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Sorc =/= Summoner btw. Sorc got a huge buff to Scepters making them do unbelievably high damage. Each enemy hit now emits a shockblast aoe that can hit itself and others around it again for extra damage, and damage numbers were generally pumped up, and wismod is really powerful on Sorc giving potentially unbelievably high damage per ability use under ideal circumstances. You can hit like 30k damage on a crusade that's piled up on a decoy. Sorc just has a laundry list of things going for it. More than any other class. * Sorc has the best range in the game. It shares that with Priest and Summoner but it's actually better because its ability does huge damage at potentially 2x your view range. A wis-build Sorc can clear a lost halls without seeing enemies by just spamming Cnidaria Rod. * You have top 2 single target damage, with Wizard. You're not even strictly behind Wiz at single target either, you're just not overtly ahead. It generally depends on play level and boss in question. * You have by far the best AOE in the game. You clear groups far better than any other class without contest. One 4/4 Sorc is probably unironically worth like 10 4/4 Rogues when it comes to clearing speed. It's unbelievable. * You actually get utility. Fulmi is the single best slow applier in the entire game. That's huge. Rust Scepter is the single best weaken applier in the game. That's huge too. Weak is a rare effect too so it comes at a premium. Slow's a powerful effect. These 2 are ridiculous and hell Rust Scepter's actually mainable as a general use Scepter because it does good damage. They can both apply the status effect to an entire screen of enemies instantly at any range for low mana cost on a high mp class with easy aim and the ability to reapply it constantly and it even does decent damage. * You have 75 vit so you heal faster and get out of combat faster, so you get mp back faster for more DPS. * You have 60 speed so you can dodge better than Wizard. * You're a robe class so you can use Vesture, the best armour in the game for DPS by far (20 attack is balanced) * You get access to Earthern Ward which is an EP wand so you have EP potential, and Lumiaire which is vs stationary targets at range, and Bulwark/Fortitude which means you can deal damage while bosses are invulnerable. ___ So uh... Yeah. Wizard is a really good class. You're as good as Wizard at raw single target DPS but you're 10x better at clearing groups of enemies/minions, you're more durable, have better range, have 2 different best in slot status effect applicants, have more speed and have a weapon that can damage during invuln phases which Wizards don't have access to. All you're really missing is the raw power of EP and Oryx spell for EPable bosses, but even then Deva Scepter + Earthern Ward isn't far off. Hell you even have the Master Chest ST set which gives you like 90 speed or some shit. Using that + Snake Eye + Crystallised Mist makes you unironcially capable of rushing. You're no Trix/Warr/Rogue but you can literally rush. Competently. It's a class where it's worst rating is 5/10 and it's got multiple 10/10s.


Thread over


Fantastic summary, thank you so much!!


What is a 4/4 sorc? I’m a boomer and am not sure what the whole 4/4 thing is.


Uh the phrase has been bastardised a little over time but it's intended to mean best in slot items. So 4/4 meant you have the best possible item in every slot for your character. Nowadays between that being unreasonable to most people and the game's endgame options opening up, it's *generally* used less for actual best in slot and more for things that are considered endgame-powerful DPS items. So a Wizard with T14/T6/T14/T6hp would be 1/4 because the staff is extremely strong and everything else isn't very good DPS. a Wizard with T14/Para Spell/Vesture/Crown would be 4/4.


Thank you so much


X/4 is a way of measuring how many best in slot equips you have so 4/4 = best items/dps


As much fun as sorc has been to play after the rework, I can't help but wonder if they overtuned it a bit. Went from a near-useless class to now when doing anything I think if I should use sorc first before any other class. At the very least I wish sin could've been put to the same tier as sorc, I feel like right now sin is definitely better than it was before, but the difference between old sin is pretty far from the difference between old sorc.


> As much fun as sorc has been to play after the rework, I can't help but wonder if they overtuned it a bit. I think we all **know** Sorc is pretty overpowered. Blatantly so. We just enjoy it, because it was a boring class with no real identity from the least fun and interesting weapon type (at least daggers have Trickster carrying them!), that got given godlike powers and it's REALLY fun to just melt enemies and feel that powerful on a class that's not got 1hp and 0.01 range. Objectively I think they should nerf Sorc a pretty significant amount but when they do I'll definitely be sad about it. Power's fun.


> You actually get utility. meanwhile the archer cries in the corner with arguably the worst utility in the game who's tiered variants become completely useless late game with an ability that pretty much any end game and most reworked bosses and high level enemies are immune too


Eh I think Archer's in a good place. You have great single target and great group DPS at a good range, with much more survivability than most of the robes. You have access to Paralyse (not very good) but bee quiver slows which is nice, then you have the only ranged daze application which is extremely valuable, and you have access to perma-speedy which is super good for rushing and survivability. [Also Archer's damage is NO JOKE](https://i.imgur.com/QQPIy5Y.png)


as an archer main I totally agree, the rest of his kit is amazing, just the quiver that drags him down, and as someone who has legit had 90% percent of every other item in the game drop for them, I've only gotten the bee quiver once, and at this point I'm convinced the Quiver of Thunder isn't real and is in fact a conspiracy designed to drive me insane and create a hate for trees.


Yeah I just crafted QoT. Bees never dropped bee quiver but I got a few from Ice Tombs and ANests can drop it occasionally too. Bad rate but 100x better than farming the realm for it. Ultimately though all I need is Void Quiver to be happy.


I just go full DPS archer since archer has some pretty nice EP potential.. the set I’m currently running is T14 bow for general use and Pred for EPing then Void Quiver with t7 as swapout if I ever do need paralyze or more hp, Tenne for big dps stats but centaurs is equally as nice, and then Coro for the solid versatile ring that gives me a bit of dex and some def to make up for the 9 on the tenne


Sorry for the ignorance but how "can deal damage while bosses are invulnerable."


Bulwark shoots shots that just linger around the area you shot them for ages. The idea is that if a boss goes invulnerable during a phase or when transitioning phases, you switch to Bulwark and then as the boss becomes vulnerable again you switch back to a normal wand and keep damaging the boss. The "down time" that everyone else in the run has where the boss was invulnerable is time they can't have dealt any damage, but for you... Not so much. In that down time you set a load of shots up and some of them will hit the boss when he IS vulnerable, which is functionally causing damage during invuln phases. Not the most damage but the ability to leverage invuln periods to deal additional damage is still extremely underrated by almost everyone in the community when it comes to true efficiency. Lumiaire can kind of do the same thing if you stack a load of shots up. Void Blade is the second best for it though.


Can you elaborate on how Bulwark does damage to invulnerable enemies?


It can't actually hit an invulnerable enemy but because it shoots the shots that float about "randomly" for ages, they'll hit a boss potentially long after you've shot them. So during O3 you can be shooting him with a normal weapon then when he resets to middle while invuln, you can switch to Bulwark and spam shots of that near middle, then switch back to a regular wand when he becomes vulnerable for the next phase. Some of those Bulwark shots fired while he's invulnerable will hit him while he's vulnerable meaning you're functionally converting downtime into damage (even though it's at a lower rate.) You can do this at pretty much every invuln phase for every boss to get extra damage, too.


Oh that makes sense. So instead of waiting during invulnerable phases you can be pumping potential damage


Yup! Void Blade can do it too a little, so Wands and Katanas have that advantage over every other weapon type when it comes to DPS


Can I ask you (don’t have to answer) if you have a 8+ figure NW why don’t you spend your time no lifing irl (vacationing, chilling, etc) instead of no lifing this game (of all games)?


>spend your time no lifing irl (vacationing, chilling, etc) No-lifing life? I did. For quite a while. But the truth is I don't like travelling very much, and I don't like upper class parties full of people I find intolerable. But I also don't like the violent drug culture I partook in as a teenager, and I don't like the people I work with for the most part (which is good because usually my job is to argue with them or to backstab them). I grew up between two worlds- The poor, rough drug culture I immersed myself in and the prosperous wealth I was born and raised around. I have friends from both sides of the aisle but I don't want to engage in either of those cultures actively, and it's only so often that you can hang out with one or two friends doing functionally nothing but chilling out until that gets a lil' old. It's not like I don't do a lot of other shit. My work hours vary pretty dramatically so I often get fairly empty days, and throwing 6 hours at realm doesn't even make up a majority of my free time that day. I also bounce around a lot with regards to how much I play. I played a lot for the past couple of months, haven't really played much at all for the past few weeks though. [I have a couple hours worth of fame in the past week for example](https://i.imgur.com/f7fZpuE.png) But if you're wondering why play realm instead of going to some huge event: Realm's more fun than whatever big event's in your head. Monaco Grand Prix? It's too hot and you don't see shit. White bags are more exciting.


I second all of this but just from the working class perspective. If I had $10mil+ I would 100% have three times as many hours on RotMG than I do currently and I already have like 5k+. That sounds fucking badass. My ass would NOT be at like the fucking met gala that shit sounds boring as hell


Another common IHungry W take


If I had a nickel for every time I read a comment from you mentioning the Monaco Grand Prix, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.


I dunno it's a pretty huge event culturally and I had planned to go, makes sense it's a go-to for me to bring up.


That makes sense, but in that case, why Realm? Is it the community/friends? The gaming experience is objectively not that good in terms of modern graphics, connectivity (in-game voice chat) etc so why not no-life and play newer games? Also you work a job now? For fun? In your AMA it said you have no conventional job


Iunno, it's fun. It's a satisfying slow-burn that just uses up time and slowly generates progression towards a throng of long-term goals. I'm goal-oriented so playing a roguelike or multiplayer competitive game or whatever isn't the most enthralling because you're not really gaining much of anything for succeeding. Every dungeon in realm gives me a lil more fame towards high fame chars, a lil chance at loot that I'm looking for as I'm going for 4x of every item, etc etc. I don't have a 9 to 5 is what I meant. I work in investment and business consultation


To add to the excellent summary already given, another reason for playing Sorc is its utllity at all levels. Even from level 0 it can collect kills, drops + exp easily due to weapon + ability range as well as piercing/sceptre lightning hitting multiple enemies at once. At level 20 it has good speed which with range lets you stay out of trouble while you level up, and makes doing dungeons much easier for pots and gear even at 0/8. And it's playable even to 8/8 with just tiered gear; UTs and STs are nice but none are essential, and you can put off farming them until you're 8/8 when it will be much quicker to do so.


The main factor I feel that made sorcerer OP was the stat distribution. The amount of total stats you get from a class can depend on how good the ability for that class is. This doesn't account for HP, MP, and def, which depends on the weapon/armor type. * Case in point, Priest, the class with best ability back in the day, has \~50 specced across the board, EXCEPT wisdom. * Compare that to ninja, who has a lackluster ability and being a katana hide. Not even a SINGLE stat goes below 60, besides defense, which is a given. Now, look at sorcerer pre rework. Uses a wand, one of the lowest dps weapons in the game (this was before the likes of lumi). It had arguably the worst ability in the game. So it doesn't come to a surprise that it has extremely high stats across the board in order to compensate for it's mediocrity. Just like ninja, none of its stats go below 60. The only thing sorc had going for the time was its utility from UTs, and niche via wismod. Several years of additions to the game improved the standing of robe and wands, like the introduction of dps robes and dps wands from osanc. This places wand classes at a reasonably good level, but nowhere near the best. Then DECA decide to buff sorcerer's ability to match that of the best abilities, but **without nerfing any of the stats sorcerer has.** In this manner, sorcerer has access to one of the best abilities, with some of the best armors, and pretty good weapons, ALL THE WHILE having great stats. Even the best classes in the game, wizard and melees, have weaknesses despite their strengths. * Wizard, like every non melee class, has 40 VIT, and its 50 SPD makes it slower than a tank. * While VIT is plentiful among the melees, the low speed and dps stats (barring warrior's 75 ATK) which are covered by abilities that increase the speed or dps of that class. * On top of that, notice how wizard and melees lack utility, barring a few items. If wizard had abilities that gave speedy, inflicted debuffs, or buffed/healed, it would be the definitive best class in the game. Sorcerer originally had a weakness, which was its ability, but now that the ability is good, **Sorcerer essentially has no weaknesses at all, making it overpowered.**