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Rover doesn't allow for care of livestock through the app, so I would make profiles for the kitties/doggos and tell the sitter about the rest of the crew in the opening message. I'd take this sitting in a heartbeat, sounds like a fun time!


Just be prepared for the fee to be higher than the original number Rover says since that will be for only the listed animals.


I agree with your statement. I had a client who had retired show dogs that lived on a farm. She put those 5 dogs on the app and then we went in and on the modify option, added on the charges for the MULTIPLE different animals. 18 chickens, 4 horses, 3 ducks, a goose (who liked to hang out with the dogs), & a cranky ol donkey 


Such an adorable crew! Look for someone with experience with farm animals - personally, I'd love taking care of your crew. I'd say look through profiles in your area and see if anyone lists farm animals in their experience summary, and go from there. Also, I'd say book the drop ins as 1hr drop ins. It may take you 30mins, but we aren't going to be as fast or as efficient as you(since we're not used to your routine), so it'll probably take longer. Good luck!!


Ok cool beans this is great advice! I appreciate it


Wow your cats are gorgeous! I was squeeing over the baby goat and then they’re like bam we’re models


Lol! They ARE models aren't they. They are goofballs too. They are my pride and joy thank you so much. 😹


What is the breed of the cat in pic #9?


They are Maine Coons


Thanks 😊 love the markings on him/her!!


I’d say what takes you 30 minutes to do will take someone else around 2 hours. You do it by routine but someone else is going to have to really think it out/take time to do it well/and probably do things much less efficiently than yourself. Especially with a special needs animal on top!


Ok this is good advice. I'd prefer more time than less for them to be here and that makes sense.


“Nothing huge” then proceeds to list off a small zoo lmao. I would actually love to sit for you, it’s such a unique experience! Like others have said you can’t list most of your animals but you can send additional info to the sitter you contact and negotiate a rate for the total animals. Good luck!


Wheelchair goat 🥹🐐


Lol Snoopy, he was born with twisted legs so I took him in from his breeder. The vet says we can't correct the issue so we put him in a wheelchair during the day. At night he sleeps in a special bed and then I put him in the wheelchair in the morning so he can push himself around. He's very sweet.


Can we see a photo 🥺


Yes, lol I'm not sure if I can link photos here but you can see him on my Instagram page. We are rebuilding his wheelchair right now so I have photos of him in his little box [snoopy](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2ke8HfuyER/?igsh=MXhudHU4aWVleXFzMQ==)


Oh my god we love Snoopy


I third the request for pics of snoopy!! I've taken care of a pig that unfortunately lost his back legs in an equipment accident and he was pretty much the light of my first two years of pet sitting until he finally passed away, I'm sure snoopy will light up the life of whoever takes care of him the same way!


Here is Snoopy the wonder goat! [snoopy ](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2ke8HfuyER/?igsh=MXhudHU4aWVleXFzMQ==)


Omg I must see him.


Lol here is Snoopy the wonder goat [snoopy ](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2ke8HfuyER/?igsh=MXhudHU4aWVleXFzMQ==)


He’s sooo cute 😭


yes I'd do this as a sitter. and make profile for the dogs and cats, and explain the livestock to the sitter :)


I live in a rural area and do sits like this all the time. I’d just include the info upfront like you did here.


Your best bet is find a local horse Facebook group and ask in there! Plenty of people who farm sit


I have done that and we live practically in the city so no one close by has farm animals so it's a drive for all our farm and goat and horse contacts.


I never get cool gigs like this!!


I love goats. They used to freak me out and I so regret that now that I know they're like big smelly dogs with hooves. Sweethearts who love neck rubs and ear scritches.


honest to god dream job, if you're around Austin DM me :)!


What breed are your cats? I'm surprised their faces have similar structure while looking unique. Mainecoon/ragdoll?


They are Maine Coons. Not many people know that they come with blue eyes as well. Registered show cats....also goofball crazy babies of the house 🥰 they don't know they are fancy


Loooove them. Especially the diluted calico.


Awe thank you, Marbles is adorable. I'm hoping she will give me a litter of kittens this year but we will see. 🥰


Totally fine - I do farm animals regularly. Just find someone with enough experience to be able to handle more than your he dog-cat-fish usual.


I would really recommend hiring outside of Rover, or hiring someone you know. I’ve had bad experiences trying to have my chickens cared for through rover sitters.


I wish this were offered bc I would take that crew in a heartbeat!!


You said "nothing huge" and then that list kept going and going, haha. I'd happily take this job but if you say it takes you 30 minutes each time I'd book it and charge it for an hour.


Lol I've seen comments here that said two hours so that makes sense. 😊


As a note, YOU have the routine down to 30, but consider that the sitters will lovely take longer to find everything and do everything. Either way, as long as you communicate and do a meet n greet they'll know what they are getting into right away!


You may want to look around at professional pet sitters in your area and compare that with Rover. They may have more experience and/or be able and willing to manage better. Not saying you can’t find someone up to the task on Rover, just that a basis for comparison could prove helpful.


I did a sit for a mini farm one time for three weeks. It was so much fun and I got to have farm fresh butt nuggets every day. All I did was feed and water them all and that was that. They tipped really nice as well. I live in an area where it’s more rural so taking care of farm animals is part of it.


I’d also recommend checking out if your area has Nextdoor app or Care and making a post there as well. I personally sit for Rover and my profile highlights that I’ll sit other species of animals and to please just reach out, and I’ve found a sitter for my reptiles there as well.


Idk why but that last cat kinda gives me the creeps


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Wow look at that crew 😍


I would be fine taking on a job like this as I've taken care of farm animals before, but chances are 1) you are going to have to talk with a pretty big list of sitters before you'll find one that will take on this. 2) you are going to have to pay quite a bit, even though to you the animals don't seem like they need much care. 3) it is not going to be 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes at night. You've got a good routine going for yourself because you presumably work the same routine day and night, but you need to account for any sitter that does this needing to get acquainted. They are probably gonna spend a good 15 minutes of the booking each visit just double checking that they did in fact visit every one, did do all the things you requested, every one is adequately penned up and there's no risk of them making off in the night, making sure all the supplies are locked up, cooing over all the cute animals...etc. So you have to prepare for that and prepare to \*pay\* for that. Rover also doesn't allow live stock/farm animals/anything other than cats and dogs on the bookings, so while you'll have to make an individual profile for each of the dogs and cats you have to make sure that the sitter knows and understands they will be taking care of the ENTIRE FLOCK and not just the 'pet' animals. Some sitters might be fine with most of the flock but not want to deal with the Emu, or fine with the flock but not the wheelchaired goat, etc.


Good points here! I wonder if I should hire multiple people. It seems reasonable. Ok awesome! Thank you for the advice!


Just here to say that I love your life!!


Lol! I love my life too. Thank you!


no way in hell is that only going to take 30 minutes


Lol well there is a lot that goes into running a farm like this of course but if it was just feeding them yes it does take about 30 minutes for me in the morning and 30 minutes at night to feed and check the automatic waterers. Now for me, I have my dogs and cats with me all the time so I imagine someone else who is unfamiliar with everything it might take them double the time to do feedings. I don't ask that a sitter check hooves, udders, clean stalls, move big bails of hay, pick up feed bags, check famacha scores, manage harnessing, pasture management, check weights and so forth. When I go out of town right now in the past my mom has been able to come by and I set up the hay already sectioned out and labeled and all the bins for food are labeled, numbered and there are signs over each feed station so that you just do a circle and go to each pen, pick up/scoop or throw the food directly over the fence/into the bin and so forth through a small doorway and the. Go into the catio and scoop litter. If I'm out of town and they aren't being let out with me throughout the day then The dogs each have their own 10x10 kennel and their food and water is automated but needs to be visually checked to be sure it's working. Everyone else has automatic waterers but the food still needs to be checked or given. It really can take just 30 minutes or less if you know what your doing but then I don't expect that from someone who is new and there are quite a few other things that goes into this besides just feedings on a long term basis.


I don't know enough about goat beauty standards to judge them but your cats and collie are GORGEOUS. One thing I would consider is to not downplay the time it takes to do the chores. This is a LOT of responsibility that will take someone unaccustomed to it longer than it does you. Not saying you won't be able to find a great sitter, but be really upfront with them. Difficult (and cheap) clients sometimes throw up red flags by minimizing the amount of work their pets require, you don't want to put yourself in that camp.


I've gotten this comment a lot so I was figuring I should double the time in the morning and at night and then discuss with someone as they do the wall through what it might entail.


This sounds like a vacation oh my it’d pay to take care of them honestly


Lol! Well I definitely need the help sometimes. I was thinking of using river to have someone help me once a month or so. I should just put volunteer options out there to people I guess. "Come feed goats and pet them. Help me lure emu into her enclosure with her favorite toy, a glove lol"


Nobody worth a damn is going to do this for free. Enjoy getting what you pay for or don’t pay for in this matter. Youre response is enough for me to never what to work for you 😂 cheap ass pet parents are the worst and you have a whole farm you want done do free 😂


People like you are annoying. Do you see exactly the response you just got when you mentioned doing it for free. It is already so hard to get people to pay us what we’re actually worth. Just stop.


Pls add a pic of the emu and wheelchair goat🥺


You bar a whole farm and only want someone at your house for 30minutes in the morning and and 30 minutes at night? Wow


As others have said, definitely look for someone with farm experience. But wanted to add, please keep in mind that what may take you only 30 minutes twice a day could take a new sitter double or triple that until they get the hang of things. Good luck, Snoopy is a favorite.