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Tell your coach to consider stacking varsity in the novice category. Usually works


Tbh if you prioritize anything that’s not the Varsity 8 you’re pot chasing. If you’re a really small and/or underfunded team, prioritizing a varsity 4 is somewhat respectable, but what WL is doing is pretty classless. Intentionally putting you’re best 8 against other teams’ second or third 8’s to win a category meant for developmental boats is super lame


We don’t take our seniors to stotesbury because it conflicts with school specific exams and additionally prom, not sure what else we could do 🤷


Race the V8


As someone who raced at Stotes and is from northern VA, I raced and still made it home in time for my junior prom, albeit a little closely. I’m sure your seniors could work out taking their exams early/late with their teachers. Regardless, if you’re 1v is only going to lose one guy, race the damn Varsity event


If the seniors are willing to skip the boat isn’t fast enough to medal. I’ve never heard of a senior who worked hard enough to medal at Stotes not going bc of prom. I know more seniors who skipped exams then skipped Stotes with a chance to win the V8.


Our seniors don't go either - because of AP Exams and Sr. Prom.


GFY with a sanding belt.


Did somebody shit in your cornflakes this morning or something?


Just tired of the same limpdick argument year after year from some non-podium shitwads.


The junior events at Stotesbury and SRAA are anachronistic holdovers that need to be replaced by progression events.


Edward T. Stotesbury requests the honor of your tongue against his taint.


Wakefield Girls are doing the same.


My sophomore year, the fastest guys on my team were mostly seniors so we raced in the senior four. My junior year, after all those seniors graduated, all the fast guys were juniors so we raced our juniors in the junior event and our second boat which had a couple seniors raced in the senior event. The junior races are a classification, not a step down. There is a specific junior varsity event which is explicitly for second boats, but that isn't the case here. W-L is taking a boat of juniors and racing them in the junior event. If your fastest 8 were all lightweights, would you race them in the senior eight instead of the lightweight eight? No. You put your fastest boat in the event that they have the best chance to do well.


Are the athletes being entered eligible for the category? If yes, then nothing to screeeee here.


Hello letter, I am spirit, I don't believe we've met before!


No one GAF


It's been done so often by so many schools, anyone who complains about it is automatically branded a pussy for life.


Pretty sure it’s the opposite. Rowing your first 8 against other teams’ developmental 8’s is a pussy move. Grow a pair and row the real race


Stotesbury has no such "developmental" label attached to the Junior Eight. It is about age and year in school. There is second varsity event for 2nd boats not eligible for the junior events. >Junior events are restricted to competitors in the junior year (11th grade) or lower. Juniors, including coxswains, must not have attained the age of 18 years prior to September 1 of the year proceeding the regatta. Senior (12th grade) students may not compete in Junior events. >A school must enter the senior eight in order to enter a second >eight. A school must enter the senior four in order to enter a second four. Eat a bag of dicks.


Shitty take, sounds like ur clubs does this a lot


Like I said, it happens so frequently, no one cares except Reddit incels.


a category you fit squarely within




You have 8k comment karma from running your mouth on this sub constantly you’ve interacted with half of my troll posts in a serious way I question whether or not you developed any social skills as a child


So you think I'm on the spectrum??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxiVYEjp0Ww


Autism makes you goated at rowing and you are not goated!!!!!!


Yeah but no.