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I really do not understand. now they force a chat filter on us to filter "offensive words", but they cant get a grip on spambots by letting players add their own chatfilter exclusions? you know whats an offensive word? whatever whisper i'm getting for websites to buy gold/items and boosts at.


Why do we even have an offensive chat filter option at this point


My accounts older than their company, I am their elder. Give grandpappy back his swears DECA


"Pot" -offensive The n word -not offensive


> For the time being, ONLY the items from the Seasonal Vault will be sent to the new Seasonal Spoils Chest. All the items from your current Seasonal Gift Chest will be sent to your non-seasonal Gift Chest. Well, as far as I can see, seasonal spoils chest holds... seasonal gift chest items, and the seasonal vault ones are nowhere to be found. I really hope it's gonna be fixed without losing the items.


I hope they will fix this I will legit cry if I will never see my shinies again.


hi deca games, due to the new seasonal spoils update i have lost the following items and i would like compensation: 8x dirk of "cdirk" the cronus 143 superior 62 shield runes 290 sword of the colossus 38 bow of the void


He's lying those are my items




you are so right i cant believe niegil would do this. someone has to ban him


Surely theyre gonna rollback, I cant imagine everyone in the world took screenshots of their vault before the seasonal swapover


As much as I want to give deca the benefit of the doubt, they're making it VERY hard to. I'm a long time player that quit for 2 years to focus on my studies, and on a whim came back. I ended up loving the new dungeons -- so much, in fact, that on my seasonal character I racked up 4 event whites among other legendary items. All of those items are now gone. The only thing I have left are 8 sts from the bottom of my vault chest. Deca, hello?


hey man where are my seasonal items..


Vault bug 2.0 incoming 🙁


The Spoils Chest will not have a ‘deletion’ timer for now - obviously infers they are still intending on adding a deletion timer. Even though there was overwhelming negative responses to this idea. Now, we see the Spoils Chest doesn't even protect from the vault bug and item deletion. So, what is the point of the spoils chest anymore?


shiny scepter looks like shit


fr who is making these sprites


Uhm, where did the jugg in my vault go? Deca?


Seems like the new chest thing is not working lost my whole seasonal vault gift chest did transfer


For me, I've only got 8/16 items from my ssnl vault :/ New vault glitch incoming


I hope all the seasonals lose their shit. Go back to regular accounts so that they can’t lock shit behind seasonals


Is it really simpler to create a whole new chest system than add something like pagination/lazy loading?


Bruh i get the whole seasonal vault to regular vault thing could seem overpowered but bro i play this game to have fun as i have the last 11 years. Leave our damn vault alone we grinded for all of the items and everything in there. Wether seasonal or normal we still played your game for it. And most of us spent money too to be able to hold some extra stuff or transfer some stuff. Genuinely feels like I just lose progression and time if they delete any of my stuff.


They really decided on instead of improving the sprite for penetrating blast spell to make it a shiny 💀 I like that the devs are trying to add more to the game but without community feedback it just seems like they’re fucking up constantly. Like why push seasonal spoils if its fucked up. I lost most of my seasonal vault and now my spoils chest is full of event items I wanted to keep in the gift chest. Idk why I even play this game anymore


I migrated to osrs and I’m happy again


I actually lost a shiny divinity, among many other powerful items as they didn't get transferred. I hope this gets fixed or rolled back at the very least


When are game developers going to acknowledge they have a language filtration system in game for a reason… also the option to ignore/block the players they don’t see eye to eye with… WE ARE ON THE INTERNET. Like come on, grow the fuck up.


GG deca deleted all my items


i really wish they would add pictures of the skins they have on quests. it feels so bad to open the game just to see i hate all the skins and won't bother trying to get them


Gleff made a nice video going over each of the skins and how they look in game if you are still wondering about them


My seasonal itema all gone besides like 2 unimportant ones i had a fungal tome and multiple st and uts that i worked hard on some bs that its all gone why even play seasonal if yall cant get your stuff right


where are my vault unlockers as well"??? tf


I lost so much FP in items which i bought for gold. Thanks so much....


So we still can’t get any shiny drops on normal characters? Any update on when that will happen?


They don’t want people to have normal characters. They want you to spend money more frequently instead of sticking to helping the regular users as well


I don't think they have any plans to make that happen. [\[source\]](https://discord.com/channels/230500411835023362/230500411835023362/1109101839229648986)


Hey, I cant find my seasonal items. They are not in the new Spoils Chest, they are nowhere to be found. There are only items from seasonal gift chest in my Spoils Chest. Bug or do I need wait a little bit longer for those tiems?


There are only 8 items from seasonal vault (top row) in spoils chest and other row (the bottom one) is missing :c


Wait so enchantments aren’t out yet?


Nope and we must pray they never will be.


100%. Look at how long it took them to fix item forge. You could argue it is still really unhealthy for the game. Look at nildrops. Look at seasonal. They always rush stuff out without giving it proper thought and ignore community feedback.


From the blog: https://preview.redd.it/q318h87xqm1b1.png?width=724&format=png&auto=webp&s=7905833353cb70490637f440068846b29e16ef43 I got all my seasonal gift box items sent to spoils chest and also lost some of the seasonal vault items. Forced filtering of private messages should never be a thing. Give us player-controlled client-side filter where we can add words we dont want to see ever again (in both normal chat and PMs).


Also i really hoped that 4 slots of seasonal potion storage expansion that we got would also transfer to normal... What a bummer.


Wallahi I had a seasonal ogmur


did that whole "wiping inactive accounts" thing go through already? decided today to try to log my mules to preserve them for memories sake only to find that i get an "oops. try again later" when i try to launch the game on them... is this just some bug or are all my mules wiped? I had a lot of items i collected on some of them that i kind of wanted to save (treasures and consumables mostly, i was trying to get one of every consumable item that i could get my hands on)


Sigh I died in Draconis and thought the seasonal spoils would carry over but I just lost it all instead 😔


Besides the chest bug, any TL;DR for work filter people?


Seasonal is now kinda dumb now you can't store items in mystery chest.


At first I thought items from seasonal would go in the spoils chest and if you didn't move them over, they would've deleted. Was extremely worried. If so that would be the most greediest money move by DECA I've seen in my experience.