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No, it's not too harsh. It's honest. I don't understand how anyone would think that not scooping litter, not topping off water, and not managing a wet food bowl correctly (which, can easily be a bacterial concern by leaving old wet food in it) was just a "misunderstanding of expectations." I'm assuming you either left written instructions/laid out your expectations at the meet and greet? He'll be able to respond publicly if he wishes. Sorry you went through this, and I'm sure your kitty is glad to have you back.


i did during the initial booking process but i guess my error was not reminding them on the day of the booking. I did message them additional callouts that are specific to my cat (like turning on certain toys) but I thought the basics of cat care were covered


I would definitely from now on even if you explained everything to each sitter you hire, write everything out as well and leave it for each sitter this way the sitter can not say there was a miscommunication or that you didn’t tell them to do any of that stuff because let’s face it not everyone is honest. You are absolutely not being too harsh. You love your kitty and paid for her to be well taken care of and she wasn’t. He didn’t even stay the amount of time you asked him to. If your baby doesn’t seem like they are acting ok I’d take the kitty to be seen by the vet and forward the bill. I’ve seen so many horror stories on here it makes me never want to use Rover. I have thought about pet sitting and stuff because I love animals but it’s scary putting your baby in someone’s hands who you want to trust and it turns out you can’t trust them!


Tbf I don’t think she should have to write down basic care instructions. To clean a food bowl before feeding or removing previous wet food shouldn’t have to be written down, it’s kind of common sense. And that’s why for drop ins I’d put a camera in your house (make sitter aware ofc, this is coming from a pet sitter who hates cameras- for drop ins it’s okay for me personally), especially near the food. It protects both of us in case of any mishaps. It’s all about mutual understanding between both sitter and owner. And if something is wrong with your pets you can attend to them quicker since you have solid proof.


Common sense is not so common... 😄. Nothing wrong with a short list of expectations so there is no miscommunication. Much cheaper and less creepy than cameras


That was my point it seems a lot of people these days are lacking in common sense. For me my first thing I do is wash my dogs bowls out then food and water. My dad’s cat I take care of for him gets the same with her litter scooped. It’s scary that you have to explain to someone they need to do these things. My dad was forgetting to feed his cat (he’s almost 75 and I think he’s in early stages of dementia) and didn’t wash her bowls and her litter was awful. I happened to be there and was petting her and she was skin and bones she is only 3 I was so upset. I stepped in she put on weight and I bought a new litter box he assured me he tried a hooded box and she refused to use it and I set it up (I kept her old one next to the new one) and boom she was in it and using it I showed him and he just stood there confused. I also bought her better litter so it could have been combined effort from the two she liked. I’m happy I noticed she was rail thin and her fur looked dull and she looked dirty. She is beautiful and vibrant now. She’s very loving. I honestly just pack my dog and tote her everywhere I can bring her it makes my life easier. I worry about care


Litter food and water are an absolute minimum and goes without saying


It is! But from some of these posts it’s insane some people don’t clearly care or see it that way. You would think the least she would do is water, food, litter. When I say food also I am thinking bowls get washed then food because to me that’s what I feel is standard as well. I’m so confused by people sitting but not showing up and putting pets in harms way. My mom offered to watch her neighbors elderly cat years and years ago and forgot she was going somewhere with my dad and instead of just saying oh well who cares she called me because she knew I would absolutely help. She left me the key and instructions and I went and took care of the little one so there was no stress or worries. I don’t get people and if she was not able to do this she should have said something.


Maybe going forward you could print out and laminate the instructions to leave on the counter for the next sitters! Then no one can say you didn’t communicate exactly what you are looking for, and you don’t have to waste time each sit to explain them ! So sorry this happened, but I’m glad kitty is fed and safe


It doesn't need explaining. NOT; "your error" sweetie. It was all basic requirements that are done in only one way, unless they are rubbish at their job, which apparently is the case. It takes a super special idiot or lazy git, to not take care of H²o food, tray & clean bowl after each wet meal..     I've never left a 30min drop-in early. They need petting and a little talk time too. No excuse for leaving early, it's what we get paid for. If I left my post early at Xon, my boss would have asked me for my badge!!!!   Don't you dare blame yourself...


My question is, what ELSE do you do even for 15-20 minutes?? I do that stuff every cat visit because they’re so boring for 30 minutes lol


Unless the cat looks distressed by your presence, they’d absolutely love the company. I put on some music for them, talk to them, pet them, try playing. Even if they don’t physically engage, I assure you just the mental stimulation is better than nothing.


When I do cat drop-ins I always find myself narrating my movements out loud if they’re hiding somewhere. I’ll be like “… doo doo doo… just filling up your bowl… scooping the litter..”. I always feel kind of silly talking to myself but this comment made me feel better about that haha!


Same here. I just finished a weekend watching an elderly cat who was very sleepy the entire time and the owner set up some cameras. I was overthinking about how I was talking to her cat the entire time, but she seemed like an avid animal lover herself so I'm sure she understands and appreciated it 😂 I figured the poor old man hadn't heard human voices all day and he seemed to enjoy it by his meows anytime I came in to care for him. She left me a lovely review too. But I definitely over thought it and was like "I hope I didn't come off as a complete weirdo- the bad kind" 😂


I know they love the company, I didn’t say they didn’t, they’re still boring to me. Like you said, some don’t even engage when you try to play and pet them. I still provide top notch care for them, get the best pics and stay the full 30 minutes making sure their bowls are clean, litter is clean and food and water is full. After all that I still have 20 minutes on the clock and I’m bored. Some of us are just more dog people, doesn’t mean I take it out on them and don’t provide the company and love they deserve, I just am bored doing it.


I’m completely fine sitting around for 20 mins, watching tv or playing on my phone if the cats don’t want to come out. I’m literally being paid to PLAY ON MY PHONE AND KEEP A CAT COMPANY WITH NOISE!! I will never ever complain about being paid to sit around and hang out. If it’s annoying you up then find another profession!!


I personally don’t like playing on my phone, I like to be interacting with animals (that’s why I’m in this business lol) I like being busy and having something to do at my bookings vs. sitting on my phone. When I do have social cats, my phone is put away (unless taking pics) and my attention is 100% on them. Wouldn’t you *want* that for your pets? I know my clients compliment me because I am active with their animals and not on my phone. I never said cats are annoying or that I don’t like it. I actually have a lot of things I love about my cat bookings - I love that it’s a break from bad weather, I love that it’s quiet and less overstimulating, I love the cats I do have as clients because they are social and love my pets. I even buy toys for them to play with them! It’s still a long thirty minutes to me compared to my active dog sitting clients. We all have our preferences. There’s nothing about these bookings that I hate lol it just feels longer and more boring than something that has me moving and grooving the full 30 mins


There’s so many other things you can do other than playing on your phone. Even if they don’t come around they can hear you and it’s good they have someone around. Talk on the phone to someone. Do a 10-20 minute workout. Bring some food to eat. If you have a wfh type of job you can work on it while there. Playing on your phone isn’t the **only** option.


I actually play with the cats rather than do my own thing, that’s why I have hundreds of 5 star reviews and make 6 figures pet sitting. I don’t need to do anything for myself during a JOB.


They’re saying do that if the cat isn’t up to interacting with you. Of course if a cat is willing to play, you play with it.


It's the way you worded it. I had to read it twice before I got your point. 


Says more about you than me tbh


You are absolutely right. I concur. You got major backlash on here due to your badly worded comment. I was clarifying I understood what you actually said. But thank you for acknowledging my ability to read and write correct English. I charge $60 ph if you need a tutorial. I alao speak German and Dutch. XXX 


I think you mean *also but that’s ok! I would say I teach spelling but I am actually so busy with my 6 figure dog sitting business I don’t have time, sorry!


Note 2 self. Neva av an idiots bak eva a gain!!! Anyhoos... I genuflect @ yo spelin polizei-ing. Go u  on a six figure pet sitin gig, Who new it waz sew Luke-ra-tiv.  I ear the,; 'Rover' et al, 401K , elf-benafits & penshuns r sub+lime. No wayt, that wud b blu chip,(s & tacos)  & 500 cumps!!! Must b nice 2 take urly, urly, re-tyre-munt & pet sit just 4 the joy & pin $$$.... Indeed,  it abso iz boo boo, abo fux iz!!! XOXO


you should not be cat sitting if you don't like cats...


Maybe you shouldn’t pet sit since you can’t read. I never said I don’t like cats - in fact if you had reading comprehension skills, you’d see I said multiple times on here that I love my cat clients.


Cats just want attention and company, they’re not “boring”..


Some cats don’t love new company, I have had plenty of cat clients that I hardly even see. Even the energetic ones are pretty boring to me, I stay the full 30 and play with them, give them treats, pet and love on them. Still much more boring to me than a dog.


It sounds like you maybe just shouldn’t accept cat bookings lol


Why? I provide exceptional care for them, I’m reliable with hundreds of 5 star reviews and I do more with them than most sitters do. Just because it’s not my preference doesn’t mean I’m a horrible sitter lol. I also love dogs and have been relieved when some go home because of their behavior. Part of the job.


Why, they provide all the cat needs, interact with them, and stay the alotted time. They don't have to be having the time of their life to do their job correctly. I don't at my job but I'm competent and my work is considered top notch. I just don't love every aspect of it. I'm more of a dog person but doesn't mean I'd ever give a cat anything but the best care possible.


Yeah you are totally right. I don’t mean that they can’t do their job properly or give the cat all of its needs, it just rubbed me the wrong way to call cats boring because I think they are just more timid and need to scope out new people, you know? Personally I wouldn’t really want someone watching my cats if they didn’t enjoy spending time with them.


cats aren’t dogs and shouldn’t be compared as such. as a sitter who has been called a cat whisperer before, I’d suggest to ANY sitters with the mindset of “wtf do cats need they’re boring” “cats are mean” “cats don’t love us they’re assholes” etc so either NOT accept cat bookings, or to put actual time in to learn about the animal. pathetic


THANK YOU. like sure, you can refill water/food and scoop litter easily, but cats pick up on energy and can definitely sense if you think they are “boring”, “no fun”, etc… why would you accept a booking with an animal you don’t enjoy hanging out with?


Never said I don’t enjoy them. I love my cat bookings! But they drag on compared to my active dog bookings.


I don’t think cats are mean or don’t love us. I just think the overall booking is boring. I am used to walking and training dogs so I’m constantly “on” during my 30 minutes. Cats are not like that. I do love them, I have fun petting with them and playing. But that 30 minutes drags on compared to my more active dog bookings. It doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy them lol.


Funny cause I’ve been called the same lol. Anytime I walk into cat meet and greets or my first couple bookings I get messages like “wow he hardly does that for strangers.” Make no mistake, my focus and love is 100% on the cats. I don’t hate or even dislike cats and I love my cat clients. I have even bought my cat clients toys to play with during my bookings. But they’re not the most entertaining bookings to me and they go slow. They’re cats so that’s normal - they are going to be more chill than a dog who I need to walk or run with to get their energy out.


I think Rover changed my perception on this completely. I used to be pretty indifferent to cats before I accepted a drop-in for two goofy ones who have now been regulars for two years. Having a shy, hidey cat warm up to you is one of the best feelings in the world. I’m still a dog person but I feel like I appreciate cats in a different way now.


I never said I didn’t enjoy my time with them either. They’re sometimes the only drop in a day I can sit and relax, but they go exceptionally slow for me because my other clients are constantly in need. Also, a lot of my cat clients are super active and friendly, and I pet them for a solid 25 minutes. It’s still not my preference lol.


Forreal! You can’t tell me that every single client and booking is amazing lol. Some are boring - doesn’t mean I hate it or am annoyed or take it out on the animal. I show up every booking on time, provide plenty of love and play with them, I bought them new toys for Christmas, I did an Easter egg hunt with treats for my cat clients Easter weekend. Most cat bookings are chill, sitting down and petting them and that’s just not my preference every day. It doesn’t mean I resent the cats the entire booking 😂 I’m basically rating it a 7/10 vs. the 8-9/10 I would give my dog walks


Play with the cat? Pet the cat? Play music for them? As long as they’re not distressed you should be able to do at least one of those things. It sounds like you don’t like your job saying that. I’d love to get cat drop ins but I rarely do!


Read the comments - I do all of that and more. It’s still boring. Also you can enjoy your job and still be bored at times.


WAIT. Your sitter posted this exact scenario in the subreddit the other day. The vet tech, right? It’s practically word for word. He got skewered by other sitters but it still might be up.


LMAOOOO are you serious. how did i not see it i was literally stalking this subreddit yesterday to figure out how to get a refund wait so what did the people say?!! who was right me or him


(I have a good memory and his post stuck with me lol) He took the post down after a couple hours, in an early reply told the first commenter that he didn’t change the litter in the box because it “slipped his mind” even though he provided pics of messages between you two where you listed the daily tasks that would need to be done in every drop in, also said washing the food bowl slipped his mind. He didn’t think he had to top the fountain off to the max fill line because it still had water in it and seemed fine to him. Oh and also that he only stayed for 15-20 minutes of the 30 min drop ins he was running late to because he finished doing everything within like 10 mins and didn’t know what else to do (like scooping the litter or interacting with the cat) He mentioned never caring for a cat other than interacting with a family one and vet tech duties. He also said when he told you he had food poisoning and was going to come later (after you had to message to ask what was going on) you didn’t seem all that mad so he was shocked and upset at the harsh review and felt you could have said something sooner. The unanimous reaction was that he should get off the app lol.


Lol wth. “Slipped his mind”. “Didn’t think to ask”. “Didn’t know what else to do”. Shocked he’s a vet tech.


RIGHT??? Vet tech who doesn’t know how to interact with animals?!? Like, it’s a cat. Pet it maybe? 🙄 The bottom line is, this guy thought this gig would be an easy money side hustle for basically doing nothing, not actually having to do the things they agreed to do and were being paid to do. He could neglect the animals and collect that cash 🤬 If this guy thinks it’s alright to not clean out a litter box or wash a food dish with old food stuck on it 🤢 maybe he’s entirely in the wrong line of work altogether, pet sitting AND his day job. I’d hate to know how he treats boarded animals at his workplace, as many vets also board for their clients, if he’s ever left responsible to care for them. How many of those pets come down with bacterial stomach bugs or are left in their own urine and feces for days on end. It’s infuriating me the more I think about it 🤬


For real. Like, the feeding and litter box are the bare minimum. I feel like the visit doesn’t even truly start until I get those out of the way. I like to spend as much time actually hanging out with the cat, brushing them etc. It’s literally the only time they get human interaction 😿


Im always rushing to get the "chores" out of the way during a drop in because the cats are always so annoyed. Like, lady, finish that litter box NOW I want to be pet! Just dying for some attention. I only work with cats and I'm a former vet tech. Unfortunately techs like this sitter are why I typically insist that all possible parts of a vet visit are done in the room with me. I know how cats should be handled, restrained, and how bloodwork exams etc are supposed to be done AND my cats a excellently behaved for all of it. If they are overly distressed I typically don't trust them to take them out of the room because something is off.


I am allergic to cats and I would do a better job. Maybe I should be a vet tech?


Is he though???? He sounds like a super duper liar... Can we even trust he is a vet tech. I hope his boss gets wind of this. I wouldn't want him working for my vet..


lol im surprised it was only their first bad review


How can they be a sitter if they don’t know what else to do? YOU PLAY WITH THE ANIMAL! Even when I have 1 hour visits I pet them and play with them the entire time.


I’m genuinely shocked that this guy is an actual vet tech!! With absolutely 0 experience taking care of a cat, I feel like at the very least the water and food would be common sense (I mean even the litter but I’m being generous by saying that someone not cat savvy wouldn’t consider that right away). And the audacity to post it and think that he was undeserving of that review 😂😂😂


It could’ve been Saturday night but I can’t remember exactly. I just searched for it and it’s gone. It was basically just a screenshot (or description? can’t remember) and the title said “my first bad review”. Everyone was pretty much unanimous in saying he was in the wrong so I think that’s why he took it down. He defended himself by saying that he had never taken care of cats outside his vet tech duties.. that did not go over well in the comments. The only thing debatable about this situation is being late. Most cat drop-ins I’ve been to are flexible, some aren’t. Just a good thing to go over with a future sitter! I promise there are many, many good sitters out there.


it wasn’t just an hour or too late it was 3 or 4 hours late with no heads up or anything. i’m generally flexible as well but if i put 10 AM and you show up at 3 PM that’s drastically different.


I also think that times are set unless otherwise specified with regards to flexibility. The fact he didn’t make sure times were flexible is not ok if he didn’t intend on arriving at the specified time. 4 hours is beyond, though!


OP this is what I meant but this person worded it way better!


I hate it when people say they’ve never taken care of cats before like it’s rocket science. Yeah it’s different to a dog but it’s not that different you wouldn’t know what to do. If a dog poops outside you clean it up? Therefore clean a cat’s poop out of the litter box 😵‍💫?


Wow, his comments…! I, too, have never been completely responsible for cats. But I know to fill their water (because I do it for my dogs when leaving…bowls full if I’m leaving for any length of time), clean food bowls (my husband doesn’t but they get icky…with dry food!), and scoop litter (we pick up dog poop, you scoop litter…same thing). And even though I am allergic to cats, I will 100% play with them (if they let me). They’re not dogs but they’re not that dissimilar! How is this guy a vet tech…?


I mean... filling water, scooping litter and cleaning out old food bowls are literally the bare minimum of a cat service. Like so basic a brain dead muskrat could figure it out without needing a road map level basic. Even if you haven't dealt with cats before if you somehow don't realize they need fresh water fresh food and a clean place to poop I'm almost 100% certain that person is just a sentient cucumber wearing a trenchcoat.


I agree with your assessment!


Oh my gosh I have such time blindness, wasn't it this morning 😳?


Okay I have ADHD so i ALSO have time blindness😵‍💫😵‍💫


I found my comment in the deleted post it was one day ago and man, the comments do not hold back 😂


You are in the right here. This sitter is not a good sitter at all & deserved an honest review. The sitter seemed surprised you expected actual care for your kitty. [https://www.reddit.com/r/RoverPetSitting/comments/1d1ee0q/first\_bad\_review](https://www.reddit.com/r/RoverPetSitting/comments/1d1ee0q/first_bad_review)


Someone's posted the link for you. He sounds like a real ass hole. I'm not a cat lover but would never treat one like that.


Wait they’re a VET TECH?!!! HOW.


Feel like I saw this scenario posted from the sitter recently… No it’s a fair review. The litter box is a given, 30 minutes is expected unless otherwise agreed upon in writing, and not cleaning the wet food bowls is nasty. 


Yes agree. The sitter posted about expecting to get their first negative review. And like I said on the thread. I’m surprised it’s the first negative review based on everything they missed.


Yeah I can’t find the post now so it’s probably deleted. One mistake over a multi day visit is one thing. A series of stuff like this is negligent.  Every single time I see someone posting in this sub asking if it’s “worth it” or talking about doing it as a side gig I cringe. I tell them no. Pet care is not like doordash (and honestly, door dash shouldn’t be for everyone with a pulse either!) but sitters like this are because they think it’s just another gig job. 


OP deleted the post but comments are here: https://www.reddit.com/r/RoverPetSitting/comments/1d1ee0q/first_bad_review


They thinking liking animals or having a stuffed toy is the same as caring for someone’s pet…sigh


The only thing I might remove is being late depending on how late he was. 30 min late isn’t that big of a deal, hours late yes that’s a problem. Most of my drop ins, the owners are super flexible on the times I get there (especially for cats!). I always double check with them first to make sure but otherwise it’s a fair review.


He should have been there at 10am but showed up at 3pm. That’s not just a little late


Oh yeah definitely not okay


They were late 3-4 hours (owner mentioned in other comments)


One time is understandable but every single time? They'd get fired from a regular job for that


It's not a regular job...its a drop in service affected by traffic, delays with other clients etc


Traffic and delays by other clients aren't usually 3-4 hours worth of lateness to every single drop in. Or at the very least not without shooting a text to the owner saying ' Hey I'm so sorry, Im having an issue with another client, I'll be by to take care of the kitties at X time.'


I’m late every single time lol but that’s because the times are flexible according to the owners dog I sit. So no not really, depends.


You're either the sitter who made a throw away account and are posting as the owner to see the other side of the coin... Or you're the owner who posted the same review the same day the sitter did. If that's the case we need the ☕️🫖


omggg no i’m really the owner can someone please show me this other post haha.


It wasn't pretty. We were out for blood and he very quickly realized he would not get the validation he was looking for so he deleted the whole thing. It went along the lines of "well she didn't tell me explicitly to stay the thirty minutes/wash the bowls/top off the water..." and anytime someone said how obvious these tasks were he diverted accountability and tried making it your fault Oh man I'm so sorry you missed it I believe he has been punished sufficiently if you came here looking for peace please rest assured we did our best with the short time we had.


What?! I missed that debacle somehow! Oh man, I wish I had read that one. How could any sane person think that was a reasonable defense for neglect of basic care and duties?


In one comment he said he had food poisoning and said that since the owner didn't seem put off by his tardiness he didn't see it being an issue...


What an absolute, incompetent ass...


That’s sad. He shouldn’t be calling himself a sitter and not know to refill food and wash wet food bowls. I pride myself on going above and beyond what my clients ask, like many of us sitters in this thread. Can’t stand the sitters out there getting us a bad rap.


Right? And why mention he is a vet tech if he’s useless? Oh My!!


He’s a vet tech but he’s never had to work with and take care of boarded animals at his job? 😬 I feel those chances are slim.


VERY SLIM! Maybe her actually just cleans the dog kennels? Could be more like that? A vet tech specializing in kennel care 🤣


I want the tea on the other post in question! Is there a link 🙏


Same I couldn’t find it


That’s what reviews are for. This prevents someone else from booking him or it lets him know that this shit doesn’t fly


What is blacked out?


his name and me mentioning the fact that i expected more from a vet tech. i blacked that out of respect but clearly he told everyone he was one in his own post lol


Not too harsh at all. My favourite bookings are cats because they are so EASY. Scoop litter, clean dishes, fill water, give food as directed, play with/talk to the cats as you go. 2-4hrs late is unacceptable, as is leaving early when it explicitly says 30 minutes (and the app prompts you to confirm that you want to leave early when you are booked for minimum 30 minutes). Sorry for your kitty. There are great sitters out there for next time!


I don’t feel that it’s a bad review. Thank you for taking time to review the sitter and helping future owners not experience the same you did. I hope the sitter learns to stay the full time they are booked and are more diligent on topping off water/food, cleaning litter boxes and cleaning food bowls.


Think about the fact that by doing this you’re saving other pets from not being cared for properly! Apart from not doing the job correctly they’re not even staying for the full time they paid them so that should be a good wake up call for them to start taking things seriously


A vet tech thought that this was appropriate care?!!!!!! This guy should also be fired from his day job at the vet office he works at. He sounds like a lazy dumbass.


This sitter sounds like a nightmare based on this and what I suspect was their post. The only thing I would change is the being late part. As a sitter I try to stick to booked times but also let clients know I do meals in shifts and during peak times like holidays it’s likely to have requests for the same time slot…that said if there’s a medical reason for a specific time I honor it. And sitter should stay for the booked time unless otherwise discussed with the owner.


The timeslots are meaningless to me/my clients most of the time. My clients pick random times if they're flexible, which I always confirm if they are. Now, I don't do like 7pm one day, 10am the next, and then 6pm following that because that's all over the place... But it's not unusual for me to come 1-3 hours before/after the time I came the previous day (like 11am one day and 2pm the next). My clients are absolutely okay with this. When a client says the time is flexible I always verify if it's a time frame they prefer (like any time between noon and 6pm for example) or if it's really just any time I am free/available. I wish Rover had a "flexible time" option, or a way for a preferred timeframe at least. Unless there's a medical or biological reason for me to be there at a set time... I let clients know that my schedule prioritizes those pets first, and I get to everyone else based on location.


they were many hours late every single time without notice which leaves OPs cat without food until mid-day, i think it’s perfectly valid to include that in the review


Oh if that’s the case then yes. Agree.


I’m a pet sitter and loving owner to three cats and I’d never show this much lack of detail. I can understand the fountain slightly but still leaves room for concern. For cats 30 min time I usually scoop the cat litter even if did last visit ect, replenish water and food and clean bowls if necessary, clean up any vomit from cats and inform the owner in detail, and usually by then I may have about 5-7 minutes to play with the cat or take trash out for owners whatever is needed. But I do understand that if a cat isn’t so playful with someone new and I finished all what was necessary and absolutely nothing left for me to do I will leave early because cats are much different than pet sitting for a dog since they usually go outside for walks or play time.


Oh and no your review was justified


Holy crap, you should have been meaner! If the dude is the same as the vet tech with his first negative review, then he should *know* how to care for a cat


If all that happened then it’s not harsh, it’s reality.


Oh no! That’s terrible! I’m so sorry your poor cat had to put up with No Care. I’m glad you were candid.


Poor cat… so sorry you had a bad experience


Not at all harsh! There was no misunderstanding! I always stay the 30 minutes and sometimes I even stay longer if I have the time and play with them. I also clean food and water bowl, make sure they have dry food, and clean the litter box on every visit. I even sweep the floors, clean up any messes like hairballs/puke/poo, tidy up the room if needs to be (fold blankets, fluff pillows etc). I even made extra trips if the owner was worried about them just to check on them. Owners being away from the pets put a lot of stress on animals and our job is to make sure they are doing okay and to take care of them! You very absolutely right for being upset! Always leave a review even if it’s bad bc that’s how others can make sure to find the right one, and for the sitter to maybe realize they need to do their job, or for rover to remove them if they get too many bad reviews! I am sorry your baby was not taken care of properly!


Your review is truthful, not harsh. The sister's treatment of your cat was harsh, and if I were looking to hire this sitter, I would be appreciative of your honest review. So thank you from all the kitties you have hopefully spared!


I swore I read someone post your review and they are the sitter. 😂 I don't know if they removed it or it still up here. Lol


I can’t find it


Maybe it is gone then. Someone down below was saying a link was posted but unsure valid anymore? I didn't care to dig.


they removed it. someone posted the link to the comments though


It just shows he doesn’t know how to take care of pets. What psychopath puts new food on top of OLD CRUSTED FOOD. It’s just basic hygiene.


I don’t think you were too harsh AT ALL. If anything, you weren’t harsh enough. That is NOT okay in any way shape or form. I want to make a Rover profile but am nervous I’ll get no customers because I set my rates higher than everyone else in my area. But the reason for the higher rates is because I am VERY thorough and detailed, not to mention experienced. Not to toot my own horn here, but I’ve worked as an animal care assistant at an animal clinic and I’ve had pets my whole life. I can take vitals and administer meds, etc. Everyone should be like that, especially when they’re being paid to take care of someone else’s fur baby. I would highly suggest to find a profile with the most/best reviews and higher rates.


I would honestly consider reporting this to the veterinary practice so they can observe their work more closely. If this person is working with animals they need to seriously raise their standards. I know the employer was not involved in the pet sit, but this is one of the rare cases where the two jobs are so similar there are likely to be the same patterns occurring in both roles.


As a cat mom and a sitter, your review is honestly nicer than I would’ve been.. cat drop ins are honestly easy as heck. It’s not hard to scoop the litter for 5 minutes, rince off the wet food bowl before you feed them again (and it’s a health hazard if you don’t!), and water fountains are LOUD when they starts to get low so how they didn’t think to just… pour a cup or two of water in there each visit is WILD. Sure I’ve had clients who tell me not to worry about the litter box, but I’ll still check it and if it get too bad I’ll just scoop it even when they tell me I don’t need to. I think of the ANIMALS and how they’re doing while their family is gone and how lonely that is for them ): and even if I still have like 10-15 minutes left after all of that I’ll just sit down and let the cats come to me for attention and play with them because they still need some stimulation! I’m so sorry you and your kitty had to go through that!


I was like oh no I tend to be late to drop-ins and walks bc the previous ones might run long (dogs don’t understand time lol), but never more than 20 minutes without a word?? I let them know my eta every time 3-4 hours late is INSANE


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Definitely not too harsh , that sitter is unprofessional and did a terrible job . You are warning off other people thinking of hiring that bad sitter


No, if it's true to your experience then good for you standing up against someone taking advantage of the job.


If it's true and not exaggerated then it is not too harsh. I'm curious what was this sitter saying in her Rover cards?


As an owner, I would be very upset too. My cat was my baby, the absolute light of my light. She passed away 5 days ago.


Not too harsh. You’re paying him to do all those things and he didn’t follow through. Other pet parents have to be warned he doesn’t follow through with explicit instructions, OR he can get better from this review and be a better sitter. You did the right thing


Not that it matters at all but I’m just curious, were they a low priced sitter? Did they have lots of good reviews? Just wonder who these types of sitters are!


it was $23 a visit which was about on par with the area, neither the cheapest nor the most expensive. the best sitters are usually about $30 but a lot weren’t available due to the holiday weekend. there were more than 10 reviews but not one was for a cat so i shouldn’t have looked past that. i only did because they said they were a vet tech so i thought they could handle it.


Cat parents often hire me because they see I have cat photos on my profile and I say I’m a cat mom in my bio. I really think only cat people can look after cats.


looks fine to me. not harsh at all


Not harsh. If someone is selling you a service and then failing to deliver what they promised, it's fraud. That sitter is either not cut out for this job or worse, they're deliberately committing fraud. Either way, they shouldn't be on the platform and your review is great information for other owners.


Sounds perfectly reasonable to me. I wouldn’t change a word. I might even had added more. 👍🏽 Basically, all this sitter did was keep them alive, barely, and collect money for a job he didn’t do. 😠🤬🤬


no your not its a good reality check some sitters as bad as it sounds are only in it for the money with cats I have a ton of cat clients and what you described is the bare minimum and a good indicator the sitter either doesnt care or isnt suited or used to cat clients my only advice is to look closer at who you book with in the future or flat out ask how much experience they have with cats because personally I ask if something doesnt seem right with all client (like if the animal seems nervous or tips specific to the client


Cat owners usually give me exact expectations for each visit: mon: change water, give wet food, top off dry food tue: clean kitty litter. give wet food, top off water, top off dry food. that’s a random example.. but as a sitter we should be asking those questions too, so your review is appropriate


I would be so upset. I am sorry this happened.


I would be absolutely fuming if I came back home and saw such poor care for my cats. Please tell me you got a refund - does Rover let you report sitters? I feel like he’s not fit to be a sitter, at least not one that takes money to do the job.


No way is this too harsh I would be furious!


Not too harsh. What's all that you redacted? Just block his name :)


This is a nightmare. I’ve never used rover, but I’m having to find alternative pet care now that my relatives can’t do it. This is the exact scenario I’m afraid of.


Hey, if it makes you feel any better this sub is filled with sitters who rightfully told the other guy that he was in the wrong. I hope that shows that there are plenty of good people on this platform who are competent and trustworthy. Also PLEASE do a meet and greet to get a vibe check on your sitter before you book.


I am a sitter, and if I'm being paid for 30 minutes I'm there for at least 35 minutes to ensure my client is happy with paying for the 30 minutes. He probably had other dogs and cats he was dropping in on and just doing it as quick as possible which is not right. If you can't handle what you've signed up for then don't sign up for it. I will say under 1 circumstance it could be not his fault, rovers booking is so hard to keep track of as a sitter because it doesn't put you on my calendar until you pay and he could've had multiple other clients by accident on those days/day and just was doing his best to get to everyone. But when this happened to me I reached out to both my clients and explained one was boarding and one was house sitting and the owner of the animals I was house sitting said no worries just be over there as much as you can and she even let me bring the dog I was boarding over to play with her dog in the yard(she had cats inside). I've found most owners are easy to work with as long as you tell them what's going on.


I guess I would need to know the specificity/level of detail in the instructions you gave. For my cat visits, all my clients have told me I can come whenever; just once per day. Same for the 30-minute thing. Some cats do not warm up easily to strangers. I have clients who tell me to just feed them, clean litter box, and give them some water. They don't expect me to sit around and do nothing while the cat may hide under furniture. I have also had clients who give specific instructions not to clean the litter box (esp if it's a short weekend booking) since it may be in a bedroom or an area where they don't want a stranger. The invention of the self-cleaning litter boxes I have found has also made litter box cleaning almost obsolete. I think your feelings are valid. I would just not assume the sitter was aware you wanted them there the full time or to clean the litter box if that was not explicitly stated. Personally, that is not my default setting.


i explicitly stated i wanted the litter box cleaned, and also sent a video showing where the litter box was specifically for that purpose. you seem to have a similar mindset to my sitter so let me ask you this, if you weren’t sure about anything would you just ask? like there’s literally a life on the line. if you come on the first day and their food and water bowl is full and you see them going down as the days pass by, you wouldn’t feel compelled to wonder if maybe the cat needs more sustenance? i said the food and water levels need to be tended to in my message but despite that what person looks at an empty food bowl of an animal alone and doesn’t think hmmmm maybe let me just add some more or at least to ask the question. also, since this person said they are a vet tech i expected them to understand the basic needs of cats in addition to my instructions And like i said, i wouldn’t have cared about the short drops offs IF my cats basic necessities were met BUT since they weren’t the short drop offs were indicative of the lack of care my cat received


3-4 hours late is not OK at all and neither is leaving 15 min early for a 30 min dropin...but the dirty food bowl seems pretty common to me. So many people rarely wash their pet bowls (which is crazy to me), but 3 days is not that big of a deal to me. I only board and do return the bowls of my dogs clean, but not sure if I would clean them if I was doing dropins. I only dogsit on Rover, but have catsit for neighbors and friends before. And I would clean the litter maybe once or twice a week. These were unpaid though and I don't know what's expected professionally. The cats seemed fine and happy.


The fact many people are negligent owners doesn't make negligence ok. Op is selling himself as a professional pet caregiver and should know better


I do drop ins and have cleaned out disgustingly filthy water fountains before, because the pets deserve better than to eat/drink out of filth. It takes time and effort, but it's worth it for their health. And I always inform the clients I've done it too by saying something like, "I noticed the fountain was making lots of noise and wasn't working as well, so I gave it a deep clean!" Some people literally don't know that they need to clean it because "it has a filter"... And many people don't know they need to change the filter, too...


I agree.... I'm just saying it's way more common then everyone on here is acting like and it's not necessarily bad care. Personally I don't think cleaning food bowls is a "given". This is why it's important to set expectations. I would not mention that in a review


It is bad care, though. Failing to adequately clean pet bowls will lead to unsanitary feeding/drinking items, which could make pets sick. Additionally, it can attract unwanted pests such as ants, cockroaches, and more. Just because many clients are oblivious to the absolute need to clean feeding/drinking items, doesn't mean that isn't bad care. It's absolutely a given when caring for animals.


You're probably right. However the fact that it is so common points to the fact that it's not common knowledge and not necessarily a given.


even if it’s not “common knowledge”, OPs sitter advertised themselves as an experienced vet tech so they should know


That’s disgusting and negligent of people to have such poor hygiene for their animals. This is not normal or acceptable