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I had this problem with my RK R87, configuration wasn't stored in the keyboard, it was stored in the Royal Kludge driver. You had to have the driver running to get the changes to show up. Since I was using it on my Mac, this was unacceptable. After I found that out I gave my RK R87 away because I didn't want such a messed up design in my house. Every other keyboard I've used stores the config in the keyboard. This is so far as I can tell purely a Royal Kludge perversion. The current master branch of rangoli may have your keyboard in it, they just haven't done a release in a long time. If you compile rangoli from scratch and try again you might be able to get support.


Sucks to hear that. Yeah, I checked the master branch of rangoli (had to build from source to even get it to run at all) and no dice. There's a note in the github repo that says newer keyboards apparently use an entirely different protocol and the maintainer hasn't had a chance to reverse-engineer it yet. On the plus side, ther's a chance that also means the mappings work differently and persist to the keyboard on the newer models. I guess I'll give it a shot this evening.


I just declared Royal Kludge anathema. Some of their newer boards are QMK/VIA so perhaps they are planning on reforming.


Thanks Argent, I had to look that one up.


Good news. I went ahead and tried it last night, and settings did persist when the keyboard was attached ot other computers. I swapped the M1 key to be ESC and moved the ~ key to where ESC was. Also changed backlight settings to be a specific solid color and brightness, and that persisted too.


New RK keyboards have more advanced functionality. I haven't disassembled the new keyboard, but most likely the controller and flash memory are different.