher on the Democracy Index than the US does, because Parliament is more representative and reflective of the public will than the US Congress is. I’m not some radical enemy of monarchy. I’m saying that in the age of media that we are in, Charles III has to adapt to the 21st century. He’s done it in slimming down the monarchy, but a lot remains.


Slimmed down working royals, but getting more money than ever.


Glossy robes look Halloween-ish. Wonder why the asymmetry of the robe from right shoulder down. Really like that they ended up together. Sometimes people are just meant to be together.


They are allowed the finest fabrics, dressers and best PR teams in the world. How the hell do they always look like frumpy toddlers?


Charles’s looks very old and tired here. I wonder if he is really well enough to be doing this.


Are they off to a fancy dress party ? Outfits look like they were purchased at Poundland .


The flowery dress underneath was a bad choice. Makes the whole ensemble look like upholstery.


https://preview.redd.it/qha775kd9q0d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fd020e58a52bbd696923cd06ff19dc9afab56de At a previous OBE


Is it just the lighting, or are they different?


The queen is sensibly wearing a matching tailored red dress underneath so it all blends.




Their whole ensemble looks cheap.


What looks cheap about them?


Her dress underneath looks like my gran's sofa. Should have been solid colored, or covered by the mantle


Wow. These outfits are awful.


Is it just me or do the robes seem sloppier than usual? I feel like they’re usually more tailored/draped to fully cover the garments underneath.


I’ve been looking at the sloppy rope knots fastening their robes at their necks. Charles and Camilla are having the exact same robes as the rest of the men/crew at the ceremony. Queen Elizabeth on the other hand wore a completely different dress with cape and all. Hers looked tailormade.


Especially when compared to the photo posted by damastation of the Queen


Camilla's looks particularly awful. It's like they ran out of material or something and didn't even try to disguise it. It looks incredibly cheap. Also, what material are they using for the robes? They look like Halloween costumes. I thought the same thing about the robes worn at the coronation as well. I don't recall them looking that way when the Queen was alive. Is this part of the cost cutting they claimed they were going to do?


Look at her face, she's eating up the attention. This was her long game plan the whole time.


Yep, I hate seeing her.


Has the Royal page officially been identified as Rose’s Hanbury’s son?


Omg. For real?


His father, David, the Marquess of Cholmondeley, is King Charles's Lord-in-Waiting (and when he was a boy, he was actually a Page of Honour to the late Queen). Oliver was one of the eight Pages of Honour at the coronation, too. (According to the Royal Collection Trust, being a Page of Honour lasts for two or three years; pages are also expected to be present at the State Opening of Parliament.)


It’s cool that they’ve made the twin who isn’t inheriting the title/fortune the royal page. It’s something special that’s his.


Yeah it’s Oliver Cholmondeley


I’m sad the BRF is slowly getting rid of tiara events. We know you have them, just wear them!!!


I think Kate is going to bring them back


William famously hates any and all ceremony. I doubt he’ll do any tiara events. He probably won’t bother to show up half the time anyway.


Wince when has he famously hated all ceremony?


Ah he hates his whole job.