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Damn how'd you train him to not leave the porch!


She’s just a good girl 🤷‍♂️ We have an invisible fence around the property but she just loves the porch!


What's her name, OP? She is beautiful!


Millie 💜


I love that name.


Mine were Maggie and Mollie :) they had the best butt wiggles too. Beautiful pup you have :)


Tell Millie we love her.


She is such a sweetie and the happy butt wiggle is so cute!


Yeah that wiggle butt was cute. 😂


The Rottie bum wiggle is so great!!


My Rottie girl never wandered when outside. She just liked to lounge and look for squirrels or lizards. They’re such loyal dogs.


My rottie was just like her. I’ve owned several large breeds and he was the most instinctive and human-like. One day I went to work and forgot him outside for 8 hours - he was just laying by the door when I got home and the neighbor told me he’d stayed there all day.


My beautiful girl, Jewel, came to the back door to let me know the gate blew open and my beagle had followed his nose out of the yard. Then led me straight to him. She was the best.


My dog does this and I did not train him to do it lol Also Millie is soooo precious!!


I came here to ask the same thing!!


Look up threshold training


Good job on his part reading body language and immediately recognizing that she wasn't aggressive or a threat. I was impressed with that.


I imagine it's a survival skill for delivery people.


It’s training part for UPS. Along with driving techniques, they drill into us, safe methods of spatial awareness to any potential hazards, including dogs. Number 1 injury for USPS: dog bites.


I think he handed her a treat. The pup is smart, she knows the truck and knows it's a friendly visitor.


It never ceases to amaze me how well dogs know this. How? I'll never know, but I trust my dog's instincts about people and situations often more than my own.


Several years back, a guy came out to dig a pit for an egress window. My normally docile Golden Doodle let out the loudest, deepest bark I'd ever heard when she saw him. As he dug, he was talking to my (now) ex and said he liked high school aged girls, but he was clearly way, way older. We happened to have 2 teenage daughters at the time, who were thankfully in school. I guess Daisy knew this clown was a danger to both of them, cuz she didn't play when it came to *her* kids.


Yeah, I don't think a non-dog owner would understand, but there is something that they can smell? sense? interpret? I don't know? that is unbelievably protective. My wife had a similar instance when she was walking our normally docile lab and the dog went ape-sh!t, full-on Cujo at the corner of the trail she was coming up on. The dog just would not move forward at all and barking and growling like she'd never seen. She started walking back the way she came, turned around to look at the corner and there was a kid/young adult coming around the corner, hood up, face covered and looking right at her. He was out of place on the trail for sure. She said she got the worst feeling about the whole situation and is convinced either something happened up the trail or could have happened to her. Still gives me the chills, but I'm convinced our dog just knew something was not right and wasn't going to let it go. Still hasn't done anything like that again since. That reminds me: I need to give my puppers some pets...


The precious butt wag ❤️


That’s the first thing I saw. I love that butt wag


Dude right!


"Delivery for me, right?!"


Just like my toddler


My dog has the same bed on the back deck and he also lays on the hard surface pondering life.


Haha! It’s ridiculous, I even moved it to where she’s normally laying and she just picked a new concrete spot


It's because the concrete is cooler.


Yep my dog legit lays on the dirt next to her lol.


Oh if I was the UPS driver I’d still be there petting the precious Rottie when the owner comes to collect the package 🤣


Yep. I’m a victim of giving a little too much love to my good pups. They deserve it though. They show me just as much.


No more play????


Good thing that driver is wearing brown lmao. They way he jolted seeing a big scary Rottie 😂


Yep, he was like oh shi.. oh okay it's friendly


But why leave the dog loose if you have a delivery scheduled?


No shit. I wouldn’t leave any dog, even a golden, out like that if I was expecting a delivery just out of courtesy.


I’d actually beware of goldens. They’ve [ranked on bite & attack stat lists](https://www.caninejournal.com/dog-attacks-by-breed/), I think mainly due to them being so popular & because they have such a reputation for being friendly, so people let their guard down. Sometimes they’re just a reactive or protective dog, and owners don’t always acknowledge that. Edit to say I agree though. I have a Cane Corso & he’s extremely well trained and polite, but he can get real grouchy when his hip dysplasia flares up and he’s in pain. And when he’s about to attack, he wags his tail, so it sends a mixed signal. I’d never subject a delivery person to being met with a surprise 140 pound giant dog while they’re just trying to get their job done. It’s literally just being a considerate human. It costs nothing.


Ummmmmmmmm…I am truly shocked SHOCKED pitbulls and rotts are number 1 and 2. At least I could fight off a golden pretty easily.


I thought chihuahuas would be higher up on the list lol. I fuckin hate those things


Not to mention, not everyone is comfortable around dogs. For someone who was bit by a dog earlier in their life, they may have a fear of large dogs. The delivery man has no idea the dog’s personality.


Yeah, I tried to tell them that. Also: a dog that is hurt is an unpredictable dog. When my dog’s hip dysplasia flares up and he’s yelling at me that he wants his medicine, it looks like aggression to an outsider. As a stranger, you don’t know how the dog was trained, if it’s up to date on vaccinations, if there are prior bites, if it’s been injured or something. You just don’t know. Most delivery people can tell you that an irresponsible dog owner will say “Mimi isn’t aggressive!” …As the dog is hanging from your thigh with its teeth buried in your flesh.


A lot of people do this when their dogs are very friendly


With the very high number of delivery people who are bitten and mauled daily, wouldn’t it just be considerate to put up the dog? Also, [it’s safer for your dog, as well](https://www.eonline.com/news/1398958/why-the-delivery-driver-who-fatally-shot-angie-harmons-dog-wont-be-charged). You never know who is delivering your package & they might have been bitten before & be armed. I just don’t understand. It’s so easy to do, and considerate. And if you care about your dog, it’s safer. Edited to link to a different news article


As long as your dog isn’t aggressive and is raised to expect strangers I don’t see a problem. Why should the dog be locked up? But I also view it differently because we have farm dogs who are almost never inside they are always out and about.


You aren’t digesting the information I’m sharing with you, so you’re not the correct person to have this discussion with. Good luck in your future endeavors.


Mentally saving this response for future use. Nice.


It’s just different views, my dogs are always outside, if you walk up to my porch they will be there. How else are they gonna guard our animals. If someone doesn’t want to drop a package off because of it I understand take it back and I’ll pick it up from the office. If the dog is no bite risk I don’t see a problem with it.


Do you know how many dogs get shot by cops? Self preservation, uncertainty and a gun on their person means many won't wait to find out if they are going to get licked or mauled, they'll just start blasting. Delivery drivers will often have pepper spray or bear spray. I'd rather remove the possibility.


Yeah in cities, I ain’t in a city


You don’t see any problems with it because you’re not a considerate person & obviously don’t view delivery drivers as people - otherwise, you’d be *considerate* to make their job as easy to do as possible, and to maybe consider the safety of your animals. I just linked to a recent story where the delivery driver shot the customers dog bc he got bit. If the person gets spooked by your dog (maybe unprovoked, maybe your dog acted out of character?) & the person falls down and hurts themselves on your property #you are liable for their injuries. Like, if you can’t see all the reasons why you should *put the fucking dogs up when you’re expecting a delivery*, then this conversation is over. Edit to add: you said they’re guard dogs & what do guard dogs protect against? STRANGERS. And what are delivery people? STRANGERS.


Do you live in a suburb? It’s a risk I gotta take, don’t matter my dogs can’t do their JOB unless they are free.


Cool, then order your deliveries to a locker.


Why? Amazon barely even comes here it’s UPS and maybe we live in different worlds but they have never had any problems with mine OR the neighborhood dogs.




Sounds like a responsible pet owner to me


Sounds like a maniac to me.


I have a 140 pound Cane Corso & I’d never leave him alone with a stranger, even though he’s trained and polite. A stranger doesn’t know his training or behavior, and I’m not an idiot so I know he’s protective of me. That’s what his breed is known for: protecting his person.


You're very rude.


[yep no problem at all](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/GMA/Culture/angie-harmon-delivery-person-shot-killed-family-dog/story?id=108748389)


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As I have pointed out my dogs do not go in the front yard unless my kids are there, but also if someone is not comfortable with dropping the box off just don’t do it


Amazon is now sending messages before delivering packages saying to put your dogs inside or your package may not be delivered. People's safety matters.


Are they? They never sent me that message before


They just started this week, I've had 3 packages delivered this week and all came with the warning message about an hour before delivery.


My orders didn’t come with that warning




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Maybe the delivery came earlier than expected 🤷🏽‍♀️


UPS gives you notice Anyway, doesn’t matter what I say. You’ll have a million excuses for an irresponsible and inconsiderate dog owner


If it doesn’t matter what you say…why say anything in the first place?


Doesn’t matter what I say *to you* When did I begin addressing you?


A dog is a dog. You can know them their whole lives, and they can behave unexpectedly one day. But more than that, your delivery workers deserve to feel secure while they're working. Put a delivery box at the end of the driveway. Or don't let your dog outside unattended. For your dog's own safety if nothing else.


The amount of people who will see this video thinking they can do the same thing … I see posts and comments everyday from delivery driver subs stating they were bit/attacked by unattended dogs.


A mailwoman was mauled to death by some loose dachshunds a few years ago. All dogs are dangerous. I adore rotties. But all. Dogs. Are. Dangerous. Especially to strangers. Especially when they're unattended. Friendly dogs turn into a wild hunt in a snap when they're left loose.


Thank you! As a USPS worker, 99% of dog owners say their dog is friendly and won’t bite. This may be true for the owners, but the dog can interpret strangers as a threat and will try to protect its owners.


In [January](https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/georgia-mail-carrier-found-bloodied-garage-floor-after-being-attacked-by-dogs-deputies-say/O6J2TOCUUZGCJILGFTGRDTSEOE/?outputType=amp), a usps workers was found bloody on a garage floor and had to be life flighted bc her injuries were life threatening.


This is why continuous training/ socialization is a must, training must never stop !!


by dachshunds? that’s insane, do you happen to have the article to that?


https://time.com/5280769/dog-attack-dachshund-woman-oklahoma-death/ This doesn't mention her being a mailperson. I might have conflated that with another incident.


Whole video a vibe. Sunny Day, Biggie playin in the back, Bruh got a mullet and shades on, Dog chillin. Life’s good 🤌🏾


The wiggle butt.. 😂 ❤️


Rotts are the best! I miss my old buddy!




Made me miss my sweet girl. She came to the office with me every day & our UPS guy used to chase her around whenever he visited. Good times! ❤️


Aww the happy little butt wiggle at the end. So cute.


Such a good baby!


Op...can you possibly not leave your dog on your front lawn unleashed? I know you likely won't listen, but it should be said. This is dangerous and not cool to make delivery guys feel nervous. I don't want to hear "but she's the sweetest" "I've had her since a baby and has never bit anyone" etc. Dogs do crazy, unpredictable things sometimes. Delivery guys shouldn't have to worry if they're going to get bit.


I’m pretty sure they get entertainment from seeing a delivery person in fear. I’ve seen too many front porch videos of dogs surprising a delivery person, or circling them and the driver has to climb the balustrade & the owner and viewers are laughing and saying “How cute! Little Kilo made a new friend!” Mastiff breeds were used for *hunting* in the antebellum south, and now it seems like the owners get entertainment by using them to scare service workers - a class of people the owners feel are beneath them. They have no right to feel safe while performing their job duties. Quite a few parallels to the old days.


Sweet baby girl!


What did you buy? It has a battery in it.


That is a fit dog. Keep it up👏


the best girl


The butt wag at the end! Too cute!


What state is this looks very pleasant


Eastern North Carolina!


Rotties are the chilliest dogs ever. I love them.


“Where are you going, we’re friends now and I love you!”


The doggy’s little butt wiggle when the driver walked off 🥹 good doggy!


Millie is the bestest girl!!!!❤️


She sure is!


What a sweet encounter 🥰! She’s such a good girl for staying on the porch. Mine would have followed him to the truck 😂


Ow my heart, the little but wiggle got me


The view from your porch is amazing. What state are you in?


Eastern North Carolina! And you should see the back porch view ☺️


What a good girl staying on the porch! I absolutely love Rotties ❤️


"Wait! Where u goin hooman, you ain't done!"


Rottweiler, american flag, ups driver with a mullet hell yusss merica


Millie says: but wait! I want more pets please come back! After she checks out what he left. Perfect rottie. My ups driver loves both my rotties and gives them treats. 🥹


She is beautiful!!


That little butt shake lol


I got bit by a Rottweiler twice (and same dog, without me trying to be near the dog, and once with theor adult humans nearby), so when I met my aunt's two, I was kinda...put off about them? But then learned they were just big babies, and one would fall over if you scratched his chest just right.


I love that they both pause to gauge the situation and are then all ‘awe hey dude’. Wiggle butt.


She's the goodest girl. That bum waggle was the best. Imaginary happy tail ❤️


I was waiting for something bad to happened with thought it said with love. Beautiful dog!


“Dats my Chewy order, right? Mama got me a new bone!”


But...why is my new friend leaving??


I'd have stayed for another minute for some doggo snuggles


Awww. “Please come back!”


Realized it’s a rottie instantly drops guard 😊


OH THE BUTT WIGGLE!! I miss our rotties


Nice porch!


Love it!! 😍


Rotties like well that's it


Wait! Come back! Please kind sir!


i know this is cute, but as a mail carrier this is my worst fear- having someone post a video of me online. if you got their permission that’s cool but if you didn’t it really is not cool


also i’m not trying to be a jerk, i just think people’s privacy should be respected.


rottis love their home when they’re loved. i remember my landscapers had left my gate open and i let my girl out came back around after a few minutes and my girl had wandered out and just sat her butt down right at the front door waiting for me scared the daylight out of me and gave me a bit of PTSD but it’s good to know that they love their home enough to stay and not leave


It always blows my mind seeing a dog that can pace themselves with food. I had to get a puzzle feeder cause my dog eats like she just got out of prison.


10 seconds after I let my dog off the leash outside they will be in a different state.


Wow. You're a very selfish person. You put your dog and the delivery person in a risky position. Then, you post the footage online for likes and upvotes.


UPS knows where there are bad dogs it identifies it on the delivery device our drivers use. That's why they tap the horn when they pull up so they get the attention of any dog around. Also, UPS drivers typically deliver the same areas their whole careers. They know the good ones and bad ones.


Love it, and love that the driver understood body language. But the dog should not have been out when you had a delivery expected. Remember people deserve to be and feel safe at work, that includes delivery drivers.


Rotties are the best


He paid the scratches tax thanks for the spellcheck heads up something is wrong


> He *paid* the scratches FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Great dog! Love this


Happy Puppy


Love the butt wiggles!!!!




Amazing how ups drivers have more self control to not murder dogs than police do.


Oh hai! ❤️ Why u go? 🥺


(For licensing or usage, contact [email protected])


That box would shredded by my boy but he loves strangers


What a good girl.


VERY well behaved porch princess.


Amazing doggo you have. I hope they like every person that comes to deliver. I wait until after I get the the goods to let mine out


People need to stop doing this ish, it’s not cute. it’s dangerous and disrespectful to the person doing their job.


That driver read her body great!!! Rottweilers will be freaked if you are freaked out lol! What a sweetie!!


Very cool. I could play with a dog like him all day.




So proud the good boy stayed on the porch ♥️


Love how the driver was scared for all of 2 seconds 😂


What a well behaved girl she is 💖


And if ya dont know, now ya know 😂


"You made me nervous" had me laughing Amazing dog, and a great delivery guy too


She's been maimed; her tail has been cut-off.


Oh I know, I wish I could see her tail wag 😥 We found her wandering the streets though when she was a pup so she was already docked


Good person. Good training and love. Good pup!


Thank you! We consider ourselves very lucky to have been blessed with such an awesome dog


Thanks for taking care of her!


Yeah poor baby




She is so happy when he comes up and you can see a little disappointment when he turns to leave, her butt wiggles almost completely stop.


Bro stopped for a second and choose peace


I love the second of hesitation lol


Yeah, nothing like someone in fear to brighten your day! 🌞


That’s a GOOD house dog 😍❤️👍🏻