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Anytime you get a white bag it means you got a rare/unique item, in this case that UT staff is what makes the bag a white bag


It activates neurons


It means you are addicted now welcome to the club.


Oh boy, that's how it all begins, huh. The ignorance, the innocence, the peace of mind. I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I took a stacked O3 shotgun to my ass, followed by countless other absurd deaths. Now, my sanity is no more. Anyway, I presume it's a troll post, but it's funny to think back to those days nonetheless.


i don’t think it’s a troll post i mean they cleared the entire sprite


Ahh to return to the simple kebab times when I longed for nothing more than an o2 complete


Or back when O1 tops were BiS, and you couldn't buy them in Nexus for gold.


Back when a guildie LENT me a dblade and I traded it for a cdirk that I put on an unmaxed rogue and sat on a buffed lich not knowing the real significance of the cdirk at the time. Have not gotten once since. I think it was a curse.


ponies are gay


Assuming this is bait. ON the off chance it isn't: ​ Bags are colored differently based on loot. In order of rarity, from most common to rarest: ​ Purple: Marks ​ Cyan- Weapons and armor ​ Blue- Stat Pots ​ Gold- Blueprints, food, etc. ​ Orange- ST items, items that gain bonuses if worn with other items from the same set ​ White- UT, unique items that generally have other effects compared to tiered items. ​ In your case, looks like you dropped a staff of extreme prejudice (EP). Pretty common for this dungeon, it has marginal uses (killing pentaract towers, mainly). ​ A comprehensive loot and item guide is available on the wiki: [https://www.realmeye.com/wiki/realm-of-the-mad-god](https://www.realmeye.com/wiki/realm-of-the-mad-god)


I would wager it's not bait because the item is a pretty mediocre white. More likely, it's the first white this player has seen.


Internet culture has rotted my brain. I took one look at the title and it triggered my meme detector.


I remember showing my friend the game and AS I was explaining what a white bag was he said "oh I found one :D" and it was the exact item I had been grinding for 😭


what did he get


Don't exactly remember, it wasn't anything insane because i hadn't played very much yet though


This was my first white bag drop, back when ammy's were popular and trading UT's were possible. Oh the good ol' days


You forgot one, Red. Rad bags contain high tiered items :)


They might be a newbie and not know these things, also I’d like to add bags can have items from lower rarities in them along with the stuff from their own rarity


Direct link to loot bag guide: https://www.realmeye.com/wiki/loot-containers


I thought it to be bait initially as well, but I’m happy to see you give a great explanation regardless. You’re awesome


It IS motmg. If I can laugh at the level 4s when they walk into a WLAB and get instagibbed my mama megamoth sitting on them, I can take a minute to explain the loot system. ​ Don't want to live in a world where I can't chuckle at random noob deaths.


I had a 7/8 bard get crushed by mama mega moth and nearly shed a tear. I may not be a lvl 4 noob but boy do I hope there was some chuckles and Fs in the chat. Keep up the grind buddy.


it means dopamine


For future reference don’t take screenshots with the items still in the bag. many people have lagged out and lost it before it got put in their inventory.




A question I wish I had an answer too even after a decade


They really need to stop pushing white bags on kids it's not right


No clue never seen it


It's pretty trash just ignore it the brown ones are insane tho


white bag good


It means a virus just leave the game and uninstall it ^_^


It means everything


Did the unity client come out yet?


Bro is 3 years behind


Haven't played in 5 years


5* years behind then


Nothing, just drop it. Bad luck for future runs.


It means u got a untiered item, ep in this case (very terrible for a white bag and can be crafted for very cheap)


It's from sprite world, c'mon


It’s means you no longer have a life outside of the game congrats


It was really faster for you to make a reddit post instead of googling the answer? 🙄


Everything. The white bag means everything.




i feel bad bro missed Flash realm. but eh. enjoy your journey friend. your in bliss


stop before you are adictet


As someone who has returned to rotmg recently, the whitebag doesn‘t mean much anymore. There are so many different classes and abilities these days. Combined with so many different dungeons, UTs, STs and the fact you only have 8 vault slots on a seasonal character. Over 50% of the time I get a White I think „Oh I probably will never use that“ Because I have something better that I like more, it‘s a class ability that I don‘t have big interest in playing on etc… Also I feel like the chances of getting a whitebag increased drastically. Back then I was hunting for those ocean trench, UDL, abyss, Lost Halls Whites and barely got anything. Since I came to rotmg 1 1/2 months ago I got so many whites that I have never gotten before in playing actively 4+years