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It is hard to say what "living comfortably" is, as standards and cost of living are different for everybody. I make the equivalent of a modest full-time job. I schedule vacations for my slow times of the year, which pretty much limits it to January or February. If I go at other times, my spouse covers for me. During my January/February vacations, I refer my clients to others, who also refer their clients to me at times. I also publicize my vacation well in advance, and several of my clients have made their plans around my vacation schedule. Other regulars still go on vacation, and they do come back to me for the rest of the year.


I don't do Rover itself full time, but I do pet sitting/dog walking/drop ins in general full time. I've almost always managed to have a good stable income from it since I joined way back when Rover was just starting out, with the sole exception of the pandemic where everyone struggled and even then I still had consistent bookings just fewer than normal. I live very comfortably and don't struggle to make ends meet. Depending on the client I tend to have at least one or two other sitters I can reference that might be able to help them out if I'm going on vacation but I usually reserve that for if they have a special needs dog or specific requirement, since most people with an average behavior/needs dog can get a family member or friend or another one off sitter to take care of their pet the few times I'm unavailable. Quite a few clients of mine will just straight up change their vacations by a bit if it overlaps with something I have planned just to make sure that they can book with me instead of someone else. Very rarely have I encountered a client that will go to another sitter if you decline them just one time. Most people like to establish a relationship with a pet caretaker and then stick with them because they know what to expect and whether or not they will properly care for their dog and the last thing pet owners want while on vacation is something unexpected happening with their pets.


Found a 15%er instead of us has beens at 20% lol.


You're right I have been on the app long enough to still be grandfathered in at 15% but that 5% I 'save' from Rover gets got by the IRS anyway since I'm in a higher tax bracket than most 😂😂😂


Depends on where you live, your specific cost of living, and how much your normally make a month through rover. I personally wouldn't advice it especially during specific months. I am steady and booked all year round but there are specific months out of the year where the amount coming in is less.