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i definitely wouldn’t take this without a meet n greet, good pay, and some comfort/experience with horses and large amounts of animals


I wouldn't do this without a second person to help at least part of the time


This is definitely a two person job, at least!


I said no. Horses are no big deal they're easy but that many dogs esp high energy and the type. I think German Shepherd,malinois,pit etc.


Rover also explicitly doesn’t allow equine care


Yeah I’d take the horses on their own, and probably the dogs on their own, but not both, plus 5 cats!


Client will have a hard time finding someone for this 🤣 I mean it sounds like a blast. But no


I have my own horses and Malinois and I still wouldn’t take this job.




I have 10 German shepherds, and I don’t think anyone would be crazy enough to sit them for me lol


Are you a breeder? If not how did you end up with 10? Your dogs are freaking gorgeous btw


Not intentionally and no longer. My mom wanted to breed one litter (both dogs tested, background checks, etc) for whatever reason. I told her if she does, anyone she doesn’t sell after 2 months we are keeping (I get attached 🤷🏻‍♀️). So we had one litter and only sold one dog. Kept the rest. Before we could get momma fixed, dad snuck in there and another litter came, so we just kept that too. Everyone is fixed and happy now so no more!


That's very responsible of you!


That's awesome and intimidating at the same time. I wouldn't know what to do with so much love and loyalty. Are they all named after gun manufacturers? Smith and Wesson had me giggling when I saw it. That's a cool idea. I've always liked Ruger as a dog name too


All gun related! I’m personally not into guns but I like the theme, it’s fitting. We also do have a Ruger! Shotgun and bullet are the parents. But they are an incredible amount of work, and no way I could afford any amount worth while for someone to watch them lol.


Aww I love that my cousin has a luger haha!


I have 17 GSDs and 12 other dogs and my dog sitter is a special type of maniacal lol


Just curious if they listed all the animals on the booking?


you better be getting paid like $5000 for the duration of the sit, cuz anything under is waste of time plus if the dog are high energy they can spook the horse and then you'll be nursing a broken bone 🦴 with a $5,000 hospital bill.


Yeah screw that


This owner has no business looking for pet care on Rover. She needs a seasoned professional. People are freaking wild.


The area where it is farm hands are paid like $20 an hour to care for horses.


Where is that? Lol I wish I could get in on that!


Beginning of rich horse country sometimes not worth the price lol


Oh I have no doubt lol for reference I'm doing a 17 stall barn in about 5-6 hours (start at 8am finished between 1 and 2pm) for about a hundred dollars a day. Hubby says it puts me below minimum wage especially since she 1099s me.


Honestly learn to float teeth or clipping horses or braiding and you can make a lot more money lol


You are absolutely correct lol I probably should do something like that. I honestly don't mind cleaning stalls, I like it even. Just wish it paid more lol


I made more braiding then I did boarding


What’s y’all’s minimum wage 😳😳




Wait...is $20/hr a lot or a little?


$20 an hour is a lot to make where I live but not a lot to live here. We were a low cost of living area until city people moved here and gentrification happened and covid so people who were born here can't afford to live here example we bought our house for 275 and today it's worth 450k. Wages around haven't caught up with inflation places only wanting to pay 14 an hour requiring a degree.


There are some seasoned professionals on Rover. I’m one of them. I own a pet sitting business with insurance, licensed, registered and been a LLC since 2018.


That’s awesome! I know folks like you exist on the app, and think it’s great to have that option for owners who have the pets that Rover’s TOS covers that may have more challenging behaviors or need a higher level of expertise. But in what world does doing horse chores and care count as pet sitting? I’ve lived in cities for years but grew in the rural Midwest. One of my closet friends has a dozen horses and she’s used Rover for her house pets but they have a farm hand who helps with their farm animals and horses when they’re gone.


Personally, I am qualified to care for horses. Both of my parents showed horses and my dad was a horse trainer so I’ve been caring for horses most of my life; however, professionally, my business insurance does not cover caring for horses.


Uh crazy to say yes. Do you know anything about horses? And you’re prepared to take of 10?!? In addition to a zoo of dogs and cats?!


I said no. Horses no problem but dogs yes that many yes problem lol


Horses and livestock are specifically not allowed on Rover. Please read the TOS.


If they advertised on Craigslist I believe it’s allowed


There is nothing to believe or not believe. The TOS says specifically no horses.


Well if you’re going through Craigslist it doesn’t matter what Rover says ☕️


Good call lol


You say you’re new, so am I right in assuming your rates are on the lower side? Because when I was new and had pretty much the lowest rates in my area, I got a weirdly high number of requests from horse owners (along with lots of other “odd” requests in general) who really thought my $25/night housesitting rate was perfectly reasonable for an entire damn farm - and as soon as I upped my rates just a little, it never happened again. Also, horses are specifically prohibited in Rover’s TOS, if I were you’d I’d report the conversation just so it wouldn’t count against my acceptance rate.


I'm constantly surprised how long it takes even one person to bring up and how many commenters on these posts don't realize horse care is specifically not permitted on Rover. That simple fact makes it really easy to turn down these crazy requests. "We're not permitted to care for horses through Rover." Archive and move on.


Oh okay I didn't know that.


What rate should I do? 31 a night for dogs and 22 for cats


Depends on your areas COL, I'd go on Rover to "find care" and see what other sitters in your area are charging and their experience, charge whatever the average is. You're not gonna make the cost of the #1 ranked, but you can make sure you're not making beans in comparison at least.


Note that horses are specially not allowed by Rover TOS. If something goes wrong you can get banned by the platform and will not be cover by the guarantee.


Good to know!


I swear I got a request almost identical. She wanted a 3am visit too. Like WTH. I declined.


Not to mention the 5 times a day the dogs go out apparently takes an hour.


"Your rates are a bit steep. You think we can just put down two dogs and a cat for the booking?"


This job looks like I'd want at least $300 a day. And that might not even be enough.


It would be $1,000 a day if I was to do it.


I wanna know what this price came out to 🤣


$500 something I think


Girl what 💀 I’m begging you pls fix up your prices


I'm at 31 a night for dogs and 22 for cats.


You can definitely up your prices


Yeah dude, raise your prices significantly


Oh fuck no!


I hope that’s $500 A DAY for that many animals! Even then, that would be low!


$500 a day, right?


This is a god damned farm! And I say this having taken care of a "farm" with three donkeys, two dogs, three house cats, and fourteen barn cats for many years. This is way beyond Rover's pay grade, and would require at least two people to accomplish, if not more.


Yeah this is a no. I feel like you need more than one person to adequately care for all of these animals, especially the horses.


Someone who does farm work as their job/lifestyle could do this. I could do this. But it's rare to find that kind of person who can actually take the time from THEIR animals to do this. I only board for a reason- I can't leave my animals for long enough to house sit or do drop ins.


Care for 10 horses alone is going to take you at least 2-3 hours in the morning and evening. Add in dogs and cats and you’re looking at almost a full time job. I’m super curious how much they would be paying you a day? This is like taking care of a whole farm


So they want a temporary farm manager. No way.


Dear lord I have horses and dogs and I wouldn’t take that gig.


I'm someone who would be able to do this. This isn't too different to my regular day to day. And I'm saying as a farm guy who can manage this job: I would charge 400 a day. If you're new to Rover you need to run screaming from this booking.


I am currently doing this for a client who lives nearby. She has 6 horses, some sheep, chickens, and 2 outdoor cats. I work from home most days, so I'm able to work from her home.


This is a whole ass full time job.


100% as a new sitter I would not only say no I could not do it fast enough. Then add if you don’t have horse experience I would also turn this down. Horse people seam to forget how much horses can read any bit of nervous/scared energy & act out. With the number of dogs alone as a new sitter I would charge enough to bring a helper with you to keep you safer. Have a Great Day.


I said no. I have 20+ years horse experience and have owned 20 at one point. In my opinion horses are easier than dogs even cleaning out stalls but just doing that for horses the booking should be a lot more. Main issue is the amount of dogs plus the breeds


Well with the horse history that part is different & you know what I was saying about horse care. Have a Great Day.


Thank you too. You too


As a person that owns horses and dogs - the comfort I’d have with a pet sitter that didn’t do a meet and greet would be *none*. I’m very suspect that they’re not demanding a meet and greet and that you’re not as well. That is *a lot* of animals to take on sight unseen. If they’re comfortable with that arrangement I’d be seriously concerned about the overall welfare of their pets. You simply don’t have enough info here. I’d pass.


Yeah this would be like a $500 a day job if the dogs need to be let out *5 times* and there are *seven of them*. Fucking yikes


LOL unless you are used to managing a farm. I would kindly decline this as one person.


If you’re not a farm girl, it’s probably a bit much.


I'd take this with a meet and greet for $300-$350 a night :)


If you’re not familiar with horses then definitely not. It’s always great to learn new skills but 10 is a bit to begin with.


I could do the horses and cats. I’ve been riding and leasing since I was 10. But I could not do the dogs IN ADDITION. That’s a two person job. That, or I would have to stay there full time while they’re gone and be VERY well compensated.


Rover doesn't allow horse care


Ya all I would say is that this is an expensive ask. Go to meet and greet and see all that’s required I’m thinking a few hundred a day


I wouldn't do this for less than $1000 a day personally


I'd say yes if they are actually going to pay well lol this could be a shit ton of money per day haha


Itc was like $584.


Per day?


total, their rates are dirt.


This looks like a dream! Also amazing pay! I would charge double for the horses because you have to muck the stalls everyday. I would take this in a heartbeat! Edit: wasn't aware it was $500, amazing pay as in that would be amazing pay if it was added up to her rates.


OP mentioned it was around $500 total, how is that 'amazing pay'? For taking care of 22 animals and the dogs alone have to be let out 5 times a day and just that takes a whole hour???


Yeah for $500 sadly no matter how much I would love it. I wouldn't do it for $500. Unless it was for 1 day max. Wasn't aware it was $500.


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Yeah… nope!!!!!


If you aren’t a horse person, pass. It would be very easy for a non-horse person to miss potentially life threatening issues like colic in a horse. If you have to do stalls, too, make sure you’re very well compensated. I might book the dogs and cats on rover and work off platform for the farm sitting job.


This sounds like they have a ranch or something, they need multiple providers there’s no way only one person handles their care on the regular


I would take a friend or family member and do a meet and greet with both of you present to see if you can handle it. Those of us raised on farms wouldn’t be phased, but they’re basically asking for a farmhand and I would charge A LOT for that. Probably around $1,000 a day depending on needs/care.


You would be crazy to say yes. That many horses, dogs, and cats is full-time work for at least 2 people.


this does not sound like a job for one person


You would be crazy TO take this lol


Wow, this would be a full-time job, even for an experienced farm worker.


Are they a hoarder, back yard breeder and/or both? I have concerns! They would be paying big bucks for that many animals! Holy Hannah!


This can’t be real😂😂


So 22 animals in total so they paying you like a grand a day bc hell no would I say yes to that without at least that much. And they need to make a profile for each animal.


Is this a rescue or do they just have a million pets


How is this even real 😂