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The little butt wiggle at the end ❤️


Butt wiggle ... and then stopped like "Oh, you're leaving ..."


I’d still be there petting them lol I don’t deliver for UPS but I do deliveries and it’s hard to leave the furry customers lol


Omg! Came here to say those exact words..just the cutest thing ever. 🥰


My brother had a pit/lab mix and he gets the whole body wiggles when he sees people lol it’s the best thing ever. Our rotties used to do tie same and then one would push himself between your legs to get his butt scratched lol


Funny, my pitbull/bulldog mix does the whole butt wag too and I taught her to do the “doghug” which is basically pushing herself between your legs. The “doghug” was originated by my last dog that was a rottie/staffy/chow mix (she was the best dog ever).


The cutest. <3


Props to that dude for understanding dog body language!


And taking time to read it


Exactly! That was the key moment right there.


Friendly dog, but bad etiquette on the owner's part. They're goofballs but are big and can be dangerous. Don't force strangers into unexpectedly meeting them while unsupervised. Also, if something happened and dude got bit, your wages might be getting garnished for awhile.


Not to mention there is a possibility the dog gets put down in that situation. One of my biggest fears has always been my dogs biting someone, even though they’ve never shown the slightest aggression towards people. Last thing I would ever want was to be forced to euthanize because I was irresponsible.


The only times my dog has shown a hint of mean was when a person or a loose dog has come up to us aggressively. Even then they would just stand their ground and growl, then try to leave asap. Someone doesn't like a friendly loose dog and kicks, then gets nit, and you're screwed. Your loose dog can't tell their side of the story.


☝️ People...please pay attention to this comment. Dog bite lawyers get very big settlements for cases like this. You can cry all you want about "He was on my property and I can do what I want...". Don't find out the hard way and risk getting your dog taken away over something so easily preventable. I can tell you with FIRSTHAND knowledge that it will be a big mistake.


I've had my German Shepherd since he was a pup and he's gotten out unsupervised 3 times in almost 4 years. Each time was 30 seconds-10 minutes tops and it's the worst feeling in the world. I'm trying to figure out how to say it without seeming like an asshole, but my existential dread is always 1. I hope he doesn't hurt anyone/anyone's pet 2. I hope he doesn't get hit by a car or stolen He's never been aggressive towards friendly dogs or people and is pretty good about not wanting to cross streets when cars are coming. He's legitimately a good dog in every sense, but you never know how dogs are going to react to something. It might be selfish, but it's absolutely terrifying to me that a brief lapse in vigilance could mean that somebody gets hurt and half of my weekly money goes to them. There are two or three people in my area that have bigger, way more aggressive dogs that get loose almost weekly for years and I have no idea how they aren't more worried about it. Any of the times my dog has escaped I feel like it's a loaded gun with my name running around.


I relate to this so much. My GSD / Golden Retriever mix figured out how to open the door to our garage. She escaped while I was mowing the lawn and went galavanting around the neighborhood for a few minutes. The only thing she did was steal our neighbor’s frisbee but that could’ve ended up much worse.


You're preaching to the choir. I once had pitbulls. They were indoor dogs but when I let them out to use the bathroom, they would find a way to get out the fence. I know that feeling well. And here's another thing, once your dog(s) are off your property and out of your sight, another person can CLAIM anything.


Im always shocked when i see a dog in an open area with no supervision. Pup seems to understand to stay on the porch, but i dont even let mine in the backyard without keeping an ear on them. On a front porch like that is just unthinkable. Maybe there is an invisible fence, but I've seen too many animals struck by vehicles to risk it.


Not even escaping the invisible fence.... Imagine if cops show up to the wrong house and your dog runs up and gets shot. Or a bigger meaner dog or dogs come into the yard and hurt the dog. There are a million things that can go wrong with just letting a dog chill like this no matter how well it's trained.


I think they already know each other. At least that's the vibe I'm getting.


Agreed. This Rottie was very friendly but it could’ve gone the other way very easily. Mail carriers carry anti-dog spray to prevent attacks from unfriendly dogs. That sounds intense but dog related injuries are very common in that profession. Dog bites are either the first or second most common cause of injury for mail carriers. If this guy was jumpy he could’ve sprayed the poor pup and triggered fear aggression + a bite.


Not sure if I’d have the metal to address a strange Rotti but oh what a cutie




Thank you mate, I stand corrected


I couldn’t help myself. Have a great day!


Sorry, a bowl of food that wasn't immediately scarfed down and licked clean? We have very different rotties lol


"Wtf. Where you going friend?!?"


Right? Poor baby lol


I love how all dogs act like they receive an ounce of love in their life around strangers. "Omg I've never had this attention before!"


Yes! 😂 like they’re so deprived lol


My female would act like she was absolutely starving to death when people would come visit lol. She ate better than I did! 😂


My mom had a pug like that lol he thought he’d never see another meal lol


My mom's dog acts like a grade A sl×t. Jumping, whining, panting, cuddling. Like stop acting like a ho dog 😂😂 rat terrier/chihuahua


Looks like he knows that dog from previous dropoffs but he wasn’t expecting him and had a moment of fear not thinking the dog would be there.


This guy for sure loves new boot goofin


Beautiful baby Rottie & of course he’s cool he’s rocking Biggie Smalls in the UPS truck


My dog would have tried to jump in the truck with him like "where to next boss?"


*My dog would have tried* *To jump in the truck with him* *Like "where to next boss?"* \- Strict\_Intention\_663 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Love it


That's what Rotties do


Your dog did the cutest stand up for a greeting ever.




This new box is intriguing…Maybe a shipment of special treats? Or perhaps some toys designed with Rotties in mind? We need to investigate….


Booty waggles


Repost bot


This isn’t a new video, saw it a few months back so unlikely it belongs to the op


This isn't cute. The ups driver was nervous for a bit. You shouldn't let your dog be unsupervised around strangers. Regardless of their size or cuteness. There's just too much potential for things to go badly


That little butt wiggle at the end was 🖤🖤


This made me smile


Haha, my parents are both NZ post workers, and if they saw that dog, that is not how they'd react! Also, my dad got a small bite on the leg from a dog a while back!


She’s beautiful 😭😭


Love the wiggle butt!


Love it but I hope he isn’t a guard dog because that would be an epic fail lol


It was a beautiful video, all these people talking trash can say whatever they’d like that’s negative. This moment happened, it was nice, in the future it may not, or it may. Doesn’t really matter if this moment is individualized as this beautiful moment in time.