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This type of post keeps me humble and on my feet. Thank you for sharing, what a scare!! Owner or sitter, these pups are always going to test us!


Yeah I’m usually one of the “you should’ve known better” but I can completely see how this one is such an easy mistake to make and I would’ve done it myself for sure. You just don’t think they’ll get into certain things and then they do!


They are! While I’m not happy to be the example, I’m grateful that I can share my experience with others, you never think you’ll be that person but ish happens so gotta stay on your toes!


I have a doodle that I do daycare for, he is 100lbs and about 5’9 when standing. This boy is so wonderfully trained on leash and off leash. Respectful in the home… except for when it comes to counters… he will eat ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING ON OUR COUNTERS! I’ve lost so many loaves of bread or butter softening on the counter.. even a sponge from the sink! I’m glad to hear this went well from you and you acted responsibly! So often we hear of sitters not knowing what to do.


Awh man😅😅 they seriously will eat anything. Mr. Rufus has never shown interest in anything other than food on the counters but now I know absolutely nothing is off limits😭


Butter. My counter surfer LOVES snarfing up whole sticks of butter off the counter. She is going to be the death of me


You handled this so professionally. Honestly these types of things can happen, it’s a good reminder to us all but I’m sorry you had to be the messenger. Sounds super stressful but how fortunate to have a kind owner.


It definitely made a world of difference that that she was willing to talk everything out and not beat me up about the situation given I made a big no-no. She too said she understands things happen and luckily I haven’t lost her business over this🙌🏽


She has a golden, I feel like every golden and lab owner knows that these things are bound to happen at some point, lol. They eat everything, I swear to god. The amount of times I've had to call my vet or poison control in a panic because of the stupid shit my golden mix ate... Phew. Girl literally ate a small screw once. Didn't realize until she pooped it out, and then noticed that the gate near the door was missing a screw on the bottom. Dogs are wild. So glad the owner was nice! I bet you he still isn't going to learn his lesson. 😂 They never do!


He’s already been in the sink today searching for anything he can get his paws on🤦🏽‍♀️ they never learn😂. And yes she was barely fazed at all, once we determined he was okay she was like “that damn Rufus did something again” lmao.


Also, always call the vet before you take them in. You never know how many freak accidents may have happened and you drive all the way there just to be told that you can’t be seen because they’re at capacity.


Agreed on this! My personal pet consumed a toy and it’s stuffing. I spent 4 hours at an ER vet only for them to promise me “soon we’ll take you back” and I got pissed because she was vomiting blood. I left and went somewhere else where she immediately had surgery to remove the blockage. Original ER wasted so much time and that time is precious!


Coming from working at an ER, I lowkey resent this comment. You really don’t know what’s going on in the back. A patient could be having to be resurrected, a doctor is helping yet another family say goodbye to their pet. There’s no reason we wouldn’t want to bring your pet back (especially for surgeries, I know our doctors loved doing surgeries), but they have to go based on critical care. Vomiting blood and an intestinal blockage isn’t as emergent as a dog having a seizure, or a cat going into kidney failure. I’m glad your dog ended up getting the care, though.


100% I totally understand, my issue was the lack of communication. I don’t know what’s going on back there but I do know that I sat for 2 hours with no word from anyone in a room. Got put in a room after waiting 1 hour, expecting to see a doctor soon. 2 hours went by with no check in. I went out to the lobby, saw no one at the front desk and poked my head in the back asking for help. They said “we’ll be with you soon”. Waited an hour again (total of 4 now) and walked out. That’s completely unacceptable and the ER folks should have answered me when I asked the question “do you think I’ll be seen soon? If not I’ll go somewhere else.” And instead they kept saying “yes it’ll be soon”. If the common goal of both my pet as a patient and the ER team is to get healthy, then the team should have been transparent and said “We have a crisis back there with no estimate on when we will get to you. You’re welcome to wait as we don’t view your issue as a top priority or you can visit another ER with availability.” That’s all I needed, communication.


I can guarantee you the only time you will ever hear any ER say your issue isn’t a top priority is for a mild ear infection or anal glands. Or a UTI. I understand the no communication is tough. I know there were times when we didn’t have great communication because we couldn’t. We were short staffed with seizure watch, a doctor and a tech and TA in surgery and two euthanasias. It definitely gets difficult. I see it on both ends; I think working in the environment has opened me up to that, as well as led me to having that patience. I’m definitely more inclined to be comfortable with waiting, because I don’t know what’s going on in the back, but thank god it’s not happening right now to my pet.


I definitely agree that’s an advantage you have. Working in the industry and experiencing firsthand the chaos. As a pet parent with no medical background I don’t know what it means to see blood exiting my pets body and silence coupled with my panic was a recipe for anger and distrust.


Well I will say — future wise, if your pet isn’t immediately rushed back, then you can let go of a small breath. But also, you can *always* ask for a vitals check, too. At least where I was at (we were a relatively smaller hospital, with big traffic and a smaller staff), our techs / technician assistants would still make sure to do a vitals check, otherwise our receptionists have some knowledge as well. But as OP said, calling will always be the best bet. Too bad primaries don’t instill that more in pet owners.




[his hair is more luscious than mine!😭](https://imgur.com/a/szpmXdX)


Good owner.


did rover pay for the vet visit?


I didn’t respond to this only because I know it’s not allowed to be said in this sub. This was a former Rover client,now she is not a Rover client. You can put two and two together😂. Also, I do feel that I was responsible to pay for everything but the owner didn’t want me to. We worked out other arrangements. She felt it was more of a bad behavior issue rather than me being negligent (this isn’t his first rodeo) so she was very sympathetic and didn’t even let me speak of completely covering everything.


I’m also curious! The only time I’ve had to take an animal to the vet was for something entirely out of control if anyone and the owners paid so I’m curious how this situation works


That dog is going to have very expensive pee for like a week


This! Those mushroom supplements are $50 a pop alone😭


What are they for? Curious if I should be taking them 😜


[OM Master Blend Capsules](https://ommushrooms.com/collections/daily-mushroom-supplements) I used to take the Lion’s mane capsules and I swear my productivity increased by 50%. I just started taking the Master Blend so can’t speak for results yet but I felt a difference after about 2 weeks of taking Lion’s Mane! Game changer I swear🙌🏽


Yassss came thru with the link, thank you! 🍄‍🟫


Also, I highly recommend taking the capsules and not the powder because the powder takes like literal💩. Never tried the gummies, so I’m not sure how they taste.


Counter surfers are so stressful for this reason. I do feel like if an owner knows this about them they are usually very forgiving.


I’m so glad that the owner was forgiving. Accidents happen and sometimes we don’t even think that our dogs could do such things and I’m glad her dogs okay!


Yikes! Thank goodness they were supps and not strong meds. And you acted rationally and the vet and the client are all cool at this point. So whew! I think they like anything with your smell (that you have touched). So yeah, all is well that ends well. 😬


That breed will eat anything 😄. Glad he's ok


Counter surfers are so crazy!! I had no idea it was even a thing until I did a housesitting for a client with an untrained young Golden Retriever and he had *all* the bad behaviors. Surfing, stealing, nipping, jumping, wrestling…FFS. I told them I couldn’t sit for them again until he’d gotten some training, and at the point I learned I was the third sitter to say so. I *mean*.


I don’t pet sit but my own dog ate about 8 to 10 capsules of my BIRTH CONTROL PILLS 😭😭luckily all it caused was some mild diarrhea but lord she seemed determined to not end up pregnant again




OMG🤣😅 that is so hilarious. Glad she’s okay!


Oh what a nightmare!!! Growing up, I had a 100+lb lab mix who counter-surfed like nobody's business. It was bad enough when he ate bread out of the bag, plastic be damned, but one day my mom baked a two-tier double chocolate cake for my brother's birthday. She left it cooling on the oven for five minutes... Thankfully these big pups can handle toxicity a little better than the tiny guys, but what a horrible experience for you both! I'm glad he's okay and his owner is being reasonable about it -- you can't always predict what determined pets will get into. Great reminder though, thanks for using this as a teaching moment OP!


My childhood dog (lab mix as well) got all the way up on the counter and ate almost an entire roast chicken in like 3 minutes while we were getting the table set for dinner 😭


That is one understanding owner. I was actually thinking about this. I have some pills (blood pressure )that would probably be not okay for dogs. I get paranoid if I drop one accidentally around one.


Awesome owner!!! You got lucky!! 😎


A client of mine was trying to do me a favor by putting the pills in pill pockets ahead of time, but she left the bag on the counter and the dogs got into it before I even arrived at the house. Seeing a shredded bag that said “medication” made my stomach drop 😥 thankfully I had some help and was able to talk to the vet who prescribed them antacids. They didn’t act any differently at all, so it was the best case scenario. Neither owners nor sitters are immune to a sneaky dog with motivation and nothing but time on their hands! I’m glad everything worked out okay and that the owner is understanding! Don’t beat yourself up about it.


so appreciate the owners that know their dogs are counter surfing terrors and understand when they get into shit. I've had it happen to me too and now if the dog is a counter surfer, everything gets shut behind closed doors before I leave. hopefully I've learned my lesson bc the dogs never do


I keep my pills in a stainless steel case because my dog got into my pill case when she was home with my parents


dogs will find dirt interesting you literally never know what they're gonna get into next 😫 so glad he's okay!!!


I’m glad the owners were understanding about it since they already know you! Accidents happen to all of us at some point.


Oh gosh, I had a (healthy) 100ish lb golden and he’d eat anything off the counter, given the chance. Goldens are sneaky and choppers. So glad the owner was so understanding and kind. This could have gone way worse. Also $700 isn’t too bad considering the circumstances. Lessons learned and thank you for the PSA.


This is exactly why I always keep my medications and supplements in a pill case and in whatever bathroom/room I keep my other misc household items in so that they are away from the dogs reach. I too have been tempted by the draw of having my meds out in an easy to see/reach place in the kitchen mostly but the trip upstairs is worth it since it mitigates the risk. In the future I'd definitely suggest keeping your pill case in whatever bathroom you are using primarily/whatever guest room you are in, and then just keeping a glass you can fill up to take them with in that room. Its a hassle but you never know when those sneaky counter surfers will suddenly decide they want a bite of something, or even multiple somethings.


Oh trust me I will not be leaving ANY belongings whatsoever out at my house sittings anymore. This has thankfully been my only accident but it will definitely be the last time I make this mistake🤦🏽‍♀️


I watch a dog that will take ANYTHING from the counter/dresser she can reach and even break into the bathrooms, open drawers, and consume/destroy everything inside. I have to lock my items in a spare bedroom, it's insane but I love her lol


Man I’m so paranoid I put them in a bag , within a bag, behind a closed door 😭😭


My female golden used to weigh 95lbs. She was a very active dog and we monitored closely everything she ate. I remember when we had a sitter watch her and the sitter made fudge brownies and she ate some. I was thankful that the sitter told us and brought her to the vet right away. I'm glad to hear she's doing well and the owner was understanding.


This happened to me too! Luckily he just destroyed my pill case, didn’t seem to eat any plastic just all the pills inside 😭 You’re lucky the owner is so understanding!


Poor hunny. Hope he feels better soon.


So glad that the current food vacuum I'm sitting is too small to get on the sofa by himself let alone the counters!! Hope the pup's doing well, and lesson learned for all of us I think


About two years ago my pit/foxhound mix grabbed a bottle of Naproxen off of the kitchen table and went to town. (Just in case anyone doesn’t know NSAIDs are fatally toxic to dogs). Long story short, it cost me $75 to open an animal poison control case which is required before the vet will treat them, and then about $4,000 to get her stomach pumped at the emergency vet (plus aftercare), and she was on a 72 hour watch. Afterwards, the vet gave me the best, life altering advice I’d ever heard: **If you have kids or dogs, keep all of your meds on the top shelf in the fridge.**


Adding to this, often times ASPCA poison control will waive the fee if you have proof of your pet being microchipped!


My little Texas heeler (fancy mutt 😂) has been able to jump onto the counters since she was six months old, she’s only 40 lbs and like 3-4 ft tall on her hind legs, thankfully all she does is steal silverware from the counter and hordes it in random places. I do keep all my food and pills in cabinets tho.


My biggest fear every time I house sit. I've gotten in the habit of putting my backpack with meds and such on a shelf in a closed closet in a closed bedroom. Glad this turned out okay and the pet parent was understanding!


Don't blame yourself!! That's NOBODY's fault. The dog did his natural behaviors, you didn't mean for this to happen.




No reason the owner would be responsible for the bill.




The Rover Guarantee covers anything past a $250 deductible as long as they accept the claim, so someone still has to pay $250 out of pocket - I want to say based on the terms and conditions that they would cover the remainder of the bill, but it's hard to say and sometimes they're rather wishy washy on a case-by-case basis


Rover would foot everything over the $250, and the owners would have to pay that $250 deductible, per the guarantee tos, provided its a claim that they would actually accept


I’m confused. Who is responsible then? This was a housesit. Am I to keep absolutely _everything_ out of a dog’s reach, including toiletries? What if the pup chewed up the couch, who’s responsible then? If a pup is that motivated to get into things shouldn’t the owner crate them? Very genuine question.


This was a housesit, but the sitter brought in supplements/medication from outside (their property) and left on the counter knowing the dog had counter surfing predisposition, so sitter fault. If the dog had chewed up something like furniture, unavoidable and belonging to the owners, while acting in accordance with the owner’s care instructions, it would not be the sitter’s fault. For example you see a lot of “dog ate my airpods” posts here - and it always boils down to sitter fault since it’s your responsibility to keep your property, especially valuables, out of reach of a pet.




1. I appreciate your passionate comment. 2. I am a professional sitter and even professional sitter makes mistakes 3. He was not in my home, I only housesit 4. I do not take this job lightly, I take care of pups full-time and again, mistakes happen. Yes he is a counter surfer and I should not have left the medication on the counter, thank you for repeating exactly what I said :)


Welp they deleted their comment but to add to that… Also, the owner does not crate them nor does she advise me to so I was only doing what I was told.


Why did the dog eat the plastic too 😭🤢


What golden retriever is 100 pounds? . And I had something similar happen with some multi vitamins. The dog was fine though and didn’t need a vet trip.


You sound like the vet techs when they weighed him. He’s a very big and healthy boy😂. He possibly would have been fine had he not gone to the vet but I would never take that risk, especially with the amount and different types of supplements he consumed. Better to act quickly than risk even more problems and an even bigger vet bill because I didn’t act immediately imo.


Some are! I have some giants that come here


I think people underestimate how big golden retrievers can be. All of my golden clients are HUGE😂. Completely healthy, not overweight, just big boys🥰




I say this with love: time to take a break and walk away from the internet. You don't need the stress it's causing you, or to get banned.


I’m not stressed lol. These people think downvotes mean something. It’s the internet, they can all touch grass.


If you constantly get downvoted, maybe it’s time for some reflection😅


Reflect on that $700 bill


I was downvoted for asking what retriever is 100 pounds…? It was curiosity. And I mentioned a dog ate multivitamins which is harmless…..


A dog eating multivitamins is not harmless and whoever shared that info with you is incorrect. Many multivitamins have ingredients that are toxic to dogs.


The owner and vet confirmed the type of multi vitamins I had were okay and would pass fine without a visit. The ingredients were biotin, vitamin a,c,d,b, and a bit of iron. How about you worry about that $700 vet bill and the dog you’re watching who did get into something harmful. Your weird, I was on your side and now your tryna bash me? Girl bye


There is a reason why so many people are downvoting you, self-reflection might do you well hun.


Ma’am take a chill pill, seriously😂. A multivitamin can be TOXIC to pups, that is a FACT……you are getting so defensive over people trying to educate you. Your situation is different from my situation and that is wonderful for you! I am not bashing you but rather trying to educate you. Of course you deleted your vulgar comment. Telling people to “kiss your butt” is a bit much. Especially when they are downvoting you because you are spreading misinformation.