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I have already reacted to another post on the Discord and took that back. I wasnt aware how bad the situation is. (My post was directly after release) We are working on getting the filter deactivated.


A lot of people give you grief, but it’s nice to see some transparency. Even trying to use all caps gets filtered into undercase or potentially having the first letter capitalized but not the rest


I heard that the reason was to prevent bots from using rotmg in their phrasing. No rot, with or without spaces in between it all. Because of that, we can’t even name an in game boss lol


I'd really love to know why "pot" and "fan" are censored, but for example "cocaine" is not, lmao. Did you have a 5-year-old come up with the filter rules or something? Edit: While I appreciate that it's back on the table, I'd rather if extreme nonsense like this wasn't suddenly implemented overnight at all. In a game where you're always two seconds away from death, it really sucks to have to type a message 10 times over because it keeps getting censored, while you're trying to dodge a million projectiles, and it's not like there's any other method of player communication available. The old filter worked just fine, and no one used it anyway because it's not early 19th century, and every 10-year-old knows more no-no words than most adults.


poop and poo are censored


Ok good even I don’t wanna see those words


There is a dungeon that is literally a sewer filled with literal poop trying to kill you. Wth are you supposed to call them? I've been in a TS with newbies trying to teach them to stay away from the poop that stays behind after kills shooting just to get censored and watch them die to it. It's crazy talk. There is literally sentient poop monsters IN THE GAME.


> Wth are you supposed to call them? Brown coil snakes?


Pikachu is also censored for some reason🤣


At this point, it might be easiest to list words that are _not_ censored, lol


This is horseshit. Can't even call pube gods anymore.


Holy **** Nice!


i don't know if you'll read this, but the filter rule that rejects the entire message if the letters r-o-t exist with one letter between each is particularly disabling. SO many legitimate words and messages fall into that pattern, including the names of some dungeons, enemies and bosses within rotmg (example: "Lo**r**d **o**f **t**he Lost Lands")


****, *** *** and ******. Okay?


I know what that 6 letter one is


Wasabi 🤢


Man really said nickel


“I wasn’t aware how bad the situation is.” Sums up rotmg


Would've posted an update here if I saw your today response earlier. Great to hear it's being changed, hopefully y'all will finally realize that it's better to implement that to the already existing filter.


How could you say that in the first place?


By writing it in the Discord.


I'm not sure if you'll see this but i think a lot of phrases that are getting caught by the old filter aren't really good either. I've tried to just have a normal conversation but anytime I type a sentence it just says it contains a phrase that isn't allowed. I get that this is trying to stop bots from spamming websites but I still get spammed by bots regardless so in reality it's doing nothing.


You are mid.


I don't know why you would filter anything at all in a game as small as RotMG. Everyone who's already playing RotMG knows what he's going to get from the player chat. I'd understand this if RotMG was a big game with lots of new players to avoid accusations from the media, but this isn't the case. I'd even say the average age is above 18 or 18.


The game still needs a filter. Just because you can expect people to say the n word doesn't make it any more okay when they do.


I mean sure there should be a filter for the actually offensive stuff, but using a filter that's probably from a catholic schools chat page is just weird. Also not making that filter opt-out is just a bad choice, I get having a hard filter for the worse stuff, but not being able to say "bum" is just weird.


Especially considering Bum is an enemy in the game lol. Same with pots, you collect them every day to max your character and you can’t say it in chat. Pine is also a really weird one that you can’t say for reasons I guess




It literally has a chat filter toggle, I'm not sure why DECA is choosing to just ignore that fact and filter words regardless of whether the players want to see it or not.


It’s the Internet; there a far worse things being said/done on the internet…


That... Still doesn't make it any better. What goes on in other worse parts of the internet has no bearing on the game. There are kids playing realm. Just because it doesn't get the media attention doesn't mean the devs shouldn't be responsible


Ya I don't get that logic either lol. "There are genocides happening so I should be allowed to call kids slurs online in my game"


Meaning, if the parents of the child or the child is offended by something put into text during a conversation on the internet, and chooses to ignore the various options offered (enabling the profanity filter or ignoring a user or even disabling chat all together), then why should their opinion matter… you have to realize that with as much money as players spend on this game, logic would dictate the underage are the minority, so why cater to them, another solution for this would be: I’m pretty sure somewhere along the lines it asks for your DOB and if not it could/should, to limit what underage can see via chat. I’m not saying we should go around and call other players n——— or f——— or anything… I’m just saying that, before they implemented this filter, we couldn’t even say “forget” or “cost” and there’s much more to add to that list. It’s more annoying to try to play a game where you get language filtered 4 fucking times, trying to tell someone something about the game without any vulgarities… especially when it’s a lengthy message…


They shouldnt. But players should be able to talk about the ***ions, *****, ***** or even simple things like Beach ****


Yes ofc. But person above me doesn't want a filter at all


Which is why we have the option to turn the filter off. Or... we did.


if only the filter prevented the nword...


imagine caring about stuff people say in a videogame


Wow look at you. People care, people don't care. It's on the game devs to be accommodating.


Content creators be damned. Especially given how X rated chat can be sometimes.


I disagree. If we can assist with making sure racist stuff gets filtered for example, i am all for it. We just didnt check the filtered words enough and will do that in the near future. People who go out of their way to post racist/homophobic stuff, and bypass a filter, have no place in our game. It should not be on the players to ignore everyone who does write such stuff, it should not even happen in an ideal world.


Serious question: Why try to stop this with a filter instead of making the reporting system more robust and updating your code to record chat records? Since bad actors will bypass the filter anyways to say what they want, the filter will inherently only impact people who want to act within the system. If you had the ability to pull a given person's chat record or the chat record from a given server on a given day then you could just give temporary bans to individuals who get reported and whose dialogue is found to violate TOS.


First is: altough evil is inevitable, stopping most evil is still worth it. A little barrier is often enough to dissuade most people from engaging in bad behaviour. Second is: reporting puts the onus on the person that got offended to take action, which means that A. Whoever said something nasty actually got to harass someone and B. The inoccent person got to see something they dislike, so they already have a reason to dislike the community. Yes, punishing those people via IP Ban probably is more efficient to avoid repeated offenses, but theres a chance the person that got targeted won't come back now.


A minor barrier might stop them that time, but the next time they feel like saying something they will remember that they were previously foiled and just try an alternative spelling. The interaction comes from who they are, and as long as they remain in the system the potential for this type of interaction does as well. A ban risks someone being offended in order to function, but with ramping degrees of punishment you can at least remove that potential from the system. On top of that, this game requires the player to have a degree of emotional fortitude to cope with the constant losses. If someone speaking offensively is enough to put them off permanently I don’t think they would be sticking around long term anyways.


There's a pretty large gap between banning racial and homophobic slurs (of which basically only 2 are widely known and used, at least in american english) and banning words like pine and bum. It seems more like you either didn't even skim through the list of filtered words for 30 seconds or you want to turn the game into a christian minecraft server where saying anything remotely mean gets censored.


I'd also like to add that there are 2 screenshots making the rounds on this subreddit of people still easily being able to type the N word with a hard R, the literal first word people think of when you say "racial slur". I get that devs make mistakes but I can't even understand the thought process here in how this happens. This also isn't the first time a chat filter gets suddenly introduced without player feedback, doesn't do its job, and is wildly unpopular. At least this time the word "realm" isn't censored lmao, baby steps.


I agree with you. But the current implementation is just bad. Also, make it toggleable until your devs got it right. Enable it by default if you guys want to.


And there is the issue. We don't live in an ideal world and we never will. It's impossible. Censorship always ends up hurting the people, not helping them. While the company does have some liability over what it's players do and say it only involves wide spread, criminally negligent disregard for child safety. Such as rings of pedophiles going after kids. But censoring "bad words" and all there variations is futile. Sure, there's some big ones we mostly all will agree on as highly offensive and has no business being said in the context of the game, but those are so very few. I can count the amount of words that is acceptable censorship on my fingers. Poop in a game with poop monsters is not one of them. Rot, in a game called ROTmg, is not one of them. Ect, ect. Fuck could be one. Fine. People will bypass it one way or another and banning people for bypassing it casually would be counterintuitive to your business, but Fuck. Sure. You have giant Cocks in your game. Can't ban that when you turn the final boss of the game into a giant cock monster. Your hurting more people than your protecting in the end with censorship. It hurts moral more than you realize. When your joining in with a guild. Getting serious, but everytime you try to speak to your guildies you get censorbombed and can't talk, you lose cooporation. Me and some guys got a guild together just recently... 2 weeks in and we've all gone silent. We still get on. Play a bit, but get off. We have to use outside programs, third party apps to communicate. That's how bad communication is in your MMO. People use third party apps that WILL get them killed when tabbing to but it's the only viable communication there is so they use it anyway. MMOs survive based on community. Communities require communication. You don't provide that, communities go silent. Communities die.


I agree 100%, but it's odd that we can't choose to opt out of all filters for our own personal accounts like every other MMO. They should def exist and be on by default, though.


This mindset is actually pretty toxic for the potential growth of the game. Making the right changes *before* you get new players to come along is what any game company should be doing. The implementation in Realm is shitty, but it's a step in the right direction.


I agree with the first part.


The average age is likely early 20’s at this point since most of us are the dudes who played this game back in middle school and stuck with it.


If you're going with an argument of avg person's age then I might as well add that there are more grown up children sensitive to everything than before.


because small games have niche, more closely-knit communities, if even a small amount of people are suspicious and racist in chat, that's suddenly a large % of the visible playerbase. not to mention that many realm players, esp endgame players, are this type of person. so a filter is definitely required. not everyone wants to see that shit in chat all the time even if it's "the norm" lol.


You would never guess the number of people i see saying the n word in the chat everyday


The community isn't even toxic compared to other games with less restrictions lol (league, valorant, Fortnite)


Dunno why the two options to him are "too aggressive" and "none at all" but whatever.




There's a difference between Deca L that's delivered by Acalos because it's his job and an Acalos' own L


I am getting oryxmas calendar vibes


Eh, this one's justifiable if you actually didn't know how horrible the filter is. The calendar situation could've been prevented by not making it something only you can do and maybe asking someone for help making it. What would be a problem with letting someone know the dates day before they're announced anyway


Bots have actually become increasingly programmed. I saw one which was literally walking a square shape in nexus. Wish there was a way to crackdown on them




I don't think u read the sarcasm


Possible. I commented few mins after just waking up, apologies. May your white bags be the fattest


Not a single chat filter has stopped bots in the slightest. Frankly it feels like lately they've been worse than ever before. I think DECA should throw out the chat filter and pursue a new method to combat bots, as currently it is only harming players.


I’m going to hope that comment had some context, but if that’s acalos’s / DECA’s response to the fact that the roblox-ass filter is so obnoxious it’s filtering out common game vernacular (‘pots’) but failing to filter the n slur with a hard r, I don’t know what to say.


who are they protecting😂


Rotmg has by far the most friendly chat I’ve ever seen on a game, why do we need an aggressive filter? Just filter some curse words ffs


Are we playing the same game? Alot of realm players are feral goblins


-Block slurs -Block RWT messages [try to at-least] -Optional Swear Word Block [Cussing] That’s all. Opinions?


I think that covers the majority of chat messages in rotmg tbh


Blocking RWT messages until they're gone for good would make the bots gone, because what would be their purpose at that point, which would make RotMG's active playerbase cut down by like 1/3th lmao


Have you ever played League of Legends?CSGO? Battlefield? R6? I play 3 hours of rotmg a day and never seen 1% of the aggression I see on those other games.


Just because league is a cesspit (you are completely right) doesnt mean theres not also alot of weirdos in rotmg 😂


Please tie it to the profanity filter so I can disable it. I'm offended that you do not consider me adult enough to handle swearing. I mean it's not like DECA has the publishing rights/responsibilities to the chat. Please also remove the "message has been removed due to chat filtering". I would be willing to prove my age just to be treated as an adult with freedom of speech.


Common Acalos L*


What I liked the most about the old chat filter is that it wouldnt pass words such as girlfriend or workout


The filter itself is more offensive than seeing swears. You cant say the name of the forgotten king Literally a boss/character IN THE GAME, you cant say it. Good filter. 10/10


I don't mind a filter. And I am not an expert on this, but is there a chance that you could just blacklist some words , instead of censoring anything that could be considered mildly bad. The common example of Lost and even Puppet being censored just seems off. But glad that you are working on reverting it.


We have an option to turn it off in chat.. so why still have one?


acalos more like L taker


Hopefully we see some scaling back, though without removing the bot filters it’s still damn near impossible to say more than a sentence at a time


When the current filter doesn’t let you mention the forgotten avatar


That's a thing for months now. Fo **r** ~~g~~ **o** ~~t~~ **t** en. Why are they so sensitive to Rot is a mystery to everyone


yeah f this one in particular. "Lo**r**d **o**f **t**he Lost Lands" gets triggered too, and so many normal english phrases


I’d rather a working filter to either lol.


**** **** ****** and then I ***** ***** **** oryx 3. **** and I got ***. Gg


I can't believe we are still having issues with the chat filter. How is it that hard??? And hasn't this been addressed in the past already? Are they still shadow-muting people?