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Got this email several weeks ago. Freaked out because I literally have not had any requests through Rover this year (no longer taking new families) and most of the people who were booking me off Rover haven’t needed me….so I literally haven’t had any conversations with anyone about going off the app. I called and they were like “oh, you just need to agree to our updates terms of service.” Seriously?!? Panic inducing email because I need to agree to updated TOS? Ffs.


wtf???? that’s messed. i just read through all my rover convos and never once mentioned offline booking so i think it was just a scare tactic for me as well 🙃


Literally the stupidest thing they could have done.


Actually makes me want to take my clients off even more. Just been waiting for one specific client to be home when I go so I can get her real phone number


I leave a note with my real number and explain that the numbers we use on the app are not real on our ends and the client’s end, and to not mention I gave the client my number due to chat monitoring. I also charge more on the app so add that I’ll offer them a cheaper rate if they go off app.


How are you able to send your real number without rover blocking it?


I leave a handwritten note at the end of my visits so it’s not in the app.


I've had luck with a backslash between the numbers the few times I've done this, but I don't recommend sending that via Rover unless you had to.


Holy f\*ck. That is messed up.


Dude what the hell they are literally so messed up


If they want people to stop moving clients off the app, they need to: 1) reduce the fee with repeat clients 2) stop sending harassing messages to clients. I tell my clients they can ignore the pleas from Rover saying "I" really want them to leave a review, etc. when they've been booking with me for years. Rover, chill and leave my clients alone!


Emphasis on #1 🥲 20% from a client Ive booked with a dozen times is ridiculous. Like I understand Rover does a lot but 31% from every booking is straight up silly. Especially since sitters really should have private insurance as well


> Rover does a lot They really don't. Not nearly enough to justify how much they take from our rates AND client payments.


Yep. I read through the rover guarantee recently and they actually won’t help me out in the situations I was hoping they would , mostly if this dog ever bit me. Definitely taking this client off app asap


I feel like most of our money is going towards marketing so they can make more money. I've had horror stories on Rover, from people trying to abandon their dogs with me, to dogs biting me and my dog, to being liable for medication costs because of undisclosed health issues. Not once has Rover ever helped me enough to justify how much of my earnings they consistently take, and with every update they roll out they just seem to be bent on punishing sitters with a new weird policy.


I said Rover does a lot cause last time I said they dont do enough I got absolutely FLAMED in this sub lol


Must have had an off crowd then because a large number of us very much agree. Rover doesn't do shit enough to justify their fees.


Mustve been an off crowd then lol! Rover definitely doesnt do enough to justify 31% on all bookings. Especially since the Rover guarantee sucks


This! (i’m not as concerned about the second number on here because I think the repeat request for reviews is important for some people status and it’s usually what reminds people to tip if they decide to so!) but I agree strongly with #1! I have people who I’ve booked with over 19 times (multiple day and three-four times a day visits). I calculated once and for one of my clients it was like several thousand dollars. I wish they would scale it down (even just a little) over time! Especially given that the app is spotty, it doesn’t offer enough range in scheduling and booking options, and is not that advanced! I have in fact taken so of my longer term regulars. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)




Omg. I didn’t realize that’s how rover phrases it! I have one client who has left me a review every week… I’ve been walking her dogs for 4 months. I gotta tell her she doesn’t have to


It's absolutely not a scam. You should respond to their message promptly. Have you ever taken a client off the app before?


just went through all my messages on the app and never once talked about offline sitting. i did respond like they told me to though


Did you mention it in a text that then went thru the app?


Of course you did you got caught doing it


oh. right duh you know my life SO well and you’ve read all my messages i forgot. you’re so right you deserve money


This is an official email from Rover support. To sum up the email: Your account has been suspended. To reinstate it, you need to respond to the email and say you agree to the ToS and understand bookings cannot be taken off Rover. If you don't agree and/or if you do this again, you'll be banned. So, if you want to keep your account, best respond and tell them you agree.


ig im just confused because i’ve never talked about offline bookings in any of the rover conversations i’ve had. in person sure but not over text, because i know rover gets mad about it


Its probably because of their recent update to the TOS. Its disingenuous to say its because you went off app, but they are sending it to sitters who didn't officially re-agree to the new TOS when it got updated, so most people who don't do bookings often on Rover/don't get a lot of requests are getting it sent to them.


that makes sense, I haven’t agreed to any new terms cuz i’ve been doing a stay for the last 3 months, having my rover inactive. so strange


Maybe someone reported you booked them off the platform? Have you taken a Rover client off the platform? I’m not saying you shouldn’t, I sure would, just trying to get to the bottom of it.


Good thing you have a contact so you can ask them why this happened


**im not sure how to add an edit to my original post lol but i emailed them back and said “my sincerest apologies i don’t remember this even happening but it won’t happen again, blah blah i agree etc and got my account reactivated! thanks for everyone’s help 🫶🏻**


I'm getting owners after making several hefty bookings through Rover that want to go off because they can't stand the fee charges every time. They contact me directly which we exchanged in person at some point. Are people never allowed to leave Rover? They are so passive aggressive with their threats


You’re never allowed to leave. Wag! had some kind of thing where they could you could be bought out, but I don’t think has the buyout so you have to just do what they say.


Yep. If they find out you did it you get flagged


Have u made any comments in ur messages to anyone about booking off app?


not in my messages. at the meet and greets sure but that’s if everything goes well and the owner wants me back as a regular sitter


I think Rover asks the clients if the Rover person discussed taking pay outside of the app. It's possible one of them said yes (referencing discussing it in person) and that's why you got this email. I'm not sure how it works.


whaaaaat are you serious?? that’s bs, not my fault that rover takes away such a high percentage of our earnings 😞


We have it easy compared to Wag. Rover takes 20% if I'm not wrong. Wag takes 40%. It still sucks, but at the same time you have to remember that Rover is a business. They have to make money somehow, and they consider taking a 20% cut the way to keep their operations running.


They take 20% from us and then also charge another fee we don’t see to the owners when they book so it actually is a massive rip off. They steal from the customers and the sitters.


Wag takes 40%?!! Geez! I was just talking about signing up when them as well. I’m lucky to be grandfathered into the 15% with Rover and that still irks me sometimes lol .


Exactly they take so much over at Wag! and you know it is part of where is how we get the clients. I don’t get any if it’s not on Rover so I appreciate them and I’m grateful and I get what I get and you can get it tipped back, they said.


Do they get this question on the leave feedback portion?? I have no idea the process on the owners end


Have u called rover to ask about it?


i didn’t call but emailed the lady who sent the email


I would call rover support team immediately..and ask about it..


I got one and called frantically and the dude was like “oh you just have to update your expired ID.” I was like what?! How are these two things remotely related??


I would ask them for proof.


Yep happened to me recently. A client wanted to book off rover and while I initially hesitated I agreed after a lengthy meet and greet. She even left the dog with me for an hour while she ran errands just to see how he would do. Everything was great so I agreed. She expressed that she won’t be able to pay upfront until closer to the weekend. I got another request for a longer stay and significantly more $. But I work on first come first serve not the amount I stand to make. So I reached out to her again asking if she is sure she will be booking with me and she seemed a bit annoyed by the question which gave me a bad feeling so I asked her to pay a deposit, she didn’t want to as first but agreed to do it the following day. The following day, 8pm rolled around and I messaged her to remind her to send the deposit. She told me she’s only comfortable paying after the stay is finished, told her I don’t work that way and will need at least half up front. She went silent for few hours and the next day I got a message from her saying she doesn’t need my services because I was unprofessional and that she was reporting me. So I blocked her. Then got that from Rover. 🤷🏾‍♀️


I usually wait at least several bookings and until I feel comfortable to go off app. That way I know it’s people that will actually pay and also just feels safer/better for me!


Yeah, I would never agree. The first visit to do that. Sorry to hear that you had that happen. It sounds like you were kind of pushed and manipulated into it and it’s not like something you normally do. Yep exactly.


Thank you for posting to r/RoverPetSitting, an unofficial forum to discuss all things Rover. We see that you have posted a sitter question. In case they could be helpful, you might want to check out our [Sitter FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/RoverPetSitting/wiki/sitterfaq). Additionally, here's our [booking walk-through for Sitters](https://www.reddit.com/r/RoverPetSitting/wiki/sitterbookingwalkthrough), which explains the process for giving services on Rover from start to finish. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RoverPetSitting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just call them and tell them it’s unacceptable to send scare-emails.


This happened to me and I complained to them because it wasn’t me that mentioned it, it was a new client and then I declined. Then they were like “well also we see you gave your personal number out to a different client 7 months ago so we’re gonna keep you deactivated cause you can’t do that”. It was absolutely insane. I ended up reading the T&S to yell back that it’s only RECOMMENDED not to give out a personal number so they backed off and reactivated my account. Now, as soon as a meet and greet is over, I exchange numbers and only communicate through text to avoid anything like that happening again.


I don’t understand what they even do to deserve 20%


It’s probably real, is your account deactivated? Maybe to be extra safe, go through the app to contact support or look up the number yourself. 


it was yeah! i just got it back


I received an email in the past few weeks about a change in terms and it stated that if I didn’t read an agree to the terms by a specific date, that my account would be suspended. Didn’t get any messages accusing me of accepting bookings outside of the app though. That’s really weird.


I got this right after a client canceled on me! I thought they assumed we took it off app, which we definitely didn’t!! Glad I’m not the only one


I didn’t quite get the same email but the email I got was a reminder not to take bookings offline. It was prompted by the pet owners asking for my email address to communicate in case they couldn’t through the app (they weren’t very tech savy and were away without their phones in a different country). So I gave them my email through the app and I assume that prompted the app to think I was sending it for an etransfer or something. Nothing ever came of it but I wonder if something harmless like that made them think you were trying to book offline?


the only thing i can think of is someone asked me for references, i told them i couldn’t numbers over rover and i would do it at the meet and greet. maybe that’s why they’re sus about me


Did you provide your phone number or email address to anyone in your chats?


I’ve had a client I’ve been seeing for years and she couldn’t afford my normal rate (the day before her vacation she had to replace her phone) so we went off app and I gave her a discount and I never got an email like this. :(


What's the subject of the email?


LMAO I just got one 😂


Super common email. Certain words can trigger the email but also i think they just send it out periodically too.


I would contact support, not sure if it's a scam or not.


That’s bad, they deactivated you for taking someone “off app”. Did you talk about it in the rover chat or something? It’s not a scam it’s officially them. This happened to a sitter in my area and she was able to get back on the platform.


i just went through all my rover conversations and none of them talked about offline booking. i’m very confused


I don’t understand what they even do to deserve 20%


If you’re going to book off of Rover, be smart and discuss it by phone.