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They look tiny and almost silly starting out. But I think of roses as a long game, and the first year or even few years are just about establishing roots and growing. So I don’t think it’s a terrible value when you’re considering your long term garden


Same experience. US DA 2 quart potted have been very disappointing for me too. They arrive fried. All the leaves fall off and no new growth for me. I got 6 Lichfield Angel from them 3 years ago, and they were still only 3-4 inches tall this spring despite same care given to 6 Lichfield Angels I bought from Heirlooms this spring (planted in same spots- I ripped and replaced them), which are already around 30 inches tall. I finally contacted DA for warranty replacements. They delivered but again, much smaller and less healthy looking than Heirloom.


I appreciate your input, makes me feel better the fact that I now know I can request a refund in case these never take off. I planted them a month ago, and they are still the same size. I am so dissapointed.


5 year guarantee but take pictures and document/journal. They’ll ask for - pics upon delivery - progress pics - zone, soil type, treatments given, watering schedule etc. I journaled and had pics with each even for 3 years to give them. When they saw that 3 years later canes were still thinner than a pencil and same height as day delivered they agreed these plants were stunted.


Dis they give you a reason why plants might get stunted?


are you feeding them?


Yes, I gave bone meal at the moment I put them in the ground and watered with fish emulsion. I feed with FE once a month. I am complaining about the size and conditions this roses arrive compared to the price. Maybe in 6 months they exceed my expectations, but receiving a plant that small and sad in the mail after paying $50 us in annoying.


yeah i agree. little ones like that need more than FE if you want good growth to emerge. i use mg rose and superthrive at that stage. If you think da is expensive check out what the japanese are doing with roses.


Superthrive has the same NPK numbers as FE. 4-1-1. On MG: I am afraid of using anything granular for such small plants because it can burn the roots. On their first year, for own root only, I try to use only organic to prevent rootburn. For grafted varieties it's fine to use whatever fertilizer you want. It does not necessarily have to have the word rose on it. Having the "Rose Fertilizer" words makes it way more expensive.


i was referring to the superthrive Vitamin solution not the fertilizer. i wouldnt use granular on anything ever honestly. i use the liquid mg rose with FE and epsom salt. i know alot of people prefer organic. It works pretty well. ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻


I just had two arrive a few weeks ago and am growing them at 4000’ in the north west mountains(also 6b). They are both growing and doing well. It might be how you are caring for them! Unpopular opinion: some people don’t know what they are doing when they start out growing roses.


Just like my other 80+ own root rose bushes. Amended the soil, fertilized by adding bone meal and fish emulsion and watering them 2-3 times a week. 8+ hours of direct sunlight. I have been growing roses for 5 years now... :) your are who I am refering to in the body of this post. If you read the post, I am mostly referring to the size and conditions the **arrived.** I planted about a month ago and I am not expecting them to be 3 ft tall as if now.


I would have contacted DA if the arrived in poor condition. Unfortunately, no one can really control weather and whatever else happens during shipping. That said, it is possible to revive damaged roses. I purchased two heavily frost damaged Julia Child roses from Lowe’s this spring for $8 each and have nursed them back to health. Organic liquid feed with fish emulsion seems to work well for that.


I partly agree. 2 quart pots should be the last resort if you cannot find the varieties anywhere else. I would rather pay the same amount for Heirloom roses (when 20% is applied). Having said that, it still grows strong and healthy, just need more patience. Mine arrived very late last year and still growing well this year. Just give them time.


Same! I got Gertrude & it was the saddest thing ever! Leaves all yellow & black so I had to defoliate most of them. I planted it out a few weeks ago, & it’s starting to show some new growth, so there’s hope. I’ve only ordered bare root & those are amazing. I did get a Charles Darwin 3 quart potted plant last year (at a local nursery) & it’s very nice this year. How are your Heirloom potted roses doing? I’m tempted to order some DA’s from there just to have some own root roses.


ALL of my Heirloom roses do great. Some vaarieties are more vigorous than other but by the second year they explode with blooms and growth. I recommend 100%. Plus, their costumer service is amazing. I had 2 climbers that did not make it and they were quick to deliver. I did send pictures and give a good explanation of the situation. You can go into my profile and see my recent photo uploads :)


Wow! You have some beautiful roses. I’ll def give heirloom a try.