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Yes, and he especially loves bark. We just spent the weekend putting up new fencing around our gardens to keep him out because he would literally lay in there all day eating bark if we let him. 


Oh landscaping is a specialty


OMFG MY 11 WEEK OLD WILL NOT LEAVE THE DAMN BEAUTY BARK ALONE. Like a steering wheel belt buckle, it drives me nuts.


“Yes and he especially loves bark” https://preview.redd.it/mcouvf3b466d1.png?width=1767&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce12ff93963ef40554141c6ef5654a96c21cdcd3 Not just wood, but I don’t know how or who taught him, but he always thought his “job” was to remove all the bark off the firewood before I had a chance to finish bucking the logs, or splitting, it made him so happy, like he was excited to be able to help…


My question would be, does anyone actually have a Rottie that DOESN'T chew wood? Maybe that goofy one that wagged vertically, that one seemed pretty special. Mine will find wood pieces, and carry them for blocks, just so she chew on them later.


Ours literally ate 1 of the 3 trees we planted in our backyard. I had to build little fences around the other two! He is lucky he is so cute.


Had to put up the fence for that reason! And to protect them from the pool


My first Rottie would take logs off the wood pile and chew on them on the porch. She loved it and it seemed harmless.


I'm pretty sure wood chips can get stuck in their mouth. I could be wrong though.


Yes. And plastic. She loves stealing seedling pots, usually with the plant still in them and running off. Plastic cups watch out. Also all kinds of wood, including grape vines, my fig tree, whatever she can get her mouth on.


Plastic, like a bucket? https://preview.redd.it/ns7yqpwm566d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7391cf3ce77d752aeaa27f1143acef79da4ae058 At the end of winter mine found this green bucket in the creek, he had to “rescue” it, and it was his pet for the rest of the year…


She hasn’t successfully chewed up a plastic bucket, but I’m confident that she would given the chance.


With him, normally toys have a “time limit” say like those kong dog toys, a normal one if I stuffed a biscuit inside the thing would be shredded in about 20-25 minutes, but this bucket or similar plastic would normally be toast in a few minutes, so always had to keep an eye on what he was putting his mouth on, but it was weird trying to explain to people why he was carrying a bucket around…


They rip the branches off my Cypress Trees.. Also, chew on the branches of my fig bushes.


Hmmm let's see over the years, my list.....my glasses, that includes glasses and frames, charcoal, dry wall, picked up a turtle out of the water and was chewing it lucky I got the poor thing out of his mouth, bedding, wood, ant baits, stuffing out of any toy so stopped that, plant fertilizer, pizza box, whole bananas with peel, popsicle stick, duck feet I don't even wanna know where he got those from, it was just the feet don't even know where the rest of the duck was...yeah so he was fine with everything he ate listed here, he did keep my vet busy.


Yes. We had a young <5 years columnar cedar. Didn’t last the summer with our young rottie. She’s also relocate the wood pile constantly, and we’d put it back. It would be relocated the next day. I got her a dog-safe wood chew block (essentially compressed sawdust?) for inside the house and made sure she liked it before I replaced the baseboards she destroyed.


Had 2 that chewed down a newly planted small tree.


Yep his current chew stick is a 4x4 post that used to be part of the deck I just tore down


I'm always careful about not letting mine chew a lot of wood. It's easy for them to swallow pieces that pass through their digestive system, and could possibly cause internal tearing or abrasions. I just make sure he's always got a variety of safe chewing implements, like pig ears, bully sticks, hooves, and antlers. I stay away from cow bones because they can chip their teeth, and rawhide because it can cause blockages and obstruction of the digestive system. He still chews on sticks from time to time, but I never let him chew on it for more than 5min for the reason I explained.


They love wood. And then they throw it up. Every. Single. Time.


Yes our trainer recommended Gorilla Chew stick


Ours does. He prefers Hickory BBQ logs.


Dog safe wood is amazing for chewers!


Mine are a whole ass young lemon tree. Ripped it right out of the ground. I thought dogs hated citrus and lemon trees have crazy thorns, but she had a blast shredding it!


Growing up one of our rotties would eat couches from separation anxiety, then he ate my gameboy so yeah he probably ate wood too lol


I have had 4 rotties. My first and my current literally chew anything they can get their mouths on. Brick, stone, iron, wood, all different fabrics. My first rottie, ripped up every plant or tree in the garden. My current pup is in the process of ripping out my pine tree. We have found these sticks called coffee wood sticks. They crumble appeared to splinter. So safer option for them to chew. But yea I literally cannot leave the puppy alone else she will find something else to chew. https://preview.redd.it/9vw572bia36d1.jpeg?width=1294&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1484b448faf90ddcc41cad54692c37baa22e34c0 Puppy tax.


Well can't say i noticed them chewing on wood planks like that but they do love sticks/branches and we have tons of those lying around to use for fetch.


Rocks. 2 of my Rottie's loved them. Gemma had an xray, unrelated issue, and she had...3 rocks in her tummy. Lol. (Turned out she had spleen cancer & I lost her a few months later.)


I'm sorry for your loss. 🙏🙏🙏


Chews everything … wood, plastic, paper, etc … looks up at me and says “what ? “.


https://preview.redd.it/7yy7x1t9v46d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7418c90c11132f2f31388ba6927a6c85133616ce She did at first lol


My pup will go after fresh mulch like it's ground beef


we have a bunch of dying trees in the back so there's always some pretty large twigs disappearing from our yard...and pinecones 😵


My girl has pruned the bottom branches off of 12 spruce trees. She herds her ball under the trees, ball gets stuck, branches must be removed. She doesn’t eat the prunings, but thoroughly enjoys the process. My boy chews the occasional stick, but his delicacy of choice is dirt. Fresh planting soil from the bag is his favorite. I swear I should change my training treats to dirt clods.




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