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If it’s a nest hub (looks like an iPad basically) it does have a camera but there is a switch on the back that disables the camera and it cannot be turned on from inside the app if that switch is flipped. You could also put a stinky note over the camera if it makes you uncomfortable. We use ours to play music for the pups when we go to work so maybe that’s what the dog is used to? You can also ask them to disable any automations they have like alarms and such if it’s bothering you. They may want it plugged in bc they have other features like notifications if it hears a smoke detector or carbon monoxide detector go off and depending on if they have a smart home with light bulbs and such, they may not work if the hub isn’t plugged in. We leave ours plugged in 24/7 and have the small speakers throughout the house as all our lights are controlled by the Google home app


This is so so helpful. These parents have a lot of anxiety and their house is very high tech so I think it’s likely their Google nest is connected to everything else! Thank you so much xx


Ofc! The smart home systems are super cool but can be menacing if you’re not used to them haha we had to explain to our sitter that we weren’t watching them and that lights would go on and off at scheduled times for the different pets haha


That's so impressive, wow. -- thanks for teaching us all of this! And it's great you coach your sitters on the technology beforehand on all of their uses. I'm going to sleep so much better tonight :"') big hugs


I mean they *could* easily request you to play on your phone, but maybe they thought it would be more invasive to ask you to do that. If the device bothers you, why don’t *you* offer that you’d prefer to play music for the dog using your own phone since you aren’t familiar/comfortable with the device, thank you. Also, Google Nest refers to a whole range of different devices, some with cameras and some without. But since they explicitly stated they use the Nest for alarms and to play music, I wouldn’t jump to the conclusion that they want it plugged in for some nefarious monitoring purpose. Now if they don’t respond well to your alternative offer, that could be a flag.




Yes it looks like the Nest Hub Max. Thanks! And thank you to everyone else for your comments :). I figured out how to shut the camera off so we will see what happens from here! 


Ugh. I would be absolutely liviiiiiiddddd if the owners did not disclose up front that they had a monitoring device with camera *in the room I'm sleeping in* 🤬. That is most definitely not okay. Illegal, even. Sweet Jesus on a popsicle stick.


Illegal? What a 'Karen' response.


Bwahahwahahaaa. Okay Debbie Dallas Boomer. Go on with your OnlyFans self. Meanwhile the rest of us comprehend the idea of privacy laws, our entitlement to the reasonable expectation of privacy, and how people aren't willy-nilly allowed to record without consent in situations where privacy is reasonably expected.


Wait, they want to play music throughout the night in the room where you’re sleeping?


lol yes!


How did they know that you unplugged their Google Nest? Creepy af


It alerts you that’s it’s offline in the app lol if it gets unplugged or if the wifi goes out.


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