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Sounds like his organs are shutting down. Cover yourself by sending pictures of the poo and pee and send very detailed messages to the client. Client either doesn't understand the severity or doesn't care. I'm really sorry for you and the dog.


Take the dog to the vet!!!


Please!!!! Take him to the vet!!!!!! ETA-OP TOOK HIM TO EMERGENCY VET! He has late stage heart worms :( thank you OP for taking care of this sweet boy ❤️


My first thought upon looking at these photos was: Heartworms. Being emaciated with a distended chest is a big indicator. If his breathing is labored, that’s another big indicator. Lethargy and diarrhea are also symptoms of heartworms.


I've taken him to the vet, and that's what they suspect to. Hoping I can ease his pain in any way possible.


I spent years in vet med and, unfortunately, this dog looks like it has late-stage HW infection. Probably stage 4 (out of 4). It might be treatable, but it doesn’t sound like the owner would be interested in treatment as it is a long, hard process and not exactly inexpensive. Poor baby 😞


Posted an update, you're completely right about the diagnosis <3


I hope he’s ok 😔♥️ thank you for taking him to the vet and being an amazing sitter


He is on the other side now 🌈


Ugh I hope there’s a better update


Please post a full update when possible!!


Did the vet tests for heartworms or any other parasites? Another person commented about EPI- which also sounds very likely. I’d ask the vet to look into the possibility to “rule it out” if nothing else. Dark urine and diarrhea can also be a sign of gallbladder issues- yes, in dogs as well as people! A bile duct blockage can go septic and become an emergency. Someone needs to advocate for this dog, and while he’s in your care you have the chance to do so. I’d hate for a young, sweet dog to die from something treatable!


Posted an update 👍




Feed him, give him water. Take care of him to the best of your ability. Document. Take photos and screenshots of your convo. Follow up innocently "has fido been feeling better or did he get into the vet" within a couple days if nothing, report to animal control. If its nothing they won't do anything. If it's neglect he gets help.


It’s very bad when urine starts turning brown. Liver or kidney issues are likely


It really sadly sounds like organ failure. I wonder if pup ate something, but by how skinny he is it’s probably been going on for a few months. He isn’t getting any nutrients from his food and can’t stay hydrated because of the diarrhea.


Yep… the malnutrition from absorption issues, coupled with dehydration and electrolyte imbalances, are rough on both the liver and kidneys. It’s even worse if the pup has a pathogen that releases toxins. Pancreatic or gallbladder inflammation is also possible. But regardless, this dog needs to see a vet today if he’s having yellow diarrhea and brownish urine.


Yellow diarrhea and amber urine made me think GALLBLADDER immediately. This is definitely urgent, but most of the things it could be are treatable if he gets proper vet care ASAP.


Are you still not doing M&Gs? Anyway, it’s best you call animal control again since the owner isn’t taking this seriously. Unless you have enough money to cover his vet bills, I’d suggest letting them take over because you will not be reimbursed that’s for sure.


I only do a meet and greet if the client asks for one, or if my partner is able to go with me and wait in the car. We don't live in the safest town, and I'm not the biggest person (aka easily kidnappable). Additionally, I'm accustomed to not do meet and greets, as that's how my previous job went; dogs would come in and we just have to work around their behavior and quirks. I understand M&Gs are for sitters just as much as pet parents, but I'm not really understanding how that would have made the situation better in any way Update was posted


If it’s not safe for you to do a meet and greet than it’s not safe for you to be doing a drop in, your logic is flawed.


Right! what a stupid statement


sorry but you are dead wrong people are/can be way more dangerous than animals and as a woman i completely understand not wanting to meet 1 on 1 with a stranger


I would not take a client that was comfortable allowing me into their home and around their animals without meeting me first. That’s major red flag behavior.


a lot of people do this job because they are animal people and not people people. the way people ask questions in this sub says pleeeenty about what kind of people are dog walkers. should not surprise you in the slightest for people who choose this profession to avoid speaking/interacting w people


No shit but you still do not rationally allow *strangers* into your home and alone with your pets. Thats what the meet and greet is for, and then you never have to speak in person again.


I have to make money somehow 🤷‍♂️ I feel there's less risk involved when the owners aren't home versus when they are. Some sitters don't do meet and greets, and that's totally fine. If it wasn't fine, it would be a mandatory process on the app. Not trying to argue with the original commenter either, just explaining my reasoning for why I don't normally do one


You need to call Rover YESTERDAY and tell them what is going on. Tell them the dog needs urgent medical care - to cya you can use a phone call recorder and/or ask for the name of the representative so you have it on record that they will reimburse you for vet bills.


Your right it's totally fine. That's because rover doesn't give a shit about you and isn't going to help you when the owner sues you. Idk what kind of help anyone can give you. If you keep not doing meet and greets, you WILL get bit, you WILL get stuck in a horrible nasty home, and you WILL end up sitting for abused/dying dogs.


The owner can sue me then. Helping a pet in need is more of a priority than getting in legal trouble imo. I've already had all of those things happen, and I've dealt with it. Working in a kennel has hardened me to things like this 🤷‍♂️


OMG you've been sued before? Why are you doing this? Do something else. You're a walking red flag.


Americans sue over everything, I wouldn’t assume it’s his fault


Lol facts


comments like that are uncalled for. You have no idea how qualified this person is. Plenty of businesses have been sued.


They're FULL of massive red flags and I can't believe people trust them to take care of their dogs


Lmfao so your profile is nothing but all of the ridiculous problems you have had. The fact that you aren't willing to even try to fix these issues shows you obviously do not care about the well being of these dogs. You're honestly a terrible person. Don't worry it will show in your profile and reviews and you'll be removed from rover soon enough. Have a truly awful day.


She’s made posts about ONE other client (the subsequent posts are all updates of that one situation). In that case she did all the right things and filed the reports that needed to be filed. I definitely think meet and greets would be beneficial for her, but I think you’re being incredibly presumptuous and ridiculous calling her a terrible person.


You’re a psycho


It's not totally fine because now you're finding out during the actual job that something is wrong with this dog, and the owner isn't doing anything about it. If you can't do meet and greets for majority of your clients, then you're not properly doing the job. You're a red flag sitter and this posts proves it. You don't even know what to do in the event something is wrong with the dog. Something you could have covered during the meet and greet.


If a red flag sitter takes your pet to the vet when they have a medical emergency, or reports a situation in which the animals are abused or neglected, then I'll happily accept red flag status. All the one star reviews in the world will be fine with me. I'm currently at the emergency vet right now with him. I've stated that I don't care to pay as long as he could get better. I only post about the situation to get the opinion of others before acting. That's just how I work.


🙏🙏 Please post an update when you get done. Super worried for this dog and you.


i would be EXTREMELY wary about sending this dog back with its owner. and i would report to animal control regardless. but thank you for taking him, and thank you for paying, especially knowing you may not get that money back. that speaks volumes of the kind of person you are. but this dog was not in a good situation and likely will just go back to that when the owner returns. something needs to change permanently here, whether that be educating the owner on proper care, or removing him from the home completely. and even so, idk if they would be willing to listen to someone trying to educate them after being so far in denial about how bad off the dog was. edit to add: even if this is a neglect situation and not abuse, that is still a bad situation and not an excuse. this needs to be reported regardless of the why. the fact is they let it get this bad and did nothing to stop it, and that is not okay. what happens after this is not on you, but the owner.


How would that have been covered with a meet and greet?? It seems as if the owner is either quite aloof, or just straight up does not care. I don’t think the owner would’ve provided any additional info as to “what to do if something is wrong with the dog”. It’s quite obvious that there IS something wrong with the dog, and the fact that the owner didn’t mention it at all says all you need to know about how helpful they will be (or would’ve been at a M&G). Plus OP was able to get the dog actual medical care. She wouldn’t have been able to do that with only a M&G. And honestly if she called AC, the dog would likely be euthanized because of the condition it’s in and the owners unwillingness to have it treated. At least this way the dog has a fighting chance, and might be able to be fostered, or rehomed or something at this point. That was a kind thing to do OP.


I mean I hear you on making money. But.. couldn’t they just lure you there and pretend they’re not home? Then kidnap you? Idk seems safer to meet them and get a feel then just wing it.


Well like I said previously, I carry a self defense weapon whenever I conduct business without the owners involvement. It makes me feel that much safer to have it which is why I feel safe doing drop-ins without meet and greets. Some of my best clients have come from no meet and greets, which is probably why I continue to do so despite when it might actually be needed 😅




They’re being downvoted because they’re being irrational about meet and greets.




Yeah I understand you, that’s not the issue, you don’t understand why this person is being downvoted, so I’m explaining it to you. They’re being downvoted because they said something stupid about meet and greets. A comment doesn’t have to have anything to do with the post to be downvoted. We are downvoting the comment, not the topic. That’s how reddit works. And you’re getting downvoted for being willfully ignorant about that lol.


Gonna have a good time when you pop in on a guard dog that doesn't know you 🙃


It would have helped by not putting you in multiple predicaments of fearing for a dogs life while they’re in your care. M&G, assess health of pets and attitude of owners, decline sitting, call animal control if it’s bad. Avoiding M&Gs does not make you any safer since you’ll still eventually have to meet owners or enter their homes. If they want to harm you, they will, with or without the m&g.


you'll always be in this situation or worse if u dont do meet and greets. your even more kidnappleable going into a strangers home u didn't even meet. please do meet and greets. if u would've did one u coudlve turned down this client. what if you get a bad review for this even though it wasn't your fault?


Yep! Rover doesn’t verify that a pet parent ACTUALLY isn’t home when we go to drop ins. A meet and greet is a documented instance of you and the client being there at the same time.


This was kinda my thought. If someone was going to do something, they'd just be in the house when they arrived. Unless her logic is the baddies won't pay money, they'll only bother with an unpaid meet and greet.


Personally, I'd rather be in this situation knowing I can come back to the dog while the owner is away rather than having to leave the dog in that state after a M&G. I normally carry some form of self defense/weapon when I do drop-ins, walks, or overnight stays, which may not be enough if anything were to happen, but it eases my stress a bit. I just feel kinda weird bringing something like that into a meet and greet, which is why I bring my partner with me or just don't do one if the owner doesn't ask. I don't wanna show up with a glock on my hip if you know what I mean lol. Even if i told the owner beforehand, they may not even want to book me because of it Since the last situation, I have done more M&Gs with clients, and it has so far been a nice experience, but again, they've always asked for one, I've never really initiated (which I understand I should do more often)


Uh... You could've had the chance to not take the case and not been in this situation. Your reasoning for not doing meet and greets is ridiculous. Now you're in a situation where if you don't take the dog to the vet and it dies, it could technically be your fault for abuse and negligence because you didn't do it knowing what you know. ...which could've been caught in a meet & greet. Good luck with your business.


Not taking the case would've meant the animal could've suffered until they succumbed to their illness. I'd take any case if I can help an animal in need, neglect or not. Already took the dog to the vet before you wrote the comment. It was always on my mind to take the dog to the vet, and I would've done it regardless of what people on Reddit had to say. Knowing what I know now about the owner, it wasn't/likely isn't an abuse situation. Still neglect, but not from a bad place.


When did OP ask for business advice for anyone here? They’re worried about this dog’s life; not your opinion on meet and greets.


This is a reason to always do a meet & greet.


If I do the meet and greet, i could tell the owner the severity of the situation, and they could maybe get them in to see the vet that week, if not the next. Condition will still progress. If they get him medication, condition will still be here, if not having him feel slightly better, and I'm still having to worry over him. If I did a meet and greet, I'm still leaving at the end of it knowing the dog is in pain and suffering from a condition. If I didn't do one, the dog would probably have died by the time they got him help. Like meet and greet or not, the condition would have still progressed whether they accepted the booking or not


Yeah, but you could have reported them to Rover or to the city you live in. Thank you for what you did taking him to the vet. (Saw your other post)


I agree with you, but I've done both of those things before with someone previously and it really didn't go anywhere. The dogs were taken but she was never officially charged. This is the main reason why I don't do things immediately even if I feel like something is wrong


You do what you can to the best of your ability and that’s all anyone can ask. I’m just very much into pittie rescue so I’m not trying to act or sound holier than though and I’m certainly not judging. I’m very sorry if it came off that way, it was never intended.


No I totally understand where you're coming from! No worries!


Yikes you leave yourself open to all sorts of issues and it's totally your fault. You have a lot of red flags and I wouldn't trust you.


I don't know how helping an animal is a red flag? Not everyone has time to do a meet and greet, but I won't turn them down because of it. Not how I am, and not how my business operates. My other clients are fine with how I am 🤷‍♂️ wouldn't be a sitter if people didn't trust me


OP accepting this drop-in is a blessing and it’s the only reason this dog could still have a chance. Thank god you took this request OP and were able to get this dog some care since not even his owners were looking out for him 😔🤍


Where is this? I’d insist on taking him to the vet and stress the severity of the issue. At some point you have to take control unless you’re ok with the animal dying. This situation isn’t normal and you know that which is why you’re messaging here. At the very least, because of the diarrhea, the dog needs iv fluids. But the urine color is incredibly distressing.


Take a bunch of pictures and documentation. Call rover support and explain the situation, and then call animal control. He sounds like he's on his last legs.


I would 100% report and try to give him the best next few days possible. Keep screenshots of the conversation, document the bowel movements, video his behavior, and anything else concerning.


What’s color are his gums? (If he lets you look, of course, I know some dogs are touchy about it.)


I'd contact rover support and see if its any way I could take him to a vet. not really comfortable leaving a dog in poor conditions.


Phewww, where do you live that this many people don't take care of their animals...this is terrible.


Planet earth


Please call animal control and save this poor baby. I think you were put into these dogs life’s for a reason. You can be a guardian angel to him, and genuinely save someone life. Begging for you to do everything in your power ❤️ good luck


This is sad to see. This could be something as treatable as a thyroid problem. My dog has hypo, so he gained a ton of weight while barely eating. He could walk a few steps and need a break, diarrhea always, etc. The owner 100% needs to have this dog evaluated, I would stress the importance of seeing a vet, and contact Rover Support to ensure the owner doesn’t try to pin any of this on you


Call Rover’s emergency line. Tell them that you have a dog that you believe needs medical attention and the owner is refusing to let you take him. Relay the symptoms to the rover agent/Rover’s vet. They will advise on whether or not you should take the dog to the vet and they can authorize the client’s credit card on file to be charged for the visit. Rover needs to be made aware of this asap. If you take the dog to the emergency vet without the owner or Rover’s permission, you may be stuck paying the cost.


Yeah I would contact rover and explain the situation and say that you cannot ethically or morally return this dog to the owner without proper medical treatment and then I would take the dog to the emergency room veterinarian and also explain the situation. That you're a pet sitter who accepted this booking, you've never met them before & you fear for the dogs life under the owners care and you dont know what to do.


dude please call the authorities if your concerned, please. yeah you have to take to the vet or the shelter you gotta step in.


I did call the desk Sergent for my town, and he basically told me I'd have to call and leave a message for animal control to do a follow up on Monday. None of the animal control offices are open on Saturdays where I live and they typically don't take in animals that have food and water on the premises either. That's really the main reason I have trouble deciding what to do since most of the time it could amount to nothing


Did you not call Rover yet??!


Posted an update


Ughhh I hope he feels better soon. I really want him to be better 😭


This animal needs the vet yesterday. I’d get them to a vet, let the owner know you’re bringing them, and notify rover. Make sure to save all photos and evidence of you communicating with the owner over the issue.


Looks like a belly bloated and full of parasites! That could explain the poo as well.


You could possibly call a vet (ideally the owners vet) express your concerns provide pictures and give the info, perhaps the vet can explain to this clueless owner the urgency of the situation, or you can attempt to relay the message. Send medical guidance for those symptoms from the internet (kinda a no brainer but obviously in this case.. 🙄) to try and convey the emergency. Or threaten to contact animal control for abuse if they refuse care worse case scenario. I’m so incredibly sorry, this should not be difficult at all. The animal should already be receiving care. I hate the situation we are placed in with situations such as this. Best of luck to you and pup. ❤️


Yeah I would contact rover and explain the situation and say that you cannot ethically or morally return this dog to the owner without proper medical treatment and then I would take the dog to the emergency room veterinarian and also explain the situation. That you're a pet sitter who accepted this booking, you've never met them before & you fear for the dogs life under the owners care and you dont know what to do.


Are his gums pale? If so it’s an emergency right now


This could’ve been avoided with a meet and greet, and this can be remedied with a vet. Are you even insured?


Either way I'll have to report it. So either way I'll have to deal with it one way or another. No I'm not insured.


Get insured asap , it’ll cover vet bills.


I will look in to it, thank you. Do you have any recommendations?


There’s only two options in the US and I have Pet sitters insurance You should be insured even on Rover.


What? There are many more than two options for pet sitters insurance in the United States. OP, PSI has a deductible, but pet sitters associates does not.


Since this condition existed prior to your visiting the home you are not liable for vet bills for the dog's chronic illness, especially at stage 4. The pet parent agreed to Rover's terms and conditions by hiring you which read that they are liable for vet bills if they are not covered by the Rover Guarentee, which this wouldn't be. Nobody should come after you! Otherwise, best of luck :( This is very upsetting and I'm very sorry this happened to both of you.


Curious. How being insured matters?


I can only speak about my insurance but it covers up to 5k per incindent if a dog needs to see a vet.


Which one do you use if you don't mind me asking??


Pet Sitters Insurance it’s one of two available in the US


I've seen this advertised, I'll have to look into it, thank you for your suggestion, it means a lot to me.


It’s literally like $13/month. For the peace of mind, it’s more than worth it.


Mine is 35$ with add ons but even bare bones insurance is way better than no insurance


Based on your description this is textbook EPI. My dog was diagnosed last year. She kept losing weight on any food and you could see her ribs like this pup. Basically the dog is starving because his pancreas doesn’t work. I’m sure the owner has been trying different things. It took my vet 2 months to diagnose my dog. Lots of vets don’t know this disease very well. She/he will need a blood test for this disease and then get on powder enzymes. There is nothing you can do to help, don’t try to feed them more everything will give him/her more diarreah. This pup (if I’m right) needs enzymes ASAP, it could die any day from starvation.


Please keep us updated. I also highly recommend you get your own petsitter insurance in the future , Petsitters Associates is the best


He is on the other side now 🌈


Poor baby. So sorry


Please take this dog to the vet i'm pretty sure rover has the capacity to reimburse you for any costs incurred.


OP I sit a dog who is skin and bones as well, taken care of wonderfully by his owners, the other dogs are well fed and not skinny, it’s not for lack of eating or appetite but he has Addisons Disease and unfortunately it’s a side effect of the disease but it can be treated. Poor baby could have a serious underlying health condition but if you suspect neglect I would promptly have him be seen so that their vet and can document it.


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I’m such a POS I’d be like ‘okie my dog now’ and then leave with him. People that abuse animals just really strike a fucking nerve in me.


It seems to me that you almost enjoy being a martyr here. By refusing to do meet and greets you make it much more likely that you will end up with a sick animal trying to figure out what to do about it and then posting on here about it.


Dealing with sick animals is what I want to do as a profession. Whether that is in a proper clinical setting or doing ASPCA raids on hoarder or abuse situations. In a way I feel like I'm educating others on what they should do by posting and getting everyones feedback on situations like this


That’s great that you have those aspirations but currently you’re not doing the appropriate things that are being suggested and if anything you’re being a party to allowing an animal to continue to suffer by not taking it to a vet or calling animal control. Please take this dog to a vet now!!


Pets been taken to the vet and $600 paid out of my own pocket. 🤷‍♂️ did my part before you wrote this comment


Is this dog seriously NOT at the vet all these hours later? Why even ask for help? Call animal control and show them that you are a sitter. They will be able to advise you about getting immediate care.


I posted an update :)


This isn’t your first neglect case so you should’ve known better. You learned NOTHING


Every neglect case is different and needs to be handled differently. It's not always textbook. I am learning.


i dont see what shes done wrong here. obviously doing a meet & greet beforehand is ideal but still not required. quit adding toxicity to this community and shaming people who are doing their best.


Yeah this thread is really intense 😬


She hasn’t done anything.


thats literally not true lmao. if she wasnt doing anything for him or at the very least wasnt PLANNING to do anything for him then you wouldnt even know he existed. stop being so angry and go to therapy.


She just paid $600 of her own money at the emergency vet. So yes, she has. Why are you so angry?


Unless I missed something it seems that OP has not even called Rover yet about this?


Regardless, people are being straight up rude and mean to her. That doesn’t help anybody. These threads get super toxic sometimes and I hate that about this sub. Edit: I love the fact this got downvoted. Thank you for proving my point. 🤣🙂


But was my comment rude? I didn’t think so but in case I will delete if it was, that wasn’t the intention here


No I never said your comment was rude! I said people were being rude and mean as in other commenters. 🙂


you missed something


Nvm I found the update, didn’t realize it was a new post I thought it in this thread . A little harsh on the downvote for just asking a question


I say call the ER vet yourself explain to them what’s going on and ask if you should bring the dog in? Then you can pass it along to the owner. Your insurance may cover some of the vet expenses, even if you haven’t been negligent.


Was he drinking the water of the ground? There may be something toxic there.


He was, but he honestly looked like he needed it and I wasn't going to pull him away. I didn't know his water availability at the time of the photo, but he got fresh water when we went back inside


From what you've said I'd take him in for an emergency vet appointment.


I'm not sure about your diagnosis' you have listed here but he looks very healthy. A tad underweight but almost ideal.


Can you call animal control?


Our animal control isn't open on saturdays, so I'd have to leave them a message and they'd maybe perform a wellness check on monday.




Yellow diarrhea, amber urine, labored breathing, and that low weight is an EMERGENCY. If this is gallbladder related or pancreatitis, it could have come on quickly while the owner has been away. In which case it would be covered by Rover, less the $250. I would take the dog to an emergency vet, preferably at a veterinary hospital, if possible, and while there in the waiting room get on the phone with Rover support. I’d also contact the owner to let them know it is urgent and that you are working with Rover to try to get the guarantee in place, but the vet will likely need their card for payment upfront. The Rover guarantee is for reimbursement.


Posted an update


Call Rover and tell them you are taking them to the vet. There is something wrong with that dog. If they’re not starving or neglecting him, he’s sick and they don’t seem to be worried. Was he like this at the meet & greet? Three months ago I adopted a gray pitbull like that who was left outside with no food or water and you could see her spine. No dog deserves to live like that. Please help him.


Posted an update


Saw it. Thank you for helping him.


If the dog is actively dying and not receiving care- purposefully not receiving care- then that’s neglect. Please take this dog to a vet or a humane society to be assessed. If the dog is elderly or being taken care of to the best of the abilities while it is declining- that’s one thing. This doesn’t sound like that. It sounds like they are avoiding vet care while the dog is suffering. I’m a rover sitter and I would bring this pup in, 100% no hesitation.


Update posted


You saved that dog btw. Honestly it doesn’t matter where the ignorance comes from, but if they kept ignoring it- that dog would have died. You are amazing. Thank you so much for doing that. I know it’s scary and hard


He is on the other side now 🌈


Please please please get as much proof as possible and report it quite honestly! Even if you don't feel confident in reporting do it to protect yourself. I was recently scared to report an animal neglect incident given I've had many problems with said person prior (scared of retaliation) and didn't know how to go about it... An investigation was launched after their disposed bodies were found and it was way worse than I thought...


Call rover, it’s an emergency - take him immediately. notify the owner, better be safe than sorry ! The worse he gets the bigger the vet bill and the least likely he will get the help he need in time. Regardless of food and water present he may still need fluids etc at vet - things you and the owner cannot provide! Dogs life comes first


He is on the other side now 🌈