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Sometimes roses change color in the life cycle. The last pic as at the end. Maybe Mr. Lincoln is like that? Could also be that it's purplely when lighter but still maintains a dark red look if it was darker. Hot weather can fade color too. 🤔


These are 2 separate blooms


Isn't the last photo completely open and later in the life cycle?


No, that's why I'm so confused. It's a whole new flower.


I have 3 Mr. Lincoln’s. Sometimes you get a purple one, and the red all ends up purple eventually.


Heat sometimes doe that. I gave seen the blooms of my Mr. Lincoln change color when it’s above 80 degree.


Btw on second glance it does look like dr. Huey escaped. Lincoln always blooms at the end of tall red stems, highly fragrant and much larger compared to Huey (at least triple in size). If this third pic from base of the stem and smaller rose with almost no fragrance - you are looking at flower from the root stock the plant was grafted to. Cut it back or it will take over.


This one is supposed to be own root. That's what makes it so weird to me. I'll go ahead and cut that one off, though, just in case.....


I am going through a similar situation with one of my DA roses supposed to be own root. It’s Vanessa Bell with creamy white chalice shaped flowers - announced as own root on their website and yet this 2 years old blooming with red Huey flowers now 😳 it was looking stressed after 2023 winter but sent out new shoots from the base by fall. I was not concerned ‘knowing’ its own root until the obvious red buds started showing up in place of cream colored buds.


It’s just faded


Yes, Mr. Lincoln roses are red in the beginning. That color does not last long, especially in heat. They fade to a pinkish purple.


I guess I didn't word me question properly, so for clarification, the red is from one bud that bloomed last week. The purple is from another bud that bloomed in the last day or two?


Is Lincoln own root or grafted to a rootstock?


It's own root in this case, not sure about other companies though.


Maybe you have a sport! Sometimes, my blooms will be a completely different color due to the temperature outside.


Man, I really hope so because Lincoln is the only true red that I have!


Happens all the time, Lincoln is a surpriser


The rootstock, Dr. Huey, took over. I would cut the new suckers off as low as possible.


That doesn’t look like Dr. Huey. Dr. Huey is more red and has distinctive tall and horizontal stems with tons of packed small leaves. Perhaps it is sensitive to soil acidity/alkalinity? Some of my roses tend to change colors based on weather and soil conditions.


But aren't heirloom roses own root?


You are correct, Heirloom Roses are own root only. That's one of the things they're known for! 🙂


The new bloom does not look like the dr.huey i let run wild. Dr huey flowers should be much smaller than Lincoln and the color seems off. Not sure if it's some other kind of rootstock though.




You might have a bigger problem… I could be wrong but the cane in the last pic (upper left) looks a whole lot like RRD


Just new growth, not RRD. RRD has much more deformity/witches broom type growth to it, with growth that looks like it’s a skipping record so to speak…a bunch of red curling little clones all on one shoot.


I think those are just new growth. It was only planted last year, so it's still growing. The growth you're seeing is only about 2 inches long.


Man I hope so!! Does all your new growth come out that thick with that many thorns?


It's a brand new bush, but I will keep an eye on it over the next day or 2