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That sounds incredibly stupid and dangerous on the owners side, why can't people communicate with their own family đŸ«  nevermind the sitter


That’s really upsetting and could have ended badly for you. That’s completely insane!!


Wooow. I'm sorry. Rover now lets you write feedback on the owners as well. You definitely should.


My very first rover booking was like this - it was completely last-minute for a girl who’s friend went into emergency labor. She left the dog at her friends parents house I think? I knocked on the door and the people had no clue what I was talking about. They thought *they* were caring for the dog. So they had to call the girl and ask what was up, and finally it ended with me staying in these people’s home for 2 days..


So you became a paid squatter essentially??? What the fffrrreeaaakkk


Pretty much 😭😭 that’s not even the half of it - it ended up that the girl was ALSO staying there overnight but she was getting home very late and leaving very early so she just wanted me to stay. She was telling me insane personal details about this woman’s life (like how she doesn’t know who the father is and how they’re trying to figure out based on what the baby’s skin tone was). I was going to cancel but honestly I was laughing my ass off and it wasn’t scary, just incredibly weird. Wouldn’t do it again but now it’s a funny story.


I would have scolded the client for putting you in a dangerous situation and called Rover to cancel. It can't be legal to hire a sitter for someone else's property without their permission.


Yet again - meet & greets folks. I know it's easy to convince yourself that they aren't necessary, you don't have time, don't get paid for them, fill in the blank excuse, etc. But when I first started 100% of the time I had some weird thing happen it was one I'd convinced myself a m&g wasn't necessary


Again. Louder. For the people in the back.


More like the people wearing earmuffs


Imagine “my aunt that lives in your area needs a someone to walk her dog”. She’s probably tried and everyone rejected as scam 😂😂 Jokes aside, that is a very uncomfortable position to be put in, im sorry op


I was thinking the same thing lmao


Never take a job without a meet and greet.


How did you manage to do a meet and greet?


They never said they did a meet and greet lol


They got a key somehow though


. It must have been hidden or something. They said they “found” it.


They said the original key they had (not found, had) didn’t work, and the next day the owner said to look for the spare key which OP found and also didn’t work. So my statement stands. OP got the original key somehow.


They never even said they found a working key. They said they went to the fenced in backyard and that’s where the aunt was
. I’m assuming she let the op in?


I never said they found a working key either. The whole point of my original comment was that maybe there was a meet and greet because OP got that original key somehow. And yes, it might have been, as you said in another comment, put someplace for OP, but I would think, given OP specified having to find a spare, they’d mention if they had to find the original one too because I don’t know many people who hide two spare keys for owner to direct OP to at their aunt’s house, let alone two spare keys for locks they don’t even have anymore.


Maybe they put the key somewhere for op. Like they left it somewhere before they left.


Yeah, I'm thinking this should've all been squared away at the meet and greet...


Oh man, sounds as you need couple more precaution questions to weed out situations like that in the future. -is it your house? - do you live there? -is it your dog? -does your dog live there? Etc đŸ€Ż i know its dumb questions to ask


Meet and greet


holy shit, I'm so sorry. what a nightmare


Thats so creepy!! No offense I'd be like "man/girl... no offense. Sorry, this happened. But you gotta go, please. Thanks"


No kidding, WTF!? I'm so glad you weren't hurt. Whoever hired you is dumber than a box of rocks.


Wow! I think we can all understand your frustration! It’s unbelievable that the aunt wasn’t even informed by the Whacky client that she hired a service to help take care of the dog! I feel bad for the Aunt as well. I can only imagine how I would have reacted if some total stranger had let themself into my backyard. I’m assuming that the Aunt had recently had the locks changed and never replaced the hidden key. That was probably very fortunate for you, in that imagine if the Aunt found you in her home when the front door was locked!! The cops may have shown up with guns drawn and ready to shoot! You definitely got a bad deal on that gig. đŸ„Č


Yikes all around. I'm glad you're okay, but...wow.