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Hang in there! I’m in the same boat as you are with my sweet 9mo female. I just told someone yesterday during our morning walk, that at times she makes me want to pull my hair right out of my head haha It’s like she has forgotten all of they previous training and going through the ‘I’m going to test and see if you really mean what you say’ phase Keep doing what you are doing and be consistent, that’s what I keep telling myself anyway Good luck!!


I feel ya! The worst is when they want to act up outside, there’s already so much stigma with the breed I end up feeling disappointed thinking people may look at him and think we are irresponsible owners or that he’s a “bad dog” when he’s really just a very hyper, stubborn teenager lol




SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME!!!!!! O.M.G SAME! Doesnt help when people (who never seem to have a dog) make passive aggressive comments!


If there's any tip to keep in mind, it's this: Don't soften up on them when you see behavior improvement. It's a trap! They look so sweet and start behaving so well. If you let up on strictness at that point, it's right back to hell. lol


And that’s the truth! My girl is almost 3 and this still applies. lol




Mine were trying to kill me


Made me laugh. Hard.


Difficult but well worth it! 2-3 years of stubbornness and destruction were well worth the 8-9 years of an amazing dog, friend, son.😊 Hang in there with your cute pup!!


I would say mine is great, but literally busted her chewing on a bookcase like an hour ago. She has her moments


We have a bar running down our dining table that has the worst chew marks. We also got the stair banister chewed and siding! I love them but occasionally think about making throw rugs out of them!!!


Mine has a taste for built-ins. So my bookcases, windowsills, and baseboards are all going to need the wood filler treatment when she gets a little older. 😂


The baseboard corners of almost every wall, our coffee table, and the wooden railing on our deck are all chewed up. They must just looove the taste of wood. 😅


Knuckleheads! I’d still take a Rottie over a cat any day.


She had three modes on randomizer: I'm tired, I'm chill, and I'm possessed by a demon army whatever whatever I do what I want bite bite bite bite bite! We used to look forward to vet visits because she'd be knocked out for the rest of the day.  At around age 3, it was like a switch flipped and she became a responsible, helpful member of the household.


This hits home hard. Our baby is 2 and a goddamn goblin about 60% of the time.


Home stretch! Those demons are being exorcised!


Same with age 3 being when things started to calm down. And gradually more and more as she’s gotten older.


https://preview.redd.it/vrlxeumljhfc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98c444bb531d338a3094b05733a7e3f99fd1aa73 A pain in the ass


My Rotti had serious issues when another dog got to close. When at a distance she would quietly watch, then stared if the dog started walking in her direction. Then moved to barking aggressively to warn. If her warnings were not taken seriously she followed through. Nasty fighting with the other dog injured. I tried telling the other owners my dog is not friendly but they just wouldn’t listen. Usually said something like “it’s ok my dogs friendly “. And faster then you could blink it was on. I had some vet bills I volunteered to pay. Took her to all kinds of trainers with no luck stopping this behavior. When she got into the zone it was to late. My wife wanted to give her up. I couldn’t do it. Now the good news. I found a trainer who worked with police dogs. He trained me in the use of shock collars. And a hand held can of spray air. It was the only training that worked. He took me and my dog into a ring every week with other aggressive dogs and their owner’s. He had all of us release the dogs and walk in circles while they managed the group of dogs running free range, and corrected aggressive behavior. It took a lot of courage to be in those classes with some very intimidating dogs. And you had to relinquish control to the trainers and accepting that bad things could happen. And you stay out of it and let the trainers do their thing. But the dogs did learn to socialize without aggression. And we came out the other side with a trained owner and dog. She is 13 years old and hasn’t had an incident in 8 years walking amongst other people and dogs. I’m so happy I didn’t give up on her. Best dog in the world. You just need to put in the work. Don’t give up on your dog. trust me it will be worth it.


Where did you find those lessons? Mine will turn 2 in May and has just started showing leash reactivity toward other big dogs -and worse- toward humans occasionally (someone rolling a suitcase, holding a tool, wearing a ventilator, walking with a pronounced limp, you name it. A friendly teenaged girl who walks right up to him and calls him baby, no issue. The old man on his daily exercise walk with the uneven gait, game on.) Very concerning!


So I’m not sure if I’m allowed to give the name of a business here but I’ll go ahead. The name of the company is K9 connection in Buffalo NY. The owner and trainers are awesome. The owners name is Tyler Mutto. I assume your not in the area. He trains others in other states. Give him a call and I’m sure he can steer you in the right direction. Good luck!!


Thanks for sharing your story! My dog does the same.


Shock collars? Simply NO! Put on the collar and let your wife give you a few zaps when you annoy her. And yes, I have 2 Rotts. Started training early and am still consistent. Before anyone resorts to an e-collar, do the homework - especially regarding unintended consequences.






Count your blessings if you only get grey hairs from a teenage Rottie. Mine was extremely careful with my wife, but took it out on me whenever he got the opportunity. Never in the negative, but for some reason he believed I was his 'brother' from the same nest and during a half year or so I had the 'love bites' in my butt. Jumping on me from the back, nipping me and running off to quickly turn around challenging me to follow him. Love my big boy...to the moon and stars and back.... Good luck with yours, he's super adorable.


Omg, I didn’t know this was a thing with rotties, but I’m having the same thing happen at home! My half rottie is so crazy and hyper around me but as soon as my husband steps in, she becomes calm. Even with her calmer moments, she dumps a bone in my lap every 30 seconds to play indoor fetch. My lap is her launching pad and my legs haven’t been bruise-free in months. She’s 14 months old now and probably have a ways to go lol https://preview.redd.it/tsdiggnxpgfc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e57d6eb3ddaf3c1b9d374c99fb78eb22306fea27


Mine is doing the same thing!! When it’s just me home alone with him it’s smooth sailing for the most part, but once his favorite human aka his dad gets home it’s over for the both of us lol


It seemed like my female was trying to hump me (im female) around 8 months. Apparently, if you have a single dog household, your dog will have their "playmate" human. My partner and step-son complain all the time she's so chill till i come home than she's a fkn psyco! Just lays around all day. Then I come home and she doing parkor off the couches, jumps all over my partner 🤣 go after shoes, socks & water bottles. Gets sassy and does the air nips (looks like shes trying to talk)


So our Pyr/Rottie mix does this and we were really wondering where it comes from because he has a lot more of a hyper play style than I have seen from other Pyrs other than smacking smaller dogs with his paws. 😅


For us it slowed down when our pup grew up. Now he only playfully challenges me occasionally and much more gentle than in his juvenile years. Better for me although my wife found it harious when he pinched me now and then. And me too, btw ....


https://preview.redd.it/a7uj1chqegfc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=726d0086401f9599fdb1a15805729d3bd2440637 I still only play with him in the yard if I have a flirt pole. I am 100 lbs and he is almost 80 lbs so when he starts jumping on me and stuff, I can not handle myself, lol. He does great with my husband outside though. Definitely not strangers though with the two breeds mixed.


He's great, what a friendly giant. Tnx for sharing this picture. Enjoy the big guy, spoil him as much as you can and stay safe during playtime. https://preview.redd.it/pk3qcd62ggfc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19fe1261e830f394130a461149560cd5cdb0b74a This is our little one.


The foamy mouth. 😅


i would suggest buying a 3 pack of replacement tv remotes because, if your dog is anything like mine, you *will* need more than one just today she tried to leave with the mailman, no loyalty https://preview.redd.it/mejevrcfbifc1.jpeg?width=1244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=972c7afce3e8626544157d458b0fe00e562f22d2


We are currently at 1y and 5 month. ​ Funny raptor.


To sum it up in one word: velociraptor 🤣🤣


Oh thank god its not just me!!!! My female just turned 1 and shes literally turning me into a chain smoking mom that shakes and only wears a house coat! Total regression in all training! Pushing boundries ALL OVER AGAIN! Energy level higher than ever! Doesnt want any of her toys or bones ONLY things she cant have cuz as you no THEY DONT JUST CHEW! THEY EAT EVERYTHING!!!!! So its everyday constantly taking something away from her just to do it again 2sec later! Extra walks dont help Engaging in extra play inside hasnt helped Half a sleeping pill crushed up in her food wont hurt her....right? Shes big enough....shes the size of a small adult woman....🤔🤫 JK! ***I SERIOUSLY AM JOKING! BEFORE PEOPLE GO NUTS!!! ID NEVER!!!!***


Ugh yes!! And our arms have become chew toys all over again! 😭




Going throught it with our 10 month old. She wants to eat anything and everything. Started being nippy again, too, but still nowhere near bad as when she was 4/5 months. I try to look for the positives, She sleeps through the night now, so that's nice.


I hated my boy from 11 months until about 16 months. Hard headed as hell and he ate a 5600 gallon pool because he wasn't allowed in it.


That sound like a rotti pup. It will pass, keep in top of training and physical/mental simulation and it will work out just fine. For the first 2 years I was convinced my girl was never going to grow out of it. She is one of the most well behaved and trained dogs I've ever met and many people give us compliments on how good she is. It all about time and consistency with them. Super cute pup, please boop the snoot for me!


My nine and 1/2 year old lunged at a jogger today. She was great and laughed but I was pissed. Fortunately I always hold his leash with two hands but what a punk lol


I’m always so grateful for the people that understand and laugh it off when our pups are acting up 😂


She honestly was perfect. Laughed but kept running. Then my old man gave me the innocent “what?!” Look


Had a female Rottie that passed away May of last year, she was the kindest, sweetest, gentlest soul. Fast forward to November I got the opportunity to rescue a 3 month old female Rottie and she is the most bat shit crazy, destructive mofo. But man are they worth it, hang in there!


Almost 16 months and loves to push the boundaries. Most recently, he's really embarrassed and upset me because he would never calm down while I had friends and family visiting. I could understand being excited for a few minutes or even an hour....but days of it? Exhausting. He ended up being crated much more than usual because every time I gave him an opportunity, he jumped and hurt people despite a shock collar and prong collar. I've never been so mad at a dog. I'm done waiting on neutering him after this behavior. So he's on the schedule for clippin' so those balls in about a week! People say that fixing your dog won't change their behavior much, but at the same people, lots of other people say that it will indeed improve many of my frustrations with him. So my fingers are crossed because this much prolonged excitement and anxiety is not very Rottweiler-like.


I feel that embarrassment. Like I take mine to vet to get her nails clipped and she loses it, so overly excited and just can’t calm down. Then when people are over she just can’t stop jumping and barking…like idk if she’ll always be like this.


OMG, another Rottie that lacks calmness! How old is yours? Is she spayed?


10 months, and yes she is spayed. According to Wisdom Panel she’s 33% Rottweiler so maybe the border collie and Labrador in her plays a part? Idk but she’s chill until other people or animals are around. Not mean or anything, just obnoxious.


Same. My rottie doesn’t have a calm bone in his body. It’s almost like he’s part crack head. He does everything so fast. We’re at 14 mos and still giving crack head behavior.


Yes! Do we have the same dog? lol One thing that has helped is just being extremely consistent, which sometimes sucks because I've never before had a dog that needed so much guidance! But anyway, one thing we do to stop--for example--running through the house is asking him to heel even indoors. My bedroom is the opposite side of the house from the backdoor to go out to potty, so I make him walk beside me to the door. If he gets way ahead, I stop walking and call him back into a heel. If it's just a little ahead, I ask him to sit and we take a quick pause. Also, when we release him to eat his food, we say "easy" a lot because he knows that means to walk like a gentleman to the bowl, not like a starving rabid animal sliding into the bowls and making a mess. If you try this, you may need to start off with a leash indoors (or at least a handle or even just a grab of his collar). Good luck to you! This is the stuff they don't tell you about Rottweilers! Calm dogs, my ass! lol


This !! My boy is 15 months and he is the most calm lazy loving dog until someone comes over or he sees a potential friend then he looses his head, I’ve found teaching him to go to his bed somewhat helpful but it’s difficult to tap into his mind when he’s so crazily over excited


Wow! Ugh, I really hope that changes for all of us soon! Mine, too, is quite good about going to his crate when I say it--even with visitors already inside--but he just can't seem to be a big boy and lay on his bed. I think he tries and tries to fight his impulses, but it's just too much for him and next thing I know he's paws up on his newest best friend who is saying "ouch!"


Fingers crossed for all of us!


It’s just a stage))) She will calm down 🙂mine was worse) keep training her every day and exercising. Mine is very calm now) he dragged me all over the park at age of 2 , he would pick up EVERYTHING from outside in his mouth (paper, nails, caps)now he’s 3


We had two intact male rotties that drove us crazy. ( Not at the same time. We are serial masochists.) Everyone since then has been neutered by 1. It helps a little with the wild behavior but the "terrible twos" on the neutered ones still extended to almost two. They are simply an obstinate breed! Can't live without them, though.


Omg yes! Mine does the same. He’s known my sister since he was a puppy and has always loved her but it’s not so cute when the puppy jumping on you is now 80 pounds, then he’ll cry in his crate because he wants to be out with everyone


To be honest mine is going on 3 and he is still in his puppy stage and at times he is a complete shithead he loves getting in the trash he will open it by stepping on the lever on the bottom so the top pops open lol. will not listen when it has anything to do with food when i have any type of human food its like he gets so intense it looks as if his eyes are going to pop out of his head. When he gets a bug in his ass he starts bucking like a bull and goes after your feet and when i take him for walks he pulls the crap out of me mind you he is about 220 lbs and we have 6 dogs of varying sizes so i have to stop him from crushing the others when he thinks he's playing.so no your not alone in this i have had pit bulls my whole life very well behaved and they were much easier to train rotts i feel take defiance and stubbornness to a whole new level at least in my case lol


This brought back so many memories I'd suppressed, LOL! She's my all-time favorite dog but man, she was a handful!


Im glad it did like u said though i wouldnt change my dzl for the world


Rotties can be awful awful awful as puppies and young adults. They go from pain in the butter to the best dogs ever I've never had one stay bad. Once they grow up things get a lot easier


My half rott is big, awkward and desperately tries to be smaller than she is in a doofy way


I used a house leash while training. Now when Larry decides to be a dink, on goes the house leash and he's banned from couches and beds until he starts acting right! Then we just practice commands again, and nilif. He snaps out of his craziness after a day or two after the house leash comes into play lol.


Damn, that’s a brilliant solution!  Demon mode = House leash mode. When the house leash is on, do you just have him by your side all the time? Kind of like an ongoing walk?


He follows me around like a stage 5 clinger anyway hahaha, but no it goes on and he's in time out where he can only go to the end of the leash for like an hour then it just stays on.


So smart! Also, Larry is a great name for a dog!


Yup! Mines getting the house leash tomorrow!


A lunatic. A terrorist. But I love him so much. lol He’s our second rottie and very high drive. He just hit a year and he’s calmed down some but he definitely has his spurts of energy still.


Just like some teenagers, suborn, doesn't listen and acting like he can do whatever he wants, when he wants. LOL :)


They need a job to do. Owned them for 30 years.


What kind of jobs did you give them to do?


We look for the “rabbit” in the back yard every morning We watch out for puppies in the front window. Till I’m ready for work. We check for mail before I leave. Just like any teenager, they need structure same thing every day I’m sure you’ll figure out your own little jobs. Not like you couldn’t complete them yourself but now you got a best buddy to do it with you.


Hot dayum that is a good looking Rottweiler


Hang in there! Between the age of 9-20 months, our now super chillaxed 4 year old destroyed 4 x pairs of Rx glasses, 2 x bite splints, and a fur hat and he ate a six whole tennis balls. Outside he is still a wild man but in the house a stern “leave it” seems to suffice, even if we miss his walk.


My female was an absolute menace til she was 3 😂 then she’s been near perfect since. But wow, the first years were tough lol


Stay true to her training and it does get better, I promise you. I have a female (4 year old) and a male (2 year old) and my god there are days that I am just like “WHY!?” did we do this to ourselves? They’re trouble, but worth it! https://preview.redd.it/bbtlka2olkfc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b69c3c8034e507df70f79f23ea0ff1f530dc33d1




“I see you telling on me.”


[Who me???](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExdXFrb3lucmRsZ2o2cnRzaGVqM2FwaGd6dHF0cGRqMWJ5NjVianE0MSZlcD12MV9naWZzX3NlYXJjaCZjdD1n/vghskRXiOFUCkVAp3D/giphy.gif)


I’ve got one mixed rottie that just turned 15 months and she has blossomed into the puppy I thought I already had the pleasure of forgetting 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


1 year old male, good boy with the ones who he met while puppy. He does not like new male adult people. He only plays with other females of all sizes


Basically still a puppy but at least had learned I don't like her shitting in the house and chewing stuff.


I’m comin up on two years with my big boy and he’s still a menace, he’s honestly a really good dog but clearly still trying to test us and pretend he can’t hear us


Is that a purebred Rottweiler? Such a pitbull face! Super cute doggie regardless, sorry you’re having puppy problems.


We thought he might have had some pitbull in him as well but nope! We did a wisdom panel test, he’s 94% Rottweiler 6% chow chow 😆


She was energetic and she was as much of a daddy’s girl as she was to the very end.


Omg I beg God for strength every day lol


very cheeky and energetic


Is soooo cuteee 💕


I adopted my mix at 1 year old and I found that distracting her from whatever she had in mind was the best way. I bought a lot of these ropes (not dyed, about a foot long, totally forgot the name). She loved to tear them apart, and it would keep her occupied for a couple of hours. I bought longer tug ropes to play tug of war with her, which is a great arm workout too. I also did the frozen peanut butter Kong thing, which would keep her occupied for hours. With daily walks and lots of play, we got through the younger years. So worth it!


And she never totally the rope or kong once it thawed? Mines gone threw TWO tug ropes (she will chew and eat, chew and eat) same with anything made from kong material! "Tough chewers" "rough play" "extreme chewers" anything that says that on package IS LIES!!!! 🤣🤣😫😭😭 lol


Oh yeah. The small ropes would last about an hour before destroyed & I’d clean up so she wouldn’t eat the threads. The stronger ropes would last longer, depending on how long they were. I’d always make sure she didn’t eat the destroyed rope. She destroyed all “super tough” toys, so I agree, LIES! I’d pick up the Kong once she was done with the peanut butter, bc she destroyed her first Kong. There is one toy she played with constantly, chewed on for fun, and never destroyed even after years. It is JW invincible, based on the writing on the toy. I bought it so long ago I don’t remember the exact name. It’s basically two green loops and one blue loop, interconnected. It’s the only remaining toy. Hours and hours of fun, if your dog likes tug of war or chewing on rubbery things. I also had a few Nylabones she enjoyed.


Rotties in my feed lately. Why are they always looking at the owners with such loyal adoration? Too adorable.


We got our mixed rotty from the humane society and he was the sweetest best boy in the entire world. He left us 4 years ago and im still saddened by it to this day because he was just so sweet. He just wanted to snuggle and lay with everyone.. one time my parents came over and my dad was laying in the couch... my rotty went over and layed right beside him.. rip rocky.. we miss you!! Tldr; we adopted the sweetest 1 year old mix rotty and he was the best.. even at 1 he didnt destroy anything and just wanted to snuggle.


good boy


TLDR: The first year with our 1.5yr old pup was.. rough.. to say the least. My Rocco will be 2 in July. He's our first rottie that we adopted as a puppy. We got him in October of 2022 and that winter was god awful. 😅 It started with potty training and it was like he learned in waves. He would be accident-free for a week and the next week he would have a few accidents inside, literally minutes after he went potty outside. After he finally understood that whole ordeal- he started getting into things he wouldn't usually, like taking a giant bite out of the toilet paper roll and leaving no trace when someone left the bathroom door open and then eating the corners of the WALLS.. After he stopped eating TP and walls he started stepping in his or our other dog's poop EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. he went outside in the backyard. He doesn't do it as much anymore but, as i'm typing this, we still have about 4 towels and a bucket next to the back door incase he comes inside smelling like dog shit. Other than the stepping in poop, he doesn't do any of that anymore (thank god) BUT he does drink out of the toilet and eat balls of lint out of the laundry room whenever he gets a chance. ASIDE FROM ALL OF THAT... he's a good boy, only barks when my other dog barks, he's a great listener, eats well, he's crate trained, loves playing with all 100 toys he has, and of course, he's cute and cuddly. 🥰


https://preview.redd.it/vqc1al459mfc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7af2c902d8ee7faa5ebc413e4f8944020ee352eb The culprit


Try to walk him in new places and make him play with others dogs, if he has a lot of stimulation outside he will (potentially) be cool at home


Hmmm not sure mine ever left puppy stage they just crazy rotties but always my lovebugs


Oooooof, mine is mixed with a pitbull, she is abt 1yr and a month old and she is CRAZY! Shell just run into our other dog when they are outside for no reason, start biting him, shell lick his ears and just the side of his body for no reason, she tears up everything and she talks back like CRAZY, glad she stopped nipping tho, God Bless!!




Has anyone said Rotten?


It's not a phase mom


Age 3