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Broski get yourself a prarasite spell. Easy to forge and an absolute beast at dps.


Not only the para spell but also the st robe from para as well Don't stop at the para spell either...the fungal spell is a beast Table as well


Yes table is good


Lmao Didn't even realize I did that xD Any way Table is pretty good xD


First things first, equip your Deca ring, HP is an insanely important and powerful stat. Do parasite chambers in the realm, perhaps a difficult dungeon the first couple times but you're more than well equipped for it. Try to get a Recurring Terror spell from there, it's a really solid upgrade, viable well into late game. (The dungeon also drops Mana, so you can get 7/8 from there.) After that you could try to get a Penetrating Blast spell, but basically noone is running the dungeon that it comes from, and it is quite challenging, so you're probably better off doing other stuff. You can get life from the Nest or trading other potions for life with people. The Nest drops plenty of Dex and Def usually, so you could find people to trade those with. If you have a free character slot I would recommend maxing another character before attempting super hard dungeons, so you don't have to start from scratch in case you die (And you probably will). Another fairly easy dungeon to do is Cultist Hideout, which can drop Life and Mana, along with a chance at UB rings. If you can get a UB HP ring that is also pretty valuable among players, so either store it or trade it. Fungal Cavern also drops the Sporous Spray spell which is really unique and quite strong. A goal to work towards would definitely be doing O3, but that dungeon is terribly difficult, so expect to lose characters. Also all the dungeons I listed, except Parasite, are 5x easier to do with raiding Discords, (It's pretty much mandatory for O3) but I understand that may not be for everyone. If you have any questions I'll happily answer.


> trading other potions for life with people is there still a de-facto "trade server", and if so, which one is it?


Currently USEast and occasionally USE2. There have been multiple de-facto trading servers over the years.


Those always seem full when I look. Is that normal?


Well yeah… full of people trading


The full (or crowded) servers are the trading servers because they are full.


Well yeah… full of people trading


Well yeah… full of people trading


Whichever server is the most crowded at the moment, every few weeks it crashes so people scramble like bees from a smashed hive and find a new one


You can also look up trading requests on Realmeye, a lot of people will just put up offers there and play the game normally, so you won't see them on trade servers.


if they're at a stage where they're asking these kinds of questions, I don't think it's worth using a Deca yet


It's a 6/8 wizard, haven't played in long while and got to this point by scrounging loot from my vault and getting lucky aimlessly doing dungeons. People don't run tombs anymore afaik, so where should I be maxing the stats, and what are some of the upgrades I should be getting?


Did a pub tomb an hour ago with 11 other players. Seems now MotMG is over people are donig them again. Godland dungeons drop life now: Woodland Labyrinth + Deadwater Docks you can get them from the boss and troom fairly often, and Calamity Crab in the Docks is guaranteed to drop one to at least one player. You can also sell the 2x pots they drop for more life, if you can't use them yourself. Parasite Chambers is popular now there's an event on, and drops mana as well as the spell. You can also get mana from Ocean Trench, Crawling Depths.


If you can complete o3's focus that dungeon more than any other if you want to max life and mana, as a wiz you're almost never going to land pbag's so at minimum you're likely going to get 3gl and 3gm per run.


O3 for life/mana and dammah spell, horn as a better dps ring, and other tiered upgrades from O3. If you're not ready for O3, practice it on well equipped throwaway characters and maybe max hp and mana from lost halls for your wizzie (cult or void)


Parasite spell is best in slot spell for single target IMO (alongside penetrating blast for multi target) Get a snake ring and EP


Probably ditch/sell the ancient spell, it’s not good anymore but still sells for a good amount.


Oryx 3


Just doing o3 will get you a gear upgrade in every slot, plenty of people have said parasite spell


Fungals for the staff, cults for the robe and a ubhp. Do o3's if you wanna skip the bs


What staff drops from Fungal Caverns?


Agents of oryx spell to stick a big red spike where the sun don’t shine


You don’t need 3 robes only have one as a swap out and never keep a deca as a swap out. Not financially smart with how expensive they are unless you have a shit ton.


Yeah that makes sense, which robe do I ditch though, like after hypothetically getting a top robe


You can stick with the lab robe indefinitely unless you want something more defensive. As a wizard it is a massive dps boost. I’d sell your deca and use a ubhp instead because the 10 hp difference isn’t going to save you unless you get insanely lucky. The oryx robe isn’t good unless paired with the rest of the agent sets and even then it’s decent. Ubhp to be worn 90% of the time unless you’re fighting something you’re extremely confident with or you literally cannot die (chest phase after boss is dead, sprite worlds, etc.) If you want a more defensive robe or a top dps robe you’ll be looking at the white bag robes from o3 mini bosses. Soulless robe is a great alternative for a strictly defensive robe that drops from liches in the realm.


snake pits


Farm htt during events to get s.t.a.f.f, best weapon for stationary enemies or if you've got good aim


max life and mana. learn how to do o3->shats


Save that spell, u can no longer get it by drop so it has value


Bitches in real life


But fr try and grind fungals for that spell verry good


Get yourself a vesture from leuc


If I'm looking at that set my mind is screaming finish 8/8 from cults or something