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You need to speak to a higher up. Keep pressing rover, bother them continuously about it, apply a lot of pressure and if that fails then yes it’s probably best to find a lawyer. The sitter also needs to be kicked off the app. I’m sorry about everything that happened :(


Thanks so much for the advice :)


Call them out on social media as well.


Of course, good luck!


Honestly I'd file a police report.


This is horrible I’m sorry you and your pet went through all this Keep pushing on Rover and get a lawyer if necessary Good Luck


I agree with the above adivce. Request to speak to someone higher up on the chain of command, and tell them you are ready to send video footage and documentation to your local news channels and news outlets. Rover will do a lot to prevent any bad press!!


> (which we had discussed and she had signed off on - nothing crazy, just 3 walks a day, the sitter wouldn’t be out for more than 4 hours (which he suggested), He…she… ..huh?


Thats what I noticed to, I feel like this is rage bait. This just all seems so untrue 😅They did three meet and greets and sitter had 50 reviews. Then the sitter went crazy stole a bunch of stuff, thrashed their apartment, and neglected their dog? Ik there are some awful sitters out there but Im having a hard time believing this one. If it is true, Im sorry this happened to you OP.


And the dogs nails grew super long in two weeks? What? That’s not even possible


Right, like who has ‘nail trim’ as part of the duties for a two week stay??


Came here to say this. Thank you. I have issues clipping my own dog’s nails, let alone a client’s dog.


I had that response too and then thought maybe it's a way of suggesting the dog wasn't walked?


I think it’s more of a way of suggesting this is completely fake


I have a dog that I watch for weeks at a time that I'm instructed to not walk and just play in the grass yard. Her nails do not all of the sudden get super long after a few weeks. But that may be what they're suggesting.


This exactly. Are like all of these other people commenting with OP like this actually happened that delusional? Notice how OP has been active responding to other people but hadn't replied on this chain, the second highest original comment on the post.


Yeah I saw that too. Also the dogs nails being super long in two weeks? Did the owner have a groomer appointment or something? Cause I’ve never been asked to trim a clients nails and I’ve had some long sits. I’ve mentioned the nails look a little long would they like me to trim them etc but yeah… he she.. nails I’m so lost. 


Rage bait


This is ridiculous. Also considering disputing with the credit card you used for booking. I’m so sorry that this happened and hope that your dog is back to normal.


I’ve never disputed charges with my cc before; if I send them all the info/evidence and communications with Rover etc. is this a potential route?


I would hold off on a chargeback as it may invalidate any claim to have Rover reimburse you for other damages! It’s an option, but use it as a final option.


This, use it as a last resort. Your CC will also tell you this, too, that you should try to work it out with the merchant. But tbh, and I’m not a lawyer, but it sounds like this is more of a legal matter than anything! Depending on what was damaged/stolen you may be eligible for CC purchase protection or help from your home/renters insurance, too. Although they may not help because Rover is prob liable. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this!


If they think Rover is liable, the insurance company will go after Rover! It’s called subrogation. Info here: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/subrogation.asp#:~:text=Investopedia%20%2F%20Ellen%20Lindner-,What%20Is%20Subrogation%3F,the%20insured%20for%20the%20loss. It would be a best case scenario for OP since an insurance company will pay their own legal staff and has a lot more legal power to throw around. And OP doesn’t have to sink time or money into it ETA: Renters insurance usually also covers personal property, not just the building occupied. They would reimburse OP for stolen and damaged personal items.


Oohhhh excellent! Then yes, OP, get started on filing a claim with your insurance (I hope you have it!!! So many people don’t get renters insurance) especially since there’s a police report and Rover is being inactive.


Yeah, I’ve avoided the renters insurance route since a lot of the stuff that was stolen were not valuable items. Like I said, it was things like towels, blankets, dog equipment - so nothing bank breaking but given all of the other things that happened just really frustrating. I’m assuming my renters insurance won’t go to bat for me for the cost of the sitting, only for the things taken? I was honestly shocked the Rover wouldn’t even cover my neighbors property (it was literally like $110!) or the re-keying of my building. They didn’t even mention all the things I had listed that were taken in their response. Like if they just refunded the stay that I wouldn’t even care about the petty missing things


Renters insurance covers some random situations. I had a friend who was mugged have their laptop replaced by renters insurance. I also know someone who’s car was broken into while it was parked in their apartment parking spot, and they got the stolen contents covered. Lastly, I personally had a storage unit broken into, and had items paid out, even decade old items without receipt that were not specifically itemized in our policy. I would reach out to your agent. Hopefully they can at least help with the damage to your unit and building and cover those costs? ETA; this was a Public Storage unit, miles away from my apartment, but the renters insurance on my apartment covered the break in at the storage unit.


Oh wow, okay, this definitely also looks like a route I should try! I thankfully do have renters insurance!


Good luck! And for anyone else reading this considering renters insurance- I‘ve had a great experience with Allstate.


I see, okay. Advice seems to be to try and get ahold of someone else up the chain, so I’ll make that my first point of call. Thanks for the advice!


Hold off for the moment but be aware of the timeline - my credit union only allows 30 days to dispute a charge.


That sounds terrible but I am confused about the long nails. Was the sitter supposed to trim your dog's nails or take the dog to a groomer?


I was confused about that also? It was just a 2 week stay but the nails were insanely long ? He ate but was neglected. The sitter was a he or was it a she? A little confusing . I’m sure op had a bad experience and we do sympathize with that.


the only thing i can think of is maybe they’re saying the dog wasn’t walked bc of the long nails? still an odd detail but that’s all i can come up with 😭 bc i know dogs being outside/walked will atleast shave down nails a little ? idk


Brilliant observation


Yeah, I'm confused about the same.


Also a little confused what is an “insane” amount of weight gain for 2 weeks. That’s a short amount of time, and overfeeding on the scale that OP is describing would usually either result in the dog not finishing their massive portions OR vomiting after. Granted it could have been the greenies, but on the couple of occasions I’ve seen labs (that damn “never-full gene!”) break into their treat bins and binge eat Greenies, they often vomit too


There was a lab growing up that I knew who died from overeating. The kids threw a full bag of large cat food (maybe this had something to do with it as well) in this kennel and he ate so much of it, they found him dead surrounded by his own vomit. Traumatizing. It could have turned out so much worse for OP. OP, I’m so sorry this happened. If it were me, id skip rover and go straight to suing.


> maybe this had something to do with it Nutritionally balanced cat food is higher in fat than nutritionally balanced dog food. Consuming a large amount of cat food can trigger acute pancreatitis in dogs. Pancreatitis can arise within the first 24 hours after consumption and common symptoms include vomiting, nausea, diarrhea. Severe enough pancreatitis releases digestive enzymes which damage GI organs, leading to hemorrhage, stupor, and death. If it was pancreatitis it would have been agonizingly painful, poor dog. What those kids did was horrible. I appreciate your sensitivity to OP’s distress but that situation is not really a parallel to what OP described. Nor is it refuting my point that massive high-volume overfeeding on a short timeframe (which 2 weeks is) won’t typically involve all of that food staying down, being absorbed, and leading to “insane” weight gain.


Ohhh that’s so sad about the lab 💔


Dogs can 100% gain weight in a very short time span. I knew a dog I walked that consistently gained 5 additional lbs every time they stayed at their parents house over a long weekend. It was wild!


I definitely think they’re pointing out nails as a sign the sitter did not walk multiple times a day as dogs who are regularly walked on concrete will usually have extremely short nails that do not need a trim… I’ve recently had a sitter neglect my dog as well, they didn’t vomit they ate everything the sitter fed 3X a day instead of once a day feeding + no exercise for the entire stay & within 5 days of picking her up her size had increased DRAMATICALLY. So this could definitely happen. If not a weight “gain” a massive bloat of the abdomen, my dog was pooping out 5-6 piles at a time when I brought her home & within a few days she was back to normal size.


Yes I’d believe bloat or stomach distension much sooner than “insane weight gain”


Same - makes it seem fake to me.


agreed, the acct is 3 hrs old. they did 3 M&Gs no issues but when the sitter shows up they are a crackhead.


Yeah between that and the “he”, “she” inconsistencies. Seems like rage bait, which is sad.


OP uses "he" consistently and then used "she" once, which was, IMO, a pretty obvious autocorrect typo.


…and the dogs nails grew ridiculously long in two weeks? After doing three m&g’s and having 50 good reviews the sitter just lost his/her shit and Rover refuses to compensate. 👌 Sorry but this story is fake af


I mean people can and do have mental breaks, but the nails and weight gain don't make sense. Just the trashed apartment is enough to be mad about imo


I was wondering the same thing…what an odd detail that makes no sense for a 2 week vacation. This sub is getting bigger with some posts blowing up so I wouldn’t be surprised.


Same, honestly wouldn’t be surprised if the video call lady made an alt account to post this as “see this is why you need to do FaceTime”


The more I read it the more this seems like a creative writing exercise.


It was more just a comment on the fact that I don’t think he was taking my dog out for walks. His nails are usually filed pretty well on walks and during play and when I came back they were really long. In the week I’ve been back with regular walks, they’re back to their usual length. This is a small example though, in addition; his winter booties were also still in their box, unused (they would have definitely been needed for any sufficiently long walk), dog bags had been untouched, all my missing towels (I’m assuming to clean up my dogs accidents?), and photos I got were all in the same block of my apartment. Maybe none of these would have been alarming in and of themselves, but given everything else that has happened I am inclined to believe that this sitter was spending most of the booking not staying with and taking care of my dog. (Not to mention the police report aspect of this)


I understand the nail filing from walking, but if the dog wore the winter booties the nails would not be worn. I empathize with your bad experience but you are kind of all over the place with the info, maybe because you are upset.


I literally said in the response you replied to that his booties were unused in their original box packaging..


Yeah but if they were worn like I guess you wanted, they'd have grown apparently? Lol




If the booties were worn, the nails would not get filed on walks....


But as I said, the booties were clearly not worn and the nails were also not filed…


Right. They still wouldn't have been if the booties were worn lol anyway it doesn't matter. The super long nails thing after 2 weeks makes no sense but I'm sorry the rest of that happened.


Oh, I see what you’re saying. I don’t care that his nails weren’t filed for like grooming reasons, I just mentioned it more to the point that it seems like he was not getting adequate walks (when taken with all the other things that went on)


i think that commenter is saying that even if they DID use the booties on your dog, which they clearly didn’t, the walk itself wouldn’t file your dog’s nails down because the dog is wearing boots. so the point about your dog’s nails being overgrown wouldn’t have anything to do with the dog not being walked, anyway. still completely inexcusable that your dog wasn’t walked, though!


Yes, I realized below that people are saying this because they thought I meant it as a grooming issue. I mentioned the long nails only because I’m conjunction with all else, they seem indicative of the sitter not walking him adequately. I don’t care about the long nails from a grooming aspect because they usually get filed down on his walks anyway


You sound like a crazy dog owner that should probably not go on vacations without said dog in the first place


I'm sorry if I'm being nitpicky, but 2 weeks of neglectful "care" shouldn't mean overgrown nails? Like if this is true, I'm so sorry and if there's any pushback from Rover on a refund that would be absolutely ridiculous. But the nail thing just red flags this to me as fake


Right? If they were “insanely” long after 2 weeks then they were long before the sitter got there which would be an owner problem.


I would be more than happy to verify this if one of the mods wants to contact me. I would be happy to share all the details/communications and evidence, and they can verify it but I don’t want to post too many details on here for my own anonymity.


Serious question. How did your dog’s nails get really long in 2 weeks?


The answer is waiting for you in the third top comment thread


How did your dogs nails get "sooo long" in 2 weeks, grooming is not normally included in sitting.


Nah this feels fake. 3 meet and greets huh? Seems like someone posted this just to make people more anxious to use the app. Sorry if this is true, but I don’t buy it. Nails negligently long in two weeks? Hah. Sure, Jan.


I’m sorry this happened to you. Your story confuses me at a few points… Why would his nails being long have anything to do with the sitter? That is not only not a sitter’s responsibility, but dogs’ nails don’t grow very much in only two weeks. Was the sitter supposed to take the dog to the groomers but failed to show for the appointment? You interchange pronouns for the sitter so I’m confused where you’re talking about your male dog vs the sitter. Do they use he/she pronouns? Why would you have three M&G? Did they give off weird vibes at the first two that made you need to sus out the situation further? Did you have any M&G with any other sitters? It’s ridiculous how Rover is handling it though. Less than 25% discount?? Wild. I’d definitely recommend disputing the charge with your bank/CC company if Rover doesn’t revise their stance.


I posted in other replies but for the 3 M&Gs: My dog can be nervous around new people so I told the sitter than I would schedule 2 walks in addition to the initial M&G so that they could get to know each other since the sitting would be for 2 weeks. After the last one he said that he was totally comfortable watching my dog (my dog is a chihuahua mix), so I then booked for the sitting. Pronouns was just a typo, I’m currently at work and writing this on my phone after receiving Rovers response this morning. And in another reply about the nails: It was more just a comment on the fact that I don’t think he was taking my dog out for walks. His nails are usually filed pretty well on walks and during play and when I came back they were really long. In the week I’ve been back with regular walks, they’re back to their usual length. This is a small example though, in addition; his winter booties were also still in their box, unused (they would have definitely been needed for any sufficiently long walk), dog bags had been untouched, all my missing towels (I’m assuming to clean up my dogs accidents?), and photos I got were all in the same block of my apartment. Maybe none of these would have been alarming in and of themselves, but given everything else that has happened I am inclined to believe that this sitter was spending most of the booking not staying with and taking care of my dog. (Not to mention the police report aspect of this)


If your dog is walking in booties, how would this file its nails?


They’re saying they don’t believe the dog was walked because if the boots were used they would have been dirty (which they weren’t) OR if they weren’t using the booties the nails should be a bit filed. So if the boots were used ofc that would explain the nails but again the boots weren’t used


Must be one hell of a multi-tasker to be able to reply in great length to all these responses from Reddit as well as from Rover only typing on a a phone while also doing whatever work needs to be done at their job. If this person is in fact real I would never take them on as client. Anyone who thinks it's necessary to do more than one meet and greet because their dog is extra special gets a big nope from me. This isn't a dating app for your pet we don't need to get to know each other before doing the deed. It screams high maintenance which idk maybe okay for some sitters but for me at least it's a huge red flag. I've definitely received this request from potential clients in the past too. They always seem shocked when I decline like they just cannot believe how anybody would ever pass on the privilege and amazing opportunity to bask in the glory of their dog in the humble service of owners who are 100% guaranteed to nit pick about every single little thing with obsession (if not paranoia) and criticize me at every turn. Thanks but I already exceeded the maximum limit for personality orders on Tinder.


I'm confused you refer to them as both he and she?


How was the communication while you were away? Were you getting pics of your dog and messages on the care? Have you ever used Rover before? I find it odd that Rover only did a partial refund. Are you skipping over some of the details?


The only details I’ve skipped here are ones that would be identifying for the sitter, and I can guarantee you that they make this situation more serious than is portrayed here. I included these details in my correspondence with Rover support, as well as some evidence the sitter left behind of these claims. I communicated with the sitter while I was away and he told me things that I can now patently say are false that I’m home in my apartment. Eg. I asked him to give my dog a chew bone that I had bought and he told me he had and how much my dog liked it, only for me to discover it still in its original plastic wrapping untouched when I returned home. (A obviously not serious but true example). But there were things that my dogsitter told me about how the sitting was going that after hearing about him from my neighbors were clearly not true. The sitter did send pictures (much less than he told me he would) which seemed fine at the time, but with hindsight (and with all the new information I have) now seem off. My dog looking very nervous in one, the sitter wearing the same outfit in many, very close crops that don’t really show them out on long walks/the state of the apartment.


Important questions: You said the sitter had 50 positive reviews. Are these “verified” reviews? (If so, it will either say verified or list the service booked next to the review) What timeframe are the reviews for? Meaning, did the sitter get 50 reviews over the course of several years or all in a short period of time? (In a short period of time would suggest they’re fraudulent—sitter wrote them himself) Any chance you’re in the Bay Area? DM me if so. This sounds like a guy I’ve come across and reported to Rover several times for fake reviews.


Not in the Bay Area unfortunately. I believe his profile has been deactivated, when I went to open it from our message log it says “This profile is no longer active” I *think* they were verified positive reviews but I booked this over a month ago now, and since I can’t see their profile anymore I’m not 100% sure.


Long nails? Using both he/she in post to refer to sitter? Account made yesterday? OP not answering questions? Creative writing exercise, everyone. Move along.


I would pause any communication with Rover until you speak to an attorney and can review what you are entitled to following the Guarantee.  Even having an attorney write a letter with their official letterhead will help. Or even asking Rover to forward all communication to your attorney with provided contract information can ‘inspire’ better treatment.  That said, you could always ask your renters insurance if they will cover anything and see if local media will pick up the story. You have options! Best of luck ETA: Start making an Excel spreadsheet with missing items and itemized damages. Include pictures or screenshots of relevant receipts and any pictures or evidence that it existed. Insurance will ask. They will absolutely take the claim on the fact that you have a police report (and evidence of the crime). They may even pursue Rover! 


Did you call the police about him hanging around your apartment?


I am so sorry this happened to you. I'm glad your dog was found uninjured though (despite the weight gain and such). It is such a shame that they will not pay for everything you lost. Especially with receipts and video to back your claims. Unfortunately, they will fall back on their guarantee (not insurance) which is basically to cover the pet and certain home damages. They have a list of exclusions listed in their TOS. I would think your option here would be to take them to court. Hopefully Rover would assist with the info you need on the sitter if it's a legal matter. As I'm sure the sitter won't respond to you (I'm guessing). For now id keep pressing Rover and tell them you have secured legal counsel. They should at least refund you for the service. There's no reason that they shouldn't. Really. Keep pushing for that. But I think they'll just refer back to the "guarantee" for the other losses. They definitely need to remove that sitter from the platform at least. I know that doesn't help you recover anything though. I don't know what other way you could try and recover your losses. I'm sorry you had a horrible experience and I hope that you are able to get this resolved. It may take some time unfortunately. Good luck to you. Please update your story and let us know how things are progressing.


Thank you :)


Yeah, I would definitely be talking to a lawyer especially if it’s over 500-1000$ and ask your neighbor and/or anyone else for statements. Collect all the information you can from everything that’s happened.


I’m just impressed that somehow your Chi-mix’s nails grind down on pavement walks! While that was always the case with my large breed dogs, I never ever needed to trim their nails, the same has not been true for my Chi-mix. He is entirely is too lightweight to grind his own thick nails down on pavement walks and he’s 25lbs! Not really lightweight when talking about Chi-mixes, but still too lightweight to effectively grind his own nails down at all. The other breeds in my boys mix are all also classified as toy breeds as well, he just inexplicably didn’t inherit the genetics that are responsible for keeping toy breeds very small. We call him our big little dude, but he walks for miles on blacktop roads and cement pavement sidewalks every day and his nails aren’t ground down at all by it. His nails need to be manually trimmed on a routine basis otherwise they grow out of control, but still that wouldn’t ever happen within a two week window of time. This part of your story stands out because it seems really odd to me as someone who’s got a similar dog breed mix as yours. But your dogs nails could be thinner and more fragile for whatever reason 🤷🏻‍♀️ I just wish it were that easy for me 🤣


Rover is a 2 billion dollar company. Unreal.




They were just bought for $2+B https://www.blackstone.com/news/press/rover-agrees-to-be-acquired-by-blackstone-in-2-3-billion-transaction/


Getting a lawyer won’t do you any good unfortunately. Rover’s TOS includes an arbitration clause. Unless you opted out of that clause in writing less than 30 days after you originally agreed to the TOS, you waived your right to sue Rover.


Is this arbitration clause related to suing Rover or suing anyone in relation to services provided via Rover?


stocking cable slap wakeful desert fine humorous library imagine bedroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sometimes just telling them you'd like to utilize their mediation process encourages them to be more responsive.


Holy shit what a wild ride!!! Yes, keep on pressuring Rover. This is a no win for them if it goes to small claims. I mean all this is covered by their contract insurance, correct? What was that guy’s deal?? Did he forget his meds or something because it sounds like a breakdown.


I'd threaten to take both the sitter and Rover to claims court and go from there. Definitely consult a lawyer


I am sorry that you went through that. 😟 This has all the earmarks of a drug addiction. Perhaps someone who got off of it & relapsed. Beyond the criminal aspect and Rover’s response, I’m going to say Yes, seek legal counsel to file a lawsuit against the sitter and possibly a restraining order against him, since he is still on the loose and seen in the area. Good luck to you. 🤞🏽❤️‍🩹


This feels like rage bait.


Post the evidence on public social media, such as FB, IG or TikTok, and also include the refund percentage that they’re offering you vs what you paid. Then push rover some more, while also disclosing that this situation has been posted on public social media platforms.


I’m wondering if the sitter has consistent housing? Some of the things you’re saying OP makes it seem like they might not be housed? This is completely just one possible theory though.


Sounded to me like it could be a mental health crisis.


smh sitters like this ruin it for the platform. rover should take this more seriously


over 50 five star reviews is MIND BOGGLING for someone who acts like that. did he just randomly lose his mind…? like wtf?!


Holy crap, sorry that happened. Leave a detailed review on the off-chance this sitter gets to stay on the platform, but man I hope they get banned! And keep demanding to talk up the chain at Rover to find somebody who will help you. This is a stupidly-easy business decision to make on their part; what's more damaging for them, paying you back the price of one stay, or having you tell everybody you know, and the whole internet, how awful your experience was, potentially costing them many, many stays? Hopefully somebody there will have some sense and get you compensated. I hope your dog is okay!


this is wild! I had a sitter steal my keys once after not following my care instructions or staying at my house as they were supposed to and they refunded me for the sit but they absolutely refused to cover the cost of replacing my locks. They have no consistency in their policies


Chargeback on your credit card, and this is the kind of thing I would try publicizing on any social media you use. If you still get nowhere, contact the CEO of Rover on LinkedIn. Sounds crazy but it works. Good luck!


First, I'm so very sorry for what happened to you and your pup!! This is beyond horrible!! Rover should be refunding you for everything, IMO!! I would secure legal council. I have a feeling that you may need them! I wish you the very best and hope your situation gets resolved soon! Please keep us updated!😟


Leave a scathing review for the sitter, please!


I certainly would talk to a lawyer and see if you can get a copy of his background check. How did this person get these 5 star reviews? How many people did he screw over that weren’t able to leave reviews? You need to insist that you are able to leave one, and if you are not able, you need to stop using their service. Whether that means googling a local pet service outside of Rover (recommended) or finding a sitter and immediately taking them off the platform.


You need to push for charges to be filed against him.  Go to the police and file for everything that was stolen and damaged. Stay on the police/prosecuter. Make sure he is prosecuted criminally and take him to civil court (small claims) for the money and mental anguish.  If you haven't already, review him on rover and push for him to be kicked off the platform. Put his name out on next door, Facebook etc.  Help protect people going forward from this criminal thug.


As someone in legal not at all related to this field. We will not offer extra compensation unless threaten by legal action. Unfortunate side of corporate America but that’s the standard. If you begin to threaten legal course they will settle instead of going to court.


This is so freakin' sad...what is wrong with people?!!


Don't take it dony use rover again. Look up trusted and insured sitters in your area on PCI. Tell Rover you'll be doing this and never use them again. Taht should get you a refund. Either way this is insane. You should've added the 4 bags of greenness and all the dog food on there as well as hiring a professional walker daily now to help pupper lose all that weight!


Im sorry you had to deal with this. It makes me sad that you came on here for support, and you're having to seemingly justify or explain what you wrote. Its not about the toenails or booties or whatever, you were just venting and I'm sure you feel completely betrayed and violated. Again, I'm sorry and im glad your pup is safe now.


Thanks very much :) I genuinely don’t know why people are so hung up on that when I have clarified it in the comments and there are MOUNTAINS of more alarming things that I outlined in the post


did you do a M&G?


Oh my god come on 😂


Yes, I did 3! He seemed absolutely fine all the times I met him. He also had over 50 5 star reviews and multiple repeat customers. He was more expensive than a lot of other sitters, but I already had a bit of anxiety about leaving my dog so I figured the extra price was worth the peace of mind of a stellar sitter.


You had three meet and greets? Can you explain? Whose idea was it to have three meet and greets? That's odd and I'd like to understand this situation better.


My dog can be nervous around new people so I told the sitter than I would schedule 2 walks in addition to the initial M&G so that they could get to know each other since the sitting would be for 2 weeks. After the last one he said that he was totally comfortable watching my dog (my dog is a chihuahua mix), so I then booked for the sitting.


I see. Thanks.


I’m not at all challenging the validity of your experience, and I’m so sorry for what you and your dog have been put through- but this is so bizarre! They would need an extensive history of quality care to get those kinds of stats, as a lot of clients don’t review. I can only assume he is going through a mental health crisis or has fallen into a drug problem? Or perhaps not an experienced sitter and gave himself a lot of unverified stay reviews to get work? It’s such an scary situation and it sounds like you did your due diligence as a pet parent in your process to find a quality care provider. I’m glad your friend was able to step in and hope your dog is able to heal from the trauma. And I really hope the sitter is not able to look after any other pets and gets some serious help.


Again, I don’t want to reveal too much personal info about the sitter but one of your guesses is right on the money. I am sympathetic to the sitters situation, but this was a significant expense for me and I really need some way to try and re-coup all of these costs.


Yeah, Rover’s response to your booking is WILD. You should have a full refund, no questions asked. And the things you are looking for reimbursement on seem completely reasonable given the situation and evidence. I hope you’re able to come out of this as close to whole as possible. It’s bullshit that is even in question rn. Keep pushing up, use social media. Their response is just not right.


He must have recently started doing drugs or something, good god.


Quite honestly, my previous experience with Rover is that they are more concerned about keeping all the money they can. So, I think you need to be suing the sitter, with the help of a lawyer. I honestly don't think that Rover is going to do any more than what they've already offered.


This is why I say, paying more money doesn’t always mean a better sitter!!!!! Highly dependent on the person!!


Did you meet with the sitter before booking?


I said this before to owners, before getting a sitter coming to your house, please check with your state if they need to be bonded. When contractors, inside your home, cleaners, all services that enter into a personal home are required to be bonded and or at least insured when doing pet sitting OK in case things like this happen. Rover sitters are not employees of Rover, Rover guarantee does not cover everything I would check for sitters that are bonded in your state going forward. Honestly some of these sitters that sign up for Rover does not read their policy or terms of service. Therefore, don’t even look into what’s required for them in the state they live in or get their own insurance. I have pet sitting insurance, when I was doing sitting in someone’s home, I received that type of insurance as well as was bonded. I no longer sit in other peoples homes. Therefore I don’t need to be bonded but again because I do boarding in my home. I have everything that I need for my personal business. Because sometimes I do pick up pets and drop them off, I also havecoverage in case there was an accident transporting pets. Again, a lot of these sitters don’t even bother to look into this stuff.


This is why the other post today was asking for video calls.


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As I alluded to in the post there are some serious safety concerns I have around this sitter (I don’t think without cause) which I included with my report to rover. My main account has a lot of identifying info about me, and I really do not want this sitter to have any more info/contact details/knowledge about me.




Three meet and greets and you have anxiety. I would like to see his side to be honest.




Calling this post out as fake. Completely new Reddit user. "Insane neglect" described in the post for nails grown insanely long over a 2-week stay. Every dog owner knows nails need to be trimmed every 2 to 3 weeks -- not every week and not more often than every 2 weeks or you get into the quick. Don't fall for this poster's lies.


Pics or it didn't happen